demonsfate · 2 months
¥ = How the character handles money or spends it / ↔ = The character’s ability to read directions / (*^◇^)_旦 = What the character likes to eat and drink
list of headcanons // accepting . . .
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¥ = How the character handles money or spends it
The thing about Jin is that he's actually pretty good at handling and budgeting. If he goes grocery shopping, he only buys foods he absolutely needs, along with a snack or two. Jin does have a couple of weaknesses though; video games and anime figurines. If he sees a video game he really wants, or a figurine of a favorite character (or a character from a favorite series) - he has a harder time resisting it! Oh... and if he spots a really cool hoodie lol!
Unlike Jin, Devil has very few interests. Although he's starting to get into games, he still sees them as an activity to do with someone else (e.g. Jin) rather than by himself. Devil also doesn't do the shopping ever. The only time he really had money to spend on his own was when he owned the Zaibatsu. And like any rich asshole, he would often spend it on expensive vehicles or clothing lol. Especially bikes. He owned like 4 versions of the same bike - this is actually canon. Nowadays, Devil doesn't buy much of anything. Especially because he knows they don't really have the wealth for all those expensive suits he likes. Though ... if he sees a particular article of clothing he likes, he may try to beg Jin for it!
↔ = The character’s ability to read directions
I don't know why but Jin strikes me as the guy who insists he doesn't need directions... but then ends up getting lost anyway lol. I feel like Jin's ability to read them are decent when he DOES bother to read them? I just feel it might depend on the context of the situation.
Like Jin, Devil also doesn't read directions. He just flies wherever the fuck and takes him to whatever feels or smells right. I mean, when he was attending the fifth tournament, that's just what he did! He just went wherever was right. Needed to find Hwoarang to beat him to near death? Just find him with the ol' sniffer! Need to find where Jinpachi was? Easy to find with all that dark energy swirling within. The only time Devil "used" directions was in the Zaibatsu. And even then, HE technically DIDN'T. It was his employees who read them. So, I feel because of that - Devil sucks at it. But like, also just doesn't care.
(*^◇^)_旦 = What the character likes to eat and drink
Canonically, Jin's favorite food is Takoyaki! But really, Jin likes to eat all kinds of meats and veggies. He occasionally likes fruit, but in the end... he is a freak that prefers vegetables LOL! Jin tries his best to eat "healthy," - to avoid processed foods, junk foods, or sweets. Especially sweets high in sugars. As for drinks, Jin's usually fine with water. Sometimes when he's sparring, he likes to have a sports drink with him. Oftentimes something like Gatorade. People may think he drinks tea a lot because of his Japanese heritage, but he doesn't actually consume it as much as people would suspect!
Technically, Devil doesn't need to eat. But he does solely because it's an enjoyable sensation. Devil usually just likes an assortment of meats. Before he only liked eating humans. But... post purification, he restrains from doing that. Now he eats other animals (pork, beef, poultry, etc) to make up for that loss. However, he is willing to branch out for more tastes. As for drinking? Plain water is fine. But uh... Devil also doesn't really need to drink, either. The only reason he'd bother with drinking is to properly wash down whatever he was eating.
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rcdhotnight · 2 months
@rockstarsoldier asked: Vivi had to look for the word in Korean and learn it... just to call Hwoarang out "You're being rude!"
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He was more amused by Vivi getting tongued to find the right words for what she had to say to him. Still it seems she had her choice words. As did he.
"Oh. I am being rude? Is it being rude if I am saying it as I see it?" Still he wasn't gonna make mention to anything specific. So he settle for having her elaborate on what exactly brought this on. "Sides, you need to refresh my memory here. What are we talkin' about exactly?" He might have an idea, but he rather hear it from Vivi to see if he got it all squared away.
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ourladyoflight · 3 months
- ̗̀ ✦ ㅤ ⸺ What strangely specific scent do you give off?
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the sweetness of water when you're dehydrated.
it's a little lonely out there for you isn't it? people come into your life like a lightning bolt and leave just as quickly, and even if they start to linger it's not the same way they entered. you taste sweet like a pastry when someone should be having a protein bar. you're the desperation of people realizing a little too late that they need someone near them or they'll be lonely more than they'll ever be alone. you're the panic when the water tastes sweet to know that you haven't gotten what your body and heart deserve. it must get tiring, being on your own for so long.
Tagged by: @teslagravity !!! Thank you so much!!
Tagging: @rockstarsoldier , @spearofalu , @volfinas , @bittcnneck , @lightflown , @littledancingphoenix , @sweetestdumpling , @ragesin , @bravesung , and you!! 🫵💜
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bravesung · 3 months
Hanamaru: Uhm, is everything okay?
Lars: We are here to help you.
Hanamaru: What. . .?
Vivi: You are an innocent flower.
Hanamaru: What is going —
Lars: Shhh, you’re an innocent flower, no matter what anyone says.
Hanamaru: Am I in trouble. . .?
Lars: You are safe now.
Hanamaru, arms flailing: Someone please explain!
@teslagravity @rockstarsoldier
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rockstarsoldier · 3 months
url change
rockstarfighter -> rockstarsoldier
now that i added melissa to the main blog :)
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weepingmoonlight · 7 months
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Indie multi RP blog for fandom and fandomless OCs Crossover - OCs - Multiblogs friendly and super welcome. Personal (and minors) DO NOT interact.
other blogs: @rockstarsoldier mains: @dupliciti , @rcdhotnight Permanent posts: Ship call,
Hello, nice to meet you and welcome to my blog!
I’m Nene (she/her), 29 years old. I’m not really the type to write rules, I only want and wish for respect, as writing is mostly a hobby of mine I really enjoy but I’m still gonna put some rules, just in case.
I don’t want to be dragged into any drama. I don’t want any drama to come my way and I hope my wishes can be respected. I will block anyone who decides to bring drama into my dash and ask, I don't care.
Muse’s opinions and actions ≠ Mun’s opinion and actions. It's something simple to learn but gotta remind people, just in case. Be respectful, or it will be instant block from me.
I'm a picky writer, if I follow you, it's because I'm really interested in writing with you. If there is no interaction, both in writing or in private, then I will respectfully soft block. This is also comes with ships, if we have a ship but you don't show interest in said ship, then I will drop the ship. Just trying to maintain my sanity in this hell site, like everyone does.
I'm open for ships but I would be thankful if you come to me to ask for ships, so we can discuss it and plan it first before writing it. I love my ships, please be reminded that if we ship together, I'll get annoying, so if you don't like being bothered, just don't ask for ship. I don't mean to be rude, I'm just telling it how it is.
I don’t write smut, and if I do, it's with a rp partner that I trust and I have ship with where we have discussed it before. If you see me posting smutty memes, I'm only accepting people that I have ship with and I have talked with before.
I tag anything triggering, but if you see me reblogging something that isn’t properly tagged, tell me because I can be dumb and forgetful sometimes.
Rules are always updating, don't forget to check from time to time
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demonsfate · 2 months
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❝ Uh . . . yeah. Did you not know that before or . . . ? ❞
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demonsfate · 3 months
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Isn't fun being babied, is it ?
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demonsfate · 2 months
@rockstarsoldier replied to this post with . . . "It doesn't work like that, what do you mean?!"
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❝ I mean getting the bros together, we all sit down with a beer, & we play porn on the TV. ❞
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demonsfate · 2 months
@rockstarsoldier replied to this post with . . . "I think my accent is more attractive than French" - says the girl who can barely pronounce some words in English.
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❝ Correct. ❞
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demonsfate · 3 months
@rockstarsoldier sent . . . “Boop” Vivi just poked DJ’s nose.
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❝ Boop. ❞ He pokes her nose back, although not with the tip of his finger as to avoid accidentally cutting her.
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demonsfate · 3 months
@rockstarsoldier replied to this post with . . . Vivi heard jackets and she is suddenly interested. You can even see her eyes shining.
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❝ A good chunk of them are long jackets. If you wore one, the sleeves would go past your hands, & you'd be dragging the tailcoat on the ground. ❞
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demonsfate · 4 days
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leave kisses for jin tonight // @rockstarsoldier sent . . . vivi gives jin a kiss on his cheek.
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❝ thanks. now i feel strong enough to take on anything. ❞
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demonsfate · 14 days
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@rockstarsoldier sent . . . it's your birthday? and i didn't know?! the fuck! happy birthday, wikia djkaskjda omg, i have been ignoring my blogs, so i didn't know it was your birthday. i send you a lot of kisses and hugs and shower you with love, you're a great person and i love you!
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aaawwhhh it's ok !!! but thank you so very much for the wishes !!! 💖💖 i love you too !!!
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demonsfate · 2 months
@rockstarsoldier sent . . . Vivi blows him a kiss, so he doesn't forget he has a gf (?)
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He swiftly ' catches ' the kiss, & applies it to his lips with his fingers.
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demonsfate · 3 months
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he likes being called a good boy . . .
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