#rmr when we thought stid would bring about another star trek renaissance like stxi did and then we were all disappointed
gremlines · 2 years
thinking that maybe movies just weren't rly the way to ~expand aos. i think the 2009 movie remains a great entrance into star trek lore, and i think it's a pretty good movie ((which is not to say it has no problems bc i have many many issues with it too but also u kno i love it)). but also i rly think the interpersonal relationships among kirk and spock and mccoy and the rest of the bridge crew need more time and space to breathe, and to develop into smth meaningful.
i think this manifested in its entirety in stid. u expect me to believe that the kirk/spock dynamic has grown enuf to the point where they would sacrifice and risk like that for each other? we the audience haven't seen any of that!! it just feels hollow!!
it's not news that stid was riding the coattails of wrath of khan. but they couldn't even be assed to like. make stid be able to stand on its own emotionally? the warp core scene in stid only hits bc of wrath of khan. but the same scene in wrath of khan hits bc of the years and years of development that their relationship underwent.
in stid spock says "because you are my friend" but are they friends??? are kirk and spock friends in aos?? we see NO DEVELOPMENT of their relationship to get to that point. and thay's such a heckin shame. this is one of the most dynamic and interesting relationships in the history of television media and we get CRUMBS.
just. what a shame. what a loss.
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