#rmf speajs
ranminfan · 23 days
Labyrinth kinda helped me with the "Don't judge a book by it's cover" moral 'cause I watched Sarah being friendly and close to Hoggle, which to a little kid I percieved as 'ugly', but he's the one who's helping her.
Then when it comes to Jareth, to which I know would be considered attractive, (plus its David Bowie), I would consider attractive. But he's the bad guy, makes the labyrinth harder for Sarah which is unfair.
And the fact Sarah even wanted to give Hoggle a kiss for saving her life encouraged little me to "Yeah, be grateful when people help you, and ugly people are not always the bad guy."
And also the ballroom scene always made me so confused back then. I was like "Sarah no, he's the bad guy why are you dancing with him? Why is he stalking you like that and why is the music making it romantic? WHERE'S MY PRINCE CHARMING?!"
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