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We've been pinning and framing and mounting like crazy and it's time for a bug release! 🦋 We've got entomology specimens for every budget. These could easily be stocking stuffers, big gifts, or maybe a little something for yourself! (Come on, you know you have to be on your holiday shopping list too.) Come shop for the weirdo on your list. We've got ya covered. 🎅🏻 . . . . . . . . #naturalselectionstore #insects #entomology #rikerboxes #framedinsects #bugs #framedbugs #renonevada #oddities #caninetofcuriosities #wunderkammer #scorpion (at Natural Selection) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrJLBIbhwgx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14nmglzme857u
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nelrunari · 5 years
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Character Name: Evenflow
Pronouns: he/him
Age: ??? definitely over 25
Trigger Warnings: memory loss, ritual sacrifice (vague)
A scruffy red-haired young man who has clearly been sunburnt many, many times. Upon arrival he has nothing but torn plain cloth pants and unbreakable manacles, though the chains are attached to nothing and seem to float in the air. There seems to be a thorny halo just behind his head…. But maybe that was a trick of the light.
Evenflow is full of grand feelings he himself hardly understands. A big heart. A big fury. Powerful joy to the point of madness. He seeks thrills, truth and places and things and rarely even people to spend his giant feelings on. Usually he opts for nature due to his obstinate, willful mistrust of most people.
Positive: passionate, hardy, curious, observant, catches on quick
Neutral: Willful, takes chances, full of awe, blunt, enjoys solitude, all-or-nothing attitude, gets attached to very few things but very strongly
Negative: Biting, Stubborn, Comes off as angry or rude, defensive, rarely puts up with small-talk well, arrogant
He’s from nowhere. He can remember what he’s done and who he is to a small extent but not where he’s from or nearly anything else. What he does know is that he was an outlaw and then he was a sacrifice, a man changed from a wild force to a live meal sent to something deep in a mountain after failing a deal with the Devil he was tricked into by someone he trusted. He remembers betrayal sent him there. He remembers joy and then failure. And he remembers the Devil was ultimately a sympathetic bleeding heart. He knows his death was no punishment but a powerful blessing. A rebirth.
A past full of Hell was eaten and became an empty journal in search of new lands to wander. Nelrunari will be the only place he has ever known.
a plain oak oar.
Natural Abilities:
Vagabond Grace/Natural Traveler: Makes almost preternatural progress through difficult terrain quickly, and with style. It’s like parkour but rather than coming from travelling it seems to come from communication with the earth, water and wind. His footing seems ever-steady, he finds it easy to pilot boats and carts and steeds alike and it’s relatively easy for him to climb and jump.
Terror Alchemy of the Amber Heart: Feels fear (even psychic fear) as joy, and puts that out as an aura that may help others (war bard). If this ever malfunctions it’s bad. Really bad.
Power History: 
who knows? None of that matters now.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7svC3FwXe80Vcynr3tJxUV?si=gvLtOqKtSYecATEjKuIcbA
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/rikerbox/evenflow/ [warning for insects]
❖ Nelrunari Section ❖
Ward: Agaysta
Player Tag: Here
❖ OOC Section ❖
Name/Alias: Kite
Contact: @ sleeperslayer on twitter
Age: 29
Pronouns: he/him
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nelrunari · 5 years
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❖ And the Dream calls: Xabilo “Xabi” Hadras.
Character Name: Xabilo “Xabi” Hadras (shabi) or HDR
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 26
Trigger Warnings: mention of child soldiers, insects, medication dependency and recovery
Appearance: iron grey hair sometimes shot through with bioluminescence. Scruffy, dark circles under his eyes. Dark, almost black eyes that luminesce very, VERY slightly in the dark. Just enough to look weird.
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willing to take risks
detail oriented
can go feral when pushed
blunt to the point of cruelty
sometimes logic gets in the way of what he needs to do
Background: Eldest member of a group called “Harbingers”, artificial Chronomancers created by altering Vampire/Lycanthrope bacterium in glass vessels made from the sands of time with the intention of creating a defense/policing system against vampires. Technically Xabi/HDR is a Mothman, but without a certain substance called the “Silex Solution” his precognition is worthless and his body dips frequently into withdrawals and a state of reliving his own past timelines. Over the course of his work for the Harbingers he gained the codename HDR for his use of time manipulation to memorize entire rooms and their contents for scouting purposes in what seemed like an instant to others. He trained for this from the time he was eight, and was first deployed at 16, and remained enlisted until protests disbanded the Harbingers a mere four years after. He’s one of the few Harbingers to become a Wizard after being discharged rather than becoming a mercenary or assassin or falling into obscurity. He used the Rod of Lurelight to study bioluminescence and alter his hair to attract moths, which was more an art piece and a protest on behalf of the Harbingers than it was a useful show of practical magic. He continued to do political and protest art until numerous attempts were made on his life by organizations who required his silence.
Memento: a choker collar with a digital clock
Natural Abilities:
due to the effect of what he’s done to himself as a wizard, he’s got “wizard marks” but they affect very little outside of looking cool, making him a tiny bit more durable against external damage(breaking bones and skin near the marks is slightly more difficult which caused the false rumor wizardkind can fly when really they’re just good at falling) and giving him bioluminescent filaments in his hair that don’t even make a very good source of light
as a Harbinger he has trained, fast reflexes but whether or not they are helpful hinges HEAVILY on how distracted or overwhelmed he is.
Uselessly and annoyingly attracts insects to his hair in dim light or darkness.
Power History: Used to drink Silex for precognitive abilities which allowed him to plan movements and gave him extra time to memorize entire rooms to the last detail for his work as a scout. He lost these abilities once he stopped taking the solution, however, and moved on to learning Wizardry, which mostly involved making bug attracting lights and vague charismatic suggestion over moths to make them fly in formation… never anything big, and usually weird and artsy.
Extra: Built this character fresh for Nelrunari from this insp board: https://www.pinterest.com/rikerbox/oc-ex-9/
❖ Nelrunari Section ❖
Ward: Circinus
Player Tag: Here
❖ OOC Section ❖
Name/Alias: Kite
Contact: @sleeperslayer on twitter, Cobaltier#5130 on discord
Age: 29
Pronouns: he/him
0 notes
nelrunari · 5 years
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Character Name: Harper S. Merinski-Lindstrom [you can just call her Merinski or Mer]
Pronouns: it/its, she/her
Age: 37
Trigger Warnings: body horror, multiple eyes, multiple arms, uncanny valley, scopophobia
Mixed race non-op nonbinary transwoman. Thin, long, and rail-like with a gaunt face and piercing narrow eyes. Long blonde hair that reaches mid-thigh when down, often worn in a messy up-do or ponytail. Has acne scars that are usually hidden under heavy makeup. Makeup is dark and goth or straight up black metal facepaint/corpse paint.
Though she appears human there’s something weird about her, corpsepaint aside. Is it her strange, stilted body language? Her mysterious sneer? Is it her teeth that have all been sharpened into knife-like points? Yes, uh it’s definitely that actually!
Wears all black and grey clothing, punctuated with the occasional blue. A necklace of red string with a human tooth on it. A silver bird foot ring clawed around it’s wedding finger.
Its physical human appearance is something Merinski has kept tight control over, though it wanes slightly the older she gets, or if she’s too emotional. Multiple eyes and human hands, misplaced wings…the marks of Angels will often slip out if she isn’t careful.
When she enters Nelrunari she’s mysteriously misplaced her face and cannot find it. Her whole face is like an inky void, save but three or four eyes, popping up in shadowy darkness.
Just like this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDgymCWXoAEpm5C?format=jpg&name=large
Additional art, all by me.
                 Various ANGEL “leak” looks
Positives: passionate, reliable, tenacious, helpful, protective
Neutrals: spiritual, mothering, social, calculating, GOTH
Negatives: vain, egotistical, aggressive, blunt, vengeful
Merinski is the fallen angel Crocell, damned to a series of mortal human lives for some holy crime it made in its first incarnation; one that it simply cannot remember.
This is hardly a source of pain or loss in Merinski’s life however, and she’s spent a good amount of time building up a powerful occult name for herself as a sea witch and seer—and at 37 human years old, Its happy, well-liked, powerful, and it knows it.
However, tenacious and always on the hunt for deeper truth, the mystery of her spirit’s origin has begun to gnaw at her. Who is she? What did she do all those eons ago? Why does she feel a kinship to beaches and the sea? Why does she remember cradling a child in her arms?
The witch begins poking into realms she shouldn’t be allowed into, in further pursuit of answers. And then she starts to Dream…
Memento: A well-worn deck of tarot cards in a yellow-suede pouch.
Natural Abilities: Has minor shapeshifting, though it’s mostly just for show now. Her natural angel form is a black and blue jay feathered eel with hundreds of arms. While in her own world she can reach the size of skyscrapers…in Nelru she is going to be, at her longest, only 7 feet. In retaliation she, in Angel form, chills at around a solid 2 and a half feet long. Does anyone want to wear a feathered scarf with an attitude? Mer is here for that.
Maintains her tarot reading and good intuition when she’s reading someone else’s fortune.
She also has incredible defenses against mind readers/those who pry into headspaces. Can she retain that/could the Runa voice have trouble speaking to her? Up to you guys!
ADDENDUM: While others may have trouble prying into her mind, the Runa does not! 
Power History: Too many list, and she won’t have them anyway, much to her anger. The most important one lost though is a magical sledgehammer that, if used to break a doorway or put a hole through a wall, could lead anywhere she wished. Oh and her power of persuasion and mesmer abilities. She’s going to have to work hard to charm people with her PERSONALITY instead?? Wild.
Pintrest Board: SEAMSTRIX OF VOID [cw: anatomical hearts, scissors, blood in board] https://www.pinterest.com/rikerbox/the-seamstrix-of-void/
Spotify Mix: Seamstrix of Void.
Faceclaim: Soo Joo Park
❖ Nelrunari Section ❖
Ward: Hallowtide
Player Tag: Here
❖ OOC Section ❖
Name/Alias: Azazel
Contact: saltedsaint @ Twitter
Age:  21+
Pronouns: it/its
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