#rhoorl rambles
rhoorl · 8 months
Taking a mental health day and treating myself to a little walk around the Disney parks. I used to really hate doing things on my own when I was younger but now I really have learned to embrace it and enjoy it (even though I miss my husband and daughter).
I'm starting out in Hollywood Studios and the cast member at the entrance was a real one. He spotted my Star Wars shirt and told me the Mandalorian meets every hour and a half and I should "go get a picture with him". Why yes, I shall do that. I will post pictures if I see Din.
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undercoverpena · 2 months
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HAPPY HOUR with jo 🌶️
it’s been a little while since the last one, and I thought (not taking away from how horrible things have been this week, but also to lift one another up) we could do another Happy Hour? this is our safe place to escape to, and while I can’t bring cake or flowers to everyone, I thought this is a nice way to let people celebrate/feel celebrated. so let’s have a Thursday happy hour (will continue until the asks stop). you can begin sending in now, but I’ll begin answering on Thursday 6pm BST (so lots of time to send things in).
✨ be positive
to enter happy hour, either send in:
✨ something good that happened to you this week that you want to share and celebrate
✨ share that you completed making a challenging gif set, writing a oneshot/series or creating a piece of art? send in a link, let’s eat cake over it it! (only rules for this one is that it has to be the one you’re proudest of to do date — only because there’s lots of lovely fic rec spaces and im not trying to smother over them with this)
✨ a nice message to someone you love on tumblr dot com
✨ a game you want me and you to play: fmk, would you rather
✨ share a happy thot, thot or even just an idea over characters — let’s ramble
✨ share your fave photo of pedro or ppcu character
✨ anything positive you’d love to share
and just add #HappyHour within your ask
for those that reblog, if you’re inspired to start your own, please feel free to copy my rules and guidelines, but please just link back to this/tag me so I can see all the positive! ☁️
NPTs: @thetriumphantpanda @goodwithcheese @secretelephanttattoo @psychedelic-ink @hellishjoel
@rhoorl @joelsgreenflannel @joelscruff @swiftispunk @mrsmando
@fuckyeahdindjarin @5oh5 @julesonrecord @kedsandtubesocks @imaswellkid
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trulybetty · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10 Posts
This was really interesting to go through as I really try to avoid anything related to stats - but also fun to revisit some posts/fics I’d forgotten about!
This year was such a transformative year in many different ways, that I’m still trying to process with 2024 quickly approaching. I’m looking forward to seeing what the New Year brings. But I hope it brings me more of the same I’ve experienced here - community building and some wonderful people that I get to call friends 💕
So if you’re interested, check out the following! If you do your own Top 10, please tag me in it! 🙌 you can do your own here!
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1. 879 notes - Jun 26 2023 - Pre-Outbreak/Non-Outbreak Joel (photo set)
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2. 413 notes - Sep 10 2023 - Sequins (Joel)
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Still so thankful for @wildemaven posting that gif - because if she hadn’t Sequins!Joel would never have been created! It’s the gift that keeps on giving. This was also my first foray into anything non-TLOU themed for Joel and I’m still shocked it was received so well. 
3. 306 notes - Sep 26 2023 - Happy Birthday (Joel)
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Written for Joel’s birthday - this was just straight up smut and birthday sex. But hey, it’s canon Joel likes it gentle, steady, nice and slow… so who was I to not give him nice and slow 🫠
4. 237 notes - Aug 16 2023 - Stood Up (Frankie)
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To this day I don’t remember where this idea came from. I was really intimidated to write for Frankie, like I almost didn’t post this! But I’m so glad I did, it’s spurred several other one-shots involving Frankie x Mav and a current (neglected) WIP that I’m excited to get back to in the new year.
5. 227 notes - Aug 31 2023 - Marcus Pike coded Pedro, which inspired this (and number 7).
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6. 225 notes - Jul 6 2023 - New (to me) Whiskey promo shoot (photo set)
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7. 205 notes - Sep 2 2023 - Sick Day (Marcus)
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When I first came back to fanfiction I was so confused by the reader insert format. The last time I wrote fanfic, it was canon characters or OC’s - which is what both Gold Rush and Chiffon (my first) are written in. So in order to try out the format I started with Marcus and what is now the Sweet Jane series. I have plans for those two, I have how they met mapped out in my head, that I hope to explore soon!
8. 175 notes - Aug 4 2023 - Strings (Joel)
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This was another nerve wracking foray - reader insert Joel and because it was a challenge to write Joel with someone other than my OC. It started as a one-shot, that then was three parts, then four and finally finished at five. It’s also the only series I’ve managed to complete 😆. I’m so proud of this one, it has a special place in my heart - this is the ending Joel deserves, living on a little farmhouse being taken care of and a reluctant chicken dad.
9. 167 notes - Aug 14 2023 - A Sunday Night Ramble (text post)
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This was a late night epiphany - where I realised that I was trying to force writing and make my two OG series’ fit into more palatable moulds for others consumption rather than writing the story I wanted. It’s also a good reminder that it’s okay to take a break from something that isn’t currently serving you. If you come back to it two day later, two weeks later or never - it’s okay. You’re not beholden to anyone. This is all supposed to be fun first and foremost, if you’re not having fun then it may be time to step back and re-evaluate.
10. 166 notes - Aug 24 2023 - Drip (Joel)
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I still get sad when I think about this piece. Like real sad. I don’t know if I could write something like this again now - or ever. I was well and truly in my feels with this one. I made the decision to watch a walkthrough of all the cut scenes of TLOU2 and it broke me. I knew what was coming, but knowing and watching were two different things. I do like that I left this one open to interpretation - meaning I can revisit one day if I want, so who knows.
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NPT’s: @wildemaven, @gnpwdrnwhiskey, @rhoorl, @morallyinept, @frenchiereading, @maggiemayhemnj, @magpiepills, @goodwithcheese, @secretelephanttattoo, @sin-djarin, @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin, @undercoverpena, @nerdieforpedro, @linzels-blog, @for-a-longlongtime, @avastrasposts​, @musings-of-a-rose, @mysterious-moonstruck-musings​ & anyone else who wants to play - consider this me tagging you in! Please tag me if you do it! I’d love to see! 🙌
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morallyinept · 6 months
Pedro Boys/Fics Wrapped!
Tagged by lovely @avastrasposts 🖤
@undercoverpena wants us all to shout about what we're proud of this year and I think this is a neat idea!
So, I've featured my top Pedro Boys I've written for, & fics that I'm most proud of this year... 😊
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75?! I did include my Pedro Boys Rambles and Self-Care with Dieter & Jett... Hoo! That's a lot! 🫠
Would love to see yours!
NP Tagging: @sp00kymulderr @secretelephanttattoo @rhoorl @ghostofaboy @chronically-ghosted @linzels-blog @goodwithcheese @sweetenerobert @mysterious-moonstruck-musings & anyone else who wants to bask in some self love - you deserve to! 🖤
Apologies if you've been tagged to death already! 🖤
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
Finish your Fics Friday/Saturday
Thank you for the tags, my lovely friends @magpiepills and @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin They keep me in the loop on these things. 👀 I also seem to answer everything a day late. 🤣
rules: send an ask with a WIP title, and I'll add five sentences and ramble vaguely about it (Nerdie will limit herself to her most recent ten because then there's just too many. She is trying to focus with... mixed results. Her mind is not cooperating. The rambling has started already. 🫣)
Zip Tie
The Lake Between Us
A Hunter Meets a Cowboy
Two Hearts by the Ocean
Florida Heat
Roc & Doc
Weddings 101 with Dieter
We're the Leftovers
Drawn to each other
Gentleman in a ten gallon Hat
No pressure tags: (Sorry if you were already tagged - many followers and mutuals think you're swell. Keep being a good egg! 🥰)
@maggiemayhemnj @perotovar @for-a-longlongtime @legendary-pink-dot @soft-girl-musings @megamindsecretlair @trulybetty @secretelephanttattoo @lady-bess @frenchiereading @rhoorl @gemmahale @pamasaur @pedroshotwifey @inept-the-magnificent @grogusmum @laurfilijames @tinytinymenace @iamasaddie @alltheglitterandtheroar @alltheotps
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finish your fics friday!
thanks for the tag @beskarandblasters
Rules: send an ask with a WIP title, and i’ll add five sentences and ramble vaguely about it.
Linger On Ch 13 (final chapter)
Amor Prohibido
All I See Is You
Flight Instructor Poe
The Chain
no pressure tags: @planet-marz1 @nerdieforpedro @rhoorl @dancingtotuyo @proxima-writes @kiwisbell @tieronecrush @goodwithcheese
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rhoorl · 2 months
April Pedro Calendar + A Special Guest + Weekend Wrap
I'm actually in the office on the 1st so I get to flip my little Pedro desk calendar at the start of the month for once! I also brought a little special guest with me who will be keeping me company at work.
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@secretelephanttattoo I think you may like one of these photos 😆 Also shout out to @morallyinept and her little doodle of Lucien! I ordered it as a magnet for my desk, look at how cute he is 🥰
I am happy to leave March behind, but luckily it wrapped up with a fun weekend. I went and saw Joey Fatone and AJ McLean in concert which made my little teeny bopper heart explode. And then we spent some time at Disney with Baby Rhoorl and I got to see Din 🫠
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Hope you have a great April! 💜
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rhoorl · 2 months
yes I'm still listening to Cowboy Carter on repeat. II Most Wanted has lodged itself in my brain with an idea so I had to make a moodboard real quick while I was thinking about it.
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rhoorl · 3 months
Pedro Calendar: March
For those who have been around for a while, you know I have a Pedro-themed calendar at my desk at work. I am back in the office today so I flipped to March and y'all... I'm unwell.
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@laughing-in-th3-purple-rain tagging you since I know you always like to see these 😊
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rhoorl · 12 days
Can I just say as someone who grew up bilingual, I am squealing about this Corona ad campaign and am so happy they chose Pedro. As thirsty as I am for the man, I really do appreciate how much he has done and continues to do for representation of so many communities.
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rhoorl · 2 months
Delta Landscaping Chapter 16 Moodboard
Under the fold for anyone interested...
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rhoorl · 4 days
A band I've been listening to nonstop while plotting a new WIP extended their tour and will be coming close to us later this year. I didn't know any of this, but Mr Rhoorl surprised me with tickets as my birthday present 💜
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rhoorl · 2 months
Kid's books really do hit me in the feels sometimes. Sharing something from this morning's book time with Baby Rhoorl. I think we could all hear it 💜
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rhoorl · 3 months
Thank Yous All Around
Earlier today I posted the final chapter of my first fic! Look at how happy Dieter is by it all 🥹
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Thank you to everyone who has left a comment or a reblog or shouted at me (lovingly) in a message today - it has truly meant so much. I don't love attention and it's hard for me to take a compliment, but the support and love I’ve felt here and beyond is something I cherish, so thank you.
I also recently passed a follower milestone! I have been trying to come up with a fun, creative way to celebrate and say thank you, but I can’t decide on what to do 😆 So for now, I wanted to say I appreciate you for being here and putting up with my nonsense and assorted thots. xoxo Jess
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rhoorl · 5 months
Pedro 2024 Calendar
So last year my lovely coworker bought me a Pedro calendar for my birthday. I loved it so much I decided to make my own for this year thanks to all of the photos I accumulated over the past few months. It has made the return back to the office a little bit more bearable.
Here's the cover and January!
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Happy 2024! 🥂
Oh and I do have my other calendar too featuring my girl Fiona who turns 7 this year 💕
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rhoorl · 9 months
It's a Working Title morning for me. I got up before everyone in my house so I took some time to write a bit for the next chapter. And then I decided to continue my morning with Dieter and Belle as I made my coffee... this is the coffee I reference in the story!
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Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
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