#rhi mccall
platearmourpiglet · 19 days
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Would you please LOOK AT THAT.
He drops an important name and three out of four write it down INSTANTLY, and I bet Britt only didn’t because Bonecaller is part of her backstory anyway.
That's how you get shit D&Done! 😍 Maybe the guys should be taking notes on that. 😝
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zombifiedyoutubers · 2 months
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subject: Rhi McCall
zombification: aug.21.2011
characteristics: manages managers
for more information: www.youtube.com/VivaLaDirtLeague
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achillescourse · 5 years
since i couldnt say it when teen wolf was actually on, im saying it now
sterek as a ship literally made the least sense, nearly as little as scott and malia, and was pre much a reaction by the fandom to try and take the focus off of scott, combined with the weird q*eerbating they did with stiles which was also shit.
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Some of us are Human - Stiles’s Dorm Room and Cali’s Coffee Shop (Chapter 2)
Author: @what-the-hell-is-a-stiles826
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Rhiannon King & Reader  
Summary: You wake up in Scott and Stiles dorm room, confused and concerned. Later, you and Stiles over hear a strange conversation.
Note: Again, I’ll just say Y/n means your name and y/e/c means your eye color. Also, I gave your sister the name Nicole. Sorry if you don’t have a sister, just go with it. 
Chapter Two - Chapter Three
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You blinked your eyes open a couple of times. It was bright and your head felt like someone stood over you all night repeatedly hitting you directly in the temple. The pain throbbing so violently around your skull you thought it might just split open. You got a peak of the white ceiling, light reflecting off of it making it nearly impossible to keep your eyes open. Your hair was slightly damp as you ran your fingers through it and reached for your phone on your night stand but found a warm piece of clothing instead. You nervously moved your hand across it, feeling it rise and fall slowly and deeply; it was breathing. You jolted upright and realized you were not alone. You glanced beside you, somewhat afraid but your eyes wide open now. Stiles. He was fast asleep next to you, still wearing his red and blue plaid flannel and his brown hair was slightly matted to the side. His head faced away from you and his right arm hung over the bed. You looked around the room and noticed Scott asleep in the bed across from the two of you, while Issac was cuddled up on the floor next to Stiles gray Adidas. You weren’t in your dorm at all, somehow you were in theirs. You rubbed your face, trying to remember last night the best you could. You got flashes, bits and pieces and grunted at yourself. What would his girlfriend think? Why were you here? Stiles moaned and rolled over, now facing towards you. You watched him peak through his left eye before closing it again quickly and scrunching his face. 
“Hey.” You whispered. His eyes fluttered open again and his golden ones met your y/e/c ones. He stared for a moment before letting out an enormous yawn. 
“Don’t freak out.” He said. But you were freaking out a little bit. Clearly nothing happened between you but you hadn’t woken up this hungover in a very long time. He sat up and rubbed at his face, the sound of his movement causing Issac to shift on the floor. “You wouldn’t go back to your dorm, so I snuck you in here.” He explained without you having to ask. You nodded to let him know you understood and rubbed at your forehead some more. 
“Why is my hair wet?” You asked, awkwardly. Surely he wouldn’t have helped you into the shower. You did not want to even think about Stiles seeing your drunken self, naked and vulnerable. But maybe he had Malia or Rhiannon help you, because that’s the kind of guy Stiles is. He smiled, which was a little annoying. 
“You wanted to go swimming in the fountain out front.” He giggled.
“What?” You responded in disbelief. He picked up his phone and read the time. It was only six in the morning. 
“Like three hours ago.” He continued, rubbing his eyes. You shrugged and placed your face back into your hands. You hadn’t noticed before, but you were wearing a long, baggy gray T-shirt with loose black sweat pants that were not your own.
“This is why I don’t drink very often.” You admitted, embarrassed. “Where are my clothes?” Stiles stood up and walked over towards the end of the bed. He pointed down to your jeans and tank top that were draped across the base board of his bed. 
“They are still pretty wet.” He said, gripping the sleeve of your top. He began to walk back around the bed and tripped over Issac’s long legs. He stumbled into Scott’s bed backwards and Issac sat up.
“Ouch!” Issac yelled. Scott turned over and saw Stiles leaning against his bed below his feet. 
“Morning to you too!” Scott replied to Stiles’ clumsiness. Stiles stood back up and made a face at his friend. Issac threw his blanket across the room, got up and stretched before making his way towards the door. 
“Well, since I’m up now, I have to pee.” Issac said as he left the room. You squinted your eyes at the light that shown through when he opened the door. 
“I uh, should get going too. But I’ll see you both around?” You asked, searching for your flip flops and grabbing your clothes from the foot of the bed. You were too afraid to ask any more questions in that moment, maybe you didn’t want to know. 
“Yeah!” Scott replied while Stiles watched you search and pointed under the desk across from Scott’s bed. You snatched up your silver flip flops and waved goodbye with them still in your hand before heading out the door. You closed it behind you and took a deep breath. 
Back inside, Stiles turned to Scott who raised an eyebrow. “We’ve got class in thirty minutes, dude.” Scott noted.
You sat in the black leather couch at your favorite coffee shop near campus. Your friend and roommate, Rhiannon, sat at the opposite end of the couch as you, gripping her latte in her hands. She took a sip and shook her head. 
“You woke up in their room?” She questioned. “And then you bolted?” She continued. You rubbed your fingers across the worry lines that appeared on your forehead, your bare feet tucked underneath you and your silver flip flops on the floor.
“I didn’t know what to say!” You explained, defensively. Rhiannon sighed and thought a moment about her response. 
“They used to be your best friends, how about thanks for taking care of my drunk ass.” She said. “Oh, and by the way I totally wasn’t worried about you or anything.” She rolled her eyes. You squinted your face and took a sip of your caramel macchiato. 
“I’m sorry.” You told her. “I didn’t mean to get that drunk. Just...” You trailed off. Rhiannon shifted in her seat and leaned forward, placing her drink on the coffee table. 
“Well, clearly he drives you crazy.” She said, devilishly. You jolted your head up, stunned at the nerve of her comment.
“What?” You said. 
“You totally like him!” She giggled. “I could tell something was off with you last night after they showed up, it didn’t take me long to figure it out.” You placed your feet back on the ground and held your coffee on your lap.
“Who?” You screeched. Rhiannon brushed her curly blonde hair back behind her ear and spoke again.
“Stiles!” She replied quickly. You gulped and shook your head. 
“Rhi, just don’t. Not with this one.” You pleaded to your best girl friend since losing Allison. You’d met her here only three months ago, as your college roommate. But the two of you instantly fit. Rhiannon curled her lip up at you.
“Wow, you really do like him.” She grinned. You took a drink of your coffee and then proceeded to stare down at it. Once again, memories of your last days in Beacon Hills flooded your brain. You thought back to when Stiles was still missing but you remembered him. Sure, it was Lydia who got everyone to remember but it was ultimately you that finally brought him home. You had begged and cried, allowing a rift to open that he could come through. But when he got back, he didn’t appear to you. He appeared in his jeep, then pretty much saw everyone else before he saw you. He’d already gotten with Lydia. It was that quick. 
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“Why don’t we just ask her why she left?” Scott whispered to Stiles from the seat next to him in their computer science class. Stiles paused from his work on his laptop and huffed. 
“Maybe she left because we aren’t kids anymore. We graduated high school and people drift apart after that. Maybe that’s all there is to it.” Stiles assumed, obvious that he no longer wanted to talk about it. 
“But, why wouldn’t she say goodbye? Was she pissed at you for something?” Scott asked. Stiles whipped his head to the side, frustrated at the thought. 
“What? No. Was she pissed at you for something?” He replied, eagerly. Scott pressed his lips together, silenced. He didn’t mean to snap, it just came out a little stronger than he meant it to. He did worry that maybe he had done something to upset you. His cheeks flushed red at the thought, slightly embarrassed by his past actions. One of the last days the two of you had spent together before he was taken by the Ghost Riders has stuck with the both of you ever since. It was shortly before Scott and Stiles visited Alex’s house, right before Alex was taken from the station. Stiles had a discolored piece of the boys family’s shattered windshield. He was determined that something supernatural was going on and was desperate to prove it. The two of you went to his house before school to do some digging. The Sheriff was gone at the station and you were in Stiles’ bedroom researching things like ‘magic bullet’ and ‘blue residue’ while Scott took the piece of glass to Mrs. Finch to see if she might know anything. 
“It’s stained blue. There was something wrong with the way this windshield was shattered.” Stiles thought out loud to himself while you listened, both of you sitting on the floor, leaning against the side of his bed. His laptop sat on his lap while you scrolled through your phone. “Damnit.” He whined to himself and angrily closed his laptop. You turned to your best friend as he nervously bit at his finger nails.
“Stiles.” You gently nudged him. He dropped his hand and turned to face you, your shoulders touching. You stared into those golden brown eyes for a moment in silence and he waited for you to speak patiently. “We will figure this out. We always do.” You told him. “You always do.” You whispered. Stiles took a deep breath and smiled at you. You didn’t even know why you were sitting so close to him, it just felt nice. 
“You are always the one that believes me, no matter what.” He grinned. “Thank you.” He placed his hand on top of yours that was still holding your phone. And for some reason, on this particular day, he left it there. Your eyes, with a mind of their own, studied the tiny moles on his cheek and jaw line, then they moved to his lips. And all you could think about was kissing him. Why did you want to kiss him so badly? When did your boy best friend turn into this man you were starting to crush on, very intensely. You weren’t sure but you knew those feelings had been slowly brewing for awhile now. Your heart literally flopped in your chest when he reached his hand up to your face and very gently rubbed his thumb against your cheek bone. “Y/n.” He whispered to you, his eyes now staring at your open mouth. 
“It’s okay.” You told him, referring to what you thought he was about to do. What you hoped he was about to do. Those words gave him the courage he needed; the reassurance that it wouldn’t be awkward or weird. He slowly leaned in closer, wondering if you might stop him but couldn’t prevent himself from still trying. You lightly tilted your chin up, grazing his bottom lip with yours, a shock of electricity sprung though your chest as you waited for the actual kiss. But a sudden and familiar voice echoed through the house and Stiles pulled away. 
“Stiles!” Sheriff Stilinski shouted from out in the hallway. Stiles jumped up and you followed him just to the doorway, peaking your head out past his door to see him talking to his father and just like that the moment was gone. “Get your butt to school, both of you.” Noah demanded. 
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Stiles thought back on that moment, nervously fidgeting in his seat. He had laid in bed that night contemplating what he’d almost just done, realizing the change in his own feelings towards you recently. Or maybe those feelings had always been there, he just now chose to fully let them in. He wanted to act on them. Until right before he was taken, he decided his feelings for Lydia were too strong. The girl he’s had a crush on since the third grade. That strawberry blonde hair, he couldn’t get past any of it quite yet.  And so, though he’d meant it, he said those three words in a rushed moment of desperation. “Remember, I love you.” With that, you’d lost him in every way possible and didn’t even know it yet. 
“I’ll drop it for now.” Scott concluded, picking up on his friends anxious body language. 
“Excuse me you two?” Professor Williams shouted loudly across the giant room, waking Stiles from his thoughts. “Am I interrupting your conversation over there?” Stiles sunk down into his seat. “Or is it maybe you who is interrupting the rest of us?” He snarled. Scott stumbled over the right words to say.
“Sorry.” Scott simply commented.  
You had three hours before your next class and your headache had finally subsided. You decided to eat your lunch at a secluded picnic table outside of the library. It was warm out, a light spring breeze blew through the large, very green tree shading you. Footsteps began approaching, so you looked up. Stiles again. He sat down across from you and swung his right leg over the seat across from you.
“Hey.” He spoke warmly. You closed your books, pushed them away from you and took the last bite of your banana, setting the peal down in front of you. “I just came from the library and saw you sitting here.” He continued.
“Yeah, I’ve got a bit of a break between classes.” You explained. “Hey, um, thanks for taking care of me last night. Sorry I kept you up so late.” You paused. “I’ll get your clothes back to you after I wash them.” You awkwardly lowered your hands into your lap and he smiled at you.
“Y/n, it’s fine. No problem, that’s what friends are for right?” He asked rhetorically while setting his backpack in the grass below him, getting comfortable. “I’ve never seen you drink so much.” He noted.
“Yeah, I don’t know what got into me.” You shrugged and pulled a can of Pepsi from your bag and opened it, taking a sip while Stiles remained quiet. You stared down at the bubbles forming on the lip of your can, listening to the small crackling noises. You wanted to explain. “I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye.” You began. Stiles’ face lit up a little at your brave words and he shifted in his seat, both legs now over his seat and completely facing you.
“Why didn’t you?” He somehow found the courage to ask, leaning forward against the table. You scrunched your face, crinkling your eyebrows. 
“Well, I supp-” Your voice broke as a loud, high pitched scream bounced off the building in front of you. Stiles turned around and you both stood up. “What the hell?” You wondered, Stiles exchanging a similar look of curiosity. You both ran forward, towards the scream. It was a student, facing away from you but you could tell she was crying. 
“Help!” She screamed louder. Professor Williams appeared and approached her, quickly. You were now close enough to over hear their conversation.
“Olivia, what’s the matter?” Professor Williams intervened. She covered her mouth, her hand shaking. 
“She came out of nowhere. She was crazy!” She cried. 
“Who? What are you talking about?” The tall, thin and over dressed college professor asked the girl.
“She took him! My boyfriend. She just vanished.” She sobbed. Stiles turned to me, a look of dread covered his face. A crowd was now forming behind us at the scene. 
“Her ears.” You pointed out. Both of Olivia’s ears were dripping a good amount of blood. Another teacher showed up and walked her out of the crowd. But not before she spoke again.
“She had white eyes.” She said, still shaking. The crowd was now whispering and you knew they were all thinking she was crazy, but you and Stiles knew better. Maybe something was here, something supernatural. Once Olivia was gone, the crowd began to die down and Stiles moved in front of you.
“White eyes?” He crossed his arms. “I better call Lydia.” He said, reaching into the front pocket of his jeans and pulling out his phone.
“Right.” You agreed with hesitation. So she was close by? You shrugged awkwardly and watched Stiles walk forward, away from you with this phone to his ear. 
“Hey, Lyds.” You hear him say before you began walking back to the picnic table to grab your things and text Scott. 
You-Hey, meet Stiles and I in the library asap. 
Message sent. 
Meanwhile, Stiles fiddled with his feet, kicking rocks away from the front of him and awkwardly talking to ex girlfriend for the first time in weeks. “I know, I just thought we could use your help. This could be something.” He said. “Okay, see you soon.” He finished up while approaching you again and you raised your phone to show him the text you’d just sent as he hung up with Lydia. 
“Come on, let’s go wait for Scott. Then maybe we can talk to Olivia, find out more.” You suggested. He nodded and you walked back towards the library doors together. 
Stiles and you found yourselves in a similar situation as before. Laptops, phones and researching strange things. Only this time, he has a girlfriend and you’re in a public place. You thought back on what happened after your last adventure and how you almost lost Stiles to more than just Lydia Martin. It made you a little nervous, not because you were afraid of what creature you might discover next. But because you were afraid for your friends as well as innocent people like Olivia. That’s why you were here helping. Although, sometimes you wondered why Scott let you be a part of this Pack even after all these years. You had an in because of knowing him and Stiles since kindergarten. Would you be a part of this if it weren’t for that? You didn’t feel like you were anything special. Stiles is human, but he’s got all the brains. What did you really bring to the Pack? 
“Scott and Lydia will be here shortly.” Stiles woke you from your thoughts. “Scott is just finishing up his anatomy paper and Lydia is on her way.” He finished. 
“Is she going here now too? I haven’t seen her.” Your curiosity got the best of you. Stiles looked down at this phone, awkwardly. Something you noticed and wondered why.
“Uh, no. She’s coming from Beacon Hills.” He answered you. You nodded, wondering if you should ask him about the two of them and how they were. You came to the conclusion rather quickly that you’d rather not know. Just be his friend, you told yourself. Get over it. You both sat down at a table in the middle of the room, side by side this time. 
A few moments passed. Stiles thought about starting up your conversation from earlier, at least a dozen times. Still desperately wondering what you were about to say. You scrolled through your phone, Stiles spotting an old picture of you and your sister. “How’s your mom and Nicole?” He asked. You looked up from your phone at his ice breaker question. 
“They are good. Nicole is a junior this year.” You explained. 
“Yeah, she’s a little ahead of Liam, Mason and Corey right?” He added, fully knowing what grade your sister was in having known you both for as long as he could remember. You nodded in response as you both heard the doors to the library open. “There they are.” Stiles said moving his eyes past you. You looked to your right to see Scott and Lydia entering the library together. Stiles waved an arm in their direction and the two approached you. They sat across from you and Stiles at your table and you thought it was odd that Stiles didn’t stand up and hug Lydia at the very least, rather the two barely even looked at each other.
“Hi, Y/n.” Lydia said firmly before finally glancing in Stiles direction. You looked to Stiles and then back to her, wondering what you’ve missed.
“Hi, Lydia.” You repeated back to her. Scott moved forward in his seat breaking Lydia from her awkward stares.
“You two are sure about this?” Scott asked, focusing on the reason you all sat in the library together.
“This girl was really freaked out.” You told him.
“You said she mentioned white eyes?” Lydia interjected. Stiles licked his lips and leaned back.
“Yeah, where’s the Argent’s Bestiary when you need it?” Stiles noted to the group and you sighed. “Lydia, you have any weird feelings on your way in here? Any banshee related vibes coming your way?” He asked.
“I can’t just turn this on.” She spoke, the frustration clear in her voice. “You know that.” She added quietly.
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Scott looked down awkwardly before speaking.
“Alright, Lydia and I will see what we can come up with. I’ll see if I can catch some sort of scent.” He told his friends and Lydia shrugged. “You two can find out more from Olivia. If it is something, we’ll take care of it.” He finished. Lydia gritted her teeth and Stiles stood up.
“Okay but first, Lyds can I talk to you for a sec?” Stiles asked. She tilted her head slightly and got up, the two exiting the library together. Something felt off so you decided to confide in Scott.
“Why can’t you and I talk to Olivia?” You wondered why Stiles wouldn’t go with his supposed girlfriend. Scott smiled, a little annoyed.
“Is that what you want?” He asked. You scowled a little and picked at the skin on your lip. “Because I guess we could totally give them the time of day to make up, or you could go with Stiles and tell him how you feel about him since he’s too much of an idiot to speak up about how he feels towards you.” He stated, boldly.
“Wh...what?” You tried to play it like you had no idea what he was talking about but he wasn’t buying it.
“Y/n. Come on, I’ve known you two my entire life.” Scott told you. You huffed, now refusing to make eye contact.
“What did you mean ‘give them the time of day to make up’? They are fighting?” You asked. Scott folded his arms and smiled at you.
“Talk to Stiles.” He replied, not answering your question.
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<<Chapter 1, Chapter 3>>
Any and all feedback is always appreciated! (;
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Ravenswood Academy (Present)
Oliver Keaton
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Geraldine Hoida
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Diana Grant
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Kristen Henderson
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Isabella Weaver
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Dave Williamson 
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Marley Fields
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Aaron Sullivan
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Steven Croft
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Kori Lockwood
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Zoey Meyers
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Fallon Calle 
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Anna Brady
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Sheryl Palmer
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 Edward Johnson
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Liam Kendrick
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Christopher Freyman 
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Vivian & Zarina Freyman 
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Thomas Redding
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Bryan Keaton 
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Dwight Hedorah
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Ellary Greyson
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Benjamin Bogert 
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Tate McCall
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Finn Clarke
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Colt Madsen
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Toni Madsen 
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Skip Mitchell
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Stella DeVries 
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Beverly Hasson
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Demi Crawford
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Emmylou Quinn
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Bernadette McAllister 
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Bridgit Camber 
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Adrian Mittleman 
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Henrietta Naramore
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Igor Ferdinand 
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Archie Collins-Turner
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Gregory Henson (Greg) 
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Ezra Stenzel 
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Salem Barenchi 
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Callum Armstrong
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Olivia Bowen
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Jedidiah Henson 
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Holden Moore
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Nelson Cunningham 
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Nash Watson
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JJ Edgecombe
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Candace Maynard
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Bernard Monroe
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Kit Danvers-Redding
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Tobias ‘Tobin’ Malone 
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Dante Melton 
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Donna Lockwood
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Reginald ‘Reggie’ Hedorah
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Mariana Fleming
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Dash Bogert
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Maxine ‘Max’ Thompson 
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Lexi Winters
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Orion Ellis-Winters
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Chase Keaton
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Cress Stanfield 
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Iris Granger
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Phoenix Williams 
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Emily Christensen
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Valerie Chase
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Alison Hensley & Taylor Ramsey
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Eliot Graham
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Rosalie Collins
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Kevin Rowe
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Avril Bradford
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Dylan Paulson
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Rhiannon ‘Rhi’ Morgan
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Medalion Sage
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Lucinda McIntyre
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Chad Hopkins
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Kristina Pancal
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Fionna Burke
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Aza Evernever
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Crystal Higgins
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platearmourpiglet · 5 months
Or maybe kind of a minotaur? A bull human?
I think I'm a bit in love! 😍 And I feel so inspired all of a sudden!! 😂
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platearmourpiglet · 4 months
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Oh look! My horny girl is back!! 😍
Also Britt's character reveal!! 😃 She looks like a red haired Aragorn, I love it!!
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platearmourpiglet · 5 months
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Is Rhi a faun??? 😍
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platearmourpiglet · 2 months
Lo and behold, a minotaur who not only has never played the violin, but also apparently never saw anyone play the violin! 😂
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platearmourpiglet · 3 months
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My thoughts on the SECOND episode of Tales of the Misfits under the cut! (No major spoilers though, don’t worry. 😊)
I had a lot more fun than in the first episode! Yes, it’s still only fighting, the battle is still going, but there were some hilarious bits both at the table and in the green screen! So if you're a little disappointed in the first episode, don’t worry, it gets better! 😃 In fact now I really can’t wait to properly get to know these characters once the battle is over!!
Also: Only two episodes in and we already have our first gay couple among the NPCs! And it wasn’t even Rob's idea, and the girls are protecting them at all costs! Alric and Reginald forever!!! ❤️❤️
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platearmourpiglet · 5 months
"I haven't had a woman hold on that tight to my big shoulders...since...I...was having sex with a woman!" 😂
Things are really heating up here!
Also I do think she looks intimidating! But that’s cool! 😍
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platearmourpiglet · 10 months
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Me when a friend's kid wants to cuddle with me. 😅
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