I know, it really sucks right now. There’s not much we can do about the staring or the amnesia, but I think we can help with the feeling that he’s still there. I’m pretty sure that’s the corruption, and Jack can help uncorrupt you, if you want.
Things will get better either way, though. People will get used to you being around, and you’ll have your medication again, and you’ll be able to form relationships with people you knew before, whether your memory comes back or not. It’s going to be okay, Schneep.
"They're right," Chase agrees. "It's going to be okay. I-I know it's fucking scary now, but I promise, things will get better. We're working on it."
Surgeon laughs. "So they are—I was having doubts about those voices, but they are still here, then." He laughs harder, bending forward, until the laughter slowly transforms into sobs.
"Hey," Chase says softly. He shifts position from crouching to sitting, and leans closer. Slowly, he wraps his arms around Surgeon, who immediately loses all strength and collapses against him. "It's going to be okay," he repeats.
"I-I felt so sick," Surgeon says through his tears. "I-I did not want to hurt her, but he was there, and—and it was inside of me, it was—it was like electricity going through me, from him to her—a-and I remember—I remembered the feeling of lightning and—and she was screaming, but I could not concentrate to move—it was how they always felt, was it not? The feeling of helplessness. I was the one doing that—but even still, I-I cannot find the guilt, I should be feeling more—"
"That's not your fault," Chase says. "This corruption dulls a lot of things, including your emotions. What matters is you know what it's doing now. You know it's wrong. And you want to change."
Surgeon breathes in shakily. "...Chase. That is your name."
"Yeah, that's me." Chase smiles softly.
"Were you my friend? Even...before? Was that true?"
"It was. And I'm still your friend."
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Is she okay?
Surgeon doesn't answer your question, unsure if it's directed at him and too distracted to answer anyway, so that leaves you to check for yourself. Trisha is uninjured, but she's breathing heavily and looks exhausted. "Nein," she repeats. Her voice is a bit hoarse."Glaub nicht, dass du ihn gegen mich verwenden kannst. Ich weiß es besser, als zu vertrauen. Ich weiß es besser!"
"Worüber redest du?" Surgeon asks, instinctively responding in the same language. For a moment, you can't understand his words. But then something shifts in the connection, and you suddenly know what's being said, even if you don't already speak German. "Who are you talking to?"
Trisha shakes her head and looks away. "You will not get through to me. I-it will not work."
"No. Wait, please." Surgeon walks closer. He reaches out as if to grab her arm, but holds back. "I-I am not here to work. I just want to ask questions."
Trisha says nothing. She continues to look away.
"You...you are Trisha, yes?" Surgeon says quietly. "I-I think I remember you. How...how do I remember you? How did we know each other?"
Surprised by the quiet desperation in his voice, Trisha glances back towards him.
"Please," he whispers. "I-I am hearing many different things, and I do not know which one is most true. Why...why do I know you? My memories will not tell me."
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This should help. I’m not sure how it feels to be on that side of it, though. Maybe Chase could tell you what to expect with the uncorruption?
"Yeah, good idea," Chase mutters. "Okay, doc? Look at me." He waits for Surgeon to meet his eyes before continuing. "You're gonna have a really weird dream. You're going to be in a weird black space with strings everywhere. Jack is gonna be there. You probably don't remember what he looks like, but he looks like us, but with one green eye like An—like his. Just...the other one. Jack's going to help you get rid of the strings. And when you wake up, everything's going to be a lot more...intense. Brighter, louder, stronger smells. It might be a little overwhelming. But...well, for me, it felt like a weight was lifted. You shouldn't be able to feel him anymore."
Surgeon listens quietly. When Chase is done, he nods, and once again looks around. "Okay, then. Mr. Jack. I suppose...we are doing this."
'We don't have to do it now,' Jack says. 'There's no rush, now that you know what's happen—'
"Do it before I start thinking too much and change my mind!" Surgeon yells.
'Holy fuck, okay, dude, I get it!' Jack leans back a bit at the sudden shout, takes a moment to compose himself, then relaxes. 'Okay, you're gonna fall asleep at any moment now,' he says. White static starts to appear, his form becoming more pixelated. 'Chase? Uh, maybe take him somewhere more comfortable than just...the ground outside a tent.'
"Got it bro." Chase gives a thumbs up.
Jack nods. 'Okay,' he says to himself. His form glitches, falling apart, until it's just a static-filled shadow. Surgeon must feel something change in the air, because he braces himself. Jack reaches out, and.̨͟.́͞.̨͏̷ ̸͟ ̧̕ ̀ ͟͏̨ ́̕ ̶͠ ̸҉ ̧̢͢ ͠ ̸ ̷͠ ͏
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I told Jack to come find you, so if you want to be uncorrupted then you can do that really soon. But if it’s too sudden that’s okay too
Surgeon pauses for a while, taking more deep breaths as he gets himself back under control. "I want...to not feel him...anymore," he says in a raspy voice. "After what he did, I-I never...want to feel that...that feeling of...of energy...ever again. If this will help, then..." He trails off.
Chase nods. "Alright. I guess we'll stay here until he shows up, then. Or do you want to move somewhere else?"
"This is fine," Surgeon says quietly.
It doesn't take long. Jack apparently decided to take this moment to practice his abilities. Only a couple minutes pass before there's a faint fizzle of static, and then he appears, glitching into position halfway through the tent wall. 'Gah.' He steps outside. 'That's a time when it's good to be not solid. I knew I could feel something here.'
"Hi Jack," Chase says, waving from where he was sitting on the ground. Surgeon lifts his head, looking around the area, confused. "We're here."
'Oh there you are.' Jack sits down next to them. 'Hey, uh...Henrik? Surgeon? Can you hear me?'
After a moment, Surgeon slowly nods. "Where...are you?" he asks, his eyes darting around.
'I'm right in front of you. You can't see me, it's fine. If this works, you'll probably be able to? If the last two times are any indication.'
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Are you okay Schneep? Did I say something that seemed wrong to you?
He shakes his head, pressing his hands to his chest—the left side, specifically, but not quite over his heart. One hand overlaps the other, tracing the Lichtenberg scars on the back.
"Do you need something?" Chase asks, worried.
Another shake of the head. Surgeon's eyes dart around, occasionally landing on a person's face.
"What is it?" Stacy asks. "We...we can't do anything to help if you don't tell us what's wrong."
Surgeon glances around one more time. Apparently deciding that everything was fine, he takes a deep breath and mutters, "Re...member...ing." His voice is halting, as if the word is hard to get out.
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Hey, good morning! Chase, Schneep, Stacy, how did you sleep?
We just got back from the Place. Well, we talked to Jack and JJ first, and they were like “you should go tell Chase and Stacy.”
Here’s what we learned:
1. Error knows for sure that he could stop /him/ if he wanted to. He wouldn’t tell me how, for obvious reasons, but it’s still very very interesting. (JJ has his doubts about this)
2. Error’s willing to drop off Schneep’s meds somewhere! This could also be a chance for Chase and Error to chat
3. Cat’s having an easier time with his magic
4. Cat’s been made to hurt people and he’s having a bad time
5. /He/ isn’t all that interested in corrupting the resistance anymore, he just wants them out of the way. Well, Cat said he was interested in Stacy and Raven, and you uncorrupted guys, obviously, but other than that…
The somewhat-lighthearted mood slowly fades. "Jeez," Stacy mutters. "A lot can change in a single night, huh?"
"Yeah..." Chase says. "Uh, well. We slept good, thanks for asking. And, uh, I didn't think of asking to drop of Hen's meds somewhere, so that's great." He glances over at Surgeon. "Did you hear that, doc?"
Surgeon nods. There's still a somewhat distant look in his eyes, but he's a lot more engaged in this development than he's been towards anything else before. "Ist gut," he says quietly.
"Yeah, great." Chase smiles, then looks back across at Stacy. "You, uh...are you okay?"
"Fine." Stacy has pushed away her plate of breakfast—pancakes, by the look of it—and now holds her head in her hands. "I just heard that the supernatural enemy we're fighting has declared war on us. Everything's great."
"Mmnh." Surgeon flinches a bit, going pale.
Chase frowns. "It's not that bad," he says. "These guys are going to help! I mean, now we can fight supernatural with supernatural, y'know? We have an advantage now."
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((I’ll say this quieter)) Alright, goodnight! It was nice talking to you!
He nods, a small smile tracing his face. Though he doesn't need to sleep, he closes his eyes anyway, and his breathing slows.
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Yeah, same! The universe is way too big for it to be just us
In your opinion, would giant spiders be worse than giant chickens?
He pales just hearing about giant spiders, followed by a quick, furious nod.
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Do you know how to play any instruments?
He shakes his head immediately. Then he looks down at his hands. For a moment, he looks sad.
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Do you like spicy food?
"Ich..." He looks confused for a moment, then shakes his head. The corrupted don't need to eat. And his memories from before are still mostly fuzzy. Maybe he does, but doesn't remember.
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Do you consider yourself a risk-taker?
That's a tough one. He plays with his bracelets for a solid minute before making a so-so gesture with his hand.
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Do you have any siblings?
He tilts his head, considering. Then slowly shakes his head no, though he looks a bit uncertain. Memory issues and all. But that answer feels right.
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Do you think it would be fun to be a pirate?
"Heh." You manage to get a small smile from him. Clearly, he wasn't expecting that sort of question. He considers it, then shakes his head 'no.'
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Okay, there are a lot of people you could be confused about, so I’ll just go down the list.
I completely forgot that you don’t remember who Jack is, so I’ll start there. You knew Jack before you were corrupted; you were friends. He and you-know-who used to make up one person, (also named Jack) but they’re now separate people. Their body is in a coma, but neither of them are in it. You can ignore that if it doesn’t make sense, what’s important is that that means that Jack is currently incorporeal and can’t be seen or heard by most people. He also has the same powerset as you-know-who, which is why he was able to possess you.
That lady in the room with you is Fern. She’s a magic doctor! This is your first time meeting her, there’s no weird memory stuff there.
In case the names confused you: JJ used to be called Voice, he’s the one who’s sleeping right now. He used to be all grey.
Chase used to be called Sleepless, he’s the guy who left a few minutes ago. He used to have eyes all over his body.
Stacy is Chase’s ex-wife. You knew her before the corruption. You were close, or at least close enough that she went along with your plan to protect the others. (Give me a thumbs up or something if you want me to elaborate on that). Now, she’s the leader of the whole resistance!
And, in case my use of you-know-who confused you: I’m referring to the glitchy guy that corrupted you in the first place. It’s risky to say his name because that can draw his attention.
This is a lot of information. Surgeon groans and puts his head in his hands, just processing everything you said.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Fern asks, leaning forward, ready to stand up at any moment.
Surgeon nods without lifting his head up. He feels a bit dizzy.
Nothing changes for a good few minutes as Surgeon continues processing this. Then he hears the slightest movement of cloth, and looks up. JJ is awake. Not fully, but his eyes are open and looking at Surgeon. He pulls his hand out from under the blankets and waves a Hello.
Surgeon waves back. Fern notices this and walks over. "Oh. Hey. Jameson, right? Did we wake you up?"
JJ shakes his head. Not sleep well, he signs. Hurts.
"Sorry about that. I can get some pain medication, if you want."
He shakes his head again. Fine.
"If you insist." Fern sighs. "Just try to sleep, okay? Even if this guy has to leave. He just wanted to stop by and see—what's that?"
Surgeon reaches into his pocket and takes something out, placing it on the small table nearby. It's the chocolate bar. The one he picked up earlier. He looks at JJ.
JJ smiles a little. Thanks. More tired than hungry now. Sleep.
Surgeon nods.
Good night. Jameson pulls the blankets up over his head. Surgeon watches for a while, then stands up, gives a little wave, and heads for the door. Fern follows him watchfully.
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Hey Schneep! You seem to be responding to yes or no questions, so let’s do some of those. Do you know where you are?
Surgeon's eyes dart around the room, as if he's looking for the source of the disembodied voice. He should know that there is nothing to see, but he does it anyway. He looks down, folding his hands in his lap, and doesn't say anything for a while. After what must have been a solid minute or two, he must come to some conclusion and finally responds—by shaking his head 'no.'
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Is JJ still asleep?
He is. The curtains around his bed are half-drawn back, leaving one side uncovered. Surgeon is sitting on his chair next to the bed, completely still as he watches. If anyone other than Chase had walked into the room, they would have found it creepy.
"Hi, uh...sorry about this," Chase says. "You're Fern, right?"
"Yeah." Fern nods. "Don't worry about it, I get it."
"Well, you, uh, probably have more stuff to do, being the doctor here, and all."
"It's fine, I don't have much to do, anyway." Fern shrugs. "Figured I'd wait it out. See if he falls asleep eventually."
"Oh. Uh...that's not gonna happen," Chase mumbles. "He doesn't...need to sleep."
Fern raises an eyebrow, but says nothing.
Chase turns to look at Surgeon. "Hey, doc. You good?"
Surgeon looks at him.
"You kind of worried me a bit, just leaving like that." Chase laughs awkwardly. "Um...are you just...going to stay here, then?"
A second passes before Surgeon nods.
"Great. Great. Just...wanted to make sure everything was fine."
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