shipping1addict · 8 months
I love how Henrys clothing style is a mixture of both his moms. It's pretty consistent as well over the seasons.
You got his dark coat. Elegant for a child. Sinister and serious. Like Regina.
Then his zip hoddie and (more than often) plaid shirt. Cozy. Homey. Season 1 - 4 Emma.
And his statement scarf? Dark and bright red? A scarf so elegant yet cozy?
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shipping1addict · 4 months
I know we've been delulu about 5x08 since it came out years ago, making fun of all the misheard "Gina"'s and gazes. Also the writing this episode was very daring and could've been easily read as a metaphor for coming out but-
Watching it separately from the rest of the show really emphasised those scenes. An idea came to my mind, some sort of a "what if" situation, inwhich Killian really does die and Emma doesn't turn him into a dark one.
Regina is so much of a comfort to Emma - not even a what if situation but actually at that point in the show - that it would've been very easy to write them into at least a situationship.
My mind is twisting and turning right now so please excuse my unfinished thoughts- But can you imagine?
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shipping1addict · 8 months
When Lily saw Emma and Regina in 4x20 probably was like "this your wife or somethin?"
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shipping1addict · 4 months
I have to once again whine over the real tragedy of OUAT: Mulan's constant heartbreaks.
First it was Aurora, honestly on of the best subplots of season 2. And even though you can argue that her sadness in 5x18 still was about that, I will count Ruby and Dorothy's romance as the second one.
I read Mulan's emotions as disappointed and hurt, because she developed feelings for Ruby, when they were on their adventures together. She thought there might be a chance that Ruby felt the same but hesitated yet again to pronounce her feelings.
There is also the chance that her expression of hurt could stem from her past heartbreak and that witnessing true love let that reemerge.
All in all, I just think Mulan deserved better. Yes, one does not need romantic love for a happy end, but it's clear that Mulan is still heartbroken over her own romantic failing and I just wish that we had gotten a resolution to that.
Give me a spinoff ABC!!
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shipping1addict · 4 months
Emma's vision in 5x17 of a monster arriving in Underbrook and killing Snow always bothered me, because for such an impactful thing to happen it was only the B plot of the episode. So there was no real danger at any time.
I never thought much of it, truly. But now I wonder if this was chosen to ease Emma's vision of her own death in season 6 into the story.
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shipping1addict · 4 months
Everytime I do a OUAT rewatch it ends in multiple theories and wishes on my side-
Anyway, let's start with the first: imagine a Star Wars arc in OUAT. What would it entail? Would the force be a different name for magic? Would this make the OUAT characters question their magical capability?
And second:
It always bothered me that they just so happen to find a particular story in the Storybook, that is so essential to the current plot and yet noone has ever heard of it or read it before. Not even Henry.
So my theory is that the book itself decides on wether it shows stories or not and when's the right time to do so. This would explain how when Henry starts writing again in season 5, it's just a few pages not already in the book, but when we see the library in the apprentices house in season 4, there are a lot of empty ones.
Maybe those books are just windows into the collection of stories, laying out the ones that the owner needs to read.
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shipping1addict · 4 months
If we had met Hercules way earlier than season 5, his reunion with Snow would've actually been emotional.
I know he's mostly there for plot reasons and the establishment of ancient gods and myths but my god was this plot line shoehorned in.
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shipping1addict · 4 months
I'm sorry
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shipping1addict · 4 months
Mulan constantly being heartbroken is a tragedy. Her feelings for Aurora get somewhat mentioned in season 2, 3 and 5 but the only ones who know whats going on are we as the viewers. So she doesn't even get comfort.
I supposed, while on her journey with Red, she tells her in some way or form. How could she not. It's very obvious that Mulan developed some feelings for her when we meet them again in 5x18 and Red opens up about Dorothy.
You can see the pain in Mulans eyes. Poor thing.
Call me desperate if you want but I think a headcanon where Mulan, Dorothy and Ruby travel around the realm and sometimes meet up with Merida - who gets set up with Mulan by the others - is a very nice, very happy ending for her.
She needs to have a romantic adventure of her own for once.
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shipping1addict · 4 months
The power and lore of the dark one's power sure is interesting.
When Emma hid Hooks memories of him becoming the second dark one, he still had hope, still wanted to save Emma, regardless of her doings. He didn't struggle with power or anger, he was his usually self.
You could argue that he never had magic before (except his hook) and therefore expierences the lure of the dark side differently, than what we see Emma struggle with in Camelot. That she turned fully dark in an intense emotional moment.
But is Hook's remberance of his changing really as emotional significant? Maybe because it reminds him of how Rumple killed Mila as the dark one and he never wanted to become a man like that?
There are different point of views and arguments one could make, but all in all I find it quite confusing as to why he changed his personality in a matter of seconds.
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