#reunite with my gae bolg kotomine
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My first 3* Servant to reach bond max, and one of the 4 doggos in Chaldea to have his max first XD
Cu was my sole reliable ST NP Lancer before Vlad & Medusa in NA, and Li Shuwen & Medusa in JP shows up in my Chaldea. He’s definitely one of the best budget Servant to bring along for boss fight... Something that I now miss when he’s not in for mob fights
Why isn’t it tagged under FGO tag, it will contain anti-character, anti-ships & anti-series from my own view. So you’ve been warned before clicking the link to read!
My first impression of him was during Studio Deen’s Fate Route version Fate/Stay Night when he first appears... It’s a good reason that this is not tagged anywhere near his character tag, because I actually dislike him on the very first episode
That was when I was a kid, but it also plays a huge part because as I was an introvert. People like him in real life are the kinds that I instantly know we won’t really get along, as I dislike rowdy, outgoing, barbaric and slightly noisy people. All this was when I was kid, and well how much I changed will be a great discussion for another day! 
Anyway, my initial dislike was him being the typical bad guy, since he attacked Shirou. So when he appeared again, it... It took things by a surprise because he went out sacrificing his life in betraying Kotomine and Gilgamesh to save both Artoria and Shirou from being killed
That had changed my impression of him, and when UBW kicks in... I’ve grown to like his character after his interaction with Rin and Shirou when he formed temporary truce with them. Playing as the reliable (somewhat) older brother figure to them while half-flirting with Rin, I really like in both Fate and UBW he still stick to his conviction. Betraying Kirei twice and actually killing him in UBW for revenge of his old master and saving Rin.
Though I must admit, Cu/Rin is one of my other OTP but I don’t ship as hard since my main ship for FSN series is still Archer/Rin XD
Heaven Feels wise, I really admired and find it amazing of his epic fight against Cursed Arm. If weren’t for plot and how unlucky he is, I really did like to see him once where his Noble Phantasm was successful. It’s sad his scene was cut short considering how he’s devoured, but definitely one of the best scene for Part I
I won’t delve much for FGO or Fate Extra. The latter is because I still haven’t watch to what his interaction is like. But the former I’ll only delve his appearance in Summer Event. One of the best and eventually worst one because some writer need to shoe-horn every single men just to focus on waifu on the second part
However, the one thing I like of picking this event is his interaction with Scathach. This event actually to me sort of make up of the perfectly wasted chance that either Caster or Lancer version of his would reunite with his Shishou and/or even fight his fake counterpart Alter. It’s one of the best scene between the two... Which I really hope DW does create more scene between them for interaction. I’m fine with both platonic and romance, considering what happened in their history and how their interaction could went either way, but I really want to see them more together!
Gameplay... I picked him out of tier list reason since he’s considered the best for budget use. Thanks to Honako Green’s video, I ended up often use him after learning the setups roughly to work on him. In fact, he is still my best Lancer I have!
Cu is seriously going to be missed big time on mobs fight... One is because his low cost helps to fit him in when necessary to another Lancer. Two is because like Herc-chan, the reliability in his survival is helpful! BUT THE INHUMANE BOSS AND MOBS ARE BASTARD WHEN THEY KILL HIM!!
Well Cu Chulainn... Thank you for being a great big brother to my home team in Chaldea. Your Gae Bolg will always be one of my favorites in saving me in times of need, but you should be nicer to your Caster counterpart... Or your Gae Bolg shall be given to him permanently
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burudogu-blog · 9 years
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“You see father, I see a priest that’s about to go down.”
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