#retagging bc tumblr is mean
bigjimbopickens · 1 year
Ok so I just had the worst flight experience ever in my 19 years of being a frequent flier and I really need to vent my frustration so hi Tumblr
Be ready for a series of unfortunate events except I’m not an orphan I am a 19 year old who was trying to go to northern BC to see my parental figure with my sibling.
December 18, 10am: We get to my home city’s airport and see that most of the flights are delayed because of the weather. It was quite snowy so we understood.
10:30am: Every flight going to Vancouver is cancelled. Shortly after every US flight is cancelled and then every flight with Air Canada is cancelled. Ours is only delayed for another hour but it was going to mean we miss our connection.
2:40-4pm: We finally fly out to Calgary and arrive just 5 minutes before our connection. However, it was at the other side of the airport and we missed it. It left without most of its passengers. If it had only stayed for just 10 more minutes this entire situation would’ve been avoided.
4:40pm: We are told to wait at the next gate as our flight was apparently rebooked. The gate was on the other side of the airport again so we all go there only to find out we apparently have to go to customer service for our new passes. Customer service is in an entire different area.
5:15-around 8:30pm: We join the long ass line for 3 and 1/2 hours only for our rebooked flight to be cancelled as soon as it was our turn. In the line we meet this woman who was trying to get to Halifax but missed the connection because she was delayed in Vancouver. She ended up buying me food because I was dying and let us go next instead of her. I’ll never forget her kindness and I hope she made it to Halifax. At around 8:30pm the massive flight board in the terminal is entirely red as every flight was cancelled. It was so eerie seeing everything be illuminated in red and everyone go silent in disbelief. I’ve also never heard anyone breakdown on an airport intercom before either. I honestly felt so bad for all the agents as that airport was severely understaffed.
9-11:40pm: We get our new passes finally and go to baggage claim and meet a friend of ours who lives in Calgary that we were able to stay overnight with. We wait for another 2 hours just to find out it was retagged and going on the next flight to northern BC.
12am, December 19: We finally leave Calgary airport. I forget how dry the air is there and also how wide the roads are. I used to live in Calgary but it’s been 2 years since I did. I go rest.
8am: I get woken by their cat. His name is Bart. Here is a picture of Bart.
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9am: I call the airline to check-in so I don’t have to deal with it at the airport, since it’s what I was told to do. Turns out I didn’t need to anyways because I already had the passes and the bags were checked (this is important later).
2:30pm: We head out to try again. Once we arrive we notice how empty it was but once we were past security it was insane. So many people were stranded with nowhere to go. Made me realize how lucky I was to be stranded somewhere I’m familiar with. The flight boards were still red with cancelled flights but ours was still blue. We find out later its been delayed for an hour because it was held up at its previous spot but that’s okay.
6pm: After watching many flights get cancelled around us, we finally take off from Calgary. It was a very smooth flight, which is odd because it’s usually bumpy.
7:40pm: We disembark at our destination finally only to find out everyone who was rebooked on this flight’s bags didn’t actually get on the plane. They were put on random ones heading to the same place and hoped for the best I guess. We managed to find one of ours but the other is somewhere. I open it to check if anything had been damaged or taken and turns out it was opened to be inspected and an object had broken. It was something I made for a friend too.
11pm: The airline has the audacity to ask me how my experience was. I gave them 1 star and said “Sugma balls”. Like really, take me out to dinner first before you fuck me.
I somehow handled this well for being 19 travelling with a younger sibling who didn’t even want to go. Though I’m fucking exhausted. Normally I love flying because airplanes are my favourite thing ever but I had no time to enjoy looking at planes. I don’t blame any of the staff for this, it was entirely out of their control and they were doing their best with what info they had. They were severely understaffed at the airport and the airline had managed this whole situation so poorly. I used to want to work in the airline industry like my family does but I don’t think I could ever handle a situation like that as an attendant or agent.
Yeah uh, thanks for reading my misery. You can laugh if you want. I’m keeping the boarding passes so I can look back on this situation and hopefully laugh about it.
And to think I was actually the lucky one in this situation too. So many people remain stranded there with nowhere to go. We were only able to eventually get out because where I was going isn’t a very popular destination. It could’ve been so much worse but it also could’ve been so much better. One of my friends is flying through Calgary tomorrow so I hope he doesn’t suffer the same fate I did.
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desires-of-chain · 1 year
Hi, love that you've found your thing on here!! but pls don't censor your nsfw tag bc now it doesn't show on the filters, and your posts are all over the character tags in plain sight even if we have nsfw tagged. Ppl can't filter every person's variation of how they censor it and like me, get a lot of smutty surprises they'd rather skip on
Hope this doesn't come out as mean, I hope you have a good day!!
Wait, they've been showing up in the others tags? Ohhhh, how i hate tumblr sometimes 😭 I'm so sorry, i had to resort to n//sfw because Tumblr use to flag anything dealing with the nsfw tag. That's why I'm a lil nervous bout that happening again but i'll def fix it, don't worry!
I appreciate you telling me! Time to retag everything
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uniformbravo · 4 years
aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh the new dash doesn’t have individual urls for each page anymore they all just say tumblr.com/dashboard so i can’t bookmark pages to save my place anymore and all my previously saved bookmarks just take me to the front page of my dash aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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foulserpent · 3 years
really annoying that tumblr updated its activity feature a while ago bc like, i mean if you WERENT using xkit its great bc the activity page literally had no point before when there was no filtration . but for those of use who did have xkit.... the death of the “show only retags/responses” option is so fucking sad. like my activity is technically better than old activity page but still largely useless now
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daydadahlias · 3 years
I think it'd be neat if you had a tag for your consent posts; I love reading them and sometimes I'd like to go through and read your excellent takes lol (not a request or a demand, btw, please don't read it as such, I'm just musing lol, love your work!!)
oh! y'know, I've thought about having a specific tag for it but tumblr's searching system is already so choppy lol that I just didn't know if it was worth going back through my archive to find them and retag them. But it's not something I'm opposed to doing! I'd be happy to go scrounge around and try to tag at least some main ones.
In the meantime (bc I don't know how long it'll take me to... find all those posts and retag them lol) this page I made has a couple of my own posts and then also a collection of resources I agree with. I also just read the most incredible book about consent called Can I Kiss You? by Michael J. Domitrz (I'll go ahead and link this pdf on my resource page as well). I highly recommend it if consent discussion is something you're interested in. I'll also try to find some videos of him speaking and add them to my resource page too because I loved watching his lecture.
I really so appreciate this though. It's flattering in a very specific way that means so much. Thank you <3
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tag ten friends game!
I was tagged by my buddy @monotremeinafedora! 
I don’t want to bore you all with my life story (or like 10 questions but whatever) so I’m gonna put a cut down here
Name: Katie! but tbh people call me Kitty on so many social media sites that if I saw my real name online I wouldn’t even process that it was directed at me 
Gender: female
Star Sign: I’m vaguely aware that I’m a taurus but every time I see someone talking about astrology it gets super complicated and it scares me
Height: 5'4″
Sexuality: aro/ace
Hogwarts house: oof I read those books in third grade and I didn’t exactly spend much time taking internet quizzes in 2010 so I have absolutely no idea but I like the idea of Hufflepuff cuz they remind me of the Amity faction from Divergent (granted I wouldn’t last a day in the Amity faction but that’s not important)
Fav animal: imagine being able to pick a favorite animal lmao couldn’t be 
Dogs or cats: the question above I didn’t answer bc I’m indecisive but this one I can’t answer because I have a cat and two dogs and how can I choose a favorite? Like my 8-year-old dog is so sweet and cute and she likes going on walks for at least an hour with me and I love her but my 8-month-old dog is a piece of shit who tears people apart but she’s also really cute and she can be really fun when she’s not giving you really bad bruises bc you made the mistake of trying to play frisbee with her and now you have to walk around looking like someone dropped a fridge on your arms for two weeks but then what about cats right like my cat was like 12 or 13 when I got him last year and he’s an old man and he just curls up on my bed all day and sleeps on my Supernatural blanket and then I go to bed and he sleeps on my sweatshirt on the floor until like 8 am when he decides it’s a good time to crawl on my bed and tap me in the face until I wake up and ahhhhhh I just love themmmmm
Hour of sleep: I spend at least 12 hours lying in bed with the lights out and my phone away every night but how much of that is sleep and how much is eternally cringing at my horrible life decisions is unknown
Blankets: I. LOVE. BLANKETS. I have to move my stuff into college on Monday and I had an existential crisis trying to figure out what to do with my blankets like my mom got me a super soft, super warm cat blanket for Christmas specifically for school so that’s gonna come and I wanna bring my Supernatural blanket bc that’s good for a warmer night and I wanna bring my Frozen blanket because it’s so warm and fuzzy and I wanna bring my snowman blanket I got as a Christmas gift from dance last year bc it’s so cozy and I wanna bring my super soft blanket I got from work for Black Friday last year bc it’s super soft but I wanna bring the yeti blanket with the hood and buttons and mittens built in which I got from work the Black Friday before that one because duh who wouldn’t want to bring that and I wanna bring all my blankets right except I also have two weeks at home after I move my stuff in and I won’t have space to bring more blankets when I move in on the 31st bc half my duffel bag is going to be my giant stuffed Perry the Platypus I got from a friend a few months ago so I’m leaving my snowman one on the couch downstairs and my work one on my bed and my yeti’s gonna hang out by the closet with my similar Olaf blanket (that’s meant for little kids and does not fit which I didn’t know when I bought but but at least I worked at Target at the time so I got an employee discount?) probably until I come home for Thanksgiving and I’ll take my yeti blanket back with me then and wow this was a really long answer but in my defense it was a very open-ended question
Dream Job: I’m going to school for nursing, so that!
When and Why I’m here: uhhh idk what exactly it means by “when” bc I made my main blog @kittyhazelnut and my Supernatural blog @gabrielsbackbitches in like 2017ish (or whenever it was my fav character came back just to die again a month later) but this blog i made in May (idk the date but it was whenever I posted my pinned) so take your pick for that one. Why I’m here? I was talking too much about Phineas and Ferb on my main and I decided to make a side blog for it with no intention of it getting big (I mean my marvel blog @marvelbutmostlyloki has been around for a year or two and it has, like, 10 followers so clearly side blogs don’t always work out in my favor) and then I posted that screenshot of Vincent tweeting about Perry the Platypus statues replacing Confederate statues and people decided to follow me and now I exist purely to promote the new Phineas and Ferb movie to casual Phineas and Ferb fans (no jk I do love promoting the movie to casual fans but I do most of that on Twitter. I found a whole bunch of fun people in the Dwampyverse fandom and it’s like our own little private party in a dark corner of tumblr and it’s honestly the most fun I’ve ever had in a fandom, and that’s coming from someone who’s been in the Supernatural fandom for five years)
Reason for URL: I use the phrase “I would die for _______” way too much in my everyday life and I couldn’t think of a witty URL so I went with that lmao
Current time: 8:55 pm and I should probably stop staring at a screen in the middle of a dark room at 9 o’clock at night if I’m planning on being up and out of the house with a full face of stage makeup on in under 12 1/2 hours for my dance comp whoops
And now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for... TAGS! It said to tag 10 people and a lot of my peeps were tagged in Grayson’s post so I don’t think (?) I’m retagging anyone? I’m only tagging PnF people because I genuinely have no idea which of my IRLs and online friends from non-PnF-related-things would recognize this as my account lol. also half of these people are in the Perryshmirz discord bc that’s where my people live lmao
@myperryshmirtzblog @mushipper713 @necroticcoffee @grayblebayble @eathotchip-and-bi @sorryformybadenglish @ill-change-my-name-to-larry @momphineasandferbmadeablog @fcrbfletcher
Obviously y’all don’t have to do it if you don’t want to :) and if you didn’t see your URL but you want to do it anyway, go for it! You can even say I tagged you and no one has to know! in fact, wait a second...
Look, you’re tagged! You should do it too!
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cuddleslutloki · 5 years
Hi so, sometimes I tend to write abo stuff for this fandom And I just got a message that said “hey abo is a really offensive slur to aboriginal people can you stop saying that” and I don’t mean it in an offensive way whatsoever— I didn’t even know what aboriginal people were until I looked it up. I don’t know what to do really, I think it’s bc im American. But I don’t mean to offend anyone but I can’t just retag thousands of posts? Gosh I sound dickish I just need your opinion
preface: i have no fucking idea how big a deal this may be? and there’s also no way to know who your anon is or where they’re coming from. tumblr anons can be fucking wild sometimes, y’know
but i completely understand and like, if it’s something that you do want to change since it’s been brought up that it bothers people (which is 100% reasonable for them imo) then you could always switch to a/b/o or ao or a/o or some other variation bc like... at this point no one’s going to rename a fandom trope ‘verse that’s over a decade old, y’know? 
but this may also come down to your anon, too. like even tho abo in fandom obvs has nothing to do w/ racial slurs i get that seeing sth that looks exactly like a violent slur isn’t exactly a comfort, even if the material is in no way related and the meaning is entirely different. someone may just need to unfollow you, y’know? sucks but like... people have to curate their own online experience, that’s not on you to do for them
as far as retagging i mean, it’s still your blog, so it comes down to your own preference. whenever i’ve changed tags i don’t think i ever re-tagged old posts, i just started using a new tag. and abo is so prevalent and is usually tagged in such a way that changing your tags may affect the visibility of your content so 
then again i’m also a white dude in the US so! my opinion on this is limited by the fact that i just don’t have any experience w/ this slur/issue beyond observing stuff happening an entire ocean away from me lol 
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1000-directions · 6 years
30 questions
i got tagged FROM THE FUTURE by @dearmrsawyer did you know that it is already tomorrow there?? (spoiler alert)
(i think someone else tagged me for this pretty recently, but i can’t remember who, i’m sorry!!!!!!! sorry if i end up retagging you for this like an idiot 😩)
1. Nicknames? steph is really my only nickname 2. Gender? girl 3. Star Sign? aquarius 4. Height? 5'5 5. Time? 10:18pm 6. Birthday? january 22 YEAH ME AND FREDDIE TOMLINSON ARE BIRTHDAY NEIGHBORS 🤗🤗 7. Favorite bands? one direction, niall’s band, louis’ band, harry’s band. uh. i don’t listen to much else anymore. i was really, really into tegan and sara for very many years. 8. Favorite solo artists? louis tomlinson. niall horan. bebe rexha. ME. i love my own music, that’s why i wrote it, sorry not sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 9. Song stuck in my head? miss you by louis is the only song i can remember for the foreseeable future <-- this is jamila’s answer and also my answer and also the only acceptable answer 10. Last movie you watched? i’ve been on a marvel kick the last few days. i liked spider-man: homecoming the most, but captain america: civil war is the one i watched most recently. 11. Last show you watched? um i’ve watched 47 episodes of “agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.” in six days, sooooo let’s hear it for unemployment tbh 12. When did you create your blog? my first post is dated november 26, 2016 WHOOPS MISSED MY ANNIVERSARY 13. What do I post? mostly one direction (mostly louis). fic recs, and sometimes even fic that i wrote. i like to reblog illustrations of positive animals giving encouragement. i like science stuff and underwater animals and sometimes but not always anatomy. crafts. pictures of things with bisexual colors. 14. Last thing I googled? "cranberry bog” bc i wanted to find a picture of them to show jamila, but they were all so awesome i couldn’t pick just one. HEY, if you don’t know how cranberries grow, do a google image search for cranberry bog, that shit is wild. 15. Do you have any other blogs? nope 16. Do you get asks? i do <3 i get prompts, which i always read and think about and save, and i’m gonna get around to all of them eventually, i hope!!!! i get some anons about elounor and lad and dad stuff. lately i have a generous anon who gives me presents <3 17. Why did you choose your url? i was 1000_[something elses] in a lot of different places, and when i made my ao3 account, i needed to choose a name i would remember but didn’t want it to be the same as my previous usernames, bc i do want my 1d life to be separate from my real life and also my other internet presences. and then i made this url to match that name, although i’m REAL MAD that tumblr forces me to have a hyphen instead of an underscore and THEN makes it so you can’t track tags that have hyphens?????? so dumb. 18. Following? 105 19. Followers? more than 105, less than 500 20. Favorite colors? green! G R E E N. i like grey and light purple, too. 21. Average hours of sleep? lately, too many. i was back to a pretty decent sleep schedule for like a week, but it’s been really, really bad since thanksgiving, especially the last few days.  22. Lucky number? 22, which is also the number of this question, wow 😱 23. Instruments? guitars and keyboards 24. What am I wearing? black yoga pants from target, which have basically become my uniform, and a grey tanktop 25. How many blankets do I sleep with? right now three bc i’m too cheap to turn my heat on and it’s fucking cold. normally, only like one thin blanket bc i am always hot and sweaty >:/ 26. Dream job? louis tomlinson’s pa so i could get him coffee every day and he’d be forced to tell me what he gets from starbucks 27. Dream vacation? i wanna go to australia so so so bad, and i have for years. i wanna go to kangaroo island and tasmania and sydney and melbourne and i wanna eat a pavlova and a passionfruit and i wanna hang out with jamila. i am also really excited about going to red rocks and meeting everyone, by which i mean i am terrified about it to the point that i start crying if i think about it too much bc i’m so worried no one will like me in person lolol mental health is awesome guys 28. Favorite food? pierogies, vegetarian matzo ball soup, thanksgiving leftovers all piled in the same bowl, chips and guac with frozen margaritas and a good friend to talk with 29. Nationality? american. i had a hungarian grandmother and a russian grandfather, and then i’m polish on the other side but they came to the US like many generations ago. 30. Favorite song right now? i love one (1) song
tagging: @sarcathlon @nocontrolforlouis @niallspringsteen @alligatornyc @nothanksweregood @oopsi1d-ditagain @flora-flauna
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astudyinfreewill · 7 years
i was tagged by the lovely @jacklighting, thank you friend! <3 it’s been a while since i did one of these but i figure i’ve got a few new faces around here so it can’t hurt c:
Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag blogs you would like to know better.
1. Nicknames: my name doesn’t really lend itself to nicknames but... allie (kind of... it never really took off??), stars 2. Gender: female 3. Star sign: aquarius 4. Height: 5'9″ 5. Time right now: 11.20 am 6. Birthday: january 26th   7. Favourite bands: oh man these change around A Lot. evergreen classic is the beatles, i’ve always really enjoyed placebo, the national, mumford&sons, and my latest fave is lord huron 8. Favourite solo artists:  what for real??? i can’t answer this???? i’ll just go ahead and say the last 3 albums i checked out on spotify were halsey’s, lorde’s and lana del rey’s 9. Song stuck in my head: this morning it alternates between lorde’s “green light” and a really bad italian summer song 10. Last movie watched: wonder woman ✨✨✨ 11. Last show watched: merlin (one of multiple rewatches lol <3) 12. When did I create my blog: september 2010, but i’ve gone through a few urls since then 13.What do I post: i don’t post very often lately, but usually it’s a mix of the raven cycle, merlin, harry potter, lord of the rings, mythology, art, aesthetic posts, and whatever catches my interest at the moment really 14. Last thing googled: "new xkit retags” because i was having problems with the extension claiming it was installed twice (actually hit me up if you have a fix for that bug lol) 15. Do you have other blogs: um, i made a few sideblogs back in the day (mostly fandom-related) but none of them get any use really. i also have blogs i keep around to save urls/test themes on 16. Do you get asks: veeeeeery occasionally but they’re usually really lovely 17. Why did u choose your url: adam parrish, bruh 18. Following: fewer people than i would like, but i already have a hard time keeping up with my dash as it is :/ 19. Followers: ugh. i really don’t think it should matter, bc i dislike how social media seems to provide people with more reasons to feel bad about themselves?? somewhere above 1k and under 2k, which i am led to believe is not much in tumblr terms but you know what, i don’t even understand how there are so many people interested in what i post so like. i appreciate every single one of them okay you guys rock <3 20. Favourite colours: light blue, turquoise, violet, and most pastels tbh 21. Average hours of sleep: around 6 or 7 but in really fucked up patterns, hence why i always have dark eye circles like a raccoon 22. Lucky number: don’t have one (that i know of?) 23. Instruments: i used to play piano, but i’m horrendously out of practice (don’t have one in scotland) and i’ve never been any good at musical improv :( 24. What am I wearing: floral pattern top, black shorts, and a good helping of existential dread  25. How many blankets I sleep with: it’s either a duvet in the winter or plain sheets in the summer (in italy not scotland lol) 26. Dream job: writer, even though it’s a pipe dream because i don’t think i’m original enough when it comes to plots :/ honestly if i could do anything related to literature/art/ancient stuff i’d be happy though 27. Dream trip: honestly, just road tripping across the usa without a fixed plan, stopping at random motels and going where the mood takes me (though visiting new zealand would also be really nice) 28. Favourite food: oh man. so many. all of them. if i had to choose, i’d have to say pasta (gotta stay on that italian brand) though i could gorge myself on sushi any day tbh. chicken nuggets are also A++ 29. Nationality: italian and american 30. Favourite song now: either “love” by lana del rey, “the night we met” by lord huron, or “faded” by alan walker (it’s not new but hey, i blame merlin fanvids)
tagging: you. yes, you. you who are reading this right now. i am not kidding. go do this (only if you want to, but if you do please tag me in it!!!!). really, i am terrible at keeping up with my blog especially when i have no wifi for weeks but that doesn’t mean i don’t want to get to know you lovely little sunflowers <3
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no no no no no no no!!!!!!
please don’t blame urself or take it that way!!!!’ i’m just trying to make a joke on how you can only tag like 50 ppl and since i was late to the party i have to check the masterlist manually!! in no way your fault! take as long as you need to sort your shit or anything else you need. i swear i’m not trying to peer pressure you♥️ ( i think i need to use maximum amounts of emojis that get my points across on how i feel, so here goes. )
hey bestie🤪 i didn’t mean it that way😅😌👏
i was making fun of the dumb😡 tumblr rules and not you😘😍
take as much time as you need♥️♥️
you come before any stupid fanfic everyday of the week!!! 😩😼
yeah tumblr dumb, you can actually do more than 50 tags if you're on desktop, but i cut it off bc it takes so long to retag everyone in each new post (bc copying and pasting doesn't work with tags)
it's okaaay i knew you weren't trying to pressure me, just wanted to let you know those kind of comments affect me the same as the ones that do :// but swear i wasn't upset at you specifically !
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