jamespcttr · 5 years
—— is that really james potter? it’s been so long! did you hear, he is studying to be an auror? from what i remember, he was  charming and brave, but also pretty temperamental and unforgiving, who knows after all this time. word on the street is, they’re with the order of the phoenix, but that doesn’t define them.
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there’s no sugar coating it, james was an entitled prick in his early years at hogwarts. he knows it, you know it, we all know it. the thing is, homeboy was spoiled. he was his parent’s rainbow baby ( after multiple miscarriages ) and that clouded their judgement when parenting.  he was spoiled and didn’t know what it felt like to not get something he wanted. he grew out of that though, not without some serious bumps along the road. 
the marauders are everything to him. they’re the closest thing he ever had to brothers and for someone that grew up relatively lonely, it was amazing to have people around him that didn’t take his bullshit but were willing to help him grow into a better person. they were there for the fun and adventure but were also loyal beyond belief and it was through their friendship that james really matured, which is why he thanks them for becoming the man he is today. getting to know their struggles and seeing their hardships is how he developed a sense of empathy, it’s why he fights so adamantly for others rights. 
his infatuation with the ever elusive miss.evans started as a personal challenge to get the pretty red head to flirt a little, but that rapidly grew into something far beyond his comprehension. the boy had no idea how to communicate his feelings which is ultimately what led to them butting heads consistently. can you blame him though? even in the wizarding world, boys are taught that when you like a girl you’re not supposed to SAY it, you’re supposed to annoy them so they know they’re constantly on your mind. once that didn’t bode well, james was discouraged and by grade three, he just wanted to date someone that thought he was great too. introducing, marlene mckinnon. they’d been close friends since they were practically in diapers, always scurrying off at her parents parties to get up to some sort of mischief or just meeting up over the summer to talk. she was the first girl he genuinely connected with as a friend, the honorary marauder in his eyes. this ultimately led to him asking her out because well, what’s better than dating your best friend? it was COMFORTABLE. so much so that they fell into the rhythm of it all the way into their 6th year. the thing was, it never really felt like  a RELATIONSHIP, and there was a good chance a lot of people told him just that, but he liked having someone. that’s really what made james realize he liked being committed to someone and being a BOYFRIEND but just not to marlene. their breakup was as civil as break ups can even get, mostly because they both agreed, their friendship felt right, their relationship as a couple too forced to ever feel natural. 
james was LOUD. he liked attention and he liked getting his point across. thats not so good because sometimes the louder he was, the more he distracted himself and others from what he was actually trying to say. 
contrary to popular belief, james wasn’t just GOOD at everything, it wasn’t like magic smarts. no. he just spends a lot more time in the library than people know. thanks handy dandy invisibility cloak!! he never liked the idea of people picking on him for being smart, so in his free time ( between pranks and the whole furry problem ) he’d sneak into the library and get work done. 
james has grown into a far more calm and collected person, still just as loyal and proud but far more guarded and aware of the troubles that the outside world is going through. he’s often crippled by the impotence that the war weighs down on him, he desperately wants to get out there and fight, stop people from getting hurt because he can’t deal with seeing people in pain. that’s why he wants to be an auror, he’s itching to give the bad guys what he thinks they deserve. this hero complex still gets him in a lot of trouble, mostly because he still thinks he can take on the world and doesn’t realize teamwork is essential. not because he doesn’t trust his teammates which obviously would be the marauders more often than not, but because he doesn’t know what he’d do with himself if he ever bared witness to them getting injured. 
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
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matthew daddario; 22; he/him —— is that really sirius black? it’s been so long! did you hear he is studying to be an auror? from what i remember, he was energetic and infectious, but also pretty impatient and arrogant, who knows after all this time. word on the street is, they’re with the order in the war, but that doesn’t define them.
character inspiration: han solo (star wars), sawyer (lost), jake peralta (b99), nathan young (misfits), mike wheeler (stranger things)
pinterest here
sirius is a sassmaster and the worst™
maybe a little bit self destructive. much more concerned about getting the things that he wants instead of what he actually needs. his moral compass is pretty stalwart and he struggles with a lot of guilt for even the things beyond his control.
but he’s just too good at being  contrary.  if you need sirius for something, the best thing to do is to not ask him to do it. subverting expectations is his hobby. but that also means he can surprise people by a sudden change of heart or an unexpectedly sweet gesture. usually after a moment of reflection, his knee jerk reaction can be selfish. he’s still first and foremost a good person, even at his most irritating.
living meme. actually the most dramatic piece of shit. LITERALLY??? he wants and loves attention he’s great at monopolizing a room and putting himself in the center of things. still pretty immature but he’s getting there? he’s a good time so he puts most people at ease, but there are people that he could annoy with his devil-may-care attitude. he just ain’t serious man. can’t do it. yet another thing is parents got wrong
before he got to school, sirius was very lonely in his parent’s house. he was the first son but nothing else he was supposed to be. silver-tongued and crass, he couldn’t have fit in even if he tried. he did try in the beginning, tried to adopt a steely cruelty like his father and self-righteous sting of his mother. he succeeded somewhat, if it weren’t for the guilt. the parts of himself he hates the most now are the parts he can see are most undeniably like his old family. as dreadfully as they treated him and his younger brother, sirius no longer has interest in changing himself for other people. he’d rather been hard to swallow then back where he was. he was strong enough to come out with his confidence mostly in tact, and only a mild, almost unavoidable dislike of himself. his morality comes from a place of wanting fix what he feels they and others like them have done. 
but real talk he is a broKen sad boi?? his family was sucking the life out of him and he jUST RESISTED TAHT SHIT??? proud tbh
he doesn’t allow himself to think about regulus. his soft brother, whose resentment had grown to include him after his founding of a new family in the marauders. the question of whether he actually had done enough to help his brother has mixed in with his usual guilt. he prefers not to think or talk about it. far more healthy.
he gave up too quickly on his lil bro and while i don’t think he’d want to spend time dwelling on it or thinking he should fix his mistake he just??? hakuna matata that shit man. put that past behind ya. too bad hE HAS TO SEE HIM EVERY DAY FUCKING IDIOPT KLJSDFJK
his family is a sore topic.
boi smart. well-- common sense smart? his grades were never great but they weren’t bad either. his performance stemmed more from a lack of effort and the wonderful feeling of spite towards his ever disappointed parents.
 hell if he’s not ruled by the big ol’ heart he pretends not to have. he’s pretty emotional and passionate and surprisingly empathetic. he gets charged up about the blood purity thing since he’s seen so much of the worst that that side has to offer
he attac but he also protec. sirius is prone to loud arguments and the occasional scuffle. keeping his mouth shut has never been an option
p impulsive. will lash out when he’s mad/frustrated. childish af. lit ran away from home w zERO PLAN it just happened and yet he doesn’t regret his choices and is proud of where he’s at
channeling that sweet dog energy dude because he has a v natural presence that is hard to resist.
speaking offffff  he is a rebel bOI. leather jackets and death stick cigarettes and all the muggle rock and roll. rockstar lifestyle without the talent dAMN. someone help this loser.
he’s obsessed with his motorcycle. it was the first thing with uncle alphard’s inheritance. he spends half the time fixing up the clunky machine, he’s on the verge of getting it to fly and sprucing the piece of junk up. he enjoys it so much, he ought to have done something with the hobby, but he followed his friends to university to become an auror. the war hangs over his head, he has inexplicable and unreasonable survivor’s guilt and feels the need to against everything
fun time guy.. down to clown. all that jazz
actually loves his brothers. he sees that remus and james and peter are his true family. he would die for them. meeting them changed everything for him and??? wow im actually crying. 
you’d think he would be better at telling them how much they mean to him
ya boi is arrogant as fuck. he’s woke but damn those black genes sure have some ego. he gets some pleasure out of hearing how great he is. hATE HIM PLS. i know. it’s hard.
IDK MAN. IT’S SIRIUS??? LOVE THAT LITTLE DOG BOY lmk if you have anything you’d like to plot!
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vtonks · 5 years
—— is that really theodore tonks? it’s been so long! did you hear, he is studying to be an healer? from what i remember, he was witty and intelligent, but also pretty stoic and judgemental, who knows after all this time. word on the street is, they’re neutral, but that doesn’t define them.
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his dad was actually a pureblood ( he ran out of his wedding at the time and went off to marry a muggle, v problematic ) teddy didnt know about his dad or how he was a wizard until his hogwarts letter came through. the shock was pretty jarring especially since he was sorted into a house where everyone basically hated his guts for no reason
he was attacked late into his last year at hogwarts, crutiatus curse that left scars down his back, the attackers are still unidentified ( who wants that plot ayeeee) this event is what pushed him towards being a healer
music has been his therapy and he loves ALL KINDS of music. its what got him through the darkest points of his life and he still plays religiously. 
all through school he was a bit of a grump that didn’t fit in ( half blood issues ) now he’s chiller and more empathetic since he was attacked.
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bvrty · 5 years
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maxence  danet  fauvel;  22;  he / him  ——  is  that  really  bartemius  ‘ barty ’  crouch  jr  ?  it’s  been  so  long  !  did  you  hear,  he  is  studying  to  be  an  unspeakable  ?  from  what  i  remember,  he  was  affable  &  inquisitive,  but  also  pretty  obsessive  &  temperamental,  who  knows  after  all  this  time.  word  on  the  street  is,  they’re  with  the  order  of  the  phoenix,  but  that  doesn’t  define  them.
ah,  barty.  everyone  knows  barty.  everyone  likes  barty.  you  can  find  him  wandering  the  halls  of  the  ministry  lost  in  thought,  snapping  out  of  his  introspection  every  now  and  then  to  shoot  you  a  friendly  wave  and  a  crooked  smile.  
with  unruly  hair  and  rumpled  clothes,  a  wand  tucked  behind  his  ear  and  a  half-drained  mug  of  black  coffee  gone  cold  in  his  hand,  it’s  hard  to  believe  at  first  that  this  disordered  yet  affable  intern  could  be  related  to  the  serious,  ruthless  bartemius  crouch  sr.
and  it’s  true,  most  of  what  makes  up  barty  comes  from  his  mother.  the  quick,  unguarded  warmth  of  that  crooked  smile.  his  feather-boned  hands  and  pale,  hungry  eyes.  his  fondness  for  outdated  muggle  records.  his  propensity  to  trust,  and  to  trust  wrongly.
there  are  exactly  two  things  barty  inherited  from  his  father.  the  first,  his  name.  and  the  second,  his  INTENSITY.  but  where  his  father’s  passion  lay  in  bringing  criminals  to  a  questionable  form  of  justice,  barty’s  lay  in  the  unknown.  the  branches  of  magic  few  understood,  and  few  cared  to  explore.
his  relationship  with  his  father  is  …  STRAINED,  to  say  the  least.  it  was  fine  before  his  father  became  the  head  of  the  department  of  magical  law  enforcement.  (  aka,  before  his  father  didn’t  have  any  time  for  his  family  anymore.  )  
see,  barty  has  never  been  much  of  an  overachiever,  driven  by  his  curiosity  rather  than  ambitions.  and  that  was  never  a  problem.  at  least,  not  until  his  father  was  promoted,  and  suddenly,  the  whole  wizarding  world  was  watching.  suddenly,  barty’s  father  had  the  salary  to  buy  a  new  house  of  a  size  befitting  a  ministry  department  head,  and  all  the  expensive  furniture  a  ministry  department  head  should  have,  and  all  the  tailored  suits  and  fancy  haircuts  to  make  him  appear  just  how  a  ministry  department  head  should  appear. 
suddenly,  there  was  an  ideal  family  the  crouch  family  should  have  been,  and  they  weren’t  reaching  that  standard.  and  crouch  sr  blamed  crouch  jr,  something  barty  did  not  take  kindly  to.
if  barty  had  his  way,  he  wouldn’t  interact  with  his  father  at  all.  they’re  different  people;  they  can  lead  different  lives.  but  his  father  is  determined  to  keep  up  appearances,  and  his  mother  is  determined  to  keep  the  peace.  and  barty  loves  his  mother.  so  they  continue  with  the  tired  old  tense  facade  of  a  loving  family,  and  although  matters  have  come  close  to  boiling  over  several  times,  they’ve  managed  to  keep  the  lid  on  for  the  time  being.
barty  has  very  specific  interests,  and  while  he  might  stay  up  all  night  poring  over  books  about  time  magic,  or  pour  all  his  time  into  tending  to  his  collection  of  carnivorous  plants,  anything  outside  his  sphere  of  interest  is  completely  worthless  in  barty’s  eyes.  
unfortunately,  that  includes  his  appearance,  which  is  why  you’re  more  likely  than  not  to  see  him  with  hair  sticking  up  every  which  way  and  a  mess  of  stubble  shadowing  his  jaw,  creeping  under  stained  shirt  collars  half-tucked  into  rumpled  jeans.
it  also  includes  any  form  of  exercise  or  physical  activity.  barty  is  notoriously  lazy,  disappearing  like  smoke  anytime  something  threatens  to  be  overly  strenuous.  never  ask  him  to  help  you  move  heavy  objects.
but  as  for  the  things  he  is  interested  in,  he  shines.  his  innate  brilliance  and  curiosity  made  him  an  easy  fit  for  ravenclaw  during  his  time  at  hogwarts,  and  propelled  him  into  his  training  to  become  an  unspeakable  —  a  particularly  selective  program  that  involves  an  internship  with  the  ministry  and  a  rigorous  academic  load.
remarkably  good  at  nonverbal  magic  (  mostly  due  to  his  laziness  )  and  even  not  too  shabby  at  wandless  magic  !  
has  dabbled  in  his  fair  share  of  alcohol,  drugs,  sex,  and  other  vices.  see,  barty  gets  RESTLESS  —  he  needs  some  form  of  stimulation.  usually,  that  comes  in  the  form  of  throwing  himself  into  his  studies,  but  when  he’s  hit  a  wall  or  when  he  has  a  bit  of  a  break,  he  gets  bored  and  searches  for  something  (  or  someone  )  to  fill  his  time.
he’s  with  the  order  of  the  phoenix  right  now.  partially  because  it’s  something  to  occupy  his  time  and  fill  his  daily  adrenaline  quota.  partially  because  it  gives  him  a  sense  of  pleasure  undermining  his  father  by  carrying  out  justice  before  he  can.  partially  because  his  friends  did,  and  barty  gamely  followed  suit.
don’t  mistake  him  for  some  do-gooder  gryffindor,  though.  barty  is  very  much  chaotic  neutral.  he  isn’t  bound  to  the  order  through  any  moral  reasons.  in  fact  …  well,  we’ll  see  how  things  pan  out.  he  never  has  been  very  good  with  commitment.
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mckinnuhn · 5 years
—— is that really marlene mckinnon? it’s been so long! did you hear, she is studying to be an auror? from what i remember, she was  charming and altrustic, but also pretty stubborn and impulsive, who knows after all this time. word on the street is, they’re with the order of the phoenix, but that doesn’t define them.  
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this kid was a PRINCESS, born and bred. the mckinnon’s have always held a high standing in wizarding society, her father was basically the minister for magic’s right hand man and her mother is queen b socialite material. they have always presented themselves as PERFECT. one hell of a standard to place upon your kids, eh? so of course, marlene thought that’s what she had to aspire to be, P E R F E C T. what a shame that no one bothered to tell her that there was no such thing. even her parents had cracks beneath the surface of their perfectly crafted facade. as she grew older, marlene started to get a peak of those, and that wrecked her mind even more. it was terrible to know that your parents demanded perfection from you, all the while hiding a raging a far ( dear ol’ daddio couldn’t keep it in his pants ) and covering up a divorce. ( mom said ‘to the left!! but not so far left that the press gets a whiff of this baby. )
her brothers are auror legends, TOP OF THE ACADEMY, graduated with honors. they are the stars of the mckinnon household. as expected, marlene tries REALLY HARD TO BE LIKE THEM. it’s been a thing since she was at hogwarts. the curious thing is as smart and capable as marlene is, her talents are a little more different. so dont get it twisted, marlene is super cunning and smart, she’s just never been able to outshine her peers mostly because she was intimidated. she feels most comfortable when training in defense against the dark arts but discovered this in the later years of hogwarts. 
marlene mckinnon is a loyal ass BITCH. that’s the first thing anyone needs to know about her. she’s the person you want on your side, that friend that will drop everything to run and be there for you, she is willing to go through hell or high water for the people she loves most and often, this leads to her emotions clouding her judgement. in the past, when she didn’t know middle ground was a T H I N G, her stubborn ass would let her pride rule over every damn decision and let’s just say you didn’t want to get on her bad side. now that she’s grown a little, it’s not as bad and she’s slowly learning how to say ‘im sorry.’
so marlene and james dated all through 3rd year up to 6th year, ill elaborate a little bit more in james’ bio thingy bullet points but basically they were bestest besties that said hey we kinda wanna be loved so i guess let’s love eachother? but they really were just in platonic love so it never took that extra step no matter how hard they tried. 
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skcctskcct-blog · 5 years
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elizabeth olsen; 24; she/her —— is that really rita skeeter? it’s been so long! did you hear she is studying to be a journalist? from what i remember, she was blithe and humorous, but also pretty nosy and vindictive, who knows after all this time. word on the street is, they’re neutral in the war, but that doesn’t define them.
character inspiration: caroline forbes (tvd), cordelia chase (btvs),  gina linetti (b99), santana lopez (glee),  regina george (mean girls)
pinterest here
she back!! god this girl is a nightmare but i love her
basically rita is hilarious, selfish, entitled, bubbly, adventurous, and scary levels of confident
rita grew up an only child on  her mother’s family fortune (Elizabeth Skeeter nee Blishen is the heiress to the Blishen Firewhiskey fortune) and her father’s notorious name, Johnathan Skeeter is a famous author in his own right, having written the best selling biography, Newt Scamander: Distinguished or Disgrace? and other multiple exposes with skeptical amounts of bias and fact-checking. elizabeth herself was prone to many a scandal in her younger days which her current husband often covered up for her and her family. the reputation of the skeeters is dubious, and yet have enjoyed all the luxuries of notoriety
her family i imagine is v much the equivalent of “new money” to higher society? it’s possible she knows and is friendly with many pureblood families. her dad works v hard for connections since the more people you know, the more information you have. information is everything to a skeeter and rita is similar to her father in many ways. marrying rich was v much part of his plan as he is a bit of a schemer and manipulative. although he has bent the rules to get where he is, possibly by conspiring with families with pureblood ideals for politcal gains, smear campagins, basically biased news for those he’s friendly with,his methods have helped him rise to fame and notoriety very quickly.
rita admires him for his success and emulates his style where she can. while she’s a little low on the totem pole at her internship at the local newspaper, she’s clawed her way to be editor of the school paper with her skeeter’s opinion column where she frequently pulls apart situations and spins a half truth or two.
since rita is young, she’s not as rotten and opportunistic as she seems. there’s still a bit of naivete to her, and whatever she might say or write she sees as a bit of a joke. she’s just practicing for the ‘big leagues’ while unaware that real life really isn’t as dramatic and interesting in the way the papers play it up to be. besides, in her opinion there’s a bit of glamour to making the front page, it’s an honor to be mentioned. she’s very much of the mind that all press is good press and won’t hold her tongue for the sake of feelings.
rita has been spoiled from the beginning, and can be the worst
but she is also a good time and quite entertaining, even fun when she wants to be 
basically she’s an acquired taste
she’s dramatic, maybe a little romantic. life and people are colorful, everything is larger than life. but in ways that are good and mostly terrible. while she can’t quite see things for what they really are, her downfall isn’t that she’s a liar but that she prefers the lie to the real deal
look at her the wrong way, say the wrong thing. maybe she enjoys the hell out of you. it doesn’t matter, because a story is a story and the better the story the more she can spin it to be more ‘interesting’.  its hard to tell with her what her actual opinion is on something. everything she says is for the sake of controversy and really spreading the word. 
she has a mean streak and will seek to push a person’s buttons as far as she can. revenge and pettiness are her bread and butter. she’s also a touch competitive, she wants and likes to win.
she is a captivating person, curious, and fluid with flamboyant gestures. she often inserts herself into the lives of people who she is curious about. she likes to KNOW things. everything and anything. 
she honestly loves her bad reputation?? and she’s confident and just …. a mess. 
rita is numero uno 
her habits include: hair flipping, loud laughter, tapping her nails, gossip, crossing her arms, sipping port wine, smoking, a permanent expression of smugness
favorite things include: writing, croissants, espresso, bright colors, bold fonts, scandalous hollywood starlets, and teasing her peers
rita dreams of being a writer, and always has quill and parchment with her. to hone her skills, she has started an internship at both the school’s and the local papers. she keeps herself extremely busy and is always in motion. she is a little dissatisfied with the small town feel of university. she longs to travel to the ‘big city’ where there are more things to see and write about, she has always had that feeling of wanderlust
after her graduation from hogwarts in the year ahead, she disappeared.  in an uncharacteristic moment of rebellion rita took a sabbatical from her education while she traveled the world. she insisted and was meant to be gone over a year. but she returned after only a few months. 
she claims to have changed her mind about focusing on school rather than the truth, travel was disappointing. she was lonely with no one she knew to pester and write about. the miles and miles of beautiful scenery, good food and strangers should’ve been exhilarating and inspiring. the trip was a surprising failure to her, and she refuses to discuss it.
rita would never admit it, but there is a big part of her that is happy to be amongst her classmates and those she knows again. 
rita loves people watching, she’s a borderline stalker. sneaking around and going through people’s things to learn more about them or listening in on conversations that look remotely interesting.  she regularly reads her roommate’s diaries if they’re not careful. she can get in anywhere, always hidden in plain sight. 
like. it seems like she talks non-stop so you would think you would see her coming but ??? she can pOP OUT OF SEEMINGLY NOWHERE? ?? v unsettling
she is an animagus and can turn into a beetle. rita taught herself by breaking into the hogwart’s restricted section in her last year. she will often use this to spy on her classmates and even professors for anything newsworthy.
so YES lmk if you would like to plot, she could learn secrets, have rivalries, frenemies, friends, really any sort of relationship really, she’ll def try to know everyone
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cissvs · 5 years
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dove  cameron;  21;  she / her  ——  is  that  really  narcissa  black  ?  it’s  been  so  long  !  did  you  hear,  she  is  studying  to  work  in  the  international  magic  office  of  law  ?  from  what  i  remember,  she  was   strategic  &  composed,  but  also  pretty  jaded  &  aloof,  who  knows  after  all  this  time.  word  on  the  street  is,  they’re  neutral,  but  that  doesn’t  define  them.
narcissa  black,  the  third  and  last  daughter  of  cygnus  &  druella.  the  third  disappointment,  a  girl  where  they  were  hoping  for  a  boy.  the  last  disappointment.  the  final  try  before  they  gave  up.
the  relationship  narcissa  has  with  her  sisters  is  a  complicated  one.  as  a  child,  cissa  yearned  to  please  her  parents  with  an  embarrassingly  obvious  fervour,  and  despised  her  sisters  for  the  threat  they  posed  in  what  she  viewed  as  a  never-ending  competition  for  their  parents’  approval  —  and  yet,  they  were  the  only  ones  who  TRULY  understood  her.
TW  OCD  //  narcissa  is  well  acquainted  with  fear,  lurking  within  her  bones,  burning  ever-present  just  under  her  skin.  she  was  always  an  anxious,  compulsive  child,  forever  flicking  the  lights  on  &  off  or  tapping  out  a  ritualistic  rhythm  to  try  and  alleviate  the  terror  that  threatened  to  swallow  her.  it  drove  her  parents  crazy,  which  only  worsened  her  behaviour.  finally,  after  an  eight-year-old  narcissa  had  stayed  awake  for  nearly  three  days,  unable  to  cease  her  compulsions  long  enough  to  rest,  her  parents  took  her  to  a  healer  who  could  be  trusted  to  be  discreet.  and  he  helped,  through  potions  and  spells.  he  didn’t  fix  it  —  narcissa  has  to  take  daily  potions,  and  still  finds  herself  tapping  out  that  old  familiar  beat  in  times  of  stress  —  but  he  helped.
when  narcissa  was  younger,  she  had  quite  the  TEMPER.  perhaps  it  was  a  way  to  get  attention,  perhaps  it  was  her  way  of  pushing  against  the  restraints  of  pureblood  society,  perhaps  her  nerves  were  simply  worn  thin  from  the  constant  anxiety  pulsing  through  her.  she  never  meant  to  lose  her  temper,  but  it  was  like  flash-paper  —  one  spark  was  all  it  took  to  set  her  ablaze.
as  she  got  older,  and  more  independent,  she  learned  to  compartmentalize.  she  still  carries  that  fear,  and  anger,  but  she  has  learned  to  express  it  as  ice  rather  than  fire  —  calm,  controlled,  but  just  as  deadly.  she’s  managed  to  turn  her  greatest  weakness  into  her  greatest  strength  —  she’s  had  so  much  practice  controlling  her  fear  &  temper  that  now  it  comes  second  nature  to  her.  she  is  a  master  liar.
she’s  analytical  &  strategic  nearly  to  a  fault  —  she’s  always  ten  steps  ahead,  with  plans  b  through  z  for  any  conceivable  twist  of  fate.  and  she  always,  always  has  an  escape  plan,  a  figurative  parachute  ready  to  pull  at  any  mishap.
impostor  syndrome  ?  narcissa  doesn’t  know  her.  at  least,  that’s  what  she’d  have  you  think.  she  can’t  help  but  feel  out  of  place;  the  unwanted  third  daughter,  excluded  even  in  name  —  among  her  sisters,  her  father,  her  cousins,  she  is  the  only  one  not  named  for  a  celestial  body.  instead,  she  is  a  flower,  earthbound,  common,  rooted  in  dirt  and  filth.  she  is  a  mythological  mortal  famed  for  his  fatal  flaw.  although  she’s  managed  to  wrest  her  emotions  under  control,  she  can’t  help  but  feel  like  a  ticking  time  bomb  in  a  china  shop  of  pureblood  society  —  about  to  smash  everything  delicate  and  beautiful  around  her  into  a  thousand  smithereens.
of  course,  you’d  never  know  this  to  look  at  her.  narcissa  lives  and  breathes  the  fake  it  till  you  make  it  policy.  she  is  a  shining  picture  of  elegance,  of  pureblood  superiority. 
a  paradox  of  dependence  &  independence.  she  dreads  being  alone,  craving  the  validation  of  the  people  around  her  —  and  yet,  she  refuses  to  let  anyone  close  enough  to  see  beyond  the  perfect  veneer.  oh,  sure,  she's  had  friends  and  boyfriends  galore,  but  they  see  the  weaknesses  she  wants  them  to  see:  cold,  vain,  snobby,  apathetic,  shallow.  they  don’t  see  the  flash-paper  temper,  they  don’t  see  the  paralyzing  fear,  the  obsessions  or  compulsions,  the  insecurities.
and  now,  at  twenty  one,  she’s  finally  managed  to  secure  her  parents’  approval.  she  is  the  success  story  she  always  wanted  to  be;  a  problem  child  turned  pride  and  joy.  a  credit  to  the  black  family  name.  every  word  she  speaks,  whether  in  english,  french,  italian  or  russian,  is  carefully  chosen,  precisely  articulated.  she  is  a  model  of  perfect  etiquette,  gracious  and  demure  and  charming.  and  her  neck  aches  from  holding  her  head  so  high  for  so  long  …  but  that’s  the  price  she  chooses  to  pay.
and  she  wants  more.  she  yearns  for  a  legacy  no  one  will  forget.  something  majestic.  something  that  will  prove,  once  and  for  all,  that  narcissa  black  does  belong  among  the  stars.
oddly  enough,  she  loves  competition,  as  long  as  it’s  evenly  matched.  someone  who  can  truly  engage  her  senses  and  test  her  limits  excites  her  like  nothing  else.  specifically,  she  loves  a  good  gamble.  narcissa  black,  a  betting woman  ?  you  heard  it  here  first,  folks.
was  on  the  quidditch  team  from  third  to  fifth  year  as  a beater  —  and  a  really  good  one,  too,  until  she  quit  the  team  in  sixth  year  in  her  attempts  to  polish  herself  up.
weird  hobby  she  has:  rock  climbing.  specifically,  bouldering  (  climbing  without  the  use  of  a  harness  or  ropes  ).  it  started  because  of  a  quidditch  party  in  fourth  year  and  a  bet  she  couldn’t  reach  the  window  of  the  second  floor  charms  room.  they  were  right,  she  couldn’t  —  that  night.  but  they  hadn’t  specified  an  expiration  date  on  the  bet,  so  when  she  was  less  drunk  narcissa  went  back  and  tried  again,  and  again,  until  finally  she  did  it.  and  in  doing  so  she  won  so  much  more  than  five  galleons.  she  does  it  more  often  now  that’s  she’s  quit  quidditch,  whenever  she  needs  a  release.
terrible  with  animals  of  all  kinds.  maybe  they  can  sense  her  stress  ?  whatever  it  is,  animals  just  don’t  like  her  on  principle
coffee  addict.  of  course,  she’ll  only  drink  tea  in  more  refined  company,  but  otherwise  catch  her  with  a  double  espresso,  one  sugar.
doesn’t  want  kids  !  she’s  too  scared  of  becoming  her  mother.  she’ll  have  them  anyway,  of  course,  because  she  knows  that’s  what’s  expected  of  her,  but  children  just  make  her  wholly  uncomfortable
paints  her  nails  if  her  anxieties  ever  start  to  become  overwhelming
actually  genuinely  interested  in  her  studies  of  magical  law.  the  intricacies  and  politics  of  law  fascinate  her,  and  it  appeals  nicely  to  her  need  for  order  and  control.  she  gets  to  see  the  underbelly  of  society,  the  desperate  and  the  vindictive,  in  a  way  she  wouldn’t  otherwise.
big  bisexual.  someone  please  help  her  realize  she  likes  girls
character  inspo:  petra  solano
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frtescue-blog · 5 years
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–  sydney  park;  20;  she / her  ——  is  that  really  alice  fortescue  ?  it’s  been  so  long  !  did  you  hear,  she  is  studying  to  be  an  auror  ?  from  what  i  remember,  she  was  self  reliant  and  ambitious,  but  also  pretty  cynical  and  self  righteous,  who  knows  after  all  this  time.  word  on  the  street  is,  they’re  with  the  order  of  the  phoenix,  but  that  doesn’t  define  them.
ok  so  quickie  intro  cause  i  don’t  have  a  ton  of  time
alice  was  raised  by  her  uncle  florean  (  of  ice  cream  shop  fame  )  and  his  partner  silas  after  her  parents  died  when  alice  was  only  three  years  old
she  grew  up  in  the  flat  above  their  ice  cream  store,  which  could  definitely  be  more  cramped  than  cozy  at  times,  and  the  store  didn’t  bring  in  a  lot  of  money  –  but  it  was  home
they’d  have  potlucks  every  thursday  night,  her  uncles’  friends  and  fellow  shopkeepers  all  crammed  knee-to-knee  on  their  living  room  couches,  mismatched  chairs  cluttering  the  room  haphazardly,  the  room  full  of  laughter  and  the  scents  of  different  spices
alice  spent  a  lot  more  time  around  adults  growing  up  than  other  kids  tbh  so  definitely  starting  hogwarts  she  was  a  bit  more  serious  and  mature  than  the  other  first  years
flo  and  silas  took  alice  into  muggle  london  often,  on  the  tube  to  visit  the  british  museum,  and  hyde  park,  and  the  cinema,  and  memorably,  london’s  first  pride  march  when  alice  was  twelve
silas  was  a  muggleborn,  and  he  wanted  alice  to  experience  the  culture  he  grew  up  with.  alice  enjoyed  their  trips,  but  she  never  really  understood  their  importance  until  she  started  at  hogwarts  
that’s  when  she  realized  for  the  first  time  how  different  her  parents  had  been  than  her  loving  uncle  flo.  they  had  been  part  of  an  elite  pureblood  society,  who  looked  down  their  noses  at  muggles  and  muggleborns,  who  were  for  everything  uncle  flo  was  against,  and  against  everything  uncle  flo  was  for.  alice  didn’t  know  what  to  think.  she  had  always  imagined  her  parents  to  be  kind,  wonderful  people
strangers  looked  at  her  with  pity  (  poor  little  orphaned  alice  fortescue,  living  with  her  disgraced  uncle  with  barely  enough  to  get  by  )  and  oh  boy  it  made  alice’s  blood  boil
she  was  proud  and  stubborn,  and  determined  to  prove  them  wrong
so  she  threw  herself  into  classes,  and  extracurriculars,  and  spoke  loudly  about  her  belief  systems
alice  faced  a  lot  of  prejudice  growing  up  —  against  her,  against  her  uncles,  about  their  living  situation  —  and  so  now  she’s  got  a  bit  of  a  chip  on  her  shoulder
she  still  does  her  best  to  uphold  the  values  her  uncles  taught  her,  of  kindness and  honesty  and  loyalty,  but  she  also  expects  very  little  from  people
partly  why  she  insists  on  doing  everything  herself  —  she  thinks  other  people  will  disappoint  her.  very  independent  but  also  stubborn
can  take  herself  a  little  seriously  sometimes.  someone  pls  teach  her  to  loosen  up
bit  of  a  muggle  nerd  tbh  thanks  to  silas
always  honest,  sometimes  to  a  fault
not  good  at  taking  constructive  criticism 
BIG  aquarius  sun  capricorn  moon  mood:
in  addition,  you  are  inventive  and  fearless  about  expressing  your  beliefs  and  views.  you  believe  the  individual  is  completely  accountable  for  himself  and  the  flaws  of  others  can  consequently  make  you  impatient.  nevertheless,  you  do  have  deep  humanitarian  persuasions.  you  are  not  mean  or  heartless.  because  you  are  so  independent  and  secure  it  is  hard  for  you  to  comprehend  individuals  who  have  psychological  problems.  tolerance  is  something  you  must  learn.  more  compassion  is  needed  toward  those  who  do  not  share  your  gifts.  ( x )
works  at  the  ice  cream  shop  over  the  summer  and  when  she’s  at  home
all  of  five  foot  four  inches
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selvvyn · 5 years
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– brenton thwaites; 23 ; he/his —— is that really marcus selwyn? it’s been so long! did you hear, he is studying to be a quidditch player? from what i remember, he was dynamic and intuitive, but also pretty chaotic and listless, who knows after all this time. word on the street is, they’re with the death eaters, but that doesn’t define them.  ( zoe; cst; 21; she/her )
marcus has a stats page, a pinterest, & a playlist!! 
marcus was four years old and recently motherless when he decided, for the first time, that he didn’t like rules. 
he was raised from a young age to believe in the power of his name, if nothing else. to believe in the cruelty of beauty, if he needed something else to hold onto at night. it was a poor belief system for a child, but he’d say he came out alright. not great; but then he’d long forged a private belief that people weren’t capable of being great. sometimes he wondered if they were even all that capable of being good.  
marcus hated rules. but  ---  names. something small and tangible and stifling, not quite rules but not quite not. he couldn’t escape names. 
marcus’ father, sebastian, was not an altogether awful man. he was a politician, as many selwyn’s often were. people loved him because he was a beautiful man who wove beautiful words. he was as known for his corruption as for his re-elections. people came to him for favors, he’d hear them out, pull a few strings; always at a price. 
he never asked for more than someone could give  ---  because he’d learned in his own childhood that there was more to be bargained for than money. trust, faith, loyalty, those were far more powerful. he traded in those even more often than he traded in the tangible.
he saved his cruelties for the closed-door happenings at the ministry, turning a blind eye to subsections in laws that hurt people, or made it easier to hurt them. he championed weaponized neutrality. but he presented a good, if slightly crooked, face for the selwyn name. he tried to make sure his son could do the same. it didn’t take much for people to like selwyns, anyway  ---  they were a family of beautiful faces going back as long as anyone could remember, and every other truth about them seemed to fall by the wayside. 
but the thing was  ---  marcus didn’t like rules. society and politics were nothing but rules and he was still a child but he was certain he could never do well under their thumb. it was fine. marcus has always been able to tell that his father wasn’t the type of man cut out to be a father. his cruelties seldom bled out onto his son, but marcus was a solitary kid by circumstance if not choice, raised by a string of nannies and house elves until his dad came home for stilted dinner conversations. it took years for sebastian selwyn to note marcus’ shortcomings. 
they didn’t talk about marcus’ mother, but that was fine. the two didn’t talk about a lot of things. 
sebastian remarried soon after his wife died; another young, pretty pureblood with a dead spouse and miles of history. the two of them had a kid all their own. and while marcus was never his father’s best friend, he never felt like an outsider in their family. 
not being beloved didn’t mean much when marcus knew that no matter what, he’d always be his father’s pride and joy. he expected marcus to be a good man  ---  by a definition of good that meant he being a good selwyn.
marcus didn’t like rules and the prospect of being a good selwyn sure felt like it came with a book full of ‘em. but what could he possibly do about that? it was one thing to break free from the order of the day to go running around outside, to escape his tutors and steal a broom from where his father kept them hidden. it would be another entirely to buck out from under his father’s wishes. 
marcus had nothing against his father. nothing tangible. but he’d always wonder if the things wrong in his wiring were to blame on those years of his life with just his father around. 
maybe if his father had been the kind of man who could be a father, if marcus would be capable of being a half decent person. his half siblings step siblings and his step mother all seem better at being people than he is; even if none of them are quite as good at being selwyns. for the most part, marcus would guess he’s fine with it. he lets his hands be bloodied, if they’re not good for much else.   
( he thinks they’re good for plenty more, of course, but it’s an unspoken rule to keep thoughts like that to himself )
his father was a politician, and politicians have rules. they couldn’t appear too hot-headed, too rash or emotional. every move marcus’ father made felt calculated. even the rote love he gave to marcus felt like a choice he’d come to one day, in the office that marcus was barred from entering. but marcus was a young man. young men could do things that seemed cruel and illogical and if they did them with enough charm, the world would forgive them. 
and so, anytime his father has a favor to call in, something harsh he needed done, he had marcus to call upon. isn’t that why purebloods have sons? so they can fall in line and do the work their fathers can’t anymore? 
marcus knew his father didn’t think of him as smart. he knew a lot of people didn’t think he of him as smart. he didn’t care enough about school or order to come across like someone who knew to play the game. 
( be any way you want, but seem perfect. )
but he noticed things, he’d always noticed them. made note and did nothing with the knowledge but kept it packed up and hidden in the back of his head. he made note when he was fifteen, and it was the first time his father asked him to visit someone he’d helped along, and make a few pointed remarks. marcus worked off the script his father had given him  ---  after all, the man didn’t think him capable of much improvisation, and marcus didn’t care to challenge that expectation.
he did exactly what his father asked. and then he came home and punched his fist through a wall so hard and he had bruises for so long, he didn’t even notice when they faded. 
it was a routine. his father didn’t often ask things of marcus, and when he did, he didn’t so much want marcus as he wanted the selwyn heir. but marcus would do them  ---  because there were some rules you couldn’t break. and when he was finished he’d come home and find something he could break, and that’d be that.
it was easy to live a life by his father’s careful scripts while cheerfully shattering every other script around him. not caring about other people, about classes, about the future he as a selwyn would one day be forced into  ...  it was easy. it was necessary. marcus didn’t like rules and life was full of them, unless you knew which ones to follow and which to throw by the wayside. unless you knew how to burn them to the ground. 
marcus selwyn knew rules, but sebastian selwyn knew people; he had marcus go and talk for him because he knew that deep down, none of them would begrudge marcus. he was painfully youthful, with a stubborn set to his mouth and eyes that turned wild, and, yes, enough charm to make up for all his shortcomings. marcus’ natural carelessness paired with the careful lines fed to him by his father was the perfect recipe for getting away with highway robbery. 
marcus made note of that, too. 
if anyone ever decided to ask him a personal, deeply soppy question, he would say: quidditch was, perhaps, the only thing he loved. there was something about the caress of harsh winds on his cheek and the complete insanity of ground obscured by fog and distance. there were rules in quidditch, yes, but rules marcus knew how and when and why to break them. that was the only important thing about rules. and aside from all that  --  the stupid love and stupid freedom  --  he’s good at it. 
he made captain his fifth year at hogwarts and could have crowed with pride. 
instead he poured all that brash emotion onto a few sheets of parchment that he soon thew in the fireplace. then he wrote his father a very measured letter detailing the accomplishment in clean words and measured phrases. 
writing the things he knew not to say out loud became a routine, then, as much as noticing things had. hell, he wrote the things he noticed, onto the pages of a notebook in dizzy, cramped handwriting. marcus was under no illusions that he was good at writing; but it was necessary. it was a practice he’d started six years ago but he could never keep track of how many journals he’d filled. 
every single one, once written up to the last inch of paper, was burned. marcus hated rules, but he’d made this one for himself, for his own good: leave no trace.
marcus’ father didn’t ask too much of him. mostly marcus figured this was because sebastian thought he knew his son’s limits and didn’t want to become disappointed by asking for something those limits couldn’t reach. 
this was fine. every few months marcus would somehow be given a location printed on fine parchment in his father’s neat hand with, what to say and what to get out of the interaction laid out in unadorned detail. aside from that, the selwyn patriarch did nothing much to corral his son. and because they were selwyns, this wasn’t seen as a shortcoming on the politician’s end. 
marcus would never call his actions self-destructive, because he too knew his own limitations.  ( of course, marcus felt he actually knew them, while his father just assumed shortcomings and planned accordingly. not that marcus much cared  ---  his father used him as a tool. it was hard to expect more of the man after that. )  they were just outlandish and reckless and carried an undercurrent of anger he tried his hardest to only put onto the pitch. 
he didn’t think of himself as charismatic, but he knew he knew how to command a room. 
he didn’t think of himself as smart, but he knew how to figure things out. 
he didn’t think of himself as a liability, but he knew he was a few bad choices away from his father turning to the children he’d had with his second wife.
after school marcus was approached by a recruiter for the montrose magpies and he wanted, more than anything, to jump on the opportunity. quidditch had always been a way for him to channel the energy he didn’t expend on things the world expected him to. but his father balked when marcus told him of this choice. 
the selwyns were always in the publc eye, marcus argued. what’s it matter if i’m a politician or a quidditch star?
but it mattered. sebastian selwyn told his son, dismissal clear in his tone, to give it a few years and see if he still believed such a childish profession was the right path. 
sebastian selwyn might as well have told his son, dismissal clear in his tone, that he didn’t know enough to be trusted with his own future. 
so marcus moved on, resigned himself to more school until he could find the words to sway his father. he figured it would only make marcus a better tool at sebastian’s disposal: when marcus was just the selwyn heir, it was one thing. no one said no to him when sebastian sent him calling. but who would dare touch the selwyn heir who moonlighted as a quidditch star? his father would take time to convince, but marcus had no other choice. 
still  ---  away at university, it was easier than ever to break things once he returned home from appointments his father set him on. it’d been hard at hogwarts and harder at the selwyn home. 
but now marcus didn’t live at home. and marcus, as a selwyn, had enough disposable cash with which to buy small, breakable things. he fast learned how to spell away bruised knuckles and scratched palms and return to practice and classes the next day looking like nothing at all had happened the night before. 
even if he missed one or two, who would ask about them? people expected guys like marcus to have bruised fists and windswept hair and shining smiles. 
his father thought marcus was passable as a selwyn and useful as a son, but the truth was marcus had a talent for seeming exactly as he needed to. the second he felt comfortable joining a professional quidditch team  ( the second he convinced his father or made his first choice against his wishes )  he knew he’d be beloved. 
it was terrifying. marcus knew no one should ever love him that much. 
technically, marcus has never played by the rules. not once in his life. and somehow living that way has given him almost everything he could have dreamed of when he was four and motherless and decided rules were bullshit. he’s mostly got his father’s approval and he’s so close to his dream job. to top it off, he was born a nice smile people like even when he knows they shouldn’t. 
but there’s got to be more, right? there’s a war coming up. marcus doesn’t think his father will ask him to fight in it  ( marcus has always been his tool, not some causes’ )  but it’s impossible to ignore its presence. there’s probably some sort of wartime protocol even marcus should abide by, but at this point he doesn’t know how. 
there’s likely rules for winning and rules for losing and marcus just cannot, will not, bring himself to care about them. come what may, he is determined that nothing in his life will change unless he wants it to. 
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