#respiratory arrest hazard
Number of regulations violated: 8
Unfortunately, before the first chapter has even begun, several safely violations have come up. Technically, very few of the quotes explicitly state that sailors hunting whales are employed to do so, but I thought this was a safe assumption. Most of the regulations relate to fall protection when looking for whales, or a general lack of organized response to the many emergencies that inevitably come up. If I missed anything, please let me know! The regulations are summarized below
That's all for now, and
Stay safe sailors!
Rules broken:
OSH Act of 1970 Sec. 5. Duties
The workplace and employment should be free of hazards that are known to cause serious physical harm or death
It is well established that whaling is a dangerous and often perilous profession, and many quotes discuss employees dying or being seriously harmed
1910.38 Emergency action plans
There must be a written emergency action plan communicated to all employees, including measures to account for all personnel following an emergency. There should also be procedures for attending to medical emergencies
Emergencies happen in numerous quotes, and the missing or harmed personnel are often not properly accounted for afterwards. It is unknown if and how survivors will be treated
1910.132 Personal protective equipment
Employees are entitled to personal protective equipment if necessary to prevent bodily harm
There is so much bodily harm and no protective equipment is ever mentioned
1910.134 Respiratory protection
If an employee is breathing contaminated air, and engineering controls cannot sufficiently eliminate this, they are required to have respiratory protection. A written respiratory protection program must be in place, as well as medical checks, fit testing and adequate procedures and training to maintain the respirator
One quote describes the experience of breathing a whale's unpleasant breath, and subsequent unpleasant physical sensations. This employee should be given adequate protection to counteract this experience
1917.26 First aid and lifesaving facilities
There must be a weatherproof first aid kit and a stretcher in good working condition, as well as blankets and means of communication. At least one person must be certified to perform first aid and all injuries must be reported. A coast guard approved life ring attached to rope, as well as a ladder need to be present anywhere that the employees are at risk of drowning
There are many injuries and even deaths mentioned, but we have no idea how they are treated or reported. If first aid supplies are present in any of these quotes, they have not made it into the novel
1917.95 Other protective measures
Anyone who has a reasonable chance of being pulled into the water while working should be given a PFD and instructed to wear it, and life rings should also be present, depending on the size of the boat. The PFD must also be approved by the US Coast Guard and maintained in good condition
People are on boats in rough seas and fall or jump overboard, and there is no mention of any of them wearing PFDs or anyone using a life ring or buoy to assist them
1917.112 Guarding of edges
If there is a risk of falling more than 4 feet, there must be a guardrail in good condition, or a safety net if the former is impractical
Again, sailors are able to be pulled into the water or easily jump off boats, implying a lack of railing around the edges of boats
1917.118 Fixed ladders
Employees must be facing the ladder while climbing up or down it, and the ladder must not move while an employee is on it. A ladder leading to a landing should have guard rails along the sides and extending above the landing platform, and must not be at an angle greater than 90 degrees from the ground. For a fixed ladder extending higher than 20 feet, fall protection in the form of a ladder cage, well or personal fall arrest system is required
As sailors are described as climbing down rapidly while looking at a whale, they may also not always be facing the ladder. There is no mention of any system to prevent or reduce the impact of falls from the aforementioned ladders. Furthermore, while not explicitly banned except in terms and angle and positioning limits, climbing the underside of ladders is a bad idea! (as was brought to my attention in the notes)
Note: While there are also general requirements regarding ladders, the maritime regulations have been selected instead as they are most relevant
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safeguardsfety · 4 days
First Aid Training for Schools: Ensuring Student Safety in Nigeria
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First aid training is an essential component of ensuring the safety and well-being of students in schools across Nigeria. In emergencies or accidents, having individuals trained in first aid can make a significant difference in providing immediate assistance and potentially saving lives. This article explores the importance of first aid training in Port Harcourt for schools and how it contributes to ensuring student safety in Nigeria.
Importance of First Aid Training in Schools
Immediate Response: First aid training equips school staff, including teachers, administrators, and support personnel, with the knowledge and skills to respond promptly to medical emergencies such as injuries, choking incidents, allergic reactions, and cardiac arrests. This immediate response can prevent a situation from escalating and provide critical support until professional medical help arrives.
Injury Prevention: Apart from responding to emergencies, first aid training also focuses on injury prevention strategies. Educating school staff about potential hazards, safety protocols, and accident prevention measures can significantly reduce the occurrence of accidents and injuries on school premises.
Empowering Students: In some cases, older students may also undergo basic first aid training, empowering them to assist peers or seek help during emergencies. This not only promotes a culture of safety and responsibility among students but also enhances overall preparedness within the school community.
Components of First Aid Training
Basic Life Support (BLS): Training in BLS techniques such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs), and airway management is crucial for school staff to respond effectively to cardiac emergencies and respiratory distress.
Wound Care: First aid training covers techniques for cleaning, dressing, and bandaging wounds to prevent infection and promote healing. It also includes recognizing the severity of wounds and knowing when to seek professional medical assistance.
Medical Emergencies: Educating staff about common medical emergencies like seizures, diabetic emergencies, and allergic reactions enables them to recognize symptoms, provide appropriate care, and initiate emergency protocols.
Choking and Airway Obstruction: Training includes techniques for clearing airway obstructions and performing the Heimlich maneuver, particularly vital in situations where a student is choking and unable to breathe.
Benefits of First Aid Training in Schools
Rapid Response: Trained staff can quickly assess a situation, provide necessary first aid interventions, and contact emergency medical services, minimizing the time between an incident and medical assistance.
Confidence and Competence:  first aid certification in nigeria builds confidence among school staff, enabling them to act decisively and competently in emergencies. This assurance can significantly impact the outcome of medical emergencies.
Legal Compliance: Schools that provide first aid training demonstrate a commitment to student safety and often fulfill legal requirements related to emergency preparedness and duty of care.
Community Safety: First aid training extends beyond the school premises. Trained staff can also respond to emergencies during school trips, sports events, and other extracurricular activities, ensuring continuity of care and safety for students.
First Aid Training in Nigerian Schools
In Nigeria, various organizations and training providers offer first aid training programs tailored for schools. These programs typically cover a range of topics, including:
Basic first aid techniques
CPR and AED use
Wound care and bleeding control
Medical emergency management
Choking and airway obstruction
Injury prevention strategies
Legal and ethical considerations in first aid
Schools can collaborate with accredited first aid training providers, medical professionals, or local emergency services to organize training sessions, workshops, or certification courses for their staff. Regular refresher courses and drills further reinforce skills and ensure readiness to handle emergencies effectively.
First aid training plays a crucial role in safeguarding student well-being and creating a safe learning environment in Nigerian schools. By investing in comprehensive first aid training programs, schools not only fulfill their duty of care but also empower staff with life-saving skills that can make a difference in critical situations. Prioritizing first aid training underscores the commitment to student safety and contributes significantly to building a resilient and prepared school community across Nigeria.
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rekhatech · 4 months
Safeguarding the Heroes of Construction: Ensuring the Health and Safety of Building Site Workers
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Safeguarding the Heroes of Construction: Ensuring the Health and Safety of Building Site Workers
 In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of construction, the men and women who toil on building sites are the unsung heroes shaping our urban landscapes. However, their work comes with inherent health hazards that demand vigilant attention and robust safety measures. This article explores the critical aspects of protecting building site workers from potential health risks, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to ensure their well-being.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The First Line of Defense
The cornerstone of safeguarding construction workers is the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Hard hats, safety glasses, steel-toed boots, gloves, and high-visibility clothing are not merely accessories; they are essential tools that shield workers from various hazards. Employers must prioritize the provision of high-quality, well-fitted PPE and enforce its consistent use on site.
Training and Education: Empowering Workers with Knowledge
Knowledge is power, and when it comes to construction site safety, education is paramount. Workers should receive comprehensive training on potential hazards, safe work practices, and emergency procedures. Regular refresher courses and toolbox talks contribute to a safety-conscious culture, empowering workers to make informed decisions and respond effectively in critical situations.
Health Monitoring and Surveillance
Regular health check-ups and surveillance programs are crucial for identifying and addressing health issues early on. Exposure to dust, chemicals, and noise on construction sites can have long-term health consequences. Implementing routine health screenings not only ensures the well-being of workers but also aids in the prevention of occupational diseases.
Air Quality Management
Airborne contaminants are a significant concern on construction sites. Dust from concrete, silicosis, and other construction materials can pose serious respiratory risks. Employers should invest in effective dust control measures such as proper ventilation, dust extraction systems, and the use of water suppression methods. Monitoring air quality regularly and providing respiratory protection when needed are essential components of a comprehensive health and safety strategy.
Noise Control Measures
Construction sites are notorious for their cacophony of heavy machinery and tools. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can result in hearing loss and other adverse health effects. Implementing noise control measures, such as sound barriers and ear protection, is crucial. Additionally, scheduling noisy activities during designated hours and creating quiet zones can minimize the impact on workers' hearing health.
Fall Prevention and Fall Protection Systems
Falls are a leading cause of injuries and fatalities on construction sites. Implementing robust fall prevention measures, including guardrails, safety nets, and personal fall arrest systems, is imperative. Comprehensive training on the proper use of fall protection equipment and regular inspections of elevated work areas contribute to a safer working environment.
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Musculoskeletal Health: Ergonomics and Manual Handling Training
The physical demands of construction work place significant stress on the musculoskeletal system. Employers should prioritize ergonomic design in tools and equipment, and workers should receive training on proper manual handling techniques. Implementing rotation of tasks and providing adequate rest breaks can mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries.
Emergency Response and First Aid Training
In the event of an accident or sudden health crisis, timely and effective response is critical. All construction site workers should undergo basic first aid training, and readily accessible first aid kits should be strategically placed throughout the site. Emergency response drills should be conducted regularly to ensure that workers are prepared to handle unforeseen situations.
Construction site workers are the backbone of urban development, and their health and safety should be a top priority. Employers, regulators, and workers themselves play pivotal roles in creating a culture of safety that permeates every corner of the construction industry. By investing in quality PPE, providing thorough training, monitoring health, and implementing targeted safety measures, we can ensure that those who build our cities do so with confidence and well-being. After all, a safe and healthy workforce is not just a regulatory requirement; it's a moral obligation to the individuals who dedicate their skills and efforts to shaping the world around us.
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totalpowerenergy3 · 4 months
What are the 4 Main Types of Electrical Injuries?
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Electricity, while indispensable in our daily lives, can also be a silent but deadly force. Its capacity to cause harm, often underestimated, can lead to serious, sometimes fatal, injuries. 
This blog aims to highlight the importance of electrical safety and awareness. Today, we're diving into the four main types of electrical injuries, understanding their causes and symptoms, and, most importantly, how to prevent them.
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Definition: Electrocution is a severe electrical injury caused by a significant electric current passing through the body. This intense experience can result in death or grave physical harm.
Causes: Common causes include direct contact with high-voltage sources, the use of faulty equipment, or inadequate grounding. These scenarios are more frequent than we think and can occur in everyday settings like homes, workplaces, or even outdoors.
Symptoms: The symptoms are immediate and alarming: loss of consciousness, intense muscle contractions, cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, and severe burns. These signs are a clear call for urgent medical attention.
Prevention: The key to preventing electrocution lies in respecting electricity's power. This means avoiding contact with high-voltage sources, ensuring proper grounding, and using safety equipment. Regular inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment are also non-negotiable.
For more in-depth information and practical tips on safeguarding yourself and your loved ones from electrical injuries, check out this resource: How To Prevent Electrical Hazards In The Workplace?
Electric Shock
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Definition: An electric shock is a less severe form of electrical injury characterized by passing a smaller electric current through the body. However, it's still dangerous and can cause discomfort and injury.
Causes: Touching lower-voltage sources, such as household appliances or power cords, is a typical cause. Such incidents often result from a lack of awareness or safety measures.
Symptoms: The symptoms include tingling, numbness, muscle contractions, pain, difficulty breathing, and anxiety. These signs shouldn't be ignored, as they can indicate deeper issues.
Preventing electric shocks involves practical measures like using ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), keeping electrical equipment away from water, and unplugging appliances before servicing.
Electrical Burns
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Definition: Electrical burns are injuries caused by direct contact with electrical sources or the heat generated by sparks or arcs. They're a common and often overlooked consequence of electrical accidents.
Causes: These burns can result from direct contact with live wires, arc flashes, or electrical explosions. Such incidents often happen due to carelessness or a lack of protective measures.
Symptoms: The symptoms range from redness, swelling, and blistering to severe skin charring. In more severe cases, muscle and nerve damage can occur.
Prevention: Wearing protective clothing and gloves, avoiding overloading electrical outlets, and using proper wiring and insulation are effective ways to prevent electrical burns.
Trauma from Electrical Accidents
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Definition: Trauma from electrical accidents refers to physical injuries caused by falls or other incidents related to electrical mishaps.
Causes: These injuries often stem from startled reactions, falls from ladders or scaffolding, or being struck by falling equipment during electrical work.
Symptoms: The symptoms include broken bones, bruises, cuts, and, in some cases, head injuries. These are serious injuries that require immediate medical attention.
Prevention: Using proper safety equipment, being aware of your surroundings, and avoiding working in hazardous conditions are crucial in preventing these types of injuries.
 understanding the four main types of electrical injuries – electrocution, electric shock, electrical burns, and trauma from electrical accidents – is crucial for our safety. These injuries can have severe consequences, and their prevention hinges on awareness and proper safety practices.
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matthewbarnett1990 · 9 months
Common Hazards in Diamond Drilling and How to Mitigate Them
Have you ever wondered about the potential hazards lurking within diamond drilling? As construction and renovation projects push boundaries, it becomes increasingly important to understand the common hazards associated with diamond drilling and how to effectively mitigate them.
Understanding the Importance of Safety in Diamond Drilling
Safety is paramount in the field of diamond drilling, and understanding its significance is crucial for all stakeholders involved.
Diamond drilling operations involve working with powerful machinery, potential exposure to hazardous substances, and working in challenging environments. Therefore, prioritizing safety is not just a legal obligation but also a moral responsibility.
In addition to protecting workers, prioritizing safety also safeguards the overall success of diamond drilling projects.
Accidents or incidents can lead to costly delays, damage to equipment, and disruption of project timelines. By incorporating safety measures from the planning stage through to execution, project managers can mitigate risks, maintain productivity, and ensure the smooth progression of the project.
Hazard Identification in Diamond Drilling
Recognizing Common Hazards in the Diamond Drilling Process
The diamond drilling process encompasses various activities that can pose potential hazards if not properly addressed. It is crucial to recognize these common hazards to ensure the safety of workers and the smooth execution of the drilling project.
One common hazard in diamond drilling is the generation of harmful dust and airborne particles during the drilling process. These particles can contain silica, which, when inhaled, poses a significant health risk. It is essential to implement measures such as using wet drilling techniques, adequate ventilation, and appropriate respiratory protection to minimize exposure to dust.
Another hazard is the potential for noise pollution generated by the drilling equipment. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can result in hearing damage. Therefore, it is important to use hearing protection and implement engineering controls, such as noise barriers or enclosures, to reduce noise levels at the source.
Understanding Potential Risks to Workers and the Surrounding Environment
Diamond drilling projects can introduce risks to both workers and the surrounding environment. Understanding and addressing these risks is crucial to prevent accidents, injuries, and environmental damage.
Workers face potential risks from falls, especially when working at heights or on unstable surfaces. Proper fall protection measures, such as guardrails, safety harnesses, and framing, must be implemented to ensure worker safety.
Adequate training on fall prevention techniques and appropriate safety equipment is essential to minimize the risk of falls.
Water use during drilling can create slippery surfaces, increasing the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Maintaining good housekeeping practices, providing anti-slip flooring, and using appropriate footwear can help prevent these accidents.
Hazards Related to Working at Heights
Working at heights is a common aspect of diamond drilling projects, introducing specific hazards that must be addressed. Falls from heights can result in severe injuries or even fatalities if proper precautions are not taken.
To mitigate the hazards related to working at heights, conducting thorough risk assessments and developing comprehensive fall protection plans is crucial. This includes using appropriate fall protection systems, such as guardrails, safety nets, or personal fall arrest systems, to prevent falls.
Proper training and supervision of workers involved in tasks at heights are essential to ensure they understand the hazards and correctly use fall protection equipment.
Regular inspections of equipment and work areas and ongoing monitoring of workers’ compliance with safety protocols contribute to maintaining a safe working environment.
Safe Handling and Operation of Diamond Drilling Equipment
Training and Certification Requirements for Equipment Operators
The safe handling and operation of diamond drilling equipment requires trained operators. Establishing training and certification requirements is essential to ensure that equipment operators possess the necessary skills and knowledge to handle the equipment safely.
Operators should receive comprehensive training on the specific diamond drilling equipment they use. This training should cover equipment operation, safety protocols, emergency procedures, and risk assessment. Operators should also be educated on potential hazards, safe work practices, and using personal protective equipment (PPE) properly.
Certification programs or licenses may be required to validate an operator’s competency. These programs assess an operator’s knowledge, skills, and ability to operate the equipment safely. Regular refresher training should also be provided to keep operators up-to-date with the latest safety practices and technological advancements in diamond drilling equipment.
Maintenance and Inspection Guidelines for Safe Equipment Operation
Regular maintenance and inspection of diamond drilling equipment are essential to ensure safe and efficient operation. Equipment should be maintained in accordance with manufacturer guidelines and industry best practices.
Establishing a preventive maintenance program is crucial to identify and address potential issues before they escalate into safety hazards. This program should include regular inspections, lubricating moving parts, checking fluid levels, and replacing worn or damaged components. Operators and maintenance personnel should be trained to perform routine maintenance tasks and recognize equipment malfunction or deterioration signs.
Regular inspections should cover critical components such as drill heads, motors, electrical systems, hydraulic systems, and safety devices. Any defects, abnormalities, or signs of wear should be promptly addressed and repaired to maintain equipment integrity and prevent potential accidents.
Proper Handling of Diamond Drill Tools
Diamond drill bits and other tools are crucial to diamond drilling and require proper handling to ensure safety and longevity.
Operators should receive training on correctly handling and storing diamond drill bits. This includes using appropriate tools to secure and remove drill bits, ensuring they are properly installed and securely fastened. Operators should also be educated on safely removing and disposing of worn or damaged drill bits to prevent injuries and potential contamination.
Proper care and maintenance of drill bits involve cleaning and inspecting them regularly. This helps identify any signs of wear, damage, or loss of cutting effectiveness. Worn or damaged drill bits should be replaced promptly to maintain drilling efficiency and prevent accidents.
By ensuring operators are trained in the safe handling of diamond drill bits and other drilling tools, companies can minimize the risk of accidents, optimize drilling performance, and prolong the lifespan of equipment and tools.
The significance of safety cannot be overstated, as it protects workers from potential accidents, injuries, and long-term health risks. It also ensures the smooth and efficient execution of diamond drilling projects, minimizing downtime and optimizing productivity.
Cadriller, a renowned diamond drilling company, exemplifies a commitment to safety and provides expert services while prioritizing the well-being of its workforce.
Training and certification programs for equipment operators establish a baseline of competency, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to operate the equipment safely. By investing in comprehensive training and ongoing education, Cadriller can cultivate a highly skilled workforce that operates confidently and minimizes risks.
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missliz00-blog · 1 year
“A bag valve mask, abbreviated to BVM and sometimes known by the proprietary name Ambu bag or generically as a manual resuscitator or "self-inflating bag", is a hand-held device commonly used to provide positive pressure ventilation to patients who are not breathing or not breathing adequately. The other principal type of manual resuscitator (flow-inflation) is heavily used in non-emergency applications in the operating room to ventilate patients during anesthesia induction and recovery.  "Bagging" the patient [2] and is regularly necessary in medical emergencies when the patient's breathing is insufficient (respiratory failure) or has ceased completely (respiratory arrest).  ? The face mask is properly applied and the "bag" is squeezed, the device forces air through into the patient's lungs; when the bag is released.! Gas inside the inflatable bag portion to be force-fed to the patient via a one-way valve when compressed by the rescuer; the gas is then ideally delivered through a mask and into the patient's trachea, bronchus and into the lungs. In order to be effective, a bag valve mask must deliver between 500 and 800 milliliters of air to a normal male adult patient's lungs. The trachea (or windpipe), so any regurgitation is less likely to enter the lungs, and so that forced inflation pressure can only go into the lungs and not inadvertently go to the stomach.
When using a manual resuscitator, as with other methods of positive-pressure ventilation, the lungs are force-inflated with pressurized air or oxygen. This inherently leads to risk of various complications, many of which depend on whether the manual resuscitator is being used with a face mask or ET tube. Complications are related to over-inflating or over-pressurizing the patient, which can cause: (1) air to inflate the stomach (called gastric insufflation); (2) lung injury from over-stretching (called volutrauma); and/or (3) lung injury from over-pressurization (called barotrauma). The intent is for the force-delivered air or oxygen to inflate the lungs. However air entering the patient also has access to the stomach via the esophagus, which can inflate if the resuscitator is squeezed too hard (causing air flow that is too rapid for the lungs to absorb alone) or too much (causing excess air to divert to the stomach)."[11] Gastric inflation can lead to vomiting and subsequent aspiration of stomach contents into the lungs, which has been cited as a major hazard of bag-valve-mask ventilation,[12] with one study suggesting this effect is difficult to avoid even for the most skilled and experienced users,`
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ziqitzalimited · 1 year
Ziqitza Limited – How to set up an effective medical room in the office
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Setting up an effective medical room in the office is crucial for ensuring the health and safety of employees. The medical room should be equipped with necessary medical supplies and equipment to handle emergency situations, as well as provide basic medical care for minor injuries and illnesses.
Ziqitza Healthcare ltd, India’s leading emergency healthcare service provider lists down key steps involved in setting up an effective medical room in the office.
 ●        Assess the Needs of the Workplace: Ziqitza says the first step in setting up an effective medical room involves assessing the needs of the workplace. This includes understanding the potential hazards and risks that employees may face in their daily work activities. Ziqitza Healthcare says for example, if employees work with heavy machinery or equipment, the medical room should be equipped with supplies and equipment to handle injuries such as cuts, burns, and fractures.
 ●        Design the Medical Room Layout: Once you have assessed the needs of the workplace, you can begin designing the layout of the medical room. The medical room should be located in a quiet, private area of the office, away from distractions and noise. The room should also be easily accessible to employees, with clear signage and directions.
The medical room should be equipped with comfortable seating for patients and medical staff, as well as storage space for medical supplies and equipment. It should also have a sink and running water for medical staff to wash their hands and clean medical equipment.
 ●        Equip the Medical Room with Necessary Supplies and Equipment:  Ziqitza Rajasthan asserts that the medical room should be equipped with necessary medical supplies and equipment to handle emergency situations and provide basic medical care. Shared below are some of the essential supplies and equipment that should be available in the medical room:
●        First aid kit: A well-stocked first aid kit should be available in the medical room, with supplies such as bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, and scissors.
●        Automated external defibrillator (AED): An AED is a portable device that can deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore normal rhythm in case of cardiac arrest.
●        Oxygen tank: An oxygen tank can be used to provide oxygen therapy in case of respiratory distress.
●        Blood pressure monitor: A blood pressure monitor is a device used to measure blood pressure.
●        Thermometer: A thermometer is used to measure body temperature.
●        Eye wash station: An eyewash station should be available in case of eye injuries.
●        Splints and braces: Splints and braces can be used to immobilize and support injured limbs.
 ●        Trained Medical Staff: As per Ziqitza Limited it is absolutely important to have medical staff who are trained and qualified to provide medical care in the office. The medical staff should be trained in basic life support, CPR, and the use of medical equipment such as the AED and oxygen tank. They should also be knowledgeable about the workplace hazards and risks, and be able to provide appropriate medical care in case of an emergency.
●        Develop Medical Room Protocols and Procedures: The medical room should have clear protocols and procedures in place for medical emergencies and routine medical care. ZHL Rajasthan advises that these protocols should be communicated to all employees, so that they know what to do in case of an emergency. Protocols should also be in place for regular cleaning and maintenance of the medical room and equipment.
●        Communicate the Availability of the Medical Room: Last but not the least; Ziqitza Limited Rajasthan asserts that it is important to communicate the availability of the medical room to all employees. This can be done through regular safety training sessions, posters and signs, and other communication channels such as email and intranet. Employees should be encouraged to seek medical care in the medical room for any workplace-related injuries or illnesses.
 Ziqitza Healthcare limited says that setting up an effective medical room in the office requires careful planning, preparation, and communication. An organisation must ensure that its medical room is
Well-prepared to handle any medical emergencies or situations that may arise in the workplace. This can help to prevent serious injuries or illnesses, as well as minimize the impact of any incidents that do occur. Setting up an effective medical room in the workplace has significant benefits, both for employees and for the organization as a whole.
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Basic Life Support: Everything to know
Basic Life Support certification is a must for anyone wishing to work in the medical field. Doctors, nurses, dentists, for instance, require BLS certification. However, not just medical personnel should benefit from this life-saving training. Instead, a brief course that teaches participants how to administer first aid and operate an AED until emergency services arrive on the site would benefit many people in different professions.
Basic Life Support is the term used to describe the kind of care that emergency personnel, medical experts, and public safety personnel offer to people experiencing a heart attack, respiratory distress, or airway obstruction. It involves expertise in treating airway blockages in patients of all ages, deploying automated external defibrillators (AEDs), and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
When BLS is administered promptly and accurately, the victim's chances of survival increase since the victim will be adequately oxygenated, and the likelihood of receiving advanced treatment for resuscitation also increases.
BLS is the foundation of any resuscitation attempt; important components include:
Early identification of cardiac arrest
Make a call for immediate medical help
Early effective CPR 
Rapid defibrillation
Initial advanced life support
Comprehensive post-cardiac arrest care
Who Needs Basic Life Support Certification?
Public employees who routinely perform physically hazardous tasks are the most obvious group of persons who require BLS certification beyond the healthcare industry. Police officers and firefighters, for instance, can benefit greatly from this training.
Furthermore, individuals who work in the gym and other training facilities require this qualification if something happens to any of their clients during or after a hardcore training or workout session. Instructors of yoga, pilates, and aerobics, as well as personal gym instructors and gym owners, for instance, should be familiar with how to react in the event of heart failure or collapse.
BLS training is also recommended for those who intend to work with extremely young or old clients. This could include daycare providers, educators, volunteers in nursing homes, and home health care workers. Even if taking a BLS class wouldn't directly benefit your career, it would still benefit other aspects of your life.
Contact Us
As professionals, EMC CPR & Safety Training understand how vital it is to receive the training you require and do so as effectively as possible. Our BLS courses are taught to the highest level by certified instructors with experience in the field. For more information contact us today!
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doggiefooditems · 1 year
Can dogs eat chocolate? Christmas and Advent are almost approaching, and many people who enjoy the holiday are again turning to chocolate as their go-to treat. But, because chocolate can be hazardous to dogs even in small doses, households with dogs should store the treat carefully. However, how exactly does chocolate poisoning in dogs happen, and what should pet owners do if their dog has already consumed the chocolate? WHY CAN'T DOGS HAVE CHOCOLATE? Chocolate can be hazardous to dogs, even in small amounts. Theobromine, an ingredient in chocolate, is the cause. Due to an enzyme found in their bodies, humans can swiftly break down and eliminate theobromine, a chemical similar to coffee; dogs, however, lack this enzyme. Theobromine can only be broken down very slowly in dogs as a result, and because of its prolonged retention duration in the body, it can cause various symptoms. Additionally, certain varieties of chocolate have trace quantities of caffeine. For dogs, theobromine and caffeine, in particular, can be hazardous. DOG CHOCOLATE POISONING Symptoms A dog may have several symptoms shortly after eating chocolate, including an elevated heart rate, convulsions, and muscle tremors; other symptoms include digestive issues, vomiting, diarrhea, internal bleeding, and respiratory arrest. Additionally, excessive chocolate consumption in dogs might cause blindness. The issue is that the symptoms listed here are typical of poisoning generally and may have been brought on by various causes. Therefore, to eliminate the possibility that the poisoning was caused by theobromine, pet owners should always keep chocolate out of reach of dogs. HOW MUCH CHOCOLATE CAN DOGS EAT SAFELY? The dose is all that matters; even the tiniest doses might cause the symptoms above in dogs. However, the danger is influenced not only by the quantity of chocolate consumed but also by the type of chocolate consumed as well as the size and weight of the dog. Generally speaking, a large, heavier dog may consume more chocolate before showing signs of poisoning than a little dog. Additionally, chocolate variants with a high cocoa content, like cooking or dark chocolate, have the highest theobromine concentrations. Regular chocolate consumption can cause chronic heart poisoning symptoms in dogs. According to studies, dogs who regularly consume chocolate have trouble relaxing their heart muscles, which results in less blood entering the heart. HOW DO I ACT AFTER MY DOG EATS CHOCOLATE? The doctor can then treat the initial signs and aid the animal's circulation. He will typically start removing the poison from the dog's body simultaneously. There is no specific treatment for canine chocolate toxicity. If the chocolate was consumed within the previous hour or two, making the dog throw up might assist. To reduce the absorption of the poisons, the veterinarian may also administer activated charcoal. In more severe cases, a lengthy course of intensive therapy may be started, including supportive therapy involving anti-seizure medications, oxygen therapy, intravenous fluids, etc. Your dog faces a very real risk of chocolate poisoning. Ensure the chocolate is out of your dog's reach to prevent this. Pay close attention during holidays like Easter and Christmas because chocolate is frequently found throughout the house.  How Can Pet Owners Prevent Chocolate In Dogs? The best strategy to prevent the poisoning of dogs is to keep chocolate and other sweets out of their reach. As a result, dog owners should never give their pets chocolate, not even as a treat or a modest snack, at the dinner table. For dogs, chocolate is particularly harmful. If this does occur, a vet needs to be contacted right away. How can I keep my dog safe from the perils of chocolate? Dogs adore sweets much like humans do, so they'll undoubtedly want to eat anything you do. It's crucial to ensure that chocolate is never left lying around within your dog's reach because dogs are likely to consume it if given a chance.
Here are some suggestions to help your dog avoid chocolate: Inform any adults who come in contact with your dog about the perils of chocolate for canines. Keep chocolate out of your dog's reach by placing it in high cabinets. Use a door guard to prevent your dog from entering the dining room and kitchen. When your dog is playing with kids, be present and let the kids know that dogs cannot eat chocolate. Teach your dog the "don't" command to both comply.   Whether you indulge in chocolate on a special occasion or a regular day, remember that it is extremely harmful to dogs. Make sure your pet is secure, and clean the area around them of any chocolate.   Dog ate chocolate: poisoning treatment Unfortunately, chocolate poisoning has no known cause or cure. The sooner you bring your dog to the veterinarian, the more the vet will assist him. Before the poison enters the dog's bloodstream, the vet will try to extract as much of it as possible. An immediate response is crucial for the following reasons: Nothing more can be done at this stage if the chocolate has already been entirely digested. After eating the chocolate, you have a few options within two hours: Activated charcoal is administered during gastric lavage while under anesthesia to induce vomiting. It may also be beneficial to receive vein infusions that boost urine excretion. Dog ate chocolate: It's better to be safe than sorry! Of course, it is preferable if your dog never gets a chance to eat chocolate. Avoid leaving any bars out in the open and store them somewhere dog-proof. Cunning dogs can reach unusual places! Of course, you should watch what your dog consumes in the wild. There are other things besides chocolate that can be harmful. Can dogs also eat chips? It's not worth giving your dog salty foods like pretzels or chips. A dog who eats too much salt could become incredibly thirsty. This necessitates regular trips to the fire hydrant and could result in sodium ion overdose. Conclusion: A dog ate chocolate Dogs should not consume chocolates at any cost. If it does, kindly visit the veterinarian immediately because even a small amount can be fatal.
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The Importance of Confined Space Safety Equipment
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A confined space is a place where hazardous conditions are present. Such hazards may include gases, toxic fumes, chemicals, mists, and bacteria. These conditions can cause respiratory problems and loss of consciousness. Workers who enter such areas must be aware of the dangers and equipped with confined space safety equipment.
Before entering confined space safety equipment, the worker must complete a safety checklist. He or she must also wear fall protection. Depending on the specific requirements of the space, this equipment can be a fall harness, safety belt, self-retracting lifeline, or a specialized retrieval system.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has strict standards for working in confined spaces. Each year, approximately 90 workers die in confined spaces. Those deaths often occur when a worker is attempting to rescue someone else. Rescuers must be equipped with all the necessary equipment and trained to use it. However, two-thirds of these fatalities result from poorly planned rescue attempts.
A vertical entrance to a confined space typically requires a tripod, davit arm, winching mechanism, and fall protection. In addition to the above, a gas monitor and a rescue plan are essential. Besides these, a confined space radio can help ensure that all workers and emergency responders receive clear instructions. Other items of confined space safety equipment include ventilation blowers, air monitors, and toxic gas meters.
As the number of confined space accidents increases, to buy commercial stair gate is becoming more important. With this equipment, hazards can be minimized and accidents can be prevented. For example, a confined space fan can keep a worker from overheating. A confined space fan can also push out toxic gases.
Some confined space hazards are oxygen deficiency, suffocation, and exposure to smoke and dust. Because of these hazards, employers must have a rescue plan and all the necessary rescue equipment on hand. An emergency rescue scenario can occur due to construction accidents or earthquakes. During this time, it is crucial to have a team that can handle the job quickly.
The mainstay of confined space operations is the Davit Arm. This device is available in manual or motorized versions. It can be used to provide a vertical entry into a confined space. Additionally, it can be used to provide stable and safe anchorage for a worker. When attached to a personal fall arrest system, the Davit Arm is a secondary form of fall protection.
Among other confined space safety equipment, a portable aluminum tripod can be used as an enclosed space entry tool. A portable tripod can be set up and moved to various locations. Alternatively, a tripod with a boom-style anchor point and portable base can provide a more sturdy anchorage. If you need a confined space entry tool, the Lighthouse Safety Company has a wide variety of products to choose from.
Another confined space safety equipment item that is a must-have is a confined space permit. Getting a permit ensures that a worker is qualified to work in a confined space. OSHA requires that workers who are required to obtain a permit to enter a confined space undergo special training. Learn more about safety at https://www.britannica.com/topic/safety-condition.
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jofaliefhelel · 1 year
Complications of respiration issues are life threatening you can limit the hazard
Complications of respiration issues are life threatening you can limit the hazard of great complications of respiration troubles by manner of attempting to find early medical care and following the treatment plan you and your fitness care expert layout in particular for you. Complications of respiration troubles may be Cyanosis (bluish of the pores and skin or mucus membranes because of low oxygen), Hypoxia (low oxygen tiers), Respiratory acidosis    AirPhysio  immoderate carbon dioxide degrees inside the frame resulting in abnormally acidic physical fluids and blood), Respiratory arrest and cardiopulmonary arrest and Respiratory failure.  Oscillating  Dodow Reviews  remedy gives the combination of excessive nice expiratory pressure with excessive frequency oscillations. It includes respiratory with a slightly energetic expiration   Purifair Reviews  toward an expiratory resistance via a tool. The thing encourages airflow behind secretions the oscillations set off vibrations in the airway wall to displace secretions into the airway lumen and decrease the viscosity of tenacious secretions. https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/airphysio-device-reviews-2022-does-it-really-work-price-and-where-to-buy-latest-scam-warning-info-news-233276
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7 Ways Coronavirus Changed The Quit Vaping Industry Forever
Quit Vaping 101: The Essential Guide
Table of ContentsThe Ultimate Vaping ChecklistThe Secret That All The Vaping Experts Don't Want You To KnowHow long after vaping do lungs heal?The Intermediate Guide To Hide Your VapeDoes vaping make your teeth yellow?What is the safest vape to use?Is vaping worse than smoking?8 Terms Everyone In The Quit Vaping Industry Should Know4 Hottest Hide Your Vape TrendsWhere Will Hide Your Vape Be 1 Year From Now?What is popcorn lung?How long do you have to vape for it to cause damage?How To Save Money On Stop Vaping
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And when e-cigarettes are utilized with conventional cigarettes, the threats are even higher. "In our human research study, we discovered that chronic e-cigarettes users had impaired blood vessel function, which may put them at increased risk for heart problem. It suggests that persistent users of e-cigarettes may experience a risk of vascular disease comparable to that of chronic cigarette smokers," stated research study leader Dr.
Springer, a teacher of medicine in the Division of Cardiology at the University of California in San Francisco. Nicotine dependency Serious lung injury Seizures Cryptogenic arranging pneumonia (POLICE), previously referred to as idiopathic bronchiolitis obliterans with arranging pneumonia (BOOP) Popcorn lung Strokes Cardiac arrest Studies also show that e-cigarette exposure can minimize lung function, boost airway inflammation and damage the immune system, increasing the danger of breathing infections, according to a 2020 evaluation released in The Journal of Physiology.
Joshua Mansour, a Los Angeles-based oncologist, informed Drugwatch. "Similar to tobacco and cigarettes in the past, it took several years for us to truly comprehend what the full harmful impacts of those items were." EVALI an acronym for e-cigarette, or vaping, item use-associated lung injury is the most serious vaping-related adverse effects.
Patients who are hospitalized frequently need a mechanical ventilator to breathe, and some patients have died after being launched from the hospital. As of Feb. 18, 2020, the CDC reported that a total of 2,807 individuals had actually been hospitalized, including 68 who had actually passed away from EVALI considering that it was initially determined in 2019.
The One Thing About Vaping That Keeps Me Up At Night
Smith and coworkers. Popcorn lung impacts the lung's tiniest respiratory tracts, the bronchioles.
It's linked to diacetyl, a chemical used to taste some foods and electronic cigarette liquids. Like popcorn lung, police officer likewise impacts the bronchioles. However, it likewise triggers swelling in the alveoli the air sacs at the end of the bronchioles and the walls of the small bronchi. Up until just recently, scientists connected seizures to nicotine in e-cigarettes.
More information on seizures and other neurological impacts are required and scientists advise medical workers and the public to report any unfavorable experiences relating to e-cigarettes. More studies are required to better define the link in between heart disease and e-cigarettes. Existing research study has linked vaping to possible heart issues, specifically in individuals who vape and smoke traditional cigarettes.
Why You Should Forget Everything You Learned About Hide Your Vape
In addition, outcomes of a 2019 study released in The American Journal of Medication suggest that dual users of e-cigarettes and combustible cigarettes have "considerably higher odds of heart disease" than those who just smoked standard cigarettes. Research study on e-cigarettes and stroke danger is still doing not have. Studies have actually revealed that vaping affects the lining of the capillary and stiffens them and this is a danger factor for stroke.
According to the CDC, e-cigarette usage is hazardous for kids, teenagers and young grownups. Since e-cigs include nicotine, they may make youths more most likely to smoke cigarettes in the future. In addition, nicotine can damage brain development. A single Juul pod contains as much nicotine as a pack of 20 regular cigarettes, according to the CDC.
One 2021 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research Study and Public Health discovered e-cigarettes were associated with an increased frequency of dry cough and wheezing. Another 2021 study in Scientific Reports found e-cigarettes were associated with a higher prevalence of asthma. Vaping while pregnant isn't safe, according to the CDC.
I Changed My Mind About Hide Your Vape. Here’s Why
In addition to nicotine, flavorings and other chemicals in e-cigarettes may also negatively affect a child's advancement. A 2021 study conducted by Annette Regan and coworkers at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health found that women who used vapor cigarettes during pregnancy are 33% most likely to bring to life low-birthweight children.
Individuals who vape may have a higher threat of cancer than those who don't smoke cigarettes. Even if levels of contaminants and carcinogens are lower in e-cigarette users compared to tobacco smokers, vapor from e-cigarettes includes a number of possibly carcinogenic substances in addition to nicotine such as: Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, chromium, acrolein, N-nitrosamines and others.
Researchers exposed cells from different parts of the body to e-cig vapor and discovered the chemicals caused DNA damage, inflammation and cell death. E-liquid vapor exposes the throat and bronchial airways to carbonyls, carcinogens that react with DNA, trigger inflammation and cell death. Researchers have found that chemicals in vapor cigarette aerosol cause DNA damage and inflammation in lung cells cultured in laboratories.
Learn Stop Vaping In Ten Minutes
Electronic cigarette usage during chemotherapy may minimize chemotherapy efficiency. A March 2021 research study published in Scientific Reports found that head and neck cancer cells exposed to e-cig aerosol were more resistant to the chemotherapy drug cisplatin.
Nicotine makes the brain release a chemical called dopamine in the brain, which leads to a pleasurable feeling. The more an individual vapes, the more addicted they end up being.
Nicotine is a stimulant and this fast absorption impacts breathing, blood circulation and seizures. Accidental consumption of e-liquids can result in poisoning, rapidly affecting the cardiovascular, circulatory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Queasiness and throwing up are the most common symptoms of nicotine poisoning, however some cases can be life threatening. Vaping before surgery can increase the threat of complications, according to the American College of Surgeons.
What We Got Wrong About Quit Vaping
"Studies show cigarette smoking and vaping prior to an elective operation doubles the danger of postoperative pneumonia and increases the risk of a cardiovascular disease by 70%," Dr. Jonah Stulberg, a basic cosmetic surgeon and health services scientist at Northwestern Memorial Medical Facility, Chicago, stated in a statement at the 2020 Medical Congress. They added that cigarette smoking, vaping and cigarette smoking marijuana can increase the risk of breathing issues.
Cigarette cigarette smoking is the leading reason for disease and sudden death in the United States. Even though smoking has gradually decreased in the United States, many options have actually acquired appeal. Examples of alternative tobacco and nicotine shipment items consist of: E-cigarettes or "vaping" Smokeless tobacco Waterpipes These been available in various forms, sizes, and tastes.
The chemicals and contaminants might trigger major illness, including cancer. In 2019, a break out is taking place in the United States of a really serious lung disease associated with the use of vaping devices. The specific reason for this outbreak has yet to be figured out; it is uncertain whether the break out is triggered by e-fluids that contain nicotine or THC and whether the damaging products were purchased "off the street" or in retail outlets.
The Secret That All The Quit Vaping Experts Don't Want You To Know
If you smoke or utilize these products, talk with your medical professional. Inquire about ways to stop. Electric cigarettes are likewise referred to as e-cigarettes, e-cigs, vape pens, or vapor cigarettes. These devices may appear like traditional cigarettes, pens, or USB flash drives. They can be battery run or rechargeable (Can a dentist tell if u vape?). E-cigarettes do not burn tobacco.
The e-cigarette warms the liquid chemicals into a vapor or steam that an individual breathes in, which is why utilizing these is typically called "vaping." While the types and concentrations of toxic substances vary by brand and device, all e-cigarettes consist of hazardous substances. They have actually just been easily available in the United States given that 2006.
Due to the fact that of the risks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took initial actions towards regulating these products in 2016, though there is still restricted policy of the contents of the e-liquids and the devices. As of September 2019, there have actually been more than 800 cases of a serious lung disease, consisting of 12 deaths, in the United States.
Looking Ahead: The Future Of Quit Vaping In 2022
The U.S. Does vaping make your breath stink?. Centers for Illness Control (CDC) reports up until now suggest that many clients with this lung disease reported using items including THC, but many also reported utilizing nicotine - Is it harder to quit smoking or vaping?. Some patients reported just utilizing nicotine-containing e-cigarettes. Given that no single item or compound has yet been connected to the illness, the CDC and the FDA are suggesting that individuals stop utilizing these products.
Cigarette cigarette smoking is the leading cause of disease and early death in the United States. Even though smoking has slowly decreased in the United States, numerous options have gained appeal. Examples of alternative tobacco and nicotine delivery items consist of: E-cigarettes or "vaping" Smokeless tobacco Waterpipes These come in various forms, sizes, and flavors.
The chemicals and toxins might trigger major health issue, including cancer. In 2019, an outbreak is occurring in the United States of a very major lung illness associated with using vaping gadgets. The particular cause of this outbreak has yet to be figured out; it is unclear whether the outbreak is brought on by e-fluids that contain nicotine or THC and whether the hazardous products were acquired "off the street" or in retail outlets.
A Beginner's Guide To Stop Vaping
If you smoke or use these items, talk with your doctor. Electronic cigarettes are likewise understood as e-cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, vape pens, or vapor cigarettes. E-cigarettes do not burn tobacco.
The e-cigarette warms the liquid chemicals into a vapor or steam that a person breathes in, which is why utilizing these is frequently called "vaping." While the types and concentrations of toxic substances differ by brand and gadget, all e-cigarettes contain harmful compounds. They have actually only been readily available in the United States because 2006.
Because of the dangers, the U.S. Fda (FDA) took preliminary actions towards regulating these items in 2016, though there is still limited policy of the contents of the e-liquids and the gadgets. As of September 2019, there have actually been more than 800 cases of an extreme lung illness, consisting of 12 deaths, in the United States.
Will Quit Vaping Survive The Recession?
The U.S. How long after vaping do lungs heal?. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports up until now indicate that most clients with this lung disease reported using products consisting of THC, but lots of also reported using nicotine. Some patients reported just using nicotine-containing e-cigarettes. Considering that no single item or substance has yet been linked to the disease, the CDC and the FDA are suggesting that people stop using these items.
Smoking is the leading cause of illness and early death in the United States. Despite the fact that smoking has gradually declined in the United States, many alternatives have gotten appeal. Examples of alternative tobacco and nicotine shipment products include: E-cigarettes or "vaping" Smokeless tobacco Waterpipes These can be found in various kinds, sizes, and flavors.
The chemicals and toxic substances may trigger major health issue, consisting of cancer. In 2019, a break out is taking place in the United States of an extremely serious lung disease associated with using vaping devices. The specific cause of this break out has yet to be identified; it is uncertain whether the break out is triggered by e-fluids which contain nicotine or THC and whether the damaging items were purchased "off the street" or in retail outlets.
4 Legitimately Awesome Hide Your Vape Products To Buy Right Now
If you smoke or use these items, talk with your medical professional. Inquire about methods to stop. Smokeless cigarettes are also referred to as e-cigarettes, e-cigs, vape pens, or vapor cigarettes. These devices might look like conventional cigarettes, pens, or USB flash drives. They can be battery operated or rechargeable. E-cigarettes do not burn tobacco.
The e-cigarette warms the liquid chemicals into a vapor or steam that an individual inhales, which is why utilizing these is typically called "vaping. Is vaping without nicotine harmful?." While the types and concentrations of contaminants vary by brand and device, all e-cigarettes contain damaging substances. They have only been readily available in the United States considering that 2006.
Because of the dangers, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took preliminary steps towards managing these products in 2016, though there is still minimal regulation of the contents of the e-liquids and the devices. Since September 2019, there have been more than 800 cases of an extreme lung illness, consisting of 12 deaths, in the United States.
Quit Vaping Is Out. Here’s What’s In
The U. Is it harder to quit smoking or vaping?.S. Centers for Illness Control (CDC) reports up until now show that most clients with this lung disease reported utilizing items containing THC, but many also reported utilizing nicotine. Some clients reported just utilizing nicotine-containing e-cigarettes. Because no single item or compound has yet been connected to the disease, the CDC and the FDA are advising that individuals stop using these products.
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Rebound For Life Is What Happens When Other People Are Busy Crying And You Are Busy Making New Plans After A Catastrophe—Historical Devastations Which Have Almost Killed Hong Kong Since 1950s
Pete Seeger composed “Turn! Turn! Turn!” in 1959. He wrote
a time to be born, and a time to die
a time to plant, a time to reap
a time to kill, a time to heal
a time to laugh, a time to weep
to everything (turn, turn, turn) there is a season (turn, turn, turn) and a time to every purpose, under heaven……
The vast devastations, political, economic and health hazards, in the history of Hong Kong did not destroy but raised us to greater heights of ability to survive. We can trace our proud ancestry through these past struggles. In fact, the devastations have made Hong Kong very different from other places in Asia and so a uniquely charming city gone down in history.
In our old days, there were 3 incidents of violent rivalry between the establishment vs the people. In 1967, street protests and fights occurred under the influence and in the backdrop of the Cultural Revolution taking place in China. There were people who were either shot down dead or killed by bombs. My mother forced us to stay at home at all times. Schools were closed. Tear gas was often deployed in riotous scenes near our house in Wan Chai and we always kept windows shut.
I was told that back in 1956, the pro-Taiwan and pro-Chinese Mainland political supporters fought fiercely in Sham Shui Po. Soon, Hong Kong was convulsed by deadly violence. The city became in chaos.
As we can remember not long ago, street conflicts in 2019 were stirred over the ‘Rendition Bill’ legislation dealing with fugitives. Thousands were arrested, inevitably many were injured and some unfortunately died. By mid-2020, the serious commotion led Hong Kong government to declare the restoration of peace and stability with the imposition of the National Security law.
Sometimes, it takes a social or natural disaster to reveal the highest human qualities such as hope, love and endurance. No tragic disaster can destroy the treasures of our heart. Despite all these hardships, people in Hong Kong managed to live, continue and exist. To believe in future can help us overcome all the above unbearable situations because we try to envision a better tomorrow at the end of the dark tunnel.
It is recorded that Hong Kong has been hit by death-dealing health plagues for nearly 25 times since 1843. The heart-breaking ones are never forgotten. In 1914, 1,300 people were killed by the Black Death epidemic. In 1937, 1,000 victims died of cholera. In 1970, 1,500 lives were taken away by tuberculosis. In 2003, we lost almost 300 patients due to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). At present, the death toll caused by COVID-19 has been more than 10,000 and the figure is still rising…Mamma Mia, we still cannot get rid of the Omicron nightmare in Hong Kong right now!
The writer Gene Wolfe humorously put, “You think whatever is wrong with you is contagious? Yes, but you had it already. You caught it from your mother. Death!” We are the humble beings that have to die when it is time for us to die. We can do very little but just try hard to survive.
No one should ever ever have a good reason for suicide. It is especially not sensible for some in economic crisis to end their life. ‘Bankruptcy’ in Hong Kong is a legal solution which can be adopted by a person who is unable to repay outstanding debts. His debts will be written off after 4 years of bankruptcy.
Tragedy is timeless. The overarching theme for an economic crisis is always that many will become poor but a few will painstakingly find ways to become rich; and on that note, Hong Kong has transitioned from a number of well-known economic catastrophes: 1973 Stock Market Crash (caused by oil crisis), 1981 Economic Slump (Sino-British’s talk over the political future of Hong Kong failed), 1987 ‘Black Monday’, 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and 2008 World Economic Recession. Hong Kong took great pride in having been able to overcome these economic downturns and seek the opportunities to reform as a result of all these lessons. The governing fundamentals in our city are still strong but we have to watch out the future balance of power management—Hong Kong does have to be a very international city if it wants to maintain its status as the economic centre in Asia.
We can never tell what goes on in between Hong Kong is and what it will become. The uncertainty of destiny of a city is always a blue and scary section of hell. No one is able to give us the map which can put Hong Kong continuously on the map. Rebound for life is what happens when other people are busy crying and you are busy making new plans after the COVID holocaust! This is why I am now busy packing my bags for my 1st trip to Thailand since 2020! Oh my gosh, 3 years have passed!
Devastation never ends, and hope never melts too.
Chinese Version 中文版: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lan-de-xi-xu-xin-76194473?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Song – “Turn! Turn! Turn!”  https://youtu.be/snZKnES4ng4  Acknowledgement – Classic Hits
Song – “The Windmills of Your Mind”  https://youtu.be/WEhS9Y9HYjU  Acknowledgement - Noel Harrisonfan 
Tips on Hong Kong Airport  Arrival in 2022  https://youtu.be/rol6Fsu8z-c  Acknowledgement-The Walk  Street Channel 
Popular places in Bangkok  https://youtu.be/FaVIuwTpxIo  Acknowledgement-KKday Taiwan
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How To Use a Safety Harness on a Roof
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Avoid severe injury and death from falling off a roof. Knowing how to use a safety harness when on a roof can save you from catastrophic injuries.
atlantacommercialroofingcontractors.com gathered the following information and tips about using safety harnesses and other life-saving equipment.
What is a Roofing Harness?
A safety harness is a roofer’s best protection from deadly falls. Selecting the correct fall protection harness and properly using it will protect you from falls and serious injuries. Fall protection harnesses are only one option among several fall protection systems. However, they are widely used by residential and commercial roofers.
How To Use a Roof Safety Harness
The following are the main steps to properly use a roofing safety harness.
Check Your Harness – Before using any safety harness, make sure the webbing is in good shape and not frayed.
Fall Clearance Calculation – One of the most critical safety factors is verifying that you have an adequate fall clearance distance (typically three times your height).
Attach Your Harness – Attach thigh, hip, waist, chest, and shoulder straps and clip onto an anchor point that will hold you from falling off the roof.
Hook on Your Lifeline and Rope Grab – The lifeline and rope grab are different ropes. A lifeline is a line connecting your lanyard and rope grab to the harness and anchor point. The rope grab helps you keep yourself stable on the roof.
Lanyard (Fall Protection) – Your lanyard is the fall protection that’s required to ensure you stay safe on the roof. It’s a simple shock-absorbing system that helps reduce the severity of a fall.
Tip: All commercial and residential roofing companies must have their crews trained in fall prevention and the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
How Does a Safety Harness Work?
Similar to a repelling harness, the adjustable buckles and straps are strategically located in body areas that will easily support the wearer’s weight. These key areas of the body include the shoulders, chest, pelvis, and upper thighs.
Safety harnesses work by distributing the force of a fall over a large area of the body, ensuring that the roofer remains suspended in an upright position after a fall has occurred. In short, safety harnesses are designed to catch a person in case of falling while working at height.
Do Roofers Have to Wear a Harness?
Where OSHA is concerned, there is NO SAFE DISTANCE from a roof’s edge. To protect roofers and roofing maintenance workers, you must have rails, fall arrest systems, or a warning line/safety monitor, no matter where you are working.
What is the Difference Between a Harness and a Safety Belt?
A safety or body belt fits only around a person’s waist, whereas a safety or body harness fits around a person’s legs, arms, and torso.
Note: Per OSHA, Body or safety belts are not acceptable in a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) because they can cause severe injury during a fall.
Are Safety Harnesses Considered PPE?
Yes. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) includes anything used or worn (including clothing) to minimize risks to a person’s health and safety. This can consist of respiratory protective equipment, hearing protection, eye protection, protective clothing, and safety harness systems.
Fall Protection Training (OSHA)
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According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employers must provide fall protection training for all workers who may be exposed to fall hazards. Such training must be conducted by a trained/qualified person and include information on recognizing fall hazards and on what procedures to follow to minimize them.
Training must address how to properly inspect, erect, disassemble, and maintain the fall protection equipment used in an installation, repair, replacement, or inspection job. Retraining is required when:
Previous training becomes obsolete (changes in work conditions, fall protection systems, or equipment)
When worker performance indicates a need for it
Employers must certify that workers have been trained by documenting it in accordance with OSHA’s Certification of Training.
Can Roofers Fall Through a Roof?
Yes. While many more roofers fall off the eaves and rakes than fall through the decking of a deteriorating roof, roof opening, or skylight. However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) notes that the recent number of employees falling through roof openings and failures is on the rise.
Roof Safety Harness
In this article, you discovered essential information and tips on proper safety harnesses usage for any roofing activities.
Knowing how to properly use and attach a safety harness will minimize or prevent the possibility of severe injury resulting from a fall off a roof.
Ignoring the requirement for safety harnesses while working on a roof can result in catastrophic injuries, hospitalization, and death from a fall.
Sources: cdc.gov/niosh/docs/90-100/default.html osha.gov
For the original version of this article visit: https://atlantacommercialroofingcontractors.com/how-to-use-a-safety-harness-on-a-roof/
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drwcn · 4 years
How to Write a Realistic Hospital Au/Setting
Because I’m frustrated with real life work stuff :( I’ve decided to distract myself by doing this. Disclaimer: I obviously only have my own country (the Handsome Ryan Factory) as reference, so if this isn’t how it is where you’re from, sorry. :/
The Environment
Hospitals do not smell like disinfectants. Hospitals smells like....nothing. If it’s a nice hospital and the facilities are relatively new/renovated, hospitals are generally scentless places (the ventilation system is better). The only time it’ll smell like disinfectants is when the housekeeping staff just cleaned a room after a patient has been discharged. Older hospitals and units like internal medicine which takes care of a lot of longer term patients and older folks smell...well not great. It seems like people and bodily fluids.  
Hospitals are cold. The OR is even colder (unless for whatever reason you need it to be warm for a specific procedure). 
Background noise. There are machines making noises the background, little beeps of the IV pumps or the heart monitor. Normal beeps are slow, alerts are fast. 
Intercom - every time something happens that requires a code to be called, it’ll come on the intercom and the entire hospital hears it. Common ones are: code blue = adult cardiac arrest (ex: Code Blue - K6, Code Blue K6) They tell you what the code is and where to go. The code team (usually an ICU team) will show up. Code pink = neonatal cardiac arrest. Code red = fire. Code yellow = missing patient. Code white = violent encounter (security will be called up). Code orange = external disaster (a train derailed). Code Silver = deadly weapons (gun, knife). Code Brown = hazardous spill. Code Black - bomb threat/suspcious object. Code Green= evacuation Etc. 
There will be rooms on “precaution”. Signs will show up on certain doors/rooms, because that patient might have some kind of communicable disease through contact/droplet/air. 
The Staff
Nurses are not rude (unless you’re writing a rude character). I see a lot of “the good tough nurse” caricatures where it’s like jab and shove - No. A good nurse can be assertive, can be knowledgeable, can be no non-sense, but they shouldn’t be rude and patient consent is always present. If a patient says they don’t want a shot, they don’t get the shot. No matter how seasoned, how tough, how burned out a nurse is, everyone is habituated to start a conversation with introducing themselves. “Hi, Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss ____, my name is _______ and I will be your nurse today.” Once the nurse and the patient is acquainted with each other, they can be a little bit more casual. 
Hand washing is a constant thing. The most often thing you see is staff rubbing their hands together in and out of rooms because they just pumped a handful of hand sanitizer. 
There are other people other than the medical and nursing staff. Personal Support Workers (PSWs) are very present and they help with the washing and the bathing, and changing incontinence briefs. Nurses also do this as well in some hospitals. You might see Nurse Managers come around for administrative stuff (ie discharge), Physiology Therapy and Occupational Therapist will make their rounds on those that need it (especially after an accident), Speech Language Pathologists for those with swallowing problems after a stroke. Social Worker for those who are going through a difficult life situation. 
The medical team gets confusing. Because there are medical students (clerks), junior residents, senior residents, and there are attendings. Your patient character can be confused. 
Internal Medicine - the “ologys” : general internal medicine is where typically a lot of folks get admitted. The doctors who take care of these people are internists. Other popular sub specialties of internal medicine that sometimes get their own wing/unit are: cardiology, neurology, respirology and oncology. If a specific specialty is needed, the doctors of that specialty is paged for a consult.  
Surgery - do not have every surgical specialty in one team. That’s not how the surgical teams are divided. If one of your character is in Gen surg, and the other is in Neuro, they’re not gonna be spending their day constantly bumping into each other unless their surgeries are adjacent OR rooms for some reason. Their patients probably won’t even be on the same unit. 
If you’re writing surgery, don’t forget Anesthesiology. Patients coming out of surgeries can either go to PACU  Post Anesthesia Care Unit or the ICU (intensive care unit). 
Specialists can read scans by themselves, but most of them time, they need a Radiologist to do it. Biopsies are processed and read by pathologists. 
The Action 
If a patient flat lines, don’t “shock” or defibrillate them. TV shows constantly gets it wrong. The only two shock-able rhythms are ventricular fibrillation (V-fib) and ventricular tachycardia (v-tach). (There are other pathological rhythms that require cardioversion, but we won’t get into it). Your fictional patient could still have a rhythm and be unconscious. 
If a patient is unconscious or has either V-fib or V-tach or flatlined, call Code Blue. Literally have one of your character say it, “Call Code Blue.” Or press the code blue button that’s above the bed on the wall. 
If a patient flat-lines, your characters should start CPR and inject epinephrine (1mg and every 3-5 minutes). 
Don’t “lost 3L of blood”. If they did...they’re gone. Exsanguinated...unless they’re being transfused at the same time. A 70 kilo man typically has 5L of blood. A lot of preg fics have the woman lose a ton of blood during childbirth. Remember 500cc or 500 mL of blood in a nonsurgical setting is considered hemorrhage, and 1L in surgical setting. As a 5′3′’ female I can tell you I probably only have 2-3L of blood in my body. 
Things to talk about in conversation between two staff: heart rate (normal in adult 60-100), blood pressure (ex” 120/80 systolic/diastolic) normal systolic 100-140 normal diastolic 60-90); respiratory rate (normal 12-20 per minute), O2Sat (you want most people above 95%), temperature.
Red blood cell count and hemoglobin being low indicate anemia. High white blood cell count typically mean infection. Electrolytes can be out of wack: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, are some of the typical ones. Blood pH can be either high or low. High pH is alkalosis. Low pH is acidosis. 
Hypothermia (because this is a popular one). Don’t do what Rose did in Titanic. You’re not dead until you’re warm and dead. Rewarming for severe hypothermia should be slow and in a hospital setting. For mild to moderate hypothermia, if it helps with your plot, yeah they can cuddle skin to skin. 
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