#repressed gay × oblivious but stubborn bisexual ftw
khruschevshoe · 11 months
The only valid interpretation of enemies to lovers is when it is combined with the "X fell first, but Y fell harder." Like, X has been in so much love for so long that it feels like it's going to burn them from the inside out bc they're enemies, and they can't be together, and every time they think about Y they feel like they're touching a live bonfire that will one day destroy them, while Y is completely oblivious, insisting they hate X who is "annoyingly attractive, it's not fair" until the moment the revelation bonks them over head and they are immediately like "welp, looks like I'm in love and I refuse to live without X, they are not allowed to bury themselves away from me bc we WILL take on the world together whether they like it or not. No, I will not burn them, we will burn the world together, you hear me?" Also, they're gay. Also necessary. In this essay I will—
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