#repeal Roe
ot3 · 6 months
Its just fucking exhausting that the second the you try to point out the fact that misogyny is still a huge cultural force and you can't understand significant amount of the world's suffering without using feminism as a lens people are gonna call you a terf regardless of what your actual stance on trans women is.
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death-rebirth-senshi · 2 months
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Not to be insufferable nor to minimize the current increased fervor and momentum of Republicans or their current increased ability to get this stuff done with the Supreme Court packed in their favor, I just want to bitch and moan: so business as usual then
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queen-mabs-revenge · 6 months
every time i see a liberal try and browbeat someone who rightfully expresses withholding their vote from a party that is currently financially, politically, and rhetorically supporting an actual genocide by screaming 'UHHH PROJECT 2025???'
i'm just like...
ok so where is the democrat party's project 2025 then?
'vote for us without caveat or demand -- brush aside state-sponsored genocide under democrat power -- bc the other side has a clear and itemized plan to enact their ideology' ok and where's yours, oh great protectors of the oppressed?
or would you then be forced to admit that you don't have one because sop for the dems for decades is to to scold votes based on 'harm reduction' while standing for absolutely nothing.
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
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Planning for a second Trump administration is taking place now.
The most recent revelations...
More Christian Nationalism. A lot more.
More Abortion Restrictions.
Less Medicaid.
On that third measure, remember that MAGA Republicans never stopped trying to repeal Obamacare. They hate having anybody except the wealthy getting decent medical care.
GOP lawmakers cautiously open to Trump's ACA repeal push
And of course that doesn't count the ongoing "dictator" talk. Far right intellectuals are in love with what they call "Red Caesarism".
‘Red Caesarism’ is rightwing code – and some Republicans are listening
In June, the rightwing academic Kevin Slack published a book-length polemic claiming that ideas that had emerged from what he called the radical left were now so dominant that the US republic its founders envisioned was effectively at an end. [ ... ] In a discussion of possible responses to this conspiracy theory, he wrote that the “New Right now often discusses a Red Caesar, by which it means a leader whose post-Constitutional rule will restore the strength of his people”.
Yeah, their euphemism for dictatorship is "post-Constitutional rule".
Charles Haywood, a former industrialist the Guardian exposed last month as the founder of a secretive fraternal lodge and a would-be warlord, wrote in 2021 that “I like, if not love, the idea of Red Caesar” since “Caesarism, and its time-legitimated successor, monarchy, is a natural, realism-based system, under which a civilization can flourish”. The idea has been lodged in the broader sphere of conservative debate in the rightwing writer Stephen Wolfe’s book The Case for Christian Nationalism, in which he proposes a “Christian prince” whose rule would be “a measured and theocratic Caesarism”, and might perhaps be installed by “a just revolution” against secular rule.
The "Red Caesarism" thing is linked to Christian nationalism (see above).
When I think of Red Caesarism and Christian nationalist rule, this book comes to mind...
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BTW, are you registered to vote? Have you or like-minded friends moved since the last election? Voting is based on address; you must register with your new address – even if it's just down the street.
Be a voter | Vote Save America
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english-mace · 11 months
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purpleisnotacolor · 11 months
Happy Roe Repeal Day!
...to all the kids who were saved one year ago.
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Bonus unplanned tadpole hatching:
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newvegasdyke · 10 months
When I get too mad about misogyny like so mad that it’s hurting me psychically I mentally work on one of my fan fictions. Where my most unhinged courier gets to have a little meeting with cook-cook. It doesn’t go well for him
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pebblysand · 2 years
Keep your shitty Twitter moral outrage off of Tumblr. They are different platforms. Go & bitch there. Why am I telling you this? Because I don't know you, yet I saw your crap as a "you might like..."
as someone whose mother was protesting in the streets in the 70s, as someone who marched and campaigned for choice in ireland herself just five years ago, i never thought we’d be back here so soon. should i fish my #repeal jumper out of my closet already? is that what this is? how is it that this keeps happening again, and again, and again? how do we perpetually have to fight for what are basic human rights?
so, for the record, no, i will not keep my outrage off tumblr, (or off twitter, for that matter). i will post, reblog, like, and march in your streets until you cannot drown out the noise. you picked the wrong person for this, mate, i have history. as we used to say in dublin in 2017, you,
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thank you.
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doculicious · 1 year
Thank you Governor Whitmer and Michigan for removing female reproductive bodies from the criminal code.
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meteormemoirs · 2 years
So this tweet gave me a lightbulb moment regarding some strange treatment I’d been receiving with nurses whenever I’d go over my medications before seeing a doctor, all thanks to a bug in the system.
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When I had an IUD put in years ago I was prescribed misoprostol to make the insertion easier. I also received a local right before and it still hurt. Note that I told my OBGYN I wanted everything done to make it as easy as possible, and since I have cerebral palsy she was sympathetic. I don’t know if she would have done the same for other patients, but I absolutely feel if your doctor were to deny you anything you should seek a new doctor… though getting one might be much harder now, I don’t know. Other people have said it’s more painful than giving birth when getting one inserted without anything to dull the pain—and like I said, even after all that it still wasn’t pleasant.
Anyway, due to a bug in the system misoprostol keeps showing up on my list of current medications. Though it’s still just the one pill. So when nurses go through the list I’ve had some loudly gasp and say the name in horror. Since it’s been years (I don’t even have a uterus now), it takes me a moment to catch up. By then the conversation has shifted from pleasant business as usual to icy judgment. They’re looking at me like I’ve done something horribly wrong, demanding an explanation, while I’m struggling to remember wtf that single pill from years ago was for and why it’s still on the list. They never explain, they just wait, like I should know, monster that I am.
“Oh… right, that was to take before an IUD insertion years ago,” I say. “I don’t know why it’s still on there.”
More than one nurse has replied, “Right…” in the same tone as ‘likely story.’
And while I’ve had my doctor take it off himself with his special elevated system permissions, it keeps popping back up. And this keeps happening. Cheerful conversation grinds to a halt. Nurses that were friendly turn cold. I didn’t get the big deal because I had no idea of the drug’s other use—but they did. And this is the south. When I drive by the local abortion clinic (still open because this is NC) on the way to another doctor, people are always outside with signs.
I still wouldn’t say it’s worse than the time someone put my pronouns on my chart without my knowing, but it’s still pretty shitty they not only make assumptions about the real reason for the drug, given the IUD no longer shows up in tandem to explain it, but judge me for it. What would it matter if it was for any other reason? Abortion or miscarriage? I swear, I seem to have a knack for running into the worst nurses.
Then again, I did have a good experience with a nice, if extremely chatty nurse who connected my last seizure with my last flu shot, and told me that break through seizures are common with vaccines, and I really shouldn’t even count those for not driving. For all the times I checked the “seizure disorder” box when getting a vaccine, no one ever bothered to warn me that could happen. So politely listening to her talk about her kids was worth it for that.
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yessoupy · 2 years
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Click through for Texas-specific, time-sensitive information regarding abortion laws in our state.
[posted in the late afternoon of 27 june 2022]
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loveaankilaq · 2 years
The way I havent seen a single white person even reblog a post calling awareness that the ICWA is going to be put under review and likely reversed is really telling. White gays ngl probably want that so they can steal our children to seem "progressive" to their white friend circle.
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blairwaldcrf · 1 year
sometimes I forget that white cishet people have the privilege of not worrying about losing (more) fundamental rights until my family sends me tiktoks of white men saying if we're more loyal to this country we'll stop being divided 🥴💀
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
Filthy rich Republicans wish to tax poor people more so that the rich can get even more tax brakes when the GOP is in power. That's pretty much the story of Eric Hovde.
Hovde is running against incumbent Wisconsin US Senator Tammy Baldwin.
Wisconsin is a fairly moderate state. But it features some of the most despicable Republicans outside the old Confederacy.
In 2017, Sunwest Bank CEO Eric Hovde advocated for reforms that would raise taxes for 72 million Americans, including retirees and low-income earners. Hovde, a Republican, is expected to announce a U.S. Senate campaign in Wisconsin soon. Hovde, who has been endorsed by national Republicans to challenge Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin in 2024, made the proposal in a Nov. 18, 2017, appearance on the radio program “The Vicki McKenna Show.”  [ ... ] Analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found the plan would have also raised taxes for middle- and working-class families as well as retirees. “More than 80 percent of the tax increase would be paid by households making about $54,000 or less, and 97 percent would be paid by those making less than about $100,000,” wrote Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow with the organization. “Low-income families with children would pay the most: Achieving Scott’s goal would slash their after-tax incomes by more than $5,000, or more than 20 percent. A Scott-like plan would raise taxes on middle-income households by an average of $450.” Scott’s plan failed to pass, but he has not given up pushing for it. If Hovde were to join him in the Senate and support the measure, it could gain traction. In Wisconsin, Scott’s plan would have raised taxes for 32% of people, according to analysis by the nonpartisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. 
Hovde wants to take away your healthcare in addition to raising your income tax (if you're not a millionaire).
Hovde ran unsuccessfully in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate in 2012, and during that campaign he called for a total repeal of the Affordable Care Act, which in 2022 made it possible for 212,209 individuals in Wisconsin to obtain affordable health insurance coverage.
The Eric Hovde and Donald Trump Agenda: Take Away Critical Health Care Protections From Wisconsinites
Hovde doesn't even live in Wisconsin. Just sayin'...
Bice: Eric Hovde may run for Senate in Wisconsin, but he's living large in Laguna Beach, California
Did I mention that Eric Hovde is an anti-abortion fanatic.
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duckslif3 · 2 years
oh btw kansas saw record breaking turnout for a primary election yesterday and resoundingly voted AGAINST a change to the constitution that would make it legal for lawmakers to ban abortions for any reason. they may have tried to hide the amendment vote inside a primary ballot but that didn’t stop anyone and everyone from turning out to say fuck you to those pro-l*fe fucktwits
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t0mbtomes · 1 year
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Mary on the cross
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