#remove every blush every butterly in the stomach- can it still be viewed as a meaningful and adoring relationship
i-spilled-my-soup · 1 year
any personal brainrot you've been having of nico and will?
them being friends. both with a desire to help people out of guilt or duty, but feeling incapable to do so. becoming rivals out of mutual envy for the other's ability. eventually recognizing the flaws in the other and acknowledging each other as equals and comrades in their cause. gaining newfound skill as a result of self-reflection and collaboration. confiding in one another, as from the beginning they'd never shied away from argument, and have now found comfort in constructive conflict. genuinely listening to each other out of true respect and compassion. learning to take care of themselves because they've learned to see the value in their own lives. learning to cherish life without fear for its fragility, or trying to do so. friends
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