#remind me to go insane over that snake cage shot later
trashcanalienist · 2 years
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Sly as John Rambo in Rambo (2008)
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darquedeath4444 · 6 years
First Time to See the World
Sasuke felt as though his heart was trying to make it's way up his throat.
The last thing he had seen was Sakura's piercing green eyes, shades darker than what he was used to, before they had vanished under the layers of sand.
Beside him, Naruto sounded like he was beginning to hyperventilate. "Kakashi-sensei!" The blond yelled. "You've gotta do something!"
Sasuke shot Kimimaro the darkest glare he could muster, but the Kaguya had turned away from them a while ago. He was watching the battlefield, mouth slightly open and breathing heavily.
An uneasy murmur passed through the crowd and Sasuke turned back to the fight. Gaara flexed his fingers, as though he was confirming something, before he slowly began to clench his fist.
Suddenly, there was a flash of movement in the corner of his eye and beside him, Kimimaro fell to his knees with a groan.
Sasuke whipped around to look at the Kaguya and the first thing he noticed was that the older teen was shaking, his arms wrapped protectively around himself. His eyes were dilated to the point he looked insane and a second later, the wave of Killing Intent hit him with enough strength to make his stagger back a few steps.
There was an explosion from the battlefield which once again called back the attention of the audience, who had collectively expected the battle to have been over with Gaara as victor.
Instead they saw Sakura, standing on top of a mountain of sand, wearing an armor of bones and a look of intense, utter pleasure of her face.
What appeared to be Sakura's rib cage had extended and torn right through her skin, curling protectively around her. Her limbs had been reinforced as well, and Sasuke could see the bones moving beneath her flesh, as though she had snakes living under her skin.
For a second, she seemed so far away.
Sakura squared her shoulders and rolled out their stiffness. "You're great. You're really great!" She giggled. "Like-I don't know!" She took a shuddering breath and straightened. "You're amazing. Did I tell you that?"
Gaara's eyes narrowed into slits and the sand around him began circling threateningly around him.
Sakura seemed to take his silence as some sort of answer that pleased her and her smile widened. "Shall we continue?"
Gaara's reply came in the form of a sand claw. Sakura pulled back her boned fist and the sand structure shattered under the force of the blow. She leaped into the air and ran along the second claw, once again in the air before it could change forms to attack her.
One second, she was sweeping down on Gaara and in the next, she was gone.
Surprised gasps went up from the crowd, because when Sakura had previously displayed her speed, they had managed to catch glimpses of her movement. However, this time, the only thing left of her presence was Gaara flying across the arena. The redhead managed to catch himself before he crashed into the wall. He seemed to have learnt that trying to block her attacks wouldn't work, and had adjusted his sand so that the sand cushioned him when he went flying.
The pinkette landed on the sandy arena grounds, looking extremely pleased with herself. "Oh come o-"
The sand under her feet shot up, once again wrapping around Sakura. The girl yelped and one of her arms tore through the cocoon. Gaara once again clapped his hands together. "Ryusa Bakuryu"
The levels of sand began rising again. Sakura tore through her bindings and raced up the wall, perching herself a safe distance from the redhead.
Sasuke watched her glancing around, like she was checking the distance between her, on the roof, and Gaara, on a mound of ever rising sand, and reached behind her. "Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru!” She shouted, and then she proceeded to extract what normal people would call the spinal cord.
There were shocked gasps and Sakura relished in the gazes on her. She could see several shinobi from Mist staring at her with wide eyes and knew that her existence would be making its way to the Mizukage's ears soon.
This was the power of the Kaguya.
This was the power Kirigakure had thrown away.
Her gaze landed on Kimimaro, who was looking up at her with the same intensity she felt.
The last of the Kaguya clan, two of the most powerful ever born, had been reunited in Konoha on friendly terms. Perhaps it was meant to be.
Sasuke turned to look at Kimimaro, who was now clutching at the rails with enough force to leave a dent. "You-" He froze and slowly turned to glance over at him.
Above them, Sakura lifted her left arm, eyes narrowed. "Tessenka no Mai: Hana." Bones tore out of her skin and began wrapping around her arm, forming a sharp point at her hand.
It was as though she had a drill growing out of her arm.
"Don't..." Kimimaro whispered.
Sasuke rounded on him. "What? Is that technique dangerous for her?" He demanded.
"She pulled out her spine 'ttebayo!" Naruto exclaimed.
"It is in the nature of the Kaguya to use our bones in battle,” Kimimaro said. "That itself is not excruciating."
"But?" Sasuke asked, voicing the unsaid.
Kimimaro looked him in the eye and Sasuke was reminded that he was the one Sakura was going to fight after she defeated Gaara. He wondered if whatever Kimimaro knew would compromise Sakura in their match. "I-"
"The move she used just now," Kimimaro said, cutting him off. "The Tessenka no Mai, is made of two parts. The vein, the Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru, and the flower, Tessenka no Mai: Hana."
"That's what she just did," Naruto noted.
Sasuke nodded at Kimimaro for him to continue.
"Simply put, the Tessenka no Mai: Hana is very chakra consuming," The older boy took a deep breath. "We Kaguya grow stronger when fighting alongside our clanmates, both physically and mentally. We are-" he caught himself. "Were, advised against using it when alone of the battle field."
"Wait, so-"
"Sakura's mind is currently clouded," Kimimaro explained. "Probably due to the fact that she hasn't fully unleashed herself in battle for a long time. I cannot tell how much chakra she has left and she probably cannot tell even if she is running out." He took another deep breath, as though trying to calm himself.
"You know, you don't look too good yourself," Naruto said. "Are you okay?"
Kimimaro turned to him, surprised. "Yes, why-"
"He's right, Kimimaro-kun."
Orochimaru and Kabuto walked up behind the white haired teen.
"You really don't look that good," Orochimaru said. "Is something wrong?"
Kimimaro slowly shook his head but sat down on one of the seats when Orochimaru gestured for him to do so. "Sakura's Killing Intent is trying to pull me in," Kimimaro admitted. "Sakura is the heir, or head, of the Kaguya clan. She is much more powerful in terms of aura and I am just barely keeping myself rooted." He took a shuddering breath. "But I cannot afford to let go," he said. "Because if I do, Sakura will most likely completely lose herself."
"You said she was okay," Sasuke said, almost accusingly. "But she's clearly not."
"Sakura needs the chance to fight it out once in awhile, or it will just keep piling up," Kimimaro said, just as accusing. "You and your team have tried to keep Sakura on a leash and she holds back her blood thirst in order not to harm you. Sakura herself is trying to spend up everything that has piled up in this battle against Gaara, who she deemed would be able to take the uncontrollable side of her." His eyes became hooded and they glinted dangerously when he met Sasuke's gaze. "Do you know why?"
Sasuke did not look away but his silence seemed to be enough for the Kaguya, who curled back his lips in the beginning of a snarl.
"Because when she is in this state, she cannot control her actions. Her morals become twisted and she cannot tell apart what she does as good and bad." His voice softened just a little. "Because she does not want to unconsciously hurt you."
Chapter TWENTY>
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