#really with how espresso is treated by people like raspberry shortcake can you blame him for being defensive and aggressive with his words
o-wyrmlight · 2 years
i might ramble so please forgive me, but i honestly love your writing for espresso and madeleine. i commend you for taking the time to flesh out these characters in a way where you can understand them and their actions. no hate to anyone specifically but a common theme i see in the fanon interpretation is espresso being nothing but a selfish prick because of his tendency to push people away and his sarcasm, while madeleine is viewed to be a himbo because he is a very optimistic character in the canon story line. when in reality madeleine is one of the best paladins (if not the best), a skilled fighter and strategist. he’s not stupid as the fandom makes him out to be. and with espresso even though he does have his moments where he can be rude, he carried an injured madeleine back to the village despite sustaining injuries himself in the side story. of course the characters have their not-so-best moments because of their egos but i just wish that the fandom didn’t take one trait from them and make it their entire personality.
You know what just for that I'm going to show you a snippet of a work in progress that I haven't worked on for months but still feel relatively content with. Enjoy Espresso's perspective and Snark.
He wasn't expecting Madeleine, but somehow he was still disappointed that it wasn't him.
"Good evening, Raspberry Shortcake Cookie," he said, folding his arms professionally behind his back. "To what do I owe this apparent honor? In case you couldn't tell, I am rather busy, so do keep it brief."
Raspberry Shortcake narrowed his eyes at him, a deep maroon that always felt a little too judgmental for Espresso's liking. He was a knight, much like Madeleine had been--the head of his own House--but he always came off too standoffish for Espresso's own liking. He remembered Madeleine commenting on it ages ago--the pot calling the kettle black.
"I'm here to deliver a message," Raspberry Shortcake said firmly, his tone about as curt as Espresso came to expect.
"A message?" Espresso narrowed his eyes himself, tilting his head and settling a hand on his hip, scoffing. "I didn't realize that Knight Commanders were expected to deliver letters. What a way to thank you for your service, relegating you to be a mere postman."
"I didn't come here to be talked down to by some wanna-be alchemic prodigy inventing his own branch of half-baked Dark magic," Raspberry Shortcake snapped back immediately. "Don't overstep your boundaries, Espresso Cookie. You seem to forget that not every Knight Commander is Madeleine."
Espresso clenched his jaw, a sharp wave of anxiety and nerves slicing its way through his body. Perhaps Madeleine was right in his assessment--the pot was indeed calling the kettle black.
"Give me the message and then leave me to my work," he hissed, crossing his arms. "I don't have the time to waste explaining that Coffee magic is not the same as Dark magic, in spite of what others may see. It's far more precise than most--"
"I don't care," Raspberry Shortcake growled, shoving a letter into Espresso's chest. The contact made him stiffen, taking a step back, making an affronted noise. "You've been summoned by Commander Scotch. Apparently he wants to talk to you about Madeleine Cookie."
"Still buttering up to your elders, I see," Espresso retorted, snatching the letter away and cracking the seal with little regard for the scowl on the other cookie's face. "It's no wonder you've allowed yourself to be promoted to postman."
"And it's no wonder your work isn't recognized for the era-changing impact it has on the study of magic," Raspberry Shortcake sneered back. "You dedicate your life to this pursuit, and I spent thirty minutes of my evening delivering a letter. Who really lost in this argument here?"
"You did." Espresso glared at him, fishing out the letter from the envelope and flicking it open. "Unlike you, my work has a purpose. But thank you, Raspberry Shortcake Cookie, for this unwelcome interruption. Good night."
Raspberry Shortcake scoffed, turning on his heel. The last thing he saw before he closed the door was the cookie's back before locking it and turning back to his lab, frowning down at the letter dispassionately.
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