#real love failure story in tamil
tamilbooks · 9 months
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reflective essay
 My portfolio shows extensive experience working with VFX, video editing, logo reveals and digital painting.  For example, I did a ten second video clip on the topic of global warming for which I came up with an original concept to experiment with a fire simulation. My freelance work also contains digital painting for clients in which I digitally painted their portraits. For another project, I chose the logo of a famous brand and created a ten second logo reveal video. In my free time I created a landscape and fantasy character for a flexible man, inspired by the character of the Captain in Fantastic 4.
  In other areas of experimentation, I downloaded a random video and created a motion tracking video. My first attempt was a failure, but I refused to give up, and finally succeeded on my fourth attempt. I created a Mother’s Day poster in which I tried to portray women’s strength and power and the love between mother and son.  
 I was also inspired by a Ramzan poster I saw on a website and created a Ramzan poster. I experimented with breaking away from the typical use of the color green for Islamic subjects by using blue for the design. 
I have also experimented extensively with 3D. I have created several objects including a wine bottle, laptops, a low poly home and shops. I also created a logo using the Tamil letter ‘m’ for a foreign client. They were very impressed with the final product as working with Tamil can be quite challenging. 
 I created a lyrical video for my song  for which I researched about how to create lyrical videos. In my own ideas while I was creating lyrical videos I was firstly confused with that because I had to merge two different ideas into one   and I tried  my best in first attempt  and felt  that lyrical  texts are to sync the song  then I made and  this video is also added for my portfolio.  
 When I began my research for component 1, I took VFX  for my research topic. It was a fantastic opportunity to broaden my learning. I focused on the South Indian cinema and advertising sector, as well as on a little bit of Hollywood. I learnt how the VFX industry grew, and gained an understanding of where it is headed in the future.  
 To study the evolution of the VFX industry, I studied two cinematic eras, and then compared them. The rapid growth of the industry is impressive, and suggests that it will one day come to dominate the way we make films in the future.  
 For my showreel,  I wanted to create real time action to which I could apply my VFX work.  Although this was challenging, I really put my heart into it in order to create something that can be a real show-piece to propel me in my career. The line I chose as my starting point and inspiration was ‘The boy has unnatural powers’. 
I wrote a story of three scenes based on this in which the boy enters a room. There is a rope hanging over a box in the corner. He takes the rope and begins to twist it. The rope catches fire and begins to burn, opening a portal through which we see a sky and forest. The boy enters this portal, and finally sees a waterfall before him.  I faced a number of challenges developing this scene, working with light, rotoscoping, and with my choice of colors. Eventually I had to ignore a few elements in order to complete the work within the short time limit.  
 As part of my second year work, I also worked on my resume. My instructor suggested that I change a few elements to make it more eye-catching, as well as simpler in design. After that I reworked my resume as he suggested from scratch by listing all the experience I have as a motion graphics artist, beginning with my work on a Tamil movie. I was initially a little confused about what to mention in my experience, but after a few sessions, I was much clearer on how to analyze my past work experience and how to list it chronologically.  I was finally able to complete two versions of the resume as well as a cover letter in which I was able to talk about my roles on various free-lancing jobs as well as my coursework. My first resume was points form  resume other one was with little bit description about my experience  for example I  would work as a motion graphics artist and I talk about which kind of work I did and what kind of issue and trouble I faced
Towards the end of the second semester, I had my stage 1 interview session with a person from the  industry. It was an amazing learning experience on how to attend an interview and to respond confidently, as well as dress presentably. They asked me three main questions. They asked me why I chose this field as a career. I spent a long time answering this question. The interviewer was very impressed with my portfolio, especially the piece on global warming. She finally asked me how I felt I could contribute to their company, and I enjoyed answering this question in some detail. At the end of it, I felt my confidence really grow, and feel much more prepared to face an interviewer in the future. 
 Towards the end of this program I had a lot of problems and issues with my pc, which seriously impacted my ability to complete work before the deadline. I also had power supply issues, and unfortunately missed an important feedback session. All of this was hard to resolve due to the lockdown and pandemic issue. However, I was able to find a supplier who was able to fix my PC, and I managed to get back on track to finish my pending work and incorporate feedback on various projects.  
  Summary of entire studies 
This module has helped me to promote myself and my talent as a VFX artist, shown me how to work on a resume, as well as how to present myself in personal statements and letters by researching the goals and values of the company I am interested in and showing that I value their work, and want to be a part of it. This experience gives me a lesson learnt that I have to put into my company and I hope that will work perfectly and in future I will make my company to be famous and put my best efforts in my field.
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moonchronicles-blog · 7 years
The Vyapam Scam - What Was Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss Doing?
Madhya Pradesh. This central Indian state is currently under the rule of the BJP under three time CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan and heading for a fourth consecutive win with the house of the opposition party Congress divided into warring factions.
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Shivraj Chouhan of the BJP became CM of Madhya Pradesh on 11/29/2005 while the Congress was in power at the center.
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But what plagues this state? The massive Vyapam scam that is roughly estimated to be INR 65 billion or $1 billion (conservative). Now what is the Vyapam scam? It’s a scam involving admissions into medical colleges.
Vyapam (Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal) or Professional Examination Board is an autonomous body in the state which conducts exams to enter professional courses such as medicine and engineering and also get MP government jobs. There were scams in all professional courses/degrees, but in the case of medicine, it was exceptional as each seat was literally auctioned for INR 1 to 7 million! This will be covered soon.
Unlike us in Tamil Nadu, who (till traitor OPS and his criminal gang sold out our interests late last year) write our board exams alone to get admissions to top medical institutes like Stanley’s / MMC, in other states, they need to write an entrance exam. India wide, medical seats are coveted and so the cost for each seat goes into millions. Even in our case, getting a medical seat without an entrance exam in Ramachandra’s Medical College or SRM would cost us minimum 5 to 6 million. In other parts of India, it’s much more valuable. 
What were the highlights of the Vyapam scam? 1 A middleman arranged for bright students to impersonate applicants during exams while invigilators looked the other way. Invigilators were bribed to allow applicants to cheat by copying impersonators. In such cases, applicants apparently left their answer sheets blank to be filled up later based on the marks they were given. 2 Question papers were leaked before exams so students could prepare the answers in advance. 3 OMR sheets were left blank to be filled in later based on the marks given to applicants. 4 Final results and medical seats were influenced by money power. Each medical seat was auctioned from INR 1 million to 7 million. 5 In other words, truly meritorious students were short-charged and had to pursue other courses. In some extreme cases, it led to suicides.
Irregularities in medical test results were detected in 2009 and hundreds of arrests were made in 2011 after an investigation. It was only in 2013 that the gravity of the scam came to light, with information about the involvement of different officials at different hierarchical levels in the government.
DMAT scam: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bhopal/Dental-and-Medical-Admission-Test-Scamsters-operated-in-cyber-cafes-colleges/articleshow/23920256.cms Dental & Medical Admission Test scam. DMAT is an exam in MP written for admission to private medical colleges in MP. Massive money power came into play. Applicants, based on money, were given the DMAT scores they paid for and were instructed to leave their OMR sheets blank to be filled up later. The middlemen were medical college owners who wanted to sell their medical seats to kids of rich parents. They mediated between the parents and the officials who conducted DMAT. MBBS seats were sold in the range of INR 5 to 10 million.
MP PMT scam: 1 http://www.hindustantimes.com/bhopal/mp-pmt-scam-racketeers-targeted-quota-candidates/story-4H7QHa4n8xbSgY9Kc5ClJJ.html 2 http://www.news18.com/videos/india/mp-scam-splits-mp-students-arrested-phoner-696333.html 3 http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/100-fake-doctors-MP-hit-by-Munnabhai-scam/articleshow/11285266.cms This was yet another scam wherein impersonators, usually bright students from UP & Bihar, were paid around 50k to 100k to write exams for applicants, once again rich kids. At least 6 private medical colleges were involved in this scam. Plenty of arrests were made in 2013 regarding this issue.
This scam started way back in the 1990s itself, but became chronic after BJP took over in 2005. This puts the reliability of MP’s hospitals and its doctors in the dumps. There were irregularities in the MP PMT (Madhya Pradesh Pre Medical Tests) in the years 2008, 2009 and 2011 as far as we know.
Till date, there have been at least 48 known deaths of people who went to investigate the matter. 
Now on to the next part of my titular question.
Who was the health minister during UPA 1 from 2004 to 2009 around the same time BJP took over MP? It was none other than PMK’s Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss.
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Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss has a case in CBI pending against him. 1 http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/Anbumani-illegally-allowed-admission-in-medical-college-CBI/article12138428.ece 2 http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/cbi-chargesheets-anbumani-for-abuse-of-office/article3360845.ece
This is for illicit admissions to 2 colleges: One in Uttar Pradesh (Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital in Bareilly) and the other in Madhya Pradesh. The IMCHRC (Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Center at Bhopal, MP) was founded by Suresh Singh Bhadoriya in 2006. This college didn’t have enough infrastructure, facilities nor eligible faculty to be even deemed an eligible medical college. The MCI (Medical Council of India) had warned Dr. Anbumani against giving clearance to IMCHRC. Even after MCI inspectors said admissions may not be permitted due to its deficiencies, Bhadoriya and Anbumani formed a central team to obtain a favorable report and issue permission to renew admissions for the 2008-09 batch. https://www.pressreader.com/oman/oman-daily-observer/20150820/281895886984543
The other prominent people in CBI’s charge-sheet are: 1 K. V. Rao, a director in the Cabinet Secretariat 2 Sudarshan Kumar, section officer in the Health and Family Welfare Ministry 3 Dr. J. S. Dhupia and Dr. D. K. Gupta, two senior faculty members at Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital 4 S.K. Tongia, ex-Dean of IMCHRC, K.K. Saxena, Medical Director of IMCHRC, Nitin Gothwal, HR manager, Pawan Bhambani, director of administration, medical director Dr. K.V. Saxena and some other people under various provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act.
What are the charges against Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss regarding this matter? A sitting MP, Ramadoss has been accused of criminal conspiracy, cheating, forgery, using forged documents as genuine under the Indian Penal Code and under the Prevention of Corruption Act. http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/nation/ramadoss-to-be-charged-with-corruption-in-medical-college-admissions/142887.html 
Here’s something very interesting: http://www.advocatekhoj.com/library/judgments/announcement.php?WID=3880 If you love reading meticulous articles, I suggest reading the above! 
These dysfunctional money grabbing dungeons were given clearance by Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss who also aided admissions to the same! Imagine the plight of future patients who might have to be treated by these fraud MBBS ‘doctors’!
So it’s becoming increasingly clear that Ramadoss knew what was brewing in Madhya Pradesh under Shivraj Singh Chouhan. My question is: Why was he silent over the matter (and still is)? Is this the action of a responsible doctor? The same way, he never opposed NEET despite its blatant discrepancies. In fact, the only party in TN to oppose NEET is DMK. Everybody else has yielded with no resistance.
Here is some circumstantial evidence regarding irregularities in the PMT exam (Pre Medical Tests, which have been around since the late 1990s/early 2000s) in India over the years. http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20140828171239580 If you read the article, the highlight lies here: “Hundreds of students have been suspended in recent months for allegedly using “unfair means” to clear the Pre Medical Test, or PMT, conducted between 2006 and 2013 and secure admission to undergraduate medical courses.” Who was the health minister during UPA 1? Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss. Who was the health minister during UPA 2? Ghulam Nabi Azad. If, and IF, the above allegation is true, both should be investigated over irregularities in PMT over the years.
Now the question essentially becomes this: Are RMC in UP and IMCHRC in MP the only colleges Anbumani was involved in, or are there more colleges in India affected by Anbumani’s lapses? Only a thorough investigation can bring further matters to light.
That for Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss.
Now on to the final and the most crucial part of it all - my warning to DMK regarding this man.
This is something I discussed within closed circles, but it seems the time to release this for public reading has come.
We’re all witness to the serial murders around late JJ’s Kodanad Estate and the death of MLA Vijayabhaskar’s friend. It eerily resembled the Vyapam murders. Of course, for the well informed, it’s the handiwork of BJP. However what has Anbumani got to do with this?
CBI halted the investigation against Anbumani earlier this year. Around the same time, political circles in Tamil Nadu are well aware of the fact that Modi/BJP paid PMK a sum of INR 20 billion to attack DMK and keep public attention off BJP’s failures and deceit. 
Sounds plausible? In a way yes, that was how Vaiko played JJ’s B-team in the name of People’s Welfare Front. But what’s the difference in the case of PMK playing BJP’s/Modi’s B-team? 
Dear DMK friends, remember Rajiv Gandhi? Most of us know the REAL man behind his assassination. However DMK had to bear the blame for the crime of LTTE which was funded by MGR & LTTE sympathizers in the USA and aided logistically by Subramanian Swamy. More on that episode here: http://www.noolaham.org/wiki/index.php/Lanka_Guardian_1991.10.15 Read pages 2 to 6 to know more of it.
Any response to PMK by DMK would most possibly be used by BJP to ensnare DMK. Just like Subramanian Swamy and Natarajan setup the LTTE & Rajiv Gandhi to ensnare DMK, Modi & Amit Shah are setting up Anbumani Ramadoss. In other words, Modi & Shah are most probably attempting a Subramanian Swamy / Rajiv Gandhi Mark-II on DMK. This is something Modi & Shah are highly capable of carrying out. I am personally happy that MK Stalin & DMK are keeping their distance from PMK. DMK should maintain this and ignore PMK till the end. Given the power BJP has over the media, it’s best never to fall into this BJP trap. Ignore PMK and engage the common public over the pressing issues they face in everyday life due to the inefficiency of the ADMK administration and the insanity of the central Modi administration.
I’m NOT alleging BJP are doing this yet, but I believe they are highly capable of it, given their greed for power. 
With that, I conclude this post. More details will be added as and when I get them.
Thank you all for reading. Have a great day.
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todaybharatnews · 5 years
via Today Bharat nbsp; The actor, whose lsquo;Valmikirsquo; is releasing this Friday, talked to TNM about reprising Bobby Simharsquo;s role, breaking stereotypes, his love for sports dramas and more. nbsp; Itrsquo;s been a season of remakes for Telugu cinema. From Allu Sirishrsquo;s ABCD, a remake of the Malayalam movie by the same title, to the roaring success of Samantharsquo;s Oh! Baby (remake of a Korean movie), actors and directors seem to be on a spree of adapting successful movies from industries around the world. Joining the bandwagon is actor Varun Tej and director Harish Shankar whose Valmiki, a remake of the critically acclaimed Tamil movie Jigarthanda, will be hitting the screens on September 20. Varun Tej is excited to be reprising Bobby Simharsquo;s role in the movie, the latter even winning a National Film Award for his portrayal of local goon lsquo;Assault Sethursquo;. Though Varun Tej bears no physical resemblance to the rugged appearance of Bobby Simha in Jigarthanda, it is a definitely a break for the actor who has so far been playing boy-next-door roles. TNM caught up with Varun Tej who is actively engaged in promotions for Valmiki. In a candid chat, the actor talks about what made him choose to play the character of Gaddalakonda Ganesh, his successes and failures in the industry, his love for sports drama and much more. Bobby Simha was a comparative newcomer in Jigarthanda so he came with no baggage of having to meet the audiencesrsquo; expectations. But in Telugu, you have already established yourself as a star, plus this being a remake would bring up comparisons. Considering these factors, what made you choose to play a local goon? I watched Jigarthanda almost four years back and never did I think that the movie would be remade in Telugu. Honestly, in Telugu there is only a small section of people who have watched the movie. Wersquo;re not remaking a film and marketing it to an audience who have already watched it. For example, people who watched Dabbang also liked Gabbar Singh (also a Harish Shankar directorial). And that is what Harish Shankar is good at. In fact, a few scenes from Dabbang 2 were brought from Harishrsquo;s Telugu version. Jigarthanda was a sleeper hit. A year later, it was also dubbed into Telugu. Still, its reach in the Telugu states was quite limited. Considering the difference in language and landscape, we have made necessary changes to the movie in Telugu. Harish has been particular about giving more meaning and definition to the film. In Jigarthanda, most of the scenes are set in Madurai. But here, we had to set up a location and create an artificial village called Gaddalakonda. I have tried my maximum not to do a Bobby Simha but instead bring my own mannerisms to the character. nbsp; How did you prepare for the role, to act convincingly, and with a whole lot of humour, as a person who doesnrsquo;t know the basics of acting? I keep watching a lot of action dramas, be it English, Hindi or any of the south Indian languages. But I didnrsquo;t want to latch on to a particular film or a character to prepare for the role. Having said that, I had to do my own homework for the movie, especially getting familiar with the Telangana dialect, which I had also done for F2. However, this was more difficult as I had to get the rural slang correct compared to F2 which had more of an urbanised dialect. We have chopped off some of the comic sequences to reduce the run-time because we have also added a flashback for Ganeshrsquo;s character. It was tough enacting a lot of scenes where I had to act dumb and pretend to be expressionless, but it was also equally challenging. Rather than playing something easy, there was a professional satisfaction in playing Ganesh. Somehow this was a role I have been wanting to play for a long time and I am quite happy about it. There is the flashback you mentioned where Pooja Hegde appears in a cameo and this is an addition. Why do you think a flashback was necessary for Ganeshrsquo;s character? There is a small flashback in Tamil too where Vijay Sethupathi plays a cameo. Like you said before, in Tamil Bobby Simha came with no baggage. But here people have seen me playing the good boy for a long time. And Harish thought it was necessary to let the audience know the circumstances which had turned Ganesh into a goon. No person is born evil, itrsquo;s situations that turn people into good or bad. The flashback is not for the sake of entertainment or to push in a heroine or to add a song but to tell audiences why Ganesh is the brutal person we see today. nbsp; Tell us about your association with director Harish Shankar. I chose to work with Harish not because of the hit remakes he has delivered but purely because of his capability as a director. Despite having a number of hit films to his credit, he still works like a debutant on film sets. That zeal in him as a director has still not died down. He is very spontaneous ndash; he doesnrsquo;t always believe in sticking to the script and comes up with one-liners in a flash. And they work quite well too. If given a chance, I would like to work with him again and again. Telugu cinema has been seeing a lot of remakes in the past one year, many of which have tanked at the box-office. What do you think is special about Valmiki? One thing I liked about Jigarthanda is that in Telugu wersquo;re so used to watching heroes who are too idealistic and have their own set of problems. We have rarely tried to see things from the perspective of a bad guy or someone the society thinks is evil. Jigarthanda flips the idea of a hero. It tries to see emotion, humour and anger through the eyes of a goon. And that I think is something that the Telugu audience is not used to, in an industry where heroes are always the idealistic good men. Unlike a movie like Rakshasudu (remake of the Tamil movie Ratsasan), which is faithful to the original, we have made changes to Jigarthanda only to suit the sensibilities of the audiences here. Is Valmiki a deliberate attempt to break your lover boy image? I think I have reached that stage where I can now understand what role fits me and what doesnrsquo;t. There were a couple of films I rejected, suggested a different hero to the director which went on to become super hits. I didnrsquo;t want to do another Tholi Prema or Fidaa. Valmiki wasnrsquo;t a deliberate attempt because I always wanted to do a character with grey shades. Why are heroes always such nice people? Telugu heroes are stereotyped and I think they are setting wrong examples (laughs). But we need to depict things more realistically because the world is such. Again, I was in search of the right story. And I thought Valmiki was something I could pull off. Your films in the past 2-3 years have been a mixed bag. How have you been dealing with your failures and successes? Antariksham was quite an ambitious project. But we didnrsquo;t have enough budget to get the CGI right. We had to make compromises and some parts had to be cut because the CGI wasnrsquo;t good. Having said that, there is always more to learn from failures. Because a filmrsquo;s success is not just yours but of hundreds of people who work to give it a proper form. There is a lot of hero worship in the south, especially in the Telugu states. So when success comes your way, you can be happy about it but not have your head high. Failures give you ample chances to retrospect. And for the same reason, I have kept the space suit I wore in Antarikshamin in the lobby of my office. It is a good party prop (laughs) but also reminds me of that one mistake I should never be doing again in my movies. nbsp; There have been certain controversies regarding the title of the movie. What exactly does Valmiki signify here? Valmiki, according to mythology, was a hunter who turned a sage. When I asked Harish about the title, he said itrsquo;s the best example of a change that can happen to a person, which is also what happens to the character of Bobby Simha in Jigarthanda. Valmiki is the best example of human transformation from bad to good. In Telugu, there are a lot of films whose titles have absolutely no connection to the story. Personally, even I have acted in a few (laughs). Is there a particular role you would like to do next in Telugu? I am doing a sports drama next. I see there is a vacuum in the industry when it comes to sports-oriented movies. I think cinema and sports are the biggest forms of entertainment in India. But we have very few sports-based films in Telugu. There have been a few but not as many as we see in Bollywood or even Tamil. The filmrsquo;s script is almost in a good shape and we have tried keeping it as realistic as possible. I trained for the sport when Harish was writing the script for Valmiki. I donrsquo;t know how long the shooting is going to take, but we want to make it right and real. nbsp; nbsp;
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motivationsuccess · 5 years
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was born on 15th October 1931, in the small Dhanushkodi village of Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu. He was born in the middle-class Tamil Muslim family. His father  Jainulabdeen was a fisherman and imam of a local mosque, while his mother Ashiamma was a housewife. Kalam was the youngest of his four brothers and one sister in his family. Kalam’s family condition was not wealthy and he lived a poor childhood. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, popularly known as the ‘Missile Man’ of India. He is a source of inspiration for tens and thousands of Indians. A league apart, his life inspiration and teachings are not only admired by the older generation, but especially reminisced by young. Kalam’s prodigious rise from Rameswaram, a small but famous pilgrimage town in Tamil Nadu, led him to become one of the world’s most great leaders. Here you find apj abdul kalam quotes,apj abdul kalam quotes on education,abdul kalam quotes for success,apj abdul kalam quotes on dreams,apj abdul kalam inspiring quotes,apj abdul kalam thoughts for students in english
"Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level." 
“Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended.”
"Nations consist of people. And with their effort, a nation can accomplish all it could ever want."
“To become ‘unique,’ the challenge is to fight the hardest battle which anyone can imagine until you reach your destination.”
"There has to be a global mission of human progress."
 “You have to dream before your dreams can come true.”
Great teachers emanate out of knowledge, passion and compassion.
"Real education enhances the dignity of a human being and increases his or her self-respect. If only the real sense of education could be realized by each individual and carried forward in every field of human activity, the world will be so much a better place to live in."
“Without your involvement, you can’t succeed. With your involvement, you can’t fail.”
 “In this world, fear has no place. Only strength respects strength.”
“My message, especially to young people is to have the courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people.”
 “My view is that at a younger age your optimism is more and you have more imagination etc. You have less bias.”
“I was a disadvantaged child from a non-educated family, yet I had the advantage of being in the company of great teachers.”
“Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.”
“Success is when your Signature changes to Autograph.”
“Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life.”
"Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me."
We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us.
“Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place – that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have the perseverance to realize the great life.”
"My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people."
“To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.”
“It means, people who are in high and responsible positions if they go against righteousness, righteousness itself will get transformed into a destroyer.”
“Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it.”
“This is my belief that through difficulties and problems God gives us the opportunity to grow. So when your hopes and dreams and goals are dashed, search among the wreckage, you may find a golden opportunity hidden in the ruins.”
"If we are not free, no one will respect us"
"It's when children are 15, 16 or 17 that they decide whether they want to be a doctor, an engineer, a politician or go to the Mars or moon. That is the time they start having a dream, and that's the time you can work on them. You can help them shape their dreams."
“Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model”
“If you fail, never give up because FAIL means “First Attempt In Learning”.
“Dream, dream, dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.”
“Unless India Stands Up to the World, No one Will Respect Us. In this World, Fear has no Place. Only Strength Respects Strength.”
 “Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness.”
“It Is Very Easy To Defeat Someone, But It Is Very Hard To Win Someone.”
“We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us.”
 “Small aim is a crime.”
 “When learning is purposeful, creativity blossoms. When creativity blossoms, thinking emanates. When thinking emanates, knowledge is fully lit. When knowledge is lit, economy flourishes.”
“The best brains of the nation may be found on the last benches of the classroom.”
“No sanction can stand against ignited minds.”
 “No religion has mandated killing others as a requirement for its sustenance or promotion.”
“End is not the end, in fact END means “Effort Never Dies” – If you get No as an answer, remember NO means “Next Opportunity”. So let’s be positive.”
 “Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.”
 “The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation.”
 “Black Colour is Sentimental BAD, But Every Black Board Makes the Students Life Bright.”
 “DREAM is not what you see in Sleep, Dream is the thing which Doesn’t Let You Sleep.”
“All Birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds.”
“Let me define a leader. He must have vision and passion and not be afraid of any problem. Instead, he should know how to defeat it. Most importantly, he must work with integrity.”
“Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.”
 “Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is harmony in the house; when there is harmony in the house, there is order in the nation; when there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.”
“Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person.”
 “You see, God helps only people who work hard. That principle is very clear."
“Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.”
“You can’t change your future but you can change your habits and surely your habits will change your future.”
“Be active! Take on responsibility! Work for the things you believe in. If you do not, you are surrendering your fate to others.”
 “When the problem arises — become the captain of the problem and defeat it”
“Before God trusts you with success, you have to prove yourself humble enough to handle the big prize”
“If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.”
“When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realise that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives.”
 “Don’t read success stories, you will only get a message. Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.”
"If four things are followed - having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance - then anything can be achieved."
“Love your job but don’t love your company, because you may not know when your company stops loving you.”
"The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise. Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers."
"One of the very important characteristics of a student is to question. Let the students ask questions."
“While children are struggling to be unique, the world around them is trying all means to make them look like everybody else.”
"Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place - that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have perseverance to realise the great life."
"In a democracy, the well-being, individuality and happiness of every citizen is important for the overall prosperity, peace and happiness of the nation."
"Let me define a leader. He must have vision and passion and not be afraid of any problem. Instead, he should know how to defeat it. Most importantly, he must work with integrity."
"Regarding marriage, it - somehow, it didn't happen. One fellow in such a big family not getting married is not an issue."
"Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness."
"My 2020 Vision for India is to transform it into a developed nation. That cannot be abstract; it is a lifeline."
"I have met 18 million youth, and each wants to be unique."
"What is politics? Political system is equal to development politics plus political politics."
"The President's post should not be politicised. Once a president is elected, he is above politics"
"For me, there is no such thing as a negative experience"
"Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world"
"For me, there are two types of people: the young and the experienced."
"We have not invaded anyone. We have not conquered anyone. We have not grabbed their land, their culture, their history and tried to enforce our way of life on them."
"War is never a lasting solution for any problem."
"There is not enough funding for basic sciences in India. We have to invest in a big way, and I am pushing that idea."
"Tell me, why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognise our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?"
"Science has revealed that the human body is made up of millions and millions of atoms... For example, I am made up of 5.8x10 27 atoms"
"When grand plans for scientific and defence technologies are made, do the people in power think about the sacrifices the people in the laboratories and fields have to make?"
"The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers."
"All wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms, and they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence"
"One of the more difficult tasks for me as president was to decide on the issue of confirming capital punishment awarded by courts... to my surprise... almost all cases which were pending had a social and economic bias."
"Over the years, I had nurtured the hope to be able to fly; to handle a machine as it rose higher and higher in the stratosphere was my dearest dream"
"God, our Creator, has stored within our minds and personalities, great potential strength and ability. Prayer helps us tap and develop these powers."
"I was willing to accept what I couldn't change"
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imagoquotes · 7 years
Below you can find the inspiring Abdul Kalam quotes with images, these all quotes & thoughts are collected from several books, audios & websites like Wikipedia.
SHORT NAME: Abdul Kalam, APJ
FULL NAME: Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
NICKNAME: Missile Man of India, People’s President of India
BORN:15th October-1931, Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu-India.
DIED:27th July-2015 (Aged 83), Shillong, Meghalaya, India.
AWARDS: Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, Bharat Ratna (India’s highest civilian honour), Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration, etc.
BOOKS: India 2020,  Wings of Fire, Ignited Minds,  My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions,        Turning Points: A journey through challenges, You Are Born to Blossom, Reignited: Scientific Pathways to a Brighter Future
“your Birth could have been an incident but your death should be history”
“Patience is more than just having the ability to wait.It’s about your attitude While you’re waiting”
“We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us”
“If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun”
“Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow”
“You have to dream before your dreams can come true”
“Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it”
“To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal”
“You see, God helps only people who work hard.That principle is very clear”
“The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation”
“Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work”
“Small aim is a crime; have great aim”
“Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person”
“If four things are followed – having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance – then anything can be achieved”
“Poetry comes from the highest happiness or the deepest sorrow”
“Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success”
“Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident”
“To become ‘unique,’ the challenge is to fight the hardest battle which anyone can imagine until you reach your destination”
“War is never a lasting solution for any problem”
“Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level”
“The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers”
“Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended”
“Do we not realize that self respect comes with self reliance”
“Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness”
“India should walk on her own shadow – we must have our own development model”
“Great teachers emanate out of knowledge, passion and compassion”
“I was willing to accept what I couldn’t change”
“As a child of God, I am greater than anything that can happen to me”
“My hair grows and grows; you cannot stop it that fellow grows, it grows wild”
“No religion has mandated killing others as a requirement for its sustenance or promotion”
“One of the very important characteristics of a student is to question. Let the students ask questions”
“Ultimately, education in its real sense is the pursuit of truth. It is an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment”
“The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise. Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers”
“No sanction can stand against ignited minds”
“Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career”
“For me, there are two types of people: the young and the experienced”
“While children are struggling to be unique, the world around them is trying all means to make them look like everybody else”
“Smart habitation is an integrated area of villages and a city working in harmony and where the rural and urban divide has reduced to thin line”
“I firmly believe that unless one has tasted the bitter pill of failure, one cannot aspire enough for success”
“I was a disadvantaged child from a non-educated family, yet I had the advantage of being in the company of great teachers”
“Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model”
“There has to be a global mission of human progress”
“My view is that at a younger age your optimism is more and you have more imagination etc.You have less bias”
“India can live without nuclear weapons. That’s our dream, and it should be the dream of the U.S. also”
“Building capacity dissolves differences. It irons out inequalities”
“Those who cannot work with their hearts achieve but a hollow, half-hearted success that breeds bitterness all around”
“All wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms, and they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence”
“Writing is my love. If you love something, you find a lot of time. I write for two hours a day, usually starting at midnight; at times, I start at 11”
“Nations consist of people. And with their effort, a nation can accomplish all it could ever want”
“Developing nations want to become developed nations”
“Life is hard but not Impossible”
“Unless India stands up to the world, no one will respect us. In this world, fear has no place. Only strength respects strength”
“When a nation is surrounded by weaponized nations, she has to equip herself”
“Never stop Learning, because life never stops teaching”
“Rejection is an opportunity for your selection”
“Everyday new day is another chance to change your life”
“Alphabet ‘O’ stands for ‘OPPORTUNITY’, Which is absent in YESTERDAY, available once in T’O’DAY and thrice in T’O’M’O’RR’O’W. Never Lose HOPE..”
“Sometimes you have to go through the worst to get to the best. Give time some time”
I don’t know how my story will end, but nowhere in my text will it ever read… “I GIVE UP”
“Small steps in the right direction are better than big ones in the wrong direction”
“Richest wealth is wisdom. Strongest weapon is Patience. Best Security is Faith. Most effective tonic is Laughter & Surprisingly all are free.”
“Everything happens for a reason. That reason causes change. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes It’s hard But in the end it’s for The best.”
“We always work for a better Tomorrow.But When tomorrow comes, instead of enjoying,We again think of a better tomorrow! Let’s Have a better today”
“A tree that wants to touch the sky must extend its roots into the earth. The more it wants to rise Upwards,the more it has to grow downwards.So to rise in life, We must be down to earth,humble & grateful.”
“Remember that people will always question the good things they hear about you,and believe the bad ones without a second thought”
“Do a 100 things RIGHT and someone will still point out the 1 thing you did WRONG”
“POSITIVE THINKING is not only about EXPECTING the best to Happen. But it is also about ACCEPTING whatever happens is for The BEST”
“In life no one will remember how you Looked ,Walked,Talked or what you did. Everyone just remembers you by the way you made Them feel when they were with you”
“When we are Wrong & we surrender, It means we are Honest! When We are in Doubt & We surrender, It Means We are Wise! but When We are Right & we Surrender It Means We Value Relations”
“You are responsible for your HAPPINESS, If you expect others to make you happy, You will always be DISAPPOINTED”
“Being defeated is often a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent Never Stop trying.Be POSITIVE & THINK POSITIVE”
“A door is much smaller compared to the house, A lock is much smaller compared to the door. A key is the smallest of all,but a key can open entire house!! Thus a small, thoughtful solution can solve major problems”
“KNOWLEDGE will give you power, but character will give you RESPECT”
“Our Parents were Patient when we are young, no it’s our time to be patient during their old age”
“Do the right thing,even when no one is looking its called integrity”
“If people say something bad about you,judge you as if they know you,Don’t feel bad just remember Dogs bark if they don’t know the person”
“Mind and Umbrella have one thing in common, they are useful when they are open; otherwise they increase our Burden”
“Life is not a music player to listen your favorite songs.It is a radio,you must adjust yourself to very Frequency and enjoy whatever come in it”
“The winners are those who learn to take full responsibility for their actions.The losers are those who blame others for their failures”
“Expecting & Accepting are two sides of life. Where expecting ends in tears,While accepting makes you cheer.Accept life the way it comes”
“Good Decisions comes from experience,but experience come from bad decisions.This is life.So don’t worry for any mistake.Go ahead & learn from them”
“Rumours are created by haters,spread by fools and accepted by idiots”
“Never stop chasing your dreams, life can take you from zero to hero In a fraction of time”
“Your best teacher is your last Mistake”
“We cannot change the past, but we can start a new chapter with a happy ending”
“Don’t declare holiday on my death, Instead work an extra day if you love me”
“Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you When you are in darkness”
“Beauty attracts heart,but Character attracts soul”
“Whatever you do,good or bad, People will always have something negative to say”
“Stop trying to change someone Who doesn’t want to change”
“Stop Giving chances to someone Who abuses your forgiveness’
“Stop walking back to the place Where your heart ran from’
“Stop trusting their words and ignoring their action’
“Stop Breaking your own heart”
“Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thingon earth. But its the Cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called Relationship”
“Umbrella can’t stop the rain but can make us stand in rain. Confidence may not bring success but gives us power to face any challenge in life”
“Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it Right is right,even if no one is doing it’
“Success is When your signature changes to Autograph”
“If you want to shine like a sun. First burn like a sun.”
“If you fail,never give up because F.A.I.L Means “First Attempt In Learning”
End is not the end,In fact E.N.D Means “Effort Never Dies”
If you get No as an answer, remember N.O means “Next Opportunity”
“One best book is equal to hundred good friends but one good friend is equal to a library”
“I am not handsome but i can give my hand to someone who need help. Because beauty is required in heart not in face”
Speak 5 lInes to yourself every morning 1.I am the Best 2.I can do it. 3.God is always with me. 4.I am a winner. 5.Today is my day.
“Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second,More lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck”
“success is a journey,not a destination”
“You cannot change your future,you can change your habits.And surely your habits will change your future”
“When writing the story of your life, Don’t let anyone else hold the pen”
“The best brains of the nation may be found on the last benches of the classroom”
“Sometimes,it’s better to bunk a class and enjoy with friends,because now,when I look back,marks never make me laugh, but memories do.”
“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us While we live”
“Never ignore a person who loves you,cares for you,misses you.Because one dau,you might wake up and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars”
“Honest relations are just like water no colour, No Shape,No place no taste,But still the most important for Life”
“Never judge someone. you don’t know their story”
Theory of Life When flood comes, the fish eat ants. But when water dries, the ants eat fish. Life gives chance to everyone. Just have to wait for our turn.
“Black colour is sentimentally bad, but black board makes the student’s life bright”
‘A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking,because her trust is not on the branch but on it’s wings”
“Work hard in Silence, let your success be your noise”
“Being positive does not mean ignoring the negative. Being Positive means overcoming the negative”
“Relations are like electric currents. wrong connection will give you shocks throughout your life,but the right ones will light up your life”
“Love your job but don’t love your company, because you may not know when your company stops loving you”
“2 get” and “2 give” creates many problems. (just double it) “4 get” and “4 give” solves many problems.
“A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything”
“Life is like a book Some chapters sad,some happy, and some exciting.but if you never turn the page.you will never know what the next chapter holds’
“Never forget two people in your life. The person who lost everything jsut to make you win [your father] The person who was with you in every pain [your mother]”
“Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until iit becomes a memory”
      Top 127 -A.P.J Abdul Kalam Quotes ABDUL KALAM QUOTES: Below you can find the inspiring Abdul Kalam quotes with images, these all quotes & thoughts are collected from several books, audios & websites like Wikipedia.
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Hi there🙋,
The first ever topic I chose to blog about is a “Drug”. If you are a TV📺 shows freak, you must be familiar with “Heisenberg” and his student. Yes, I am talking about “Breaking Bad”. Heisenberg is the name created by Walter White (lead actor) in the drug💉💊 world. He is a middle-class man who works at the school🏛 as a chemistry teacher. One of his previous students👦 turned into a drug smuggler😈 in the town. Heisenberg, meanwhile came to know that he has lung cancer through his family doctor💉 and the doctor suggested him go through surgery✂ which costs them arm and legs💸💸. Then he decided to make money💲 by any means, at the very same time his friend Mr. Hank👮 who works at city drug control office told him about the income that local drug lords make. That inspires him to make illegal drug “Meth”, not only for him but also for his family👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 welfare. That’s how he and his student make and sell the “Meth” all over the city.
Now, let’s talk about Zombies👹, wait, this blog should discuss drugs, right? Yes, but there is a connection between a specific drug and Zombies.
Before discussing the drugs that induce Zombie characteristics, let’s talk something about a south Indian🇮🇳 movie called “Iru Mugan”, a native Tamil movie. The story is about a drug named “speed”. This drug makes a person who inhales it to become a super energized💪 human being for five minutes before falling unconscious😵.
Analogues to the “Speed” (fictional drug), there is one drug in the real world which make humans to lose control and behave like Zombies. Yes, you read it correctly “a drug that induces Zombie behavioral outcomes in humans”. That drug is “FLAKKA.
According to Whitehouse🇺🇸 National Drug Control Organization, this drug originated in Indian🇮🇳 subcontinent and China🇹🇷. (Now that’s interesting, isn’t it? A drug shaking world is form Asia). But, United States of America is the one country which affected the most, to be accurate, Florida State was abused for this Drug from 2013.
In August 2106, a 19-year-old Florida State university student, name Austin Harrouf, stabbed🔪 a married👫 couple to death in Florida home. Do you think he only stabbed them to death and nothing else? You are wrong he tried to eat😷 male victim’s face (yak). He behaved like a cruel animal👹 when police👮 tried to subdue him during the attack. His behavioral changes attributed to consumption of flakka.
The innocent guy in the picture is who you are reading about, Austin Harrouff
    Okay, What is this Flakka? How it is made? Chemical Formula? and How it works?
This drug belongs to Cathinone Drug family, famously known as Bath-Salt. Alpha-phyrolidinovalerophenon(α-pvp),  the Scientific name of Flakka. It is chemically similar to MDPV (Methylenedioxypyrovalerone) and the chemical formula is C15H21NO. It is a very addictive substance which produces euphoric symptoms in people who can not afford expensive drugs.
Cathinone Chemical Formula
Alpha-PVP physical form
Flakka chemicla formula
Cathinones have been found to induce the release of dopamine❤ and inhibit the reuptake of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the central nervous system. Since cathinones are hydrophobic 💦molecules, they can easily cross cell membranes and the blood-brain barrier, allowing them to heavily interact with the monoamine transporters in the synaptic cleft between neurons. This α-pvp also is known to provoke a condition called agitated delirium, when there is an excessive influx of sympathetic activation. This condition causes alterations in the mental status and can include bizarre👹 behaviors, anxiety, agitation, violent 😈outbursts, confusion🤔, myoclonus and rare cases of seizures. Clinical symptoms of agitated delirium involve tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia, diaphoresis, and mydriasis. In general sense, this drug induces visual🙄 and hearing🙉 hallucinations to which drug victim reacts.
Recently a youtube▶ video has gone viral, in which a young girl👧 behaves like a zombie👻. The video shot in Brazil🇧🇷 in the midst of 1st October of this year.  Click▶ here to watch the video. The Brazilian Police👮 claimes that she consumed flakka and gone mad jumped into other’s cars🚗🚘 and trucks🚚🚛.
As we discussed earlier, this drug has fatal side-effects apart from internal organ failure. (According to Rollingstone news magazine and other medical portals Flakka can damage our kidneys and neuro system). The government of United States of America and the government of India has taken actions to eradicate this drug. Both governments set up rehabilitation centers in major cities for the victims of the drug.
The US government banned making and selling the flakka all over the country early in 2014, but making this drug is much easier and cheaper; reports from US news 🗞magazines📰 stated that flakka can be bought for as cheap as $5 per dose. This led to the growth of the flakka all over the country.
This is not the first time😫 in the history that people suffered from drug abuse. It started as early as the 1600s. It only got worse day by day as technology improved. As we all know, people get addicted to drugs only when they can not interact with real-world🌍 entities or when they get rejected from the society which will lead to serious depression problems.
  The only way we can help them is, with love and peace. 
1.RollingStones articles about Florida Zombie Drug
2.Case reports in psychiatry
3.Science Daily articles
4.Whitehouse official website
A drug you never want to try🚫 Hi there🙋, The first ever topic I chose to blog about is a “Drug”. If you are a TV📺 shows freak, you must be familiar with “Heisenberg” and his student.
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exxby-blog · 7 years
The 20 Greatest Magazine Stories ever!! Plan to read them all this weekend.
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‘Frank Sinatra Has a Cold’ By Gay Talese April 1966, Esquire
This 15,000-word masterpiece ushered in ‘New Journalism’, and is considered one of the best profiles ever written. The fact that Sinatra refused to talk to Talese—every time he called, Sinatra’s minders said he had a cold—was probably the best thing that could have happened. To write it, Talese spoke to “at least a 100 people”, and used tips from them and stories he’d heard.
‘Come What May’ By Arun Shourie & Shekhar Gupta March 1983, India Today
THE first full-length story on the Nellie massacre, in which over 2,000 Muslims were killed during the Assam elections, Come What May came after a dribble of reports, and chronicled the entire tragedy in gory detail. It unravelled the attempts of the powers-that-be to bury the story and showed the negligence of the government. Arun Shourie and Shekhar Gupta reported on the carnage and made the news mainstream.
‘Consider the Lobster’ By David Foster Wallace August 2004, Gourmet
It was to be a fun assignment, to cover the annual Maine Lobster Festival for Gourmet. But David Foster Wallace did it the way only he knows. He detailed the cruelty with which lobsters are caught and killed so graphically that many lost their appetite for them. What was to be a PR story turned the world’s attention towards the poor lobsters. It was written with Wallace’s sharp wit and flourishes. Later, his genius was immortalised in Infinite Jest.
‘Hiroshima’ By John Hersey August 1946, New Yorker
Set in the aftermath of the nuclear bomb being dropped over Hiroshima, the article is a cataclysmic narrative of six survivors of the incident. Hersey spent three weeks in Japan interviewing survivors. The article occupied almost the complete issue of the New Yorker when it came out, a first for what is essentially a cultural and literary magazine. 
Hitler Diaries Discovered April 22, 1983, Stern
In the April of 1983, German magazine Stern caught its biggest break. Their star reporter had discovered a trove of Hitler’s personal diaries. The magazine claimed that the diaries, which had no previous records, would change the way one perceived Hitler’s life. Two weeks after the diaries were published, they were exposed as fakes. They’d been written by a small-time crook called Konrad Kujan. The hoax remains one of the biggest scandals in magazine history.
‘The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved’ By Hunter S. Thompson June 1970, Scanlan’s Monthly
This landmark story was one of the first of its kind, giving a subjective, first-person account of the Kentucky Derby races. The article focuses on the depravity and celebrations that surround the event, showing the author as one of the protagonists. This was the piece that ushered in Gonzo journalism, later celebrated in Thom­pson’s Love and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Radia Tapes November 2010, Outlook
The release of the 140 tapes of lobbyist Niira Radia led to the uncovering of one of the biggest political scandals, exposing the behind-the-scenes deals between politicians, top journalists and industrialists. It exposed the deep nexus bet­ween the government and ind­ustry lobbyists, showing for the first time how negotiations with the government take place in the country.
‘AIDS: The Agony of Africa’ By Mark Schoofs November1999, The Village Voice
The seven-part article, an analysis of AIDS and its effects in Africa, won the rep­orter a Pulitzer prize. The piece chronicles in harrowing detail the lives of hiv-positive persons in Africa, explaining why the disease has so sev­erely affected the lives of people in Africa and nowhere else.
Bhopal Gas Tragedy Raghu Rai, 1984
Much has been written about the Bhopal gas tragedy, but what helped connect the public to shattering loss of hundreds of lives and families was this photo feature by Raghu Rai. The black-and-white pictures gave a face to the tragedy and became its defining portrayal.
‘Armoire of Shame’ By Franco Giustolisi and Alessandro De Feo 1994, L’Espresso
Several documents exposing war crimes committed in Italy by Nazi fascists were locked for almost 50 years by Italian diplomats fearing that disclosure would damage relations with Germany. When the armoire was finally opened, Giustolisi was the first one to unveil the crimes, calling for a special parliamentary investigation. There was a public outrage but in the end the government squashed the findings. 
‘The History of the Standard Oil Company’ By Ida Tarbell 1908, McClure’s Magazine
Often called one of the most extensive pieces of investigative journalism ever written, this report resulted in  the break-up of the oil giant. Tarbell spent several months collecting evidence about the wrongdoings and fraudulent practices the oil giant had indulged in over the years. This report also inspired many journalists to unhesitatingly write on big industries.
‘The Runaway General’ By Michael Hastings June 2010, Rolling Stone
In 2010, Hastings interviewed Gen Stanley McChrystal, a celebrated tough-guy military leader, in Afghanistan. The interview led to the general being eased out for having made derogatory comments about the Obama administration. The general later said he was quoted out of context.
‘Mother Earth, Mother Board: Wiring the planet’ By Neal Stephenson 1996, Wired
This piece reveals the physical underpinning of the virtual world. It chronicles how the trans-cables, for what we now know as the Internet, were laid. The article reads like a sci-fi thriller and was written at a time when Google and Yahoo were just taking baby steps.
‘Operation Blue Star: Night of Blood’ By Shekhar Gupta  August 1984, India Today
The Golden Temple only saw a handful of journalists on the fateful night of Operation Blue Star.  Shekhar Gupta happened to be there. His account of the events that night are regarded as some of the best pieces of journalism in the country. The story took the reader through all aspects of the military operation, including what happened on the ground as well as what plan and tactics the soldiers followed to clear the Sikh temple of terrorists.
‘Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?’ By Edward J. Epstein 1982, The Atlantic
In this expose, Epstein explains why the diamond is one of the most valuable commodities in the world today. It talks about a market controlled by cartels which artificially control the prices of diamonds sold in most Western countries. It also expl­ains how the Russia has now come to dominate the diamond market and taken over completely.
‘Democracy on the Take’ By Julie Strawn and Charles G. Hogan December 1984, Der Spiegel
The seizure of the files of one of Germany’s biggest companies, Flick Industrial Holdings, in 1981, was not expected to reveal much. Instead, what the police found led to one of the biggest corporate scandals in Germany. The files uncovered the real scope of corporate influence on post-war Germany and told how German corporations secretly bankrolled every major political party in the country to receive benefits such as tax breaks, and favourable appointments and policies.
As the World Burns June 2005, Mother Jones
The world has just recently realised the gigantic problem that is global warming. The Kyoto protocol was one of the first attempts by countries to do something about it, an attempt which can only be des­cribed as a failure. This report speaks of the disastrous effects climate change has, and will have, on the world if something is not done about it.
Coverage of the Veerappan Kidnappings August 2000, Nakkeeran
The series of interviews which journalist R. Gopal did for the Tamil magazine gave the world its first few glimpses into the world that the famous bandit inhabited. After the interview was published, Gopal was jailed by the Jayalalitha government for withholding information about Veer­­­appan, who was still a fugitive in the jungle.
‘I Saw Ben Barka Get Killed’ By Jacques Derogy and Jean-François Kahn January 1966, L’Express
Ben Barka, a major Moroccan figure of the Third World and anti-colonial movement who was collaborating with figures like Che Guevara and Malcom X “disappeared” while on exile in Paris. The two investigative journalists wrote a powerful piece in which they highlighted the contradictions about his disappearance and the possible political motives behind his killing. A scandal erupted and debated investigations followed.
So Why is Narendra Modi Protecting Amit Shah?  By Rana Ayyub July 17, 2010, Tehelka
This report by Rana Ayyub, who has done exemplary journalism in exposing the Gujarat genocide of 2002 and its aftermath, detailed the involvement of Amit Shah, then home minister of the state, in the Ishrat Jahan fake encoun­ter. Her reports led to the Supreme Court agreeing with the CBI to shift Shah’s case out of Gujarat
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