#read A Land Fit for Heroes but steal it the author is a TERF
hms-tardimpala · 2 years
The fandom for A Land Fit for Heroes is so small and this is so niche nobody will relate to it, but :
Ringil Eskiath and James Flint meeting. Two slavery abolitionnist, erudite, anti-authority, former military, unapologetically gay/bi warriors determined to see the ruling class/political system burn to the ground, motivated by the loss of a lover earlier in their life, because of said system. Both good on ships and believed by their men to be able to conjure up storms. Both incredibly persuasive and talented when it comes to convincing their crews to follow them to almost certain death. Both with a black lesbian friend/ally working within civilization to try to tweak it in her favor rather than overthrow it and who ends up on top of it. Both single-minded and going into murderous rages when deprived of someone they love.
Ringil being an actual sorcerer who could conjure up a storm or water spirits or a kraken for Flint. Flint working with Archeth to manipulate the emperor of Yhelteth. Flint sacking Trelayne like he sacked Charlestown, taking down the torture cages for the execution of homosexuals. Ringil leading Flint's men in attacks inland.
The possibilities.
(That is, if they could work together without killing each other after five minutes. Ringil would think Flint is self-righteous and too much of an idealist and Flint might be disgusted by Ringil's selfishness and because he only does things out of spite, not ideology.)
And of course Silver seeing it all happen and hating all of it because Ringil is poison, he's an enabler, and he would just wind Flint up until they're all destroyed. Also, the pure jealousy he would feel seeing this man who looks like him (black hair, blue eyes) but with two fucking legs (internalized ableism) and no sexual repression inserting himself between him and Flint. My boy Silver would flip the fuck out. Silver trying to get Ringil removed or killed. Madi starting to see the value of Ringil as an ally in taking down the slave trade and Silver panicking about it. And if he wants to stop the war now, he has to get rid of the Urca gold and Ringil.
Damn, if only I could write.
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