freliana · 2 years
super smash bros 1999 (team three)
Her vision grows dark for several minutes before it brightens again. She finds herself in what appears to be a crowded arena. There is an immediate rush to gather equipment and introduce herself to her teammates. A quiet, polite professor, friendly young gentleman and a timid blue haired girl she’d seen in class join her and Tana has no idea what to expect.
The projectionists work is impeccable. She freezes for a moment, unable to move. Their opponents look so real she has to remind herself this is merely an illusion.
One that might just save them from this complicated tale.
Tana acts first, hefting the axe up to her shoulders and giving it a practice swing before approaching the recruit. She takes a deep breath and prepares to fight her way out of this mess and back to the monastery. Tana intends to make an impression, prove herself and rally her allies too.
rd20: 12! hit! tana deals 2.5 damage to recruit a rd20: 11! hit! recruit a counters for 1 damage to tana
recruit a: 5.5/8 HP tana: 9/10 HP
Her guard is let down though and she takes a jab from the lance to her side. It smarts slightly but Tana doesn’t lose the cheerful grin on her face. She imagines Eirika and Ephraim, her dear friends, and how they would never give up so easily. Tana won’t fall here too and retreats back to the others with her hands raised, ready to high five the next challenger.
@ashenprofessor @premiersoleil & @cruelsfate
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2001 Ingersoll-Rand RD20 II Top Drive/Air Rotary Drilling Unit in Good Condition | Texas
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/L1kXzeAPVz8 https://inventory.freeoilfieldquote.com/product/2001-ingersoll-rand-rd20-ii-top-driveair-rotary-drillin Name : 2001 Ingersoll-Rand RD20 II Top Drive/Air Rotary Drilling Unit Code : 43025756 Type : Standard Brand : Ingersoll Rand Category : Drilling Equipment Price : $414,000.00 Unit : Each (Each) In Stock : Yes Location : Winnie, TX Condition : Good Available Quantity : 1
2001 Ingersoll-Rand RD20 II Top Drive/Air Rotary Drilling Unit Benefits Versatility: The RD20 II is a highly versatile drilling rig that can be used for a wide range of drilling applications, including oil and gas exploration, water well drilling, geothermal drilling, and mining exploration. Its adaptability allows operators to use the rig in different environments and drilling conditions.
High Drilling Capacity: The RD20 II is designed to handle demanding drilling tasks. It is equipped with a powerful and robust drilling system that enables it to reach significant depths and tackle challenging formations. The rigs drilling capacity and performance help expedite drilling operations and increase productivity.
Mobility: The RD20 II is designed for ease of transportation and mobility. It features a compact and modular design, allowing it to be transported to various locations quickly. This mobility is especially beneficial in remote or challenging terrains where access to drilling sites may be difficult.
Efficient Fuel Consumption: Ingersoll-Rand has incorporated fuel-efficient technologies into the RD20 II drilling rig, helping to reduce fuel consumption and operational costs. This is particularly advantageous for long-duration drilling projects, where fuel efficiency plays a crucial role in profitability.
Operator Comfort and Safety: The RD20 II rig is designed with operator comfort and safety in mind. It incorporates ergonomic features, intuitive controls, and enhanced safety systems to provide a comfortable working environment for the operators. Safety features may include emergency shut-off mechanisms, advanced monitoring systems, and compliance with industry regulations.
Advanced Drilling Control: The RD20 II is equipped with advanced drilling control systems, allowing operators to maintain precise control over drilling parameters. This enables optimized drilling performance, accurate wellbore placement, and improved overall drilling efficiency.
Reliability and Durability: Ingersoll-Rand is known for manufacturing robust and reliable equipment, and the RD20 II is no exception. The rig is built to withstand rugged drilling conditions and has a reputation for its durability, ensuring minimal downtime and reduced maintenance requirements.
Excellent Customer Support: Ingersoll-Rand provides comprehensive customer support for the RD20 II drilling rig, including technical assistance, spare parts availability, and maintenance services. This ensures that operators have access to reliable support throughout the rigs lifespan, contributing to its overall reliability and performance.
CONNECT WITH US LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/free-oilfield-quote/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/OilQuote Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freeoilfieldquote/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freeoilfieldquote
from Oilfield Equipment Manager https://rignetwork.wordpress.com/2023/06/19/2001-ingersoll-rand-rd20-ii-top-drive-air-rotary-drilling-unit-in-good-condition-texas/
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aguajerord · 2 years
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Noticia | MESCYT dona RD$20 millones a la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) y al Instituto Nacional de Atención Integral a la Primera Infancia para la apertura de 7 Estancias Infantiles en todo el país https://aguajero.com/mescyt-dona-rd20-millones-a-la-universidad-autonoma-de-santo-domingo-uasd-y-al-instituto-nacional-de-atencion-integral-a-la-primera-infancia-para-la-apertura-de-7-estancias-infantiles-en-todo-el-pais
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krapalm · 2 years
สถาบัน AIST ของญี่ปุ่น เตรียมจัดการประชุม RD20 ครั้งที่ 4 ระหว่างวันที่ 4-6 ตุลาคม ณ กรุงโตเกียว มุ่งบรรลุความเป็นกลางทางคาร์บอน
สถาบันวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรรมขั้นสูงแห่งชาติของญี่ปุ่น (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology ต่อไปนี้เรียกว่า “AIST”) ซึ่งตั้งอยู่ในกรุงโตเกียว เตรียมจัดการประชุมระดับนานาชาติ “RD20 ครั้งที่ 4” ตั้งแต่วันอังคารที่ 4 ตุลาคม ถึงวันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 ตุลาคม 2565 โดยเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของงาน Tokyo GX Week ซึ่งจัดโดยกระทรวงเศรษฐกิจ การค้า และอุตสาหกรรม…
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saveyourdata · 4 years
Bitcoin: immergiamoci nelle criptovalute
Come non tutti sanno, questo martedì (21/07/20) è uscita la seconda stagione di “Come vendere droga online (in fretta)” su Netflix. Se siete arrivati a questo punto credendo che parlerò di stupefacenti, sto per deludervi perché non è così.
Voglio trattare un argomento, a mio dire, più interessante: i Bitcoin. Nella serie infatti, i ragazzi creano un sito sul dark web dove vendono droga; l’acquisto però non avviene tramite soldi reali, bensì attraverso questa cripto-valuta.
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Il bitcoin “virtuale”, immagine di “Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan”, disponibile su www.publicdomainpictures.net
Ma cosa sono questi Bitcoin?
I bitcoin (contrassegnati dal simbolo ₿) sono la nuova valuta del web che si basa su un meccanismo “peer-to-peer” (per saperne di più wikipedia) e grazie a questa "organizzazione" non è sottoposta a nessun tipo di controllo di enti governativi. In oltre viene definita “cripto-valuta” poiché i pacchetti che contengono bitcoin sono criptografati e impossibili da “spacchettare” senza la chiave di decriptazione del proprietario. Ciò permette un’immensa sicurezza nelle transazioni in rete, senza che, soprattutto, ci siano controlli da parte di banche (ecco il motivo per cui i nostri ragazzi della serie usano tale metodo).
Ma una volta che abbiamo aperto un nostro portafoglio e acquistato alcuni bitcoin, cosa ne facciamo?
Ci sono diversi modi per usare i Bitcoin: si possono usare nello stesso modo con cui “paghiamo” normalmente (per vendere e comprare) a patto che anche l’altra parte tirata in causa abbia un suo portafoglio.
C’è invece chi compra Bitcoin come si comprano azioni: bisogna sapere infatti che il valore dei Bitcoin è in continuo mutamento (poiché tiene conto di domanda e offerta): alcuni investitori nel 2010 hanno comprato bitcoin a pochi euro e rivenduti anni dopo a parecchie migliaia. Oggi è un po' più complicato avere un tasso di guadagno così alto ma c’è chi ancora lucra con tale metodo (attualmente il Bitcoin vale circa 8200 euro).
Ma la cosa più importante: dove creiamo un portafoglio e come facciamo a convertirli in euro e viceversa?
Per poter usare questa valuta sarà necessario aprire un portafoglio virtuale in uno dei tanti siti di scambio. Una volta fatto ciò si potranno convertire in euro (o dollari, yen, sterline ecc..): è importante però specificare che ci sarà sempre una commissione da pagare (che può aggirarsi tra lo 0,25 e il 2 % ) sia per la conversione, sia per il versamento su un conto bancario. Fossimo nei panni dei nostri “spacciatori virtuali” i rischi sorgerebbero in questo frangente: se non si vuole incorrere in controlli da parte di banche (e successivamente finanza) non conviene convertire tanti bitcoin in un'unica transazione (come nel loro caso 141 bicoin = 1.158.287,19 euro) bensì, come giustamente hanno fatto, in piccole parti da pochi euro, camuffandoli per semplici versamenti da terzi. 
Nel mondo ci sono più di 14.000 attività che accettano pagamenti con Bitcoin e 700 persino in Italia.
Insomma, possiamo dire che il bitcoin è una valida alternativa al denaro "reale e controllato" e in oltre è molto sicuro (per chi fosse interessato a saperne di più consiglio bitcoin.org).
Piccola curiosità: l’inventore dei bitcoin è Satoshi Nakamoto…ma è solo uno pseudonimo: nessuno sa chi ci sia dietro tale identità.
                                                                                    Autore: Pixterix
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muneh · 4 years
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This is Jessie
I somehow made her look 12 but she’s 19
She has 50 boyfriends wanting more she’s always available 😉
Ps you don’t get a choice she’s getting you whether you consent or not
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gaydine-ross · 7 years
Hanukkah Hard Mode: 20-sided dreidel
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fonzie-jones · 7 years
@Regrann from @christopherlemark - 🎤🎻🎥 FINDING BEYONCE AUDITIONS ARE SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY FEB. 2ND @fonzie_jones @carladbrown_pr @sandriawrites @musicreloaded @dondashouse REGISTER AT CHRISTOPHERLEMARK.COM CLICK ON THE AUDITIONS TAB YOU MUST BE 21+ -------- #thechristopherlemarkxperience #christopherlemark #chicago #brooklynmeetschicago #rd20 #20thanniversary #rocnation #openauditions #castingcalls #therocboys #rocnation #jayz #beyhive #hov #thepromontory #Beyonce #beyhive #beyoncefans #tidal #revolt #560statestreet
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frogleap · 4 years
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😊みんな、ありがとう。pwdby @studio_yoko_024 #rd20s #stayonline https://www.instagram.com/p/CBK7Trcjg75/?igshid=c7qi5od32h8l
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birthdaylobotomy · 4 years
Not to brag but I make the most secure passwords ever AND I remember them. like people see me type out my long and complicated passwords and then type out their little pathetic 1234 or abcd. Weak. My chad ass out here vV!z@Rd20$ and I remember it becuase wizard20$. 😎
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2007 Atlas Copco RD20-III Drilling Rig in Excellent Condition
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/lOPb5tgeeJY https://inventory.freeoilfieldquote.com/product/2007-atlas-copco-rd20-iii-drilling-rig Name : 2007 Atlas Copco RD20-III Drilling Rig Code : 23641860 Type : Standard Brand : Atlas Copco Category : Rigs subcategory : Onshore Rigs Price : $540,000.00 Unit : Each (Each) In Stock : Yes Location : Houston, TX Condition : Excellent Available Quantity : 1
2007 Atlas Copco RD20-III Drilling Rig Details • Capacity : 30,000# Pulldown, 120,000# Pullback • Air Compressor : INGERSOLL RAND 1250 CFM / 350 psi • Deck Engine : CAT C27 Diesel • Mounted on CCC 5-Axle Carrier with Single Man Cab • CAT C13 Diesel Engine
2007 Atlas Copco RD20-III Drilling Rig Benefits The use of drilling rigs in the oil and gas industry has numerous benefits, including:
Increased production: Drilling rigs enable companies to access new oil and gas reserves, increasing production and helping to meet the growing demand for energy.
Efficiency: Drilling rigs are designed to operate efficiently, allowing companies to extract oil and gas resources with minimal waste and cost.
Flexibility: Drilling rigs can be used for a wide range of drilling methods, allowing companies to adapt to changing geologic conditions and operational requirements.
Safety: Modern drilling rigs are equipped with numerous safety features, including automated systems that detect and respond to potential hazards, protecting workers and the environment.
Job creation: The oil and gas industry is a major employer, and the use of drilling rigs creates jobs across a range of fields, including engineering, construction, and operations.
Economic benefits: The oil and gas industry contributes significantly to local and national economies, providing revenue for governments and supporting numerous industries.
Overall, the use of drilling rigs in the oil and gas industry has numerous benefits, enabling companies to extract valuable resources while also supporting jobs and economic growth.
from Oilfield Equipment Manager https://rignetwork.wordpress.com/2023/04/29/2007-atlas-copco-rd20-iii-drilling-rig-in-excellent-condition/
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angry-eevee · 4 years
I rolled a D20 for you rD20 ask thing and got a 15
Thank you!
15. Where do you play?  What do you like/not like about this space?
I play at home or at a friends house! Great because I don’t have to haul my ungodly amount of dice very far, only drawback is probably overheating in the summer and you have 4-6 sweaty nerds yelling at dice lol 
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krapalm · 2 years
สถาบัน AIST ของญี่ปุ่น เตรียมจัดการประชุม RD20 ครั้งที่ 4 ระหว่างวันที่ 4-6 ตุลาคม ณ กรุงโตเกียว มุ่งบรรลุความเป็นกลางทางคาร์บอน
สถาบันวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรรมขั้นสูงแห่งชาติของญี่ปุ่น (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology ต่อไปนี้เรียกว่า “AIST”) ซึ่งตั้งอยู่ในกรุงโตเกียว เตรียมจัดการประชุมระดับนานาชาติ “RD20 ครั้งที่ 4” ตั้งแต่วันอังคารที่ 4 ตุลาคม ถึงวันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 ตุลาคม 2565 โดยเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของงาน Tokyo GX Week ซึ่งจัดโดยกระทรวงเศรษฐกิจ การค้า และอุตสาหกรรม…
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saveyourdata · 4 years
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Quasi tutti quelli che mi conoscono sanno che sono un appassionato di Fortnite: circa due anni fa però, è successa una cosa che mi fece riflettere. Andai a casa di un mio amico per giocare con lui e impostai il mio profilo sul suo pc: così potemmo giocare da due piattaforme diverse. Il giorno dopo però lui, entrando sul portatile, riuscì ad accedere al mio profilo del gioco (dove ero ancora loggato) e mi fece uno scherzo: si regalò* sul suo account un oggetto estetico, usando i miei V-Buck (una valuta del gioco che può essere acquistata con soldi veri). Voleva solo farmi uno scherzo e mi ricaricò subito il portafoglio virtuale dello stesso importo speso, ma fa pensare al rischio che può esserci (anche solo in un semplice gioco) nel non tenere al sicuro le nostre password.
Proprio per arginare questo problema molto comune, l’Epic Games ha introdotto l’autenticazione a due fattori: questa doppia sicurezza consiste nel chiedere a colui che sta cercando di accedere non solo la password dell’account, ben sì anche un codice casuale che viene inviato sul momento a una seconda mail oppure a un numero di cellulare via messaggio o chiamata (che devono essere stati caricati durante la registrazione dell’account); tale codice deve essere inserito all’istante poiché ha una validità di un paio di minuti. In questo modo è più difficile per un truffatore entrare nell’account poiché, oltre ad averci rubato le credenziali, deve avere sotto mano anche il nostro cellulare o avere accesso ad un ulteriore mail e password di nostra proprietà. Insomma, o il nostro account viene preso di mira da un esperto hacker oppure è quasi impossibile che qualcuno possa entrarne in possesso.
C’è da dire certamente che la Epic non è stata la prima e nemmeno la sola ad usare questa tipologia di sicurezza: già nel novembre 2013 Belle Beth Cooper scrisse un post su come attivare la “2 Step-Login” sul sito "Buffer.com". Tutt’ora molti siti ne fanno uso per difendere i propri clienti: primi fra tutti sono certamente Amazon, Google e Apple, ma ce ne sono molti altri non meno importanti come Twitter, PayPal, Facebook, eBay, Microsoft e così via.
Ciò per cui è certamente da elogiare la Epic è il fatto che, per incentivare le persone a proteggere al meglio il proprio account, ha messo a disposizione un balletto gratuito (utilizzabile in game) per tutti coloro che, in qualsiasi momento, avessero attivato la 2FA: a chi non interessa può sembrare una sciocchezza, ma per chi gioca è stato un forte incentivo per attivarla.
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Alcuni spezzoni del balletto in questione (foto scattata/composta da me).
L’immagine di apertura rappresenta 2FA che tiene al sicuro diverse app (disegno fatto da me).
*per chi fosse interessato all’argomento “regali” su Fortnite, consultare “Salvatore Aranzulla”.
Autore: Pixterix
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picgramwebsite-blog · 6 years
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Was bedeutet SBE für DichFür uns ist ganz klar – #WIR sind immer ein #Team, nur … Was bedeutet SBE für DichFür uns ist ganz klar - #WIR sind immer ein #Team, nur ... WIR ,Team, ,Ziele ,Levante ,Geschenk! ,SBEmanagement ,TeamSBE ,SBEManagementOnTheRoad ,RaphaelDwamena ,RD20 ,Levante ,LevanteUD ,LugoLevante ,LaLiga ,striker ,soccer ,agency ,agencylifestyle
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Padre y Hijo | @brokenspanishla Bacanora, White Verjus, Lime, Quince Chamoy, Cilantro. Served over ice. Back to our regularly scheduled program. We need a few of these after bringing #RD20 to LA 🍹 #DTLADrinks #InTheHeartOfTheCity #DTLA #DowntownLA #LosAngeles #LA #TheHeartOfLA (at Broken Spanish)
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