rippleclan · 4 months
RippleClan: Moon 20
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The war between RippleClan and AshClan comes to a formal end, and everyone in RippleClan celebrates.
[Image ID: A crowd of RippleClan cats, including Oilstripe, gather to frame Downstar, who says “It’s over, everyone!”]
Oilstripe hated the wait. 
All of RippleClan lingered in their camp’s clearing, the light of a central fire throwing shadows onto the shipwreck. A soft snowfall danced overhead, fizzling out well before it reached the warm camp. Everyone’s minds seemed far from camp, however. Weedfoot paced around the exit while Puddlespeckle watched her with a tired, but oddly soft gaze. Burdockcreek and Clammask silently shared tongues with Rustshade. Oilstripe sat close to the fire with Carnationspeckle and Applepelt. There were no StarClan spirits in camp that night to distract her. All she had were two friends stuck in the same state of mind.
“This seems like a formality, don’t you think?” Applepelt sighed, front paws kneading the sand. “AshClan hasn’t done anything since last moon’s Gathering. I don’t know why everyone is so tense.”
“We don’t know what Autumnstar thinks of us now,” Carnationspeckle said as Oilstripe groomed her long brown fur. 
“I know exactly what he thinks,” Applepelt chirped. “He’s terrified to face me again!” She rolled onto her back and batted the air. 
“Terrified to face StarClan, maybe,” Oilstripe scoffed. “His whole argument fell apart the moment Downstar came back to life. He can’t chase out a Clan accepted by StarClan, it’s in the code.”
“So StarClan’s truly real, is it?” Applepelt sighed. She squirmed deeper into the sand while Oilstripe gave a half-hearted laugh.
“Oh, you have no idea,” Oilstripe said.
“Applepelt, scoot away from the fire, your whiskers will catch,” Carnationspeckle chuckled. 
“Make me,” Applepelt cooed. “It’s too quiet tonight. I’m gonna ramble for a while. Smack me if you wanna stop me.” She rolled back onto her belly. She ranted about WheatClan stories she picked up at the last Gathering, but Oilstripe tuned her out. She and Carnationspeckle groomed knots out of each other’s fur as the fire crackled and spat.
Soon enough, Downstar and Rabbitjoy both entered the camp. Weedfoot stopped pacing and joined them on their way to the Shiprock. Carnationspeckle and Oilstripe both kicked Applepelt, pausing her story mid-sentence. Applepelt seemed ready to whine, but spotted the returning leader and sat up. 
“All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather below the Shiprock for a Clan meeting!” Downstar called before she even got to the rock. Halibutpaw had been sitting quietly outside the apprentice’s den but now called his littermates into the clearing. The small Clan huddled around the fire. Their eyes shone in the dim light like Silverpelt brought down. Rabbitjoy sat at the bottom of the Shiprock. Oilstripe put her paw over Applepelt’s and her tail over Carnationspeckle’s as she held her breath. Downstar could only keep her serious expression up for so long, though.
“It’s over, everyone!” Downstar yowled, tail high. “RippleClan and AshClan are at peace!” A great cheer tore through the clearing. Oilstripe’s muscles melted like her namesake. “AshClan will hereby acknowledge our position as a Clan ordained by StarClan. As the moons pass, we will establish the same relationships we have with the other Clans. AshClan will allow us to walk along the border to visit the other Clans.”
“Finally,” Halibutpaw scoffed. Graypaw batted his ear.
“Aww, you afraid of a fight?” Graypaw laughed. “You’re the warrior apprentice. You should be sad you can’t show AshClan what’s what anymore.”
“Maybe I don’t want another friend to die, Graypaw,” Halibutpaw snapped. Graypaw stepped back, blinking wildly.
“Alright, alright,” James cooed, stepping between the pair. “That’s quite enough. When I lived with humans, they always celebrated special moments with a good meal. I say we do the same!”
“I like that idea, James,” Downstar chirped. “Carnationspeckle, you’re the best swimmer we have. Would you take Graypaw to the coast and find some fish for the Clan?”
“The ocean’s freezing, Mom,” Graypaw whined. “Can’t I help at the oven?”
“You’ll be a caretaker soon, Graypaw,” Downstar sighed, shaking her head. “If I ask you to do something, you’ll need to do it. It won’t take long.” Graypaw muttered something, but didn’t put up anymore fight. 
“We have a bit of flaxseed oil from WheatClan!” Clammask said, jogging over to the portion of the shipwreck where the Clan stored jars and pots and baskets. “Let’s use that tonight!”
“Wonderful,” Downstar purred, hopping off the Shiprock. “We could use a feast. Enjoy yourselves tonight, everyone!” Weedfoot, Shadowpaw, Halibutpaw, and Rustshade surrounded Downstar. Carnationspeckle stretched and touched noses with both Oilstripe and Applepelt.
“I’ll catch a fish for us to share,” she promised. With a wave of her feathery tail, Carnationspeckle led Graypaw out of camp. 
“My humans used to catch fish, did I ever tell you that?” Applepelt chirped.
“A few times already, yes,” Oilstripe purred, her heart as warm as the fire.
“You should have seen the fish they would bring in,” Applepelt laughed, stretching her legs as far as they could go. “Some of them were this big! I’ve never seen others of them before, either. I think they got on a ship and caught them, but I don’t know how that works. I know James helps build rafts sometimes, but they couldn’t go far enough to catch these fish. I don’t know if I could call some of them fish…” 
Applepelt continued on, describing spider-like masses of flesh and fish with more teeth than she could count. As her words washed over Oilstripe, the ginger historian’s eyes drifted over the apprentice’s den. A cream-colored cat stood outside the den, shining as bright as the fire. Oilstripe nodded to her sibling and enjoyed her Clan’s victory.
(Oilstripe: 24, female, historian, charismatic, ghost sight)
(Applepelt: 29, she/they, historian, rebellious, lore keeper)
(Carnationspeckle: 22, female, caretaker, compassionate, talented swimmer)
(Downstar: 79, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Halibutpaw: 12, male, warrior apprentice, impulsive, quick witted, lover of stories)
(Graypaw: 12, female, caretaker apprentice, bloodthirsty, careful listener)
(James: 96, male, caretaker, charismatic, den builder, formidable fighter)
(Clammask: 14, female, caretaker, righteous, lore keeper, good teacher)
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Two apprentices graduate from their training without their brother. Shadowpaw was held back to catch up on missed training from whitecough.
(Halibutdusk: 12, male, warrior, gloomy, clever, great storyteller)
(Graythroat: 12, female, caretaker, fierce, valuable insight)
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Graythroat attacks a fox without hesitation, but merely freaks it out.
[Image ID: Graythroat faces down a fox while Fennelspot and James watch in the corner. Under Fennelspot, it says + GUIDANCE FROM STARCLAN: GRAY & GRAY (OMEN).]
Fennelspot loved having a proper selection of caretakers to help him manage his gardens. It could be hard to properly tend to the selection of herbs he had begun cultivating in the southern half of the territory, but with caretakers, Fennelspot could focus on his medical and spiritual duties while they made sure the herbs grew well. Yes, it was the last moon of winter, and most of the growths wouldn’t begin showing up until the next moon, but it was the perfect time to plant some of his seeds. Besides, James and Graythroat hadn’t had much experience with the garden, so this was as good a time as any to introduce them.
“Humans have their farms and gardens,” Fennelspot explained as Graythroat and James walked behind him with baskets of thyme and sage seeds. “That taught us how to start our own fields and rise a step above herbal scavenging. There are a lot of plants we let grow wild, but some, like the sage and thyme seeds I’ve kept in storage all winter, grow well in gardens. I found the areas near the southern edge have better conditions for maintaining a garden.”
“Do you expect me to dig?” James scoffed, his words muddied by the basket in his mouth. “I don’t dig. I can barely tolerate the constant sand between my paws, I will not willingly coat myself in mud.”
“We’re caretakers, that’s our job,” Graythroat grunted.
“The mud’s not as bad as you think it is, James,” Fennelspot said, some of this enthusiasm seeping out. “It reminds me of SlugClan. It’s nice. At least I won’t ask you to help smoke out beehives. I don’t think you’d stay in RippleClan if you had to do that.” Fennelspot chuckled awkwardly as James tilted his head. The face Graythroat made told him all he needed to know on the subject.
The gardens were a section of an open field west of the RippleClan graveyard. At first glance, it seemed like any other field, but the grass was only half-grown and the remnants of plants that did not survive the winter sat in rows that would never have formed without an intelligent paw to guide them. A dusting of snow covered the gardens, but it wouldn’t stop the patrol.
Fennelspot was about to direct Graythroat to tear up the dead plants while he explained planting to James, but a gray shape on the other side of the gardens made him pause. It was a silver fox; its black fur was dusted white as though it had been caught in the snow. Brilliant orange eyes stared at Fennelspot. It stood in profile, watching the three cats, completely frozen.
“It’s likely passing through,” Fennelspot whispered as his companions noticed the fox. “We’ll wait for it to leave and come back later.”
“No,” Graythroat huffed, dropping her basket. “This is our territory. No fox is going to steal our prey.” Graythroat bolted past Fennelspot and James before either could respond. Graythroat hissed and screeched, catching the fox’s attention. The fox screamed at Graythroat, ears pulled back as far as they could go. Graythroat launched at the fox and dug her claws and fangs into its silver coat.
“Graythroat!” Fennelspot yowled. “It’s done nothing to us. Leave it alone!” StarClan, he wished there was someone in the Clan who could speak to foxes. James set his basket of sage seeds down and stood in front of Fennelspot, ready to defend the cleric.
Morning light bounced off Graythroat’s pelt. The sun illuminated the fox’s fur, blending the white flecks into its black undercoat. In that light, Graythroat’s pelt looked just like the foxes. Gray fur scrambled over gray fur in a shiny mixture of rage. A sudden sense of familiar clarity flooded Fennelspot’s mind as the fox scrambled out from Graythroat’s clutches and bolted toward the trees, barking madly. This was a sign. No, not a simple sign. An omen. StarClan may not talk to him like they talk to Oilstripe, but by the stars, he was good at his job and he knew an omen when he saw it.
What the omen meant, however, he could not say.
(Fennelspot: 77, male, cleric,  insecure, valuable insight, incredible runner)
(Graythroat: 12, female, caretaker, fierce, valuable insight)
(James: 96, male, caretaker, charismatic, den builder, formidable fighter)
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James escorts the WheatClan deputy to camp.
[Image ID: James stands in the corner as Valleybrook, a golden tabby with Rustshade’s markings and lavender in his fur, speaks to Rustshade and Oilstripe. He says “I wish we were talking under better circumstances, Rust.”]
There were a lot of cats Oilstripe would have expected to walk into camp, but her uncle was not one of them.
Oilstripe and Rustshade were sharing one of their rarer moments of peace, quizzing Shadowpaw on the code so he could catch up to his littermates. They were halfway through the Code of Caretakers when James entered camp. Oilstripe would have paid him no mind if a slender golden tabby didn’t follow him in. The tom was so star-struck by the bulking shipwreck that he didn’t notice Weedfoot jogging his way.
“Valleybrook?” Weedfoot called. Rustshade snapped his head around. 
Valleybrook broke out of his trance and faced Weedfoot, saying with an awkward sigh, “I’m sorry. I’m very impressed by your camp. A shipwreck makes quite the statement.”
“I was enjoying my afternoon when he waved me over from the WheatClan border,” James huffed, scratching an itch behind his ear. “He asked to come to camp.”
“Downstar’s out on patrol right now,” Weedfoot said with a slight cock of her head. “What brings the WheatClan deputy to our camp?”
“It’s something of a favor,” Valleybrook admitted. His gaze shifted to Rustshade and he said, “I was hoping to speak with my brother.”
“Rustshade, you never told me you’re littermates with WheatClan’s deputy,” Shadowpaw said as Rustshade wandered over to Valleybrook, his tail stiff behind him.
“They haven’t talked much since we left WheatClan,” Oilstripe whispered. From what she remembered of the first half of her kithood, Valleybrook had been a loving uncle, encouraging Oilstripe to learn all about WheatClan’s crops. He was always the perfect image of grace at Gatherings, but his soft eyes rekindled Oilstripe’s old memories of him.
“Hello, Valley,” Rustshade sighed, gracefully sitting in front of his estranged kin.
“I wish we were talking under better circumstances, Rust,” Valleybrook sighed. He spotted Oilstripe watching and called to her. “Oilstripe, join us, please.” With a worried glance at Shadowpaw, Oilstripe joined her father and uncle. Weedfoot and James stepped away in a feeble effort to give the group privacy.
“What’s so wrong that we couldn’t talk about it during the Gathering?” Rustshade asked matter-of-factly. “You’d only have to wait a few days.”
“I didn’t want you to be blinded by the news,” Valleybrook sighed. He tucked his tail over his paws and took a deep breath. “Sunstrike came down with some sort of infection. I don’t fully understand what happened. She passed away yesterday.” 
Well that didn’t make sense. Oilstripe would have seen her. She spoke to Sunstrike at Gatherings, they were polite to each other, she knew she cared that Oilstripe was happy. She wouldn’t head to StarClan without visiting her kits. Should she even be thinking of her mother’s death in such simple terms? Should she feel more than she did? Rustshade seemed similarly stunned, at least. His unreadable expression gave no clues as to how he felt.
“I see,” Rustshade said. “Thank you for telling us before the Gathering.”
“It’s the least I can do,” Valleybrook said. “If you two want to share soup together at the Gathering, I think that would be nice.” Rustshade nodded softly. Valleybook gingerly reached a paw out and placed it on Rustshade’s head. Rustshade stayed still. “I’m sorry, Rustshade. I know things haven’t been wonderful between you and your old mate, but I understand what it’s like to lose someone you shared so much of your life with.” Valleybrook couldn’t have been more obvious about what he meant, but Oilstripe couldn’t tell if her father noticed. 
“Do you want me to escort you back to the border?” Rustshade asked.
“That would be nice,” Valleybrook sighed, moving his paw and standing. “I hope it’s alright if I visit your dirtplace first.”
“There’s a path looping around the shipwreck for you to follow,” Rustshade explained, nodding toward the dirtplace path. Valleybrook nodded and his gaze lingered on his brother as he crossed through camp.
“Oilstripe,” Rustshade muttered into Oilstripe’s ear. “Clammask and Burdockcreek will be back from Downstar’s hunting patrol before I get back. Will you tell them about Sunstrike?” Oilstripe nodded absentmindedly, then realized exactly what that would entail.
“You want me to…” Oilstripe gulped, locking eyes with Rustshade. Rustshade sighed and nodded.
“If they haven’t figured it out themselves,” Rustshade explained, “they deserve to know now. They should get a chance to mourn their mother.”
“I’ll tell them,” Oilstripe promised. She couldn’t predict how they would react, but her father was right. It was important for them to know where they came from.
Valleybrook returned soon after and walked with Rustshade out of camp. Oilstripe dismissed Weedfoot’s questions of concern and went off to a quiet corner of camp to think. Well, not really think; look. She scanned the camp and the trees beyond and the humming waves that brought the shipwreck to its home. 
Sunstrike was nowhere to be seen.
(Oilstripe: 24, female, historian, charismatic, ghost sight)
(Weedfoot: 68, female, deputy, charismatic, very clever, formidable fighter)
(James: 96, male, caretaker, charismatic, den builder, formidable fighter)
(Rustshade: 64, male, codekeeper, sneaky, learner of lore)
(Shadowpaw: 12, male, codekeeper apprentice, adventurous, confident with words)
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Carnationspeckle finds an abandoned kit while on patrol with Weedfoot.
[Image ID: Weedfoot and Carnationspeckle face a silver kit with a white left ear and copper eyes. Under the kit, it says NEW PLAYER: RATTLEKIT, 3 MOONS, FEMALE, INSECURE, PLAYS WITH PREY. Weedfoot asks, “What happened to your fur, little one?”]
“I wish I could say I’m surprised that Graythroat attacked the fox, but I’m not,” Carnationspeckle sighed. “She’s always been more ready to fight than she should be.”
She and Weedfoot were at the gardens, carefully planting some heal all seeds Rabbitjoy traded with SlugClan. The ground kept freezing as night fell, but Fennelspot insisted the frost wouldn’t hurt the seeds. The frost still clung to the grass when Carnationspeckle and Weedfoot arrived. Carnationspeckle found the simple practice of spreading seeds to be a mindful activity, allowing her to connect with the world around her. Weedfoot kept shaking mud out of her paws, but at least she was willing to help.
“If she wanted to focus on fighting,” Weedfoot huffed, “she should have trained as a warrior. Her brothers learned to curb their battledrive, I don’t know why she hasn’t.”
“StarClan only knows,” Carnationspeckle said. She studied the edges of the garden and asked, “Do you suppose there is a way to protect the herbs from rabbits and those sorts of creatures?”
“We would need some sort of wall,” Weedfoot muttered, tilting her small basket of heal all seeds onto the ground. “I don’t know how we would keep other animals out but let ourselves in.” Carnationspeckle hummed softly and shoved dirt over the heal all seeds.
“Mom?” a high-pitched voice called. Weedfoot and Carnationspeckle’s ears shot up. The wild growth beyond the garden was quiet, but distant plants swayed as an unseen figure pushed past them.
“Hello?” Carnationspeckle called into the trees. A soft gasp reached her ears and the plants shifted while the figure hurried toward the garden. Weedfoot tensed up and took a cautious step toward the approaching form. 
A silver face peeked out from the half-alive plants beyond the garden. Dark orange eyes shone in the light of the early morning. Carnationspeckle held back a gasp as she realized the silver coloration was not fur like it should have been, but skin. The kit lacked a single hair anywhere on her face. Wrinkles settled over her body like fluff. Her left ear was shiny and white like a fin sticking out of the water. Her face soured at the sight of Carnationspeckle and Weedfoot.
“You’re not my mom,” she huffed. She stepped back into the trees.
“Wait!” Carnationspeckle yelped. “Come back!” The kit emerged once more, studying Carnationspeckle just as the brown molly studied her.
“What happened to your fur, little one?” Weedfoot asked softly, getting down to the kit’s level.
“I never had any,” the kit said, hesitating. “Who are you? Have you seen my mom?”
“I’m Weedfoot,” the deputy explained. “This is my friend, Carnationspeckle. What does your mother look like, little one?”
“Like me,” the kit explained. “Have you seen her?”
“I’m sorry, we haven’t,” Carnationspeckle sighed. “What’s your name?”
“Rattlesnake,” the kit muttered. As she stepped further into the garden, Rattlesnake shivered violently. Carnationspeckle hurried up to her. Rattlesnake yelped, but Carnationspeckle brought her close and pressed her into her long pelt.
“You’re freezing,” Carnationspeckle gasped. “Stay here, please. I can keep you warm.” Rattlesnake shivered so hard, she almost knocked Carnationspeckle over. The skin of her needle-like tail was red and blistered. 
“She’s no Clan kit,” Weedfoot sighed. She sat next to Carnationspeckle. “Rattlesnake, when did you last see your mother?”
“She woke me up and brought me to the forest,” Rattlesnake explained. She buried her bony face into Carnationspeckle’s fur. 
“So you’ve been out here all night?” Weedfoot mumbled.
“Weedfoot, she has frostbite,” Carnationspeckle said, draping a paw over Rattlesnake. “I can’t warm her up here.”
“Rattlesnake, can we bring you to our home?” Weedfoot asked. “We have some warm leather and a fire you can sit by.”
“Mom said not to go with anyone unless they were a Clan cat,” Rattlesnake gulped, eyeing Weedfoot.
“Then you’re in luck,” Carnationspeckle purred. “We’re from RippleClan.” Rattlesnake purred and rubbed her cold nose against Carnationspeckle.
“I’m going to run ahead and make sure the Clan’s ready for her,” Weedfoot explained. “Will you escort her to camp?”
“I won’t leave her side,” Carnationspeckle promised. The pair touched noses and Weedfoot took off, grabbing the seed basket and leaving deep pawprints behind her. Carnationspeckle reached for Rattlesnake’s scruff, but paused. Without fur, would Carnationspeckle’s teeth pierce her gentle skin? She decided against it.
“Rattlesnake,” Carnationspeckle whispered, “have you ever had a horse ride?”
“What’s that?” Rattlesnake asked, peeking out from Carnationspeckle’s fur. Carnationspeckle crouched down so her belly touched the ground.
“Climb onto my back and hold on tight,” Carnationspeckle chuckled. Rattlesnake hesitated for a while, one paw gently reaching toward Carnationspeckle. Eventually she scaled Carnationspeckle’s back. Carnationspeckle gently stood and adjusted her stance for Rattlesnake’s weight. 
“Here we go,” Carnationspeckle chirped. She waddled out of the garden as quick as she could as Rattlekit’s tiny claws poked into her skin.
It was a long walk back to camp, but at least the frost melted underneath Carnationspeckle and Rattlesnake didn’t shiver so intensely. When the shipwreck came into view, Fennelspot was waiting for her outside camp.
“Let me see the frostbite,” Fennelspot gulped as Carnationspeckle ran toward him. Fennelspot walked alongside Carnationspeckle and studied Rattlesnake. Downstar and James tended a fire in the center of camp while Rabbitjoy set out a few soft leather pelts beside it. Weedfoot waited anxiously by the fire.
“Set her down here,” she said when Carnationspeckle got close. Carnationspeckle laid on her belly so Rattlesnake could drop off. She purred as she curled up on the soft vole pelts. Fennelspot examined her tail and ran a paw over the blisters. The rest of RippleClan watched from the sidelines.
“It’s in its early stages,” Fennelspot explained. “I can treat this easily. Put a pelt over her. She needs warmth.”
“I didn’t know cats could be born without fur,” Downstar muttered as Fennelspot jogged to the medicine den. Rabbitjoy set a rabbit pelt over Rattlesnake, furry side up.
“I know a furless cat!” Parsley stepped out of the crowd. “When I lived in the barn, I heard stories of a furless molly the humans kept as a breeder.”
“What do you mean?” Carnationspeckle gasped.
“Humans sometimes keep a molly around so she can keep kitting litters,” Weedfoot explained with a sneer. “They don’t care how exhausting it is.”
“What an awful fate,” Carnationspeckle growled. “Why did her mother leave her out here? If she could leave, why wouldn’t she join her daughter?” Rattlesnake had fallen asleep by this point. Her whiskers twitched peacefully in her dreams. Fennelspot returned with a salve in a small jar and spread it over Rattlesnake’s tail.
“Maybe she couldn’t leave for long,” James suggested. “If humans like the cat living with them enough, they’ll look for them if they leave. You said her mother wanted her to go with Clan cats, didn’t you? Perhaps she thought her daughter would have a better life without her.” Carnationspeckle curled around Rattlesnake and groomed her wrinkly head.
“She will,” Carnationspeckle promised. She met Downstar’s eyes and said, “I’ll raise her. I can’t let her sleep in the nursery alone.”
“I’m not surprised,” Downstar purred.
“It’ll be hard to explain this to her,” Weedfoot sighed, sitting by Rattlesnake and Carnationspeckle. “She can’t be much older than three moons.”
“Do you think she’ll want a Clan name?” James hummed. 
“If she does,” Carnationspeckle purred, “we could call her Rattlekit. That’s what you did with my name.” Downstar and Weedfoot nodded as Carnationspeckle rested her head by her new daughter. Yes, that was what she would be. The decision was as clear to Carnationspeckle as a cloudless sky. The small furless molly would not go through life without a mother.
(Carnationspeckle: 22, female, caretaker, compassionate, talented swimmer)
(Weedfoot: 68, female, deputy, charismatic, very clever, formidable fighter)
(Rattlekit: 3, female, kit, insecure, plays with prey)
(Fennelspot: 77, male, cleric,  insecure, valuable insight, incredible runner)
(Downstar: 79, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(James: 96, male, caretaker, charismatic, den builder, formidable fighter)
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cryptidclaw · 8 months
Whisperingclan moon 19 pt. 2
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I love how my designs for the evil lesbian spawn, they are so prettyyyy, clangen blessed me with such pretty colors, I mean Sleet is literally pink.
annnd Weedpatch is a big brother now!! I haven't mentioned Celeste before (because technically the clan hasn't met her yet at this point) but she looks exactly like Weed but long furred so.. that's his mom there's no other option. I decided that Rattlekit is Weed's sister bec she's tan and also I wanted to give him some kin since he lost his bff/cousin Jaggedlark last year and she was the whole reason he joined Whisperingclan in the first place :(
Whisperingclan Year 1 | Previous Update | Next Update
designs for the apprentice sisters below!
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aurumdrake · 10 months
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Hello... long time no post! Here's a small update to my world building project, Archai. (Please click the image for better quality!)
These small dragons populate woodlands and frequent farms and gardens in search of prey. They keep local pest populations in control, so they are a favorite amongst those who grow crops. The eye spots vary between individuals, and different species of rattlekites exhibit a range of different colors and wing shapes to mimic larger predators in their area. This particular species mimicks a species of fiery drake that prowls the forests and predates on anything it sets its eyes on. Perhaps I will draw that next!
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buzzardclangen · 5 months
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After BuzzardClan is swept away by a flash flood, only Rattlekit and Robinshadow remain
Some refs (in the old style), as of moon 1
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Hi! New fan-clan here.
This is a clangen clan!!!!
Ask me some questions please!!! :3
Sprucestar— Female, Leader
Troutclaw— Female, Deputy
Jetmask— Male, Medicine Cat
Tulipear— Male, Elder
Mouseholly— Female, Warrior
Fuzzyclaw— Female, Warrior
Honeypaw— Male, Apprentice.
Heavypaw— Female, Apprentice.
Rattlekit— Female, Kit
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sharkydrawz · 3 months
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Redbelly’s kits, Sunkit (tom) and Rattlekit (she), and Puddlekit (tom), who she fosters when Snakepelt and Rootfur find him all alone
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warriorstickers · 1 year
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As much fun as I was having writing out a bunch of stuff for all of Cavernclan's stuff, it takes a lot of time. So instead I'm going to do something more like this, unless there's a scene I really want to write out. Caverclan, Moon 7, Leaffall + Rattlekit becomes Rattlepaw, and is made a medicine cat apprentice under Glowfish
+ Glowfish is supported by Burntheart after the loss of their clanmate (Lakefur) - There is a tunnel collapse, which buries and kills Lakepelt, and injures Yarrowfur’s tail - Cherryfreckle and Burntheart are hunting on Hayclan land at night, when a Hayclan patrol finds them. Breaking the new agreement, the Hayclan warriors attack them. They flee, as they’re outnumbered, and Cherryfreckle’s mending leg is re-injured. - Goldstar is furious, and plans to bring this up in the next Gathering
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clangenmoons · 1 year
Moons 4-6
Moon 4
Breezemist has three beautiful kits - Slightkit, Fleckkit, and Rattlekit. When asked who fathered them, she becomes extremely agitated and refuses to continue the conversation. There is some speculation, but no one knows for sure. Tragedy strikes quickly. Life on the cliffs isn't easy for TalonClan, and in his first moon, Slightkit is picked up by a hawk. Thankfully Rainstar is able to rescue him, but not without wounds. Songheart watches him closely in the medicine den in the hopes that his small body can heal from this.
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The medicine den gets even more crowded when Whisperfrost is bitten by a snake on a hunting patrol. While she survived, the injury is severe and she requires care from Songheart.
Moon 5
Thanks to the tireless care from Songheart, but Sprucefur and Whisperfrost recover fully and are able to leave the medicine den.
Moon 6
All is quiet in TalonClan.
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rippleclan · 4 months
RippleClan: Moon 22
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Rustshade tried to confess his feelings to Fennelspot, but got rejected.
[Image ID: Fennelspot leaves Rustshade in the upper right corner. Graythroat stands behind Rustshade and says, “Too bad, Rusty.” Under her, it says LEVEL UP! VALUABLE INSIGHT -> TRUSTED ADVISOR.]
Rustshade was not the nervous sort. He could only remember three times where he was truly, distinctly nervous. First, when he admitted to WheatClan that he was one of the Ripple followers. Second, when Twinekit got sick. Third, when Locustseeker went on their mission and never came back. In each of those moments, Rustshade’s future hung in the balance. Was this one of those moments? Hard to say. But if things went well, the future he imagined looked pretty good.
There weren’t many cats in camp that late afternoon. Shadowdrop was out of camp with a few others, investigating a new monster-path the humans started following on the edges of the territory, beyond any of the Clans. Carnationspeckle was with Rattlekit, trying to convince the furless molly that she needed to keep her leather pelts draped over her if she wanted to stay warm and safe from the sun. Puddlespeckle was thankfully out on a begrudging walk with his daughter (he was the last cat Rustshade wanted around when he put his plan into action). The only other cats in camp were Fennelspot and Graythroat, huddled around the cleric’s grillstone. 
The cleric’s grillstone was built in an offshoot of the camp where the heat wouldn’t endanger the shipwreck. It was a tamed fire built underneath a long, flat stone. When Rustshade approached, Fennelspot and Graythroat sat staring into a pot placed on the hot stone.. There was another pot sitting in the bigger pot that contained a dark bubbling mixture. Water filled the bigger pot and steam drifted overhead.
“What’s this?” Rustshade asked. 
“We’re making wax,” Graythroat hummed with a playful twitch of her whiskers. “I found a big hive and all us caretakers agreed we could harvest it. I only got stung twice!” Sure enough, there were a couple spots on her flank covered in one of Fennelspot’s ointments.
“You’re lucky you aren’t one of those poor souls who die when they’re stung,” Fennelspot sighed. “Do you need anything, Rustshade?”
“I can wait until this is done,” Rustshade promised, taking a seat a couple tail-lengths away. A minute later, the pair seemed satisfied with their work. Graythroat kicked sand over the fire until nothing remained but smothered smoke. 
“Once that cools,” Fennelspot explained, “we need to strain the beeswax through a filter Rabbitjoy weaved for me. That will collect the thick elements we don’t want. Then we will let the wax cool and I can melt it as needed.” He paused, thinking for a few moments, before adding, “In SlugClan, one of our artisans invented a way to craft leather so we could shield our mouths from heat and take pots off the grillstone immediately. Remind me when Rabbitjoy comes back that I want to speak to SlugClan about that.”
“Anything else?” Graythroat asked, stretching.
“I plan to cook some infusions later, so if you’ll help me prepare for that, I would be grateful,” Fennelspot said. He turned his focus to Rustshade, and once more the younger tom seemed caught by how Fennelspot’s eyes blended with the color of his fur to form a gorgeous pattern of ginger and white. “What was it you wanted to talk to me about?” Graythroat had been about to leave, but her ears stayed pointed toward the two, even as she pretended she was minding her own business. Oh well. It wasn’t like Rustshade wanted to hide his emotions.
“It’s not a medical issue, if you’re concerned,” Rustshade said with an awkward flick of his tail. “It’s a personal question. It’s about something us founders agreed on when we started RippleClan.” Fennelspot nodded, eyes serious and focused as he sat in front of Rustshade. “One of the big issues we wanted to change in this Clan was how clerics, like yourself, were forced to abstain from romance and parenthood due to a misguided belief about your connection to StarClan. RippleClan won’t follow that part of the Code of Clerics. As such, I was hoping you and I could give a relationship a chance.” Graythroat suffocated a poorly hidden gasp, masking it as a cough. Rustshade glared at her with enough fire in his eyes that Graythroat stepped away.
“A…” Fennelspot gulped, ears twitching rapidly.
“I haven’t won someone’s heart in a while,” Rustshade chuckled, whiskers twitching, “but we could take it slow. Perhaps a walk or two?” Fennelspot tensed. His eyes looked everywhere but at Rustshade. As the moments stretched on, Rustshade slowly realized that this wouldn’t end the way he hoped.
“It’s important to me that future clerics have the chance to be mates and parents,” Fennelspot said, “but I… swearing to that part of the Code of Clerics was important to me. It’s my choice to keep that oath. I wouldn’t be comfortable taking a mate, even with our Clan’s laws.” Rustshade nodded softly. His whiskers stilled and his face, as it so often did, betrayed nothing. Fennelspot shifted awkwardly, glancing for a way out. “I’m sorry, Rustshade. I’m going to prepare some herbs.” Fennelspot shuffled back toward the medicine den. Rustshade’s gaze stayed on him until he slipped into the shadows of the small boat.
“Too bad, Rusty,” Graythroat hummed. She had somehow slipped behind Rustshade during the conversation. “Don’t hold it against him. Knowing Fennelspot, he’ll probably try extra hard to not make you feel bad about it.”
“I don’t want your advice, Graythroat,” Rustshade muttered, walking past her. He headed for the empty warrior’s den. It was fine. It was a disappointment, but it was fine. He could live without Fennelspot. It was fine.
(Rustshade: 66, male, codekeeper, sneaky, learner of lore)
(Graythroat: 14, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor)
(Fennelspot: 79, male, cleric,  insecure, valuable insight, incredible runner)
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Puddlespeckle scares Rattlekit with a story.
[Image ID: Carnationspeckle and Rattlekit stand together, facing Puddlespeckle. Carnationspeckle snaps, “Puddlespeckle!” To which Puddlespeckle says, “It’s good for her!”]
“It is said,” Puddlespeckle purred as Rattlekit sat in front of him, “that the Harvest Moon is the most dangerous day of the year. There is a reason the Clans gather for the whole day, Rattlekit. Without the protection of every star-fearing warrior, we would get pulled into the machinations of the Spirits of Shadow.” 
“Is this a real story?” Rattlekit gulped, “or one of those stories Rabbitjoy makes up?”
“Maybe a little of both,” Puddlespeckle said. The pair lurked in the quiet elder’s den while the rest of RippleClan shared tongues outside. Rattlekit had discarded the leather pelt Carnationspeckle always made her wear to the side. Although Puddlespeckle’s joints creaked as he told the tale, there was a certain look of wonder in the furless kit’s eyes that kept him going. 
“Carnationspeckle has told you about the Dark Forest, hasn’t she? That those cursed by StarClan spend their days there, chased by the memories of all they did wrong?” Rattlekit nodded. “Well, some of these cats grow to hate the living Clans and seek to meddle in the affairs of the living. They make up a number of what we call the Spirits of Shadow. They are forces beyond our living reality that seek to harm us and spread chaos. There are many, but when the Harvest Moon approaches, their powers grow with the coming of the autumn chill.”
“What can they do?” Rattlekit asked.
“Many things,” Puddlespeckle explained. His tail waved dramatically as he spoke. “The souls of the Dark Forest try to reach out to the living to further their own twisted plots. A skin ‘n bones will suck your stomach dry until you are so hungry, you eat your fellow cats. A wraith… well I don’t know if you can handle hearing about them.” With the mention of each dark spirit, Rattlekit’s copper eyes grew bigger and bigger.
“Rattlekit?” Carnationspeckle called from the clearing. “Where did you go?”
“I’m in here, Carnation!” Rattlekit yowled. Puddlespeckle grumbled and laid down. A few moments later, Carnationspeckle entered the den.
“Why are you making that face, Rattlekit?” Carnationspeckle asked, cocking her head as she spotted her adopted daughter’s huge eyes.
“Puddlespeckle says there’s a monster that makes you eat your friends,” Rattlekit gulped.
“Puddlespeckle!” Carnationspeckle snapped, drawing her tail around Rattlekit.
“It’s good for her!” Puddlespeckle insisted. “She’ll be an apprentice in less than a moon. She can handle some scary stories.”
“You never entertained me with stories as a kit,” Carnationspeckle muttered. She studied Puddlespeckle carefully, but the old tom couldn’t care less what she thought.
“Well I didn’t entertain anyone when you were a kit,” Puddlespeckle huffed. “Maybe a few moons in RippleClan have softened me up a bit.” Carnationspeckle draped Rattlekit’s leather back over her.
“It’s almost time to sleep,” Carnationspeckle sighed. “Hopefully you don’t have any nightmares tonight.” Carnationspeckle nudged Rattlekit out of the den. Rattlekit looked helplessly at Puddlespeckle, but a simple nod from the elder seemed to assuage her worries. The two mollies left Puddlespeckle alone in the elder’s den once more. 
Oh well, he thought as he settled deeper into his nest. That was the life of the Clan elder, he supposed.
(Puddlespeckle: 148, male, elder, strict, good hunter, good kitsitter)
(Rattlekit: 5, female, kit, insecure, plays with prey)
(Carnationspeckle: 24, female, caretaker, compassionate, talented swimmer)
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Applepelt ventures out on patrol soon before a massive flood.
[Image ID: Oilstripe faces Applepelt, who is now a StarClan cat. Applepelt says, “Oh… I didn’t get out, did I?”]
It had been a brutal storm. The waves crashed so high that they nearly reached the shipwreck. Downstar evacuated the dens closest to the water, which included the nursery. Oilstripe huddled beside Carnationspeckle and Rattlekit in the packed apprentice’s den as rain pummeled the sand outside. Fennelspot kept worrying that the rain would leak through the shipwreck and ruin his stores. Scrubmask practically had to hold him back to stop him from running to the medicine den. 
When the storm finally passed, a tree not far from camp laid on its side, budding branches reaching toward camp. Weedfoot and Downstar split the Clan into teams; one to clean up the camp and the other to take care of the tree. After all, everyone in RippleClan had been in camp during the storm.
Everyone but Applepelt.
Oilstripe paced around the trees as the rest of her team harvested the fallen tree for resources; after all, why let a tree go to waste when it had bark and buds and other things to support RippleClan? Oilstripe couldn’t focus, though. Fennelspot stood nearby as she gazed out, searching for signs of brown fur.
“Fennelspot, what if she’s hurt?” Oilstripe groaned. “We should go out and look for her.”
“The storm hasn’t been over long,” Fennelspot reminded her, glancing at the dark clouds. “She could still be sheltered somewhere.”
“I hate waiting,” Oilstripe muttered, sitting on the soaked grass. Fennelspot sat next to her and groomed her ear. 
“Oilstripe!” a familiar voice called. Oilstripe shot up. A moment later, a brown figure hurried through the trees.
“Applepelt!” Oilstripe gasped. “There you are! What were you thinking, staying out in a storm like that?” Oilstripe and Applepelt met halfway. Applepelt panted and shook out their fur.
“I didn’t think the storm would be that bad,” they laughed. “Oh, you should have been there, Oilstripe. I was at the Great Northern River when the storm hit. It was beautiful, in a frightening way. The waters surged up and rumbled toward the ocean. I was so caught up in watching it, I fell right in!” Applepelt must have noticed the look of horror on Oilstripe’s face, as they quickly stammered, “Oh, don’t worry! It was terrifying for a while, and I think I passed out, but I woke up on the shore! I feel great! I can’t believe I got out! Do you think Rattlekit will be impressed?”
“Let’s have Fennelspot look you over first,” Oilstripe sighed. “Fennelspot…” She looked back at Fennelspot and the words faded before they formed. He watched her with big, pitiful eyes. His wet fur sagged and his ears drifted to the side.
“Oilstripe, I don’t see her,” he gulped. A cold weight settled on Oilstripe’s chest. She turned back to Applepelt. Her fur was too dry to have just come out of the river. As she looked, she realized that she could see the grass through Applepelt’s body. 
“Oh…” Applepelt said softly, “I didn’t get out, did I?” Stardust climbed up their legs. Their fur glittered in the dull light and their eyes shone like stars. In a few moments, they looked like every other StarClan spirit that wandered through RippleClan’s camp.
“Apple…” Oilstripe gasped. A gentle twinkle filled her ears. Twinekit slipped out from behind a tree beside Oilstripe and Applepelt.
“It’s alright, Applepelt,” Twinekit promised. “I’m here to take you to StarClan.”
“So you are real,” Applepelt muttered. Her voice had never been so dull before.
“We won’t hold it against you,” Twinekit chuckled.
“I…” Applepelt gulped. She cleared her throat and braced herself to meet Oilstripe’s eyes. “Looks like I’m off, then. Take care of Rattlekit for me, I… I was hoping to mentor that little freak of nature.” She had to clear her throat again before her grief overtook her voice. “I’m sorry we didn’t spend much time together. Uh, if it helps, I remember those stories you told me, about StarClan watching over us. I’ll be doing that.”
“It’ll be like you never left,” Oilstripe said quietly. Applepelt hesitated, glancing between Oilstripe and Twinekit.
“On to the next adventure,” they said, unable to hide a crack in their voice. Twinekit trotted deeper into the forest. Applepelt closed their eyes and raced after Oilstripe’s long-dead sister. 
Oilstripe blinked, and they were gone.
(Oilstripe: 26, female, historian, charismatic, ghost sight)
(Fennelspot: 79, male, cleric,  insecure, valuable insight, incredible runner)
(Applepelt: 31, she/they, historian, rebellious, lore keeper)
(Twinekit: 2, female, kit, noisy, quick to help)
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stickstone · 3 years
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“you promised”
full story under the cut
rattletail was having that nightmare again.
she was running. westclan camp was burning and she couldn’t see anyone. she kept running.
they were at the bridge now. the flames rose high, and emanated a bright light. but the figure standing at the edge of the bridge was covered in shadow.
rattletail knew what happened next. they had been here so many times already. they leapt, and tackled the figure off the bridge.
as the two fell, time seemed to slow down. rattletail tried to look at the figure’s face.
it shifted. it was sillystring. the figure’s face shifted again. silverstar. and again. gallowshill.
the figure’s face kept shifting into cats rattletail knew all too well.
and then it landed on her own face.
the two hit the water with a splash.
this was usually where rattletail woke up. but not this time.
now, rattletail stood at the edge of the nursery.
confused, she peaked inside.
two kits were playing. they were laughing without a care in the world.
one of the kits tripped. he let out a wail, “wattlekit! hewp! I think I’m bweeding!”
the other kit ran over, helping the smaller one to his feet, “cowkit, you’re not bleeding. stop being so dramatic.” rattlekit teased.
cowkit was crying now. “I’m not being dwamatic! I huwt my pwecious widdle face!”
rattlekit’s teasing smile dropped. she sighed, “I’m sorry cowkit. where does it hurt?”
cowkit gestured to the spot above his left eye.
rattlekit tilted their head. “looks like you bumped it. I’ll go get tumblefoot-“
as rattlekit stood up, cowkit placed a paw on her shoulder. “w-wattlekit?”
“yes cowkit?”
“pwomise me you’ww awways be thewe fow me.”
rattlekit paused for a moment. they nodded.
rattletail and rattlekit spoke the words in tandem. “yes cowkit. I’ll always be there to protect you. I promise.”
a burst of flames blocked rattletail’s view of the nursery. they turned. they were back on the bridge again.
cowstar was crying.
“w-wattletaiw? wattletaiw oh thank stawcwan, I thought I was going to die.”
cowstar stepped towards rattletail, trying to get off the bridge.
rattletail stepped in front of him.
tears ran down rattletail’s face. she could only find the strength to mutter one thing. “cowstar..... I’m sorry.”
cowstar’s eyes filled with fear. “no. no! pwease don’t do this wattletaiw! not you too! evewyone in westcwan has betwayed me, pwease not you too!”
he looked around desperately as rattletail stepped forward.
“I-I know I’ve been bad, b-but what if I can change! wattletaiw pwease, pwease don’t huwt me!”
rattletail paused. *what if he could have changed...*
before they could complete the thought, cowstar took the opportunity to jump at her.
rattletail hissed as cowstar pushed her face into the fire. she remembered this pain all too well.
rattletail shoved cowstar off, anger fueling her despite the burns. they had him pinned now.
rattletail dragged him close to the bridge’s edge.
he screamed. “wattletaiw! pwease don’t! pwease, I-I’m scawed! y-you pwomised!”
“you promised.”
rattletail was back in the nursery. cowkit was nowhere to be seen. it was dark, but rattletail could hear the crackle of embers outside the den walls.
rattlekit stared her down. there was a mix of pain and fury in their eyes as they repeated themself.
“you promised.”
rattletail lowered her head. “I-I’m sorry. there was nothing else I could have done.”
rattlekit glared. “he was my best friend. and you killed him.”
“he was a tyrant.”
“he was like a brother to you.”
“he was a monster.”
“he needed you.”
“no,” rattletail growled, “westclan needed me. I did the right thing.”
“you lied to westclan. or had you forgotten about that?”
“I lied to protect them!”
“you lied to protect yourself!”
rattletail lowered their head. “I-I did the right thing.”
rattlekit said nothing more.
fire devoured the den walls, but rattlekit did not move. she simply sat still, glaring rattletail down as the world burned around them.
rattletail awoke with a jolt.
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
i think i should name squallstrike’s (breezepelt’s) dead litermates
sooo their mother is nightcloud but their father is some loner/barn cat. squallkit is the only surviving kit, as nightcloud had a very difficult birth. after being driven out, and with beetlestar as leader, windclan is very closed off from outsiders. so her having having kits with an outsider would p much ruin her social status. so crowfeather lies and says he is her kits’ father, and later let’s the clan believe he cheated on her with squirrelflight to keep her secret, thinking that it would start to repay featherbreeze (feathertail) for what she sacrificed for him
but yeah, she has 3 kittens, pretty much to mirror squirrelflight. squallkit (black and white bicolor tom with reddish amber eyes), rattlekit (a dark brown and white tabby molly), and thistlekit (a white tom with small black patches)
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Stumbly boy
Marshkit suffers from Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia, causing him to have an extremely wobbly walk. He is very spacey, and generally unaware of what’s going on around him. His most common word is ‘Huh?’ and his favorite activities include napping.
Name: Marshkit - Dizzypaw - ???
Clan: ForestClan
Rank: Kit
Gender: Male
Age: 3 months
Mother: Chestnutfeather
Mother: Lola (kittypet)
Siblings: Olive, Rattlekit
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SO to start this off, i need the cats from SnitchClan and RusherClan. I will include a list, then some changes to the og clan rules.
Leader: Flaxstar Spiritual Deputy: Swiftclaw Battle Deputy: Firemane Medicine Deputy: Waterwave Secondary Medicine cat(s): Flintfur Ultimate warriors: Shredear, Talonmask, Sneezewall, Starfoot Warriors: Redback, Pottedstem, Flatface, Steamtail, Paintneck, Blossomsheet, Fleapelt, Palespots, Twigfire New Warriors: Shiningmask, Stripestone, Shivermoon, Sootcloud, Hollowjaw, Jaystrike, Ashenstorm, Stash Apprentices: Smoothpaw, Whiskerpaw, Bulletpaw Predictor: Rocketcloud Meditator: Purplestripe Queens: Littlebone (Stickkit, Crumbkit), Peacockwhisker (Bluekit, Marigoldkit, Violetkit) Elders: Bubblecream, Curlytail
Leader: Aspenstar Spiritual Deputy: Hollycollar Battle Deputy: Squinteyes Medicine Deputy: Fanflame Secondary Medicine cat(s): Woodclaw Warrior-Medicine cat(s): Furnacefang Ultimate warriors: Scarmuzzle, Snowshoe, Windytail, Sunclaw Warriors: Tawnystripe, Cloudwater, Fuzzymeow, Silvercloak, Pirewing, Houndfang, Rockwhisker New Warriors: Hazelstripe, Littlespeckle, Fringetail, Possumpelt, Goldenlily Apprentices: Flypaw, Stonepaw, Lilypaw, Birchpaw Predictor: [none] Meditator: Ploverbranch Queens: Asterpetal (Rattlekit), Wrencloud (Pollockkit, Poppykit, Elders: Hornbeak, Silkytail, Wiretail
Normal text means that the rule doesn’t change. Italic means it’s expected to follow it, bold is parts of rules that don’t apply, and rules marked by a number and letter (ex. 1a) are new rules that only apply to these clans.
1. Defend your clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other clans, but your loyalty must stay with your clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.
Friendships are not tolerated. Normally, friendships aren’t followed by exilement, but rather a down-rank. Sometimes, friendships are mistaken for relationships, and can result in worse punishments. It’s not too rare for cats to have relationships with the same gender, or at least thought to have these.
2. Do not hunt or tresspass on other Clan territory.
This rule doesn’t change. The consequenses from your leader are smaller, but conswquenses from the clan you tresspassed can be from a scolding to death. Their border patrols are unforgiving.
3. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have premission, apprentices cannot eat until the elders have been fed. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they will be allowed to eat with the kits, elders, and queens.
This rule only applies to kits. Cats eat when theyre’s a satisfactory amount of prey in the fresh-kill pile. If the level isn’t reached, the rule will be applied as an expected rule.
4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give StarClan thanks for it’s life.
This rule doesn’t apply at all. Cats have learned how to catch deers and take the bones out to build walls for their camp, while still having a use for the body: feeding their predators so they won’t attack. Smaller prey is expected to only be eaten, but because you can’t really do anything with the bones.
5. A kit must be 6 moons old or older to become an apprentice.
This rule still applies. However, many things can push the date forward or back. First of all, medicine cats start at 5 moons, so if they have any warrior siblings, they will become full warriors/med cats just at the same time. If there aren’t enough cats in a role, they might be apprenticed 4-5 (warriors) or even 3-5 (meditatiors, predictors, extreme med cat shortages) moons early.
6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after recieving their warrior name.
This rule is changed a bit. They don’t hold vigils, instead they silently hunt. The warriors are allowed to eat one piece of prey they catch. The point of it is that the cats are both learning how to live alone and to be patient, as catching one of no pieces of prey causes the process to happen again two nights after.
7. A cat cannot become deputy until they have mentored at least one apprentice.
This applies to battle and spiritual deputies. Medicine deputies cannot be chosen as leader, and are instead they serve as prophecy analyzers and normal medicine cats.
8. The deputy will become leader when the leader dies, retires, or is exiled.
Not so fast there. If there is only one deputy (ex. battle deputy and leader went down together), they will become leader. If there is only a medicine deputy, they will lead. If there are NO deputies, the cat most closely related to the leader or a cat they chose will become leader, if not that then one of the ultimate warriors. When all deputies are alive, a vote is taken. The winner recieves their nine lives and the loser remains in their position. These battles are usually peaceful, but there was once a time where bloodshed came from the compitition of two brothers.
9. After the death, exilement, promotion, or retirement of a deputy, another will need to be chosen before sunrise.
This rule applies only to battle deputies. For spiritual deputies, they will be chosen after the apprenticeship of the new meditatior is done (the old one becomes the spiritual deputy). For medicine deputies, it will be the next oldest medicine cat (if any). The clans would rather have a meditator than a spiritual deputy, and a medicine deputy rather than a medicine cat.
(ten skipped because gatherings don’t exist and nothing replaces them)
11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all tresspassing cats.
Applied heavily. Borders are defended with lives. Sometimes, when cats are angry at the other clan, borders will also be marked with blood.
12. No warrior can neglet the pain from a kit, regardless of clan.
This is true. As long as they don’t go into enemy camp while helping a pained or troubled kit, they aren’t breaking rule 2. However, the kit is brought to the savior’s clan, and will only be returned after a fight. Generally they stay.
13. The word of the clan leader is the code.
Normally, the cats don’t need to follow leader commands, especially if the deputies don’t agree or didn’t say anything. However, they will commonly do it anyway.
14. An honorable warrior doesn’t need to kill to win battles.
Due to how much cats are killed in small skimmishes, the rule was recently downgraded to expected instead of nessecary. Generally, targeting a paticular cat is not allowed, but accidental killings during things like border patrols aren’t regarded as serious.
15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
The clan cats understand that their lifestyle is brutal, so cats are allowed to leave it behind for a kittypet life and are sometimes honored as some of the most peaceful cats.
16. The clans must stick together.
If you read this far, you get why this isn’t a rule. They don’t want to. They’ve hated each other since the beginning.
17a: No battles will be held over beliefs.
18a: If a clan is ill and need assistance, then the medicine cats must all team up to cure it.
Even though the clans themselves don’t stick together, the medicine cats do.
19a: The Mooncastle is neutral territory. Cats may not live or hunt there, and traveling to it outclasses rules 11 and 2. If a cat becoming leader is killed, the killer is exiled to the mountains.
0 notes
rippleclan · 3 months
RippleClan: Moon 23
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Rattlepaw touches noses with Rabbitjoy, wondering if being an artisan is the right path for her.
[Image ID: Rattlepaw faces Rabbitjoy, who says, “You’ll be great, Rattlepaw.” Under Rattlepaw, it says LEVEL UP! RATTLEKIT -> RATTLEPAW.]
There was a lot Rattlekit didn’t want to get wrong. She didn’t want to make Carnationspeckle mad (because what if all the selfless reasons Parsley suggested weren’t true and her mom didn’t want her for something she did). She didn’t want to scare visitors to the camp when they saw her (because for some reason she couldn’t understand, not having fur seemed like a tragedy to others). She didn’t want to look dumb in front of the cats who took the time to talk to her, like Graythroat and Fennelspot and James (because she heard Downstar and Weedfoot question if she was too fragile to fight and if she couldn’t use her claws her mind had to be sharp). 
Most of all, she really wanted to choose the right path at her apprentice ceremony, because what if she got half-way through her training and found she hated everything RippleClan asked of her?
“You can change your path at any point,” Carnationspeckle promised her as her soft tail dusted sand off Rattlekit’s skin. “I heard Puddlespeckle was about to graduate as a caretaker when he decided to be a warrior instead. He turned out fine.” But he had fur. He had no expectations that he couldn’t do anything he wanted. Rattlekit ducked her head as Carnationspeckle finished grooming her.
No one had told Rattlekit she couldn’t train to fight. In fact, Rabbitjoy and Scrubmask had each told her not to let her odd appearance stop her from doing something she enjoyed. But how was she supposed to believe that when Oilstripe and Burdockcreek had no stories of a furless cat in the Clans? How was she to know that enemy claws wouldn’t slice through her with more ease, or that the summer sun wouldn’t cook her brain? How could she know anything?
“I promise, Rattlekit,” Carnationspeckle cooed, tucking her tail under Rattlekit’s chin, “you’ll be alright. I’m with you, every step of the way.”
“All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather below the Shiprock for a Clan meeting!” Downstar’s voice rang into the nursery. Rattlekit held her breath. Her paw slipped into the dawn light, but Carnationspeckle’s tail tapped her flank.
“Before we join the Clan,” she said softly, “I have something to ask of you.” Before, Carnationspeckle had to crouch a bit to meet Rattlekit’s eyes, but now Rattlekit was the same height as her short adopted mother and could easily stare into her currently nervous eyes. “I know I wasn’t here for the first half of your kithood, but when it comes to the second… did I make it happy?”
“Of course,” Rattlekit said. It wasn’t even a question in her mind, but from the way Carnationspeckle’s whole body fluttered at the quick response, she knew there was more behind the question than she could see.
“Alright, let’s go,” Carnationspeckle purred, pressing her nose against Rattlekit’s chin. She walked alongside Rattlekit, protecting her from the expectant stares of RippleClan. She led Rattlekit to the front of the crowd and, with one last lick to Rattlekit’s head, she stepped back. 
“It’s always a good day in RippleClan when a kit reaches the age of six moons,” Downstar purred. “I’ll admit, we had to guess your age somewhat, Rattlekit, so we could be a day or two off. I think StarClan will forgive us, however. Rattlekit, have you decided where your paws are taking you?” Rattlekit lost her voice for a moment. She coughed and shivered as a dozen eyes traced her spine.
“An artisan,” Rattlekit croaked. “I want to be an artisan.” She could have sworn Carnationspeckle told Downstar that earlier. Maybe they wanted her to say it aloud? Were they worried the Clan would think it was forced upon her if Downstar spoke up?
Downstar nodded and said, “Rattlekit, you’ve reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your caretaker name, you will be known as Rattlepaw. Being as we only have the one artisan…” Rabbitjoy stepped up before Downstar finished speaking. “Rabbitjoy, may your courage and strength infect Rattlepaw with all she needs to be a great artisan.” Rabbitjoy touched Rattlepaw’s nose with the sort of excitement that was more expected of an apprentice. Rattlepaw tried to breathe as she returned the gesture. RippleClan cheered her new name, but she couldn’t hear it over the sound of her own heart.
“You’ll be great, Rattlepaw,” Rabbitjoy promised. Rattlepaw nodded softly.
She really hoped that was true.
(Rattlepaw: 6, female, artisan apprentice, insecure, plays with prey)
(Carnationspeckle: 25, female, caretaker, compassionate, talented swimmer)
(Downstar: 82, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Rabbitjoy: 60, female, artisan, charismatic, master weaver)
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Halibutdusk is glad to have a brother like Shadowdrop. While on patrol, they run into an odd kittypet.
[Image ID: Halibutdusk and Shadowdrop stand to the side. A long furred, black sokoke tabby tom with blue eyes sits in the corner. Under him, it reads NEW PLAYER: FROGGY, 92, MALE, REBELLIOUS, MAINTAINS THE TERRITORY, GREAT SPEAKER.]
“I was so close to getting on the horse’s back,” Shadowdrop insisted as he and Halibutdusk walked through the territory in the cozy glow of afternoon in the depths of spring. “Those creatures spook so easily.”
“Why would you want to?” Halibutdusk laughed, shaking his head.
“It would be fun!” Shadowdrop said. “You say that like you wouldn’t have joined me.”
“When we were apprentices, maybe,” Halibutdusk admitted. 
“One of these days, I’ll convince you to join Graythroat and I on an adventure again,” Shadowdrop sighed, looping to the other side of Halibutdusk.
“I’ll be happy if you stay alive,” Halibutdusk scoffed. He intended the line to be more serious than it sounded, as he sneezed right at the end and earned an eye-roll from his brother. Shadowdrop jogged ahead as Halibutdusk rubbed his nose. As his nose cleared, he caught an odd scent on the wind. Halibutdusk looked left just in time to see a black tabby pelt move through the thick spring growth.
“Duskkit?” he gasped despite himself.
“Huh?” the cat in the shadows muttered. Deep blue eyes met Halibutdusk’s. Shadowdrop hurried to his brother’s side as a long-furred tom stepped into view.
“Who are you?” Shadowdrop asked, ears pinned.
“Don’t mind me,” the stranger chuckled. “I’m not staying long. Just needed to clear my head for a minute.”
“Clear your…” Halibutdusk muttered. “Do you know where you are?”
“The forest,” the tom said casually.
“That’s not what I meant,” Halibutdusk groaned with a thrash of his tail. “This is Clan land. We don’t allow outsiders free reign on our territory.”
“Now I’m just here with my humans,” the stranger sighed, flicking his tail behind him. “They like to set up camp around here and kill deer. The female stays at camp all day and likes to bring me with for company. Only so long I can watch her play with string, though. A tom needs to wander, as I’m sure you know.”
“You can’t wander here,” Shadowdrop sighed. “You could scare off prey we need to feed our Clan.”
“I’ll leave,” the tom laughed, “but I’ll just come back again. It’s an endless cycle. I won’t be hunting, so you might as well just relax and spare a moment. You can call me Froggy. What can I call you?” Froggy sat and groomed his paw.
“I’m Shadowdrop,” Shadowdrop explained, “and this is my brother Halibutdusk.”
“Huh,” Froggy hummed. “I heard of a Halibutkit once.”
“I used to go by that name when I was young,” Halibutdusk muttered. He inched closer to the odd kittypet. “Where did you hear that name?”
“Oh, ages ago,” Froggy scoffed. “My humans were all busy preparing a deer carcass so I stepped out for a while. I found a small black kit caught in a bush of all things! I helped her out and calmed her down. We talked for a little bit until she remembered the way home.”
“That was my sister…” Halibutdusk muttered. The small, lively kit that still lived inside him ached as he thought of Duskkit and all she could have done. As the moons went on, Halibutdusk was more and more certain that she had been the best of them.
“You look a lot like her…” Shadowdrop huffed. He walked around Froggy, who squirmed under his intense gaze. Shadowdrop sneered and asked, “You don’t know a gray and pale ginger tortoiseshell, do you?”
“I met one moons back,” Froggy admitted with an awkward laugh, “but that’s not a story for polite company.”
“Oh, StarClan,” Shadowdrop groaned, rejoining his brother. “Halibutdusk, I think this is our sire.” Halibutdusk stared at Froggy, whose eyes bounced between the two toms. He really did look just like Duskkit…
“Well,” Froggy laughed, “I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting kits that I sired before! To think I met my daughter and never realized! I’ll have to meet her again before my humans head home.”
“You can’t,” Halibutdusk gulped. “She died not long after you met her.” Froggy’s clean, fluffy fur deflated.
“Oh,” Froggy sighed. “Poor kit. She seemed like a bright one. You had another sister, didn’t you?”
“Graythroat,” Halibutdusk groaned, “but she… might not react well to you. She gets a little defensive when strangers enter our territory.”
“Speaking of which,” Shadowdrop huffed, “while it was nice to meet you, we do need to escort you out. Those are the rules of our Clan.”
“So be it,” Froggy sighed with a dismissive flick of his whiskers. “I’ll be seeing more of you, though. I’ll pop by when I can. Maybe you can convince that sister of yours to see me.” 
Shadowdrop said something about Graythroat and escorting Froggy to the border, but Halibutdusk couldn’t stop staring at Froggy’s fur. All he could think was that Duskkit’s fur might have grown to look like that had she lived.
(Shadowdrop: 15, male, codekeeper, sneaky, eloquent speaker, good teacher)
(Halibutdusk: 15, male, warrior, gloomy, great storyteller, clever)
(Froggy: 92, male, kittypet, rebellious, maintains the territory, great speaker)
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Downstar heard an ugly rumor about Weedfoot.
[Image ID: Puddlespeckle and Weedfoot chat in the distance. Fennelspot and Downstar sit together.]
When Downstar woke up that day, Rabbitjoy entered her den and essentially said “Rattlepaw is cooking today and no one is going to say anything bad about it,” albeit in more polite terms. Downstar had no qualms with it, of course; she had done a similar thing while training Carnationspeckle and Clammask. But neither molly had looked utterly terrified beside a smoker, placing each fish on a row like at any moment the entire structure would burst into flames. As such, it took a while for everyone in the Clan to get their fair share of food.
When it was Downstar’s turn to try Rattlepaw’s cooking, she grabbed two smoked fish and took them to Fennelspot, who watched Rattlepaw like a mother watches a kit at play. Downstar balanced the fish between her shoulders, for they were so tender that if she held them in her mouth, they would surely fall into the sand. She crouched in front of Fennelspot so he would notice the fish. He snapped out of it and took a fish off Downstar’s back. Downstar settled next to him with her own fish laying across her paws.
“If she keeps flinching like that, she’ll burn herself,” Fennelspot sighed.
“She just needs practice,” Downstar muttered, biting into the fish. Rattlepaw may have cooked them a bit too long, but it was still good.
“I thought you were going to eat with Weedfoot today,” Fennelspot noted. The gray deputy ate with her father, who wasn’t snapping at her to get away for once. “Didn’t you want to discuss trade with AshClan over a meal?” Downstar took a big bite of overcooked fish to avoid answering. Fennelspot kept staring at her until she had to swallow or choke.
“I wanted to eat in peace,” Downstar muttered. “She’s the deputy. She can figure out the trade agreements without me. She has Rabbitjoy to help.”
“But you’ve worked through these issues together since we founded RippleClan,” Fennelspot huffed.
“Apparently Weedfoot thinks she can do a better job than me as leader anyway,” Downstar grumbled, her skin itching under the stare of the sun and her cleric. She heard her, she was certain of it. She and Oilstripe had been talking just outside her den. They wondered if AshClan could have been handled better if Paleshade was in charge, if Weedfoot was in charge. They agreed that Downstar would be leader. They trusted her judgment, didn’t they? Why would they doubt her? She handled AshClan as best she could. 
“That’s not true,” Fennelspot said.
“Fennelspot, I didn’t sit with you to debate,” Downstar snapped. “Can we eat, please?” Fennelspot jumped at Downstar’s sharp words. Downstar turned back to her fish. 
Why in StarClan was she snapping at Fennelspot? He was trying to help. The fish flopped in Downstar’s belly as Fennelspot scooted back. Maybe she needed some space. So much had happened since the Clan came to be… maybe she needed to reevaluate some things. She didn’t know. All she knew was that she couldn’t stomach another bite of her smoky fish.
(Downstar: 82, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Rabbitjoy: 60, female, artisan, charismatic, master weaver)
(Rattlepaw: 6, female, artisan apprentice, insecure, plays with prey)
(Fennelspot: 80, male, cleric, insecure, valuable insight, incredible runner)
(Weedfoot: 72, female, deputy, charismatic, very clever, formidable fighter)
(Puddlespeckle: 149, male, elder, strict, good hunter, good kitsitter)
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rippleclan · 4 months
Alright, here you go ゚.+(〃ノωノ)゚.+° !
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She’s so cute and tiny!!
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rippleclan · 4 months
Heyyy, do you want to see Rattlekit's design now or what until the piece is done?
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