#rambles of a crazy guy who yearns for evil bisexual man’s lore to be explored
novaprjme · 11 months
i really need dennis takes a mental health day to tackle more of the dennis & frank relationship in some way, any way.
it’s insane to me how season 15 ended with frank, the man who raised dennis and dee and claimed to be their fathers for their entire childhood, apologizing to charlie for not being his real father before he did that to dennis.
how, in that same season, he reaches out to dennis when he is jealous of charlie and his newfound relationship with his bio dad. not to check on his sick son, but to use his “darkness” and even complimenting it.
how dennis longed for his father’s approval trying to work by frank’s side when he was younger - much to frank’s annoyance - yet the man actively tutors mac as his apprentice or teaches charlie about finances.
how ultimately dennis’ need to control dee can be paralleled to frank’s need to control the twins. in a woman’s right to chop, they both seek to control dee from cutting her own hair, which is very much just a fear of dee gaining free will and cutting herself away from the bar’s environment.
they are control freaks who ultimately rely on open emotional communication only when every single one of their weapons and manipulations fail to work, frank passed that down on dennis. i need those waterworks one day goddamn it.
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