#rabbit is going to have red eyes and golden claws while wolf will get blue eyes and silver claws btw. just so yall see the vision.
dragonji · 5 months
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breaking out of artblock in thee most complicated way possible♡
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nexttrickanvils · 5 years
Runaways and Curses
Written for Day 2 of @ryuannweek​
This is actually an expansion of an AU idea I wrote up for an ask meme a while ago. I will try to write up a continuation of this in the future but that won’t be for a while. For now I hope you all enjoy.
Characters: Ann Takamaki, Ryuji Sakamoto, Shiho Suzui, Kamoshida, Yuuki Mishima
Prompt: AU/Clothesswap
Notes: Fantasy/Fairy tale AU, implied abuse
In a small village by a great forest, there lived a young woman named Ann.
Ann was well liked in the village though no could say they truly knew her as well as her best friend, Shiho. Most of the others saw her simply as a pretty face. But underneath that pretty face was a kind heart and a yearning for adventure.
Little did Ann know that both of those would serve her well in an unexpected way.
It all starts when the sound of trumpets fill the air.
All the residents, Ann and Shiho included, rushed to the center of the village and were greeted by the sight of an ornate carriage. Standing by were several young men playing the trumpets. Another one with dark blue hair and an unenthusiastic expression stands to the front.
“Attention everyone! Please bow down to our benevolent king, King Suguru Kamoshida the First!”
The door of the carriage opens and walks out King Kamoshida wearing gaudy red and white clothes. The villagers all proceed to bow down though Ann did so with a glare.
Everyone always talked about how passionate he was. How so such kinder than the previous king he was. How he’s helped the kingdom since he took the throne after the Prince's death and the Queen's illness. But there was something about the man that unnerved her and it felt like only she and Shiho could see it.
“My good people! Rise up! I have come before you all today for one simple reason. I believe it is time for me to choose a queen!”
The crowd gasps and gossips among themselves.
“But not just any queen. A queen of the people, a commoner. So I shall choose one lady among you all to be my bride.”
Everything turned into chaos with the various women of the village rushing toward the King to shower him with praise and beg him to choose them. Ann rolled her eyes at the sight and Shiho watched in discomfort.
“Let’s go Shiho.”
The two women turned around and started to walk away when they heard the King shout.
Ann froze in place, she knew exactly who he was referring to and she could feel all eyes on her.
She slowly turns around and sees the crowd parting as the King approaches her. She feels like a rabbit ready to be eaten by a hawk. But then as the King reaches her, Shiho steps in between them, glaring daggers at the man.
“Shiho? What are you doing!?”
“Ha, ha, I know you must be so excited to meet me face-to-face but you must let me pass.” the king responded
Shiho stood her ground, her angry expression unchanging.
That is when the blue haired young man from earlier approaches them.
“Please, do as the King asks.”
That is when both women noticed the bruise slightly hidden by his hat and the frightened tone in his voice. Kamoshida wouldn’t dare do something in front of all these people… would he?
No, the last thing Ann wanted was seeing Shiho harmed because of her.
She places a hand on her best friend’s shoulder, “Shiho, it’s...”
Ann briefly struggles to find the right word… it wasn’t okay it wasn’t fine it wasn’t…
“...Don’t worry about me.”
With some hesitation, Shiho steps aside but she continues giving King Kamoshida a cold look.
“I see you already have a commanding air about you.”
King Kamoshida attempts place a hand on Ann and without even thinking, she grabs his wrist.
“Oh ho! This one is feisty! I like her. What is your name?”
“...Ann.” She replied with an obviously hostile tone
Unfortunately if she hoped that her actions and tone would deter him, they clearly failed as King Kamoshida pulled his hand away, smiled, and turned to the crowd.
“Well it seems that my search didn’t take as long as I expected! This woman: Ann, shall be my queen! We shall give her the evening to prepare her things and in the morning, we shall return to bring her to the Castle!”
“Wait I didn’t agree to...”
But Ann’s protests were drowned out by the cheers of the crowd. Aside from Shiho holding her hand, Ann felt completely alone.
Shiho went with Ann to the blonde’s home. As soon as they arrived, Ann collapsed and her friend was immediately at her side.
“I-I can’t do this Shiho!”
“I know” Shiho said, wishing there was more she could do for her best friend
“You… you saw how he looked me, looked at you and the rest of the girls in the village too! And that boy with the bruise, how scared he sounded… I… I can’t stay here...”
Before Shiho could ask what Ann meant, Ann stood up and rushed to her room. Shiho followed and watched as Ann laid out a sheet on her bed and started throwing various odds and ends onto it.
“Ann, what’s going on?”
“They’re coming back in the morning to take me away but I won’t be here!”
“Wh-where are you gonna go!?”
“I don’t know yet but it’s better than waiting for that bastard to take me away.”
“Won’t someone see you on the roads?”
“Then I won’t take the roads! I’ll go through the forest!”
Shiho’s eyes widened, “But the forest is incredibly dangerous! You’ve heard the hunters talk about the creatures and monsters in there!”
Ann hesitates for a moment before returning to her makeshift bag.
“I’ll take the risk. It has to be better than whatever Kamoshida wants with me.”
“You can’t change my mind Shiho!”
“I’d rather risk my life than be trapped with him ...”
“ANN!” Shiho shouted
Ann stared at her friend as Shiho walked up to her and took her hands.
“You are not doing this without me. I… I failed you before, not this time!”
“...Shiho… th-thank you.”
With that, the two women made a plan to escape their village when the night was darkest.
Leaving the village was the easy part.
Almost everyone was asleep and the two managed to sneak past the guards stationed by the edges of the village.
Now came the hard part, navigating the forest.
At first, it wasn’t too difficult. Both of them remembered to bring two lanterns along with the other necessities.But as they walked further and deeper into the forest, it almost felt like the darkness was trying to swallow their lights.
“A-Ann. Maybe we should find somewhere to rest and keep going in the morning.”
“Y-y-yeah that… that sounds like a good idea.”
After a few minutes of looking around, the two find a massive tree and rest against it.
“How far from the village do you think we are?” asked Ann
“I’m not sure. I don’t think anyone will find us though.”
Ann chuckled, “You know, I’ve wanted to leave the village and explore the world for so long. I didn’t think this was how I’d start.”
Shiho smiled and laughed, glad to see her friend trying to stay optimistic. Suddenly there was a strange noise and both women stood straight up.
“Wh-what was that?” asked Ann
“It sounded like...”
The sound seemed to grow louder. Ann and Shiho then looked up and saw a spider the size of a large dog. They screamed and ran, forgetting their lanterns and necessities in their panic. They didn’t know which direction they were going, they just needed to get away from the monster.
Neither of them really knew how far they ran before they stopped to catch their breath.
“Did… did we lose it?” asked Ann
“Yeah… along with our things.”
“M-maybe the spider’s gone and we can go...”
The sound of growling interrupted Ann’s thought, she and Shiho turned around and found themselves in front of a pack of snarling wolves.
“N-nice… doggies… wolfies… don’t...”
A loud howl filled the air but it wasn’t from the wolves. Ann and Shiho looked around until Ann saw it.
Walking towards them was a massive wolf-like creature. Ann and Shiho held each other close and closed their eyes, prepared to meet their end at this monster’s claws.
The monster gave a loud roar and… the two didn’t feel anything. Ann opened her eyes and saw the monster facing the wolves who were now whimpering and slowly backing away. The monster roared again which finally convinced the wolves to run away.
Ann stared at the thing. It was much bigger than any human she’s known and its entire body was covered in dark fur except for the top of its head which was a bright golden color. The oddest detail though was that it seemed to be wearing a pair of tattered pants.
The creature turned to her and Shiho. It closed its eyes and Ann gasped as it started to transform. Its height becoming smaller and smaller until it was just a few inches taller than her, the dark fur disappearing while its golden fur became more like human hair.
Soon instead of a towering wolfman, stood a young man with blonde hair who looked to be around Ann and Shiho’s age.
“Who...” Ann attempted to ask
“What the hell are you two doing here!? Doesn’t your village tell you how dangerous this place is!?”
In an instant all thoughts of thanking him and asking for his name faded and were replaced with a desire to give this guy a piece of her mind!
“Excuse me!? My friend and I didn’t have a choice!”
“Of course ya have a choice! That choice bein’ staying alive in your village or dying in the forest! Those wolves probably woulda torn ya apart if I didn’t show up!”
Before Ann could snap back in reply, Shiho stepped forward.
“Thank you for saving us. As for why we’re here, we couldn’t stay in the village. My name is Shiho and this is my friend, Ann. We came here to escape from King Kamoshida...”
At the mention of the King, the young man’s expression changed.
“Wait? King?”
Ann sighed, “He came to our village looking for a girl to be his queen... I was the “lucky” pick. Everyone else acted like it was something I should be excited but… I don’t trust him”
“Damn right ya shouldn’t! Kamoshida’s a goddamn bastard who will do anything and hurt anyone to get his way!”
Ann looked at him in confusion, “How… do you know that?”
The blonde man’s eyes widened, “Uh well… er… ya see… You uh learn a lotta things in the forest thanks to um… spirits. Ya know: forest spirits.”
Both women looked him unimpressed. That excuse could not have been more bullshit if he tried.
“L-look, that ain’t the point! Point is, I don’t blame ya two for gettin’ away from that . But ya ain’t gonna last in the forest like this. Follow me.”
“Huh!?” both Ann and Shiho asked
“I live in a cave nearby and I can handle most of the monsters. I can keep ya two safe. The name’s Ryuji by the way.”
“...W-we lost some items along the way, could you help us find them too?” asked Shiho
“...Fine but don’t think this makes me your personal errand boy okay? We’re going to the cave first. You two need rest.”
Thus without saying another word, Ann and Shiho followed Ryuji deeper into the forest.
Ryuji spent practically the rest of the night watching over Shiho and Ann.
How long had it been since he last heard Kamoshia’s name? Three maybe four years? Of course that asshole made himself king and is making some poor girl his wife. Ryuji then thinks of his mother and tries not to also think of what it means for her that the son of a bitch is looking for a “new queen.”
He looks at Ann sleeping peacefully and smiles. Ryuji would be lying if he said he didn’t think she was quite pretty. But there was obviously more to her. The fact that she was willing to risk the dangers of the forest said a lot about her. Along with how she was ready to argue with him despite seeing his cursed form.
It isn’t long before Ryuji sees the sun rising. Now would be a good time to search for Ann and Shiho’s things and maybe get some food too. He stands up and walks to the entrance of his home. He takes one more look at the two before transforming into the beast and running into the forest.
Ryuji had failed his mother, the kingdom, and himself but he would not fail these two women.
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takemeawaytocamelot · 7 years
Red Jamie and the White Lady - Part 2
Well, since your response was so overwhelming, here’s part 2! Many many thanks to @diversemediums for helping me think things through! She and I are both excited to see what happens next. I can’t remember the last time when I had absolutely no idea what was coming on next in a story. Thanks for enjoying part one so much!
Catch up HERE
Claire didn’t go home with Geillis that night, unsure about what had happened with that strange psychic man.
“Claire please! You have to tell me everything!”
“There’s nothing to tell! He read my tea leaves, read a little from my palms and told me to come back.”
“Then why won’t you come home? Afraid I’ll pester you until you crack?”
Smiling, Claire rolled her eyes.
“Well you’re likely to do that anyway. But no. I’ve got a date with Frank tonight.”
“Oh,” Geillis said flatly. “You’ll be spending the night with him, then?”
“Yes. Unlike you, I prefer my love making to be private.”
Geillis gave her a coy smile.
“I can’t help it if I’m a passionate lover.”
“My only wish is that your ‘passion’ would be a little more quiet. I’m just going to change and then meet up with him for lunch between his classes.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll get the details out of you later.”
As they headed back toward their apartment, Claire realized she hadn’t gotten the number for the place or made an official appointment to return. No matter. She’d just come back when she had time.
Her lunch with Frank was normal, same as always. He talked about his classes, his problem students, how many he thought would pass his exams. She told him about the film she and Geillis had watched the night before. For some odd reason, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him about her strange experience with the mysterious Jamie Fraser.
She made dinner for them both in his apartment, ready and on the table when he arrived. They ate and made plans to go see a new museum exhibit the next week. A life with him would be comfortable, uneventful, and she would want for nothing. He would provide a good home and be a good father.
The palm of her hand tingled where Jamie had touched her and she thought about his words.
As if you’ve a big choice to make. Neither will lead to destruction, but one is clearly the better of the other.
Looking up from her own hand, she saw Frank waiting for an answer.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“Are you ready for bed?”
“Oh, yes. I’m sorry, I completely zoned out for a moment.”
She followed him back to his bedroom where they made love the same way they always did. It wasn’t bad, but neither was it as amazing as Geillis always made it sound.
When she finally drifted asleep, she had the strangest dreams. The air around her smelled different, everything seemed younger, fresher.
She was walking, barefoot, through the wet grass. It was raining, but that wasn’t surprising for her. She was searching for something. No, for someone. He promised he’d meet her here, that he wouldn’t make her wait a moment longer.
“Christ, ye look like a wee Faerie, running about through the grass like that. Come here to me, Sassenach.”
“You’re late,” she said, turning to the familiar voice.
Turning around, she searched for his eyes, but her gaze couldn’t move from his lips.
“I was here on time, as I promised. But I didna want to interrupt ye.”
“Please, it’s been long enough!”
Large hands moved over her body in a way that only a lover would do. She felt him untie the laces at the back of her gown.
“It’s been two whole days, a nighean. Surely ye canna be that desperate.”
Her fingers found the sturdy folds of his kilt and began to tug them up. Finally, her gown loostened and she wriggled out of it, standing before him in only her thin shift.
“Closer to three, and yes I can. You’ve rather a voracious appetite, my lad, and I’ve gotten used to it.”
“It’s that good then, is it?”
“You know it is, you Scottish bastard.”
He had several days of stubble on his chin as he bent and kissed her. But oh! How she’d missed this mouth! Rough hands ran over her back and down to her buttocks, where he squeezed and let out a sigh.
“Roundest arse I’ve ever had the pleasure to see. And fondle.”
“I’m really not concerned with the fondling of my arse at the moment, good sir.”
“Fair point, my lady.”
While he worked on the ties of his shirt, she pulled his belt free and shook his kilt out on the ground. While this wouldn’t be the first time they’d made love out of doors, she wasn’t fond of the debris that got stuck on her everywhere.
God the smell of him, the feel of his toned body beneath her hands, the taste of his tongue probing inside her mouth. It was all too much. She shrugged out of her shift and lay down on his kilt, watching as he admired her naked body.
“Have I told ye lately, mo chridhe,” he whispered, speckling her skin with kisses as he made his way up to her lips. “How much I love ye?”
“Not in the last hour, no.”
“I love you,” he kissed beneath her left breast. “I love you.” A kiss beneath her right. “I love you.” A kiss right between them.
Taking fistfuls of his bright red hair in both her hands, she pulled his mouth up to her own.
“Come show me how much, my beloved husband.”
Then two blue eyes locked with her own. Eyes she’d seen before. The color seemed to be shifting through every shade of blue in existence.
“MINE,” growled his voice, thick with lust. “You are mine alone! Mine forever! I’ll no’ give ye up to another! No’ now, no’ ever!”
“Yes!” she screamed back at him, digging her fingers into whatever flesh she could find.
Her body was trembling beneath him, though not from cold. Both of her legs struggled to lock around him, her hips lifting to meet his thrusts. God she didn’t want this to ever end.
“Look at me, Claire!”
Forcing her eyes open, she met his gaze.
“Promise me. Promise me that we’ll always find each other. In this life and the next.”
“I swear it. I’m yours, forever and always Jamie. I love you.”
Claire shot up in bed, panting and sweating. Her body shook in a way it had never done before. Her breasts ached and there was a heavy dampness between her legs that hadn’t been there before.
Trying not to wake Frank, she got up and went to splash water on her face. Staring at herself in the mirror, she ran hands through her hair.
“What the hell was that, Beauchamp?”
Jamie tossed and turned, restless. In all his reading through his journals, he’d gleaned no further information on Miss Beauchamp.
Then all at once, he knew he’d fallen asleep. This wasn’t a normal dream, but the first vision he’d had in years.
He watched her wander through the field, stalking her as a wolf did a rabbit. But he would have her in his arms soon enough.
And then he had her, in his arms, smelling like the wet earth and that heady scent of her arousal. He couldn’t undress her fast enough, couldn’t feel her bare skin soon enough. Nearly three days, sleeping alone. Far, far too long.
Then he was above her, staring down into those inhumanly golden eyes, her breasts rubbing slightly against his chest as she panted.
“I love you,” he whispered against the skin of her chest.
“Come show me how much, beloved husband.”
Husband. They’d been married a month ago in secret. No one knew they had. He’d given her a silver ring and the key to his estate, along with his heart and virginity. But she kept them hidden.
He’d felt the ring sewen into one of her pockets, always with her. He had no idea what she’d done with the key. It didn’t matter. They belonged to each other and no one else. Soon enough, he’d get her with child and no one could separate them.
White hot pain pricked over his body where she clawed and drew blood.
“MINE,” he growled into her ear, resisting the urge to bite ite. “You are mine alone! Mine forever! I’ll no’ give ye up to another! No’ now, no’ ever!”
Hearing her say that, while her hips lifted to meet his, gave him a primal pleasure he didn’t understand. Her body jerked as he felt himself prepare for release. His howl started low and guttural, growing in volume until-
Throwing the sheets off, he swung his legs over one side of his bed and put his hands on his knees. It took him several minutes to catch his breath and keep his hands from shaking. Christ he’d forgotten how intensely real these visions could be.
Visions of things he’d never experienced were the worst. Having never lain with a woman, he could only assume it would feel like that.
“Holy God,” he muttered to himself, running a hand over his head. “What just happened, Fraser? Get yourself together, man.”
Missing his longer hair, he took another breath and reached for the empty dream journal he kept beside his bed. For now he would jot down the notes and quick sketches quickly. Later, after he’d had time to study the vision, he’d write it down properly in the big book, sketch things out and take his time about it.
Wondering when he would see Miss Beauchamp again, he decided to take a shower and not dwell on his vision; or how he could still taste her in his mouth, or feel her breasts beneath his hands. Christ he could still feel her nipples between his teeth, feel her trembling, smell the intensity of her want for him. Perhaps it would be a cold shower.
Continue to Part 3 
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deadromance619 · 5 years
My Friend Isirami
I thought about starving myself from arcane magic for a few days to see if my eyes would turn blue again, but they've been gold for a while and I kind of like it that way. There's also no guarantee that they will change back to blue again, unless I figure out how to take a draenei to bed, and there was also no guarantee that that would work either. Oranio’s form kind of came as a disturbing shock to me at first glance, the hoofs, the tentacles, the horns, and the large forehead, but after seeing him almost every day. After hearing his kind voice, seeing his large muscles wielding spear and sword, I saw him for the things I liked and ignored the things that bothered me about him. After a while I liked everything about him, maybe I was happy to spend time with someone that gave me a little bit more attention that the task rabbits that run about the city and the clients that pay me to do this and that job for a small amount of gold.
When you're in the Horde you don't know who could die tomorrow. You have to keep going, you need to keep yourself busy, not giving into despair, and that’s just what you have to do. This road I'm thinking about is a funny middle ground, but it has been the few chances I've been able to let myself feel and didn't just blindly follow orders.
The task and the tranquility of repetition is something I've always longed for, but this isn't checking on a garden every day, this isn't collecting 20 of some supply, or killing a handful of enemy soldiers, this is something completely out of my comfort zone.
I guess I understand why a lot of adventures choose a life with no connection to any real home. Going to inn after inn, town after town, looking for the next best job, but it does get lonely sometimes. Oranio, I miss you, we only had two days of being lovers, but several months of being friends. I guess my time as a pirate was just me trying to run away from all this like a carnival. Forgetting all my problems and having fun, but knowing that it was going to go away, and I'll be back to dealing with the day to day certainties. But I can't go back to that now, not after what I did. I can't go back to that day to day repetition of killing for the Dark Lady, it feels like something has been ripped out of my chest and no amount of gold, glory, or honor can fill it.
I came to Dalaran as it floated above the Broken Isles and tried to get into the Hero's Welcome but to my surprise it wasn't guarded by the Silver Covenant anymore. It was guarded by Worgen, beastlike wolf creatures that stood on two legs. I knew a few of them from the ship, they were kind, most of the time, but had a ferociousness to them in combat and… other places. When I tried to walk into the Hero's Welcome Inn I felt for the first time that bloodthirst and anger as I tried to walk into their territory. I spoke in common, "Where are the Silver Covenant, they use to guard these halls?"
He didn't look at me, just lowered his head, and growled, "Leave!" he snarled.
"Calm down Fido, I'm looking for Vereesa have you seen her? Maybe we can go for a walk and both find her." I teased, bloodthirst and anger were nothing new to me. I placed my hand on my two-handed club for an overhead strike. The Worgen lunged back for a rip at me with his claws, but it was caught by the Worgen next to him.
"Don't brother, were not here to do that." He said as he held his brothers clawed arm. He looked over at me, "The Silver Covenant don't come to these parts anymore. We've replaced them."
I sighed and shook my head, "Do you know where I can find them?" I asked.
The calm Worgen looked at me inquisitively, "Are you really asking me for a favor? You don't belong here, go back to your Horde, savage!" He wasn't calm anymore.
"Melfina?" I heard a familiar voice say. She stepped forward, it was Isirami Fairwind, a golden haired High Elf that let me stay in her inn, even after what I was was revealed, and one of the only people that didn't shame me for my interracial relationship with Oranio after he died. She was a good ear to speak to, even though her suggestions weren't always agreeable. "I know that voice…" she looked at me surprised, grabbed my hand, and pulled me inside.
The angry Worgen slashed down and hit me in my gauntlets but Isirami wasn't wearing armor. I saw his claws scrape her skin, leaving two red lines on her forearm. I saw her reach back in pain, in anger I pulled my two-handed club from my back and pinned the Worgen's neck against the wall, slamming his head, and choking him.
The calm Worgen pulled a sword from his back and held the edge at my neck, "Let him go." He snarled.
I knew a spell that could stun the Worgen long enough to press my club against the one I was holding to break his neck, but I knew there would be more.
"Stop, please. All of you!" Isirami pleaded, "It was my fault, we use to let her come freely." She continued, "Melfina, let him go."
I let him go and I heard him breathe in deeply. I looked over at Isirami, "This was a stupid idea, I'm sorry to have bothered you." I said.
"Wait Melfina," She came toward me as she held on to her scratch, "There's a lot of Dalaran where we could speak, they have this really good coffee across town you have to try, maybe we could catch up?" She asked.
I smiled, but I looked down at her wound, "That wound needs to be purified by someone with evaporating skills or it will fester and putrefy." I looked at the Worgen’s face that scratched her.
He looked down and made a doglike whimper. "I'm sorry Isirami, but she can't come here, no exceptions." He said.
Isirami shook her head, "It's okay, the clinic is on the way there. I'll be fine." She said.
The Worgen nodded his head in shame, "Send me the bill when you get back."
We walked through Dalaran city, I told her about the things I've done for the past four years in Draenor and my time at sea. There were things going on with the Legion, but I was sure she was tired of hearing about that. She dressed her wound at the clinic and ordered a coffee at the Legerdemain Lounge. The place was kind of crowded, but we found some empty seats to drink coffee. I wasn't really a fan of the stuff, it was bitter and hot, I saw very little use for it, but she put so much cream and sugar in mine it was actually pleasant. "Stay away from that overpriced stuff," She said, "They have everything you need for free to make it taste just as good."
I took a drink and it did seem like that Isirami had placed her own personal brand of love into it, it was sweet and slightly bitter but in a good way, it made the most beautiful pink and red colors show in front of my eyes, "So why did you try to barge your way into Hero's Welcome, did you miss me that much? You could have just written a letter." She said jokingly.
I shook my head, "I have missed you Isirami, but I came there to see Vereesa Windrunner. I thought maybe she might give me an audience if I…" I looked away, "…I don't know, yelled."
Isirami chuckled but I really didn't have a plan other than that, "Well you would have gotten some attention that's for sure, but the Silver Covenant that are left in Dalaran just run the inn. Most of them have left to Trueshot Lodge to fight the Legion."
I looked at her inquisitively, "I've been all over these islands, I've never heard of that place." I retorted.
Isirami breathed out, "It's kind of high up there and there are no flight paths, and you have to be a ranger or a hunter to be invited."
I took a sip of coffee and held it, "I've written letters, but they keep getting returned. She said to me once that at any time I wanted I could come back to the Silver Covenant."
Isirami looked away, "Was that before or after Garrosh’s trial?" she asked
I sighed and shook my head, "Before." I answered.
"I don't think she'll be as compromising as she was before." Isirami explained.
I leaned forward, "You have to try, please." I pleaded, "As a friend, she may not remember me, but she'll know you." I asked.
She looked down and half smiled, "She definitely remembers you Perfectia," She called me by my real name. "You went through the same thing she went through, but she still had her children. I heard what Garrosh did to you." She wiped her face and sniffed through her nose, "Did you recover from that?"
I shook my head, “I’m not in pain anymore, but, well it’s… “I paused and shrugged, “I’d rather not talk about it.”
“Has there been anyone else since Oranio?” Isirami still prying regardless of objections. It’s how she showed she cared.
I looked away and shrugged, “There were some pirates I was with…” I thought shyly, “I wasn’t trying, but, I think there was some irreversible damage. Things that the Light can’t heal.”
Isirami looked away and shook her head disturbed, as she recalled the thought, “Garrosh took everything away from you.”
I looked at her, “He got what he deserved.” I quickly said blankly, “Even if he died believing he was the victim of his circumstances.”
She looked back in my eyes and nodded her head, “I’ll get you an invitation to Trueshot Lodge. You should be able to find Vereesa there.”
I reached over the table and hugged her, "Thank you," I said, "you have no idea what this means to me."
I felt her nod, "My breaks almost over, I need to go back." She said.
She waved goodbye and she left the coffee house.
There is hope.
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