#r3stem cell
prismpages · 6 months
Stem Cell Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease in India
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Peripheral artery disease, also known as PAD, affects millions of people globally by restricting blood flow to their limbs. Conventionally, treatment options for PAD include medications, lifestyle changes, angioplasty, and bypass surgery.
However, a promising new treatment is emerging - stem cell therapy. In this article, we'll discuss how stem cell therapy works for PAD, research on its effectiveness, and options to access top-quality treatment at r3stemcell India in New Delhi, India.
What is Peripheral Artery Disease?
Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, occurs when fatty deposits called plaque build up in the arteries that supply blood to the head, organs, and limbs. This narrows the arteries and reduces blood flow.
PAD most commonly affects the arteries in the legs. However, it can impact any peripheral arteries outside of the heart. The classic symptom is calf pain or cramping in the legs and hips while walking, known as intermittent claudication. Other signs include sores on the feet/legs that won't heal or color changes in the skin.
PAD is caused by atherosclerosis, a disease where plaque builds up in the arteries. Risk factors for developing atherosclerosis and PAD include:
Smoking High blood pressure High cholesterol Diabetes Obesity Older age
Without treatment, PAD can progress to severe leg pain at rest or non-healing wounds. In rare cases, it may require amputation if blood flow is severely restricted.
How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work for PAD?
Stem cell therapy for PAD aims to regenerate new blood vessels and improve circulation in the affected limbs. It works through the following mechanisms:
Stem cells promote angiogenesis:
Stem cells secrete factors that stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, a process called angiogenesis. They recruit the body's own stem cells to develop new networks that bypass blockages.
Reduced inflammation:
Stem cells have anti-inflammatory properties. They help reduce inflammation in the arteries and vessel walls caused by PAD. This eases blood flow.
Generation of healthy cells:
Some stem cell types can differentiate into endothelial cells, which line the inside of blood vessels. They form new endothelial layers over damaged areas to improve vascular function.
Bypass artery obstructions:
The new blood vessels generated around narrowed or blocked areas provide pathways for blood to flow, bypassing restrictions in the primary arteries. This restores adequate blood flow.
In summary, stem cells repair and regenerate the blood vessel network from within via multiple regenerative mechanisms. When administered via injections, they home in on sites of injury in peripheral arteries and enact healing.
Research on Stem Cell Therapy for PAD
Research into stem cell therapy for PAD is still emerging but shows promise. Here are some key study findings:
A 2021 review found stem cell therapy significantly improved pain-free walking distance in PAD patients compared to conservative treatments alone.
Animal studies show stem cells increase capillary density and blood flow in ischemic limb muscle tissue with minimal side effects.
A 2017 study of 36 patients found adipose-derived stem cell therapy improved ankle-brachial pressure index (a measure of blood flow) and reduced amputation risk.
A Korean trial of 52 participants found bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell therapy increased pain-free walking time by 165% at 6 months follow-up.
No serious adverse events were reported across multiple clinical trials, indicating stem cell therapy for PAD appears safe when administered properly.
While more large-scale human trials are still needed, current research suggests stem cell therapy improves vascular function, reduces symptoms, and helps avoid amputation in PAD patients. Its safety profile also makes it a promising alternative or addition to standard PAD treatments.
Accessing Stem Cell Therapy for PAD in India
For individuals seeking stem cell therapy for peripheral artery disease, r3stemcell India is one of the top centers in the world. Here are some benefits it offers:
Experienced US-board-certified doctors with over 10,000 successful regenerative procedures completed.
State-of-the-art stem cell lab and facilities cleared by DCGI, India's FDA equivalent.
Full evaluation by a medical team prior to developing a customized treatment plan.
Use of autologous (patient's own) stem cells sourced from adipose tissue or bone marrow.
Minimally invasive stem cell injections or intravenous therapies depending on each case.
Affordable all-inclusive packages including accommodation, meals, transportation, and more.
Additional support services like physiotherapy, supplements, and oxygen therapies.
High success rates were reported across multiple conditions treated, including PAD.
For patients who want to access safe and effective stem cell therapy for peripheral artery disease, r3stemcell India is an excellent choice. Consultations can be arranged online or via phone prior to booking treatment.
In summary, peripheral artery disease affects millions worldwide by restricting blood flow to the limbs. While medications, angioplasty, and surgery are standard treatment protocols currently, stem cell therapy shows promise as an innovative option.
Research suggests it improves vascular function, reduces symptoms, increases walking distance and lowers amputation risks for PAD patients. When administered at reputed centers like r3stemcell India, stem cell therapy also appears to be a safe alternative for peripheral artery disease.
With successful clinical studies already conducted and more in progress, stem cell therapy could emerge as an important addition to the PAD treatment paradigm. It offers hope for regenerative healing with minimal long-term reliance on medications. For individuals seeking this promising treatment, r3stemcell India is a suitable choice.
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