glambertfairykilljoyalien asked:
Feel free to mock me, but how would Ash react to his S/O reading horror books their friends wrote (I say this as experience as my friend wrote a horror novel herself)?
Perhaps… give the novel name? :)
Sorry about length!
Ash very supportive of you and your friends, but he has no interest in reading, much less horror. He’ll buy the book ten times over to give your friends the money, though.
If you and your friends allow him, he’ll help with marketing! Commercials, sign holding, you name it. The arts are important to him. He’s well aware of the starving artist market. He played piano, after all.
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adamsappl · 4 months
//silly goofy maskless adam doodle below the cut :] ik there's a chance we see his actual face literally tomorrow ( assuming he's even wearing a mask like the other exorcists ) but i wanted to doodle him anyway
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cashclown · 3 months
//good afternoon dash i present to thee: clown
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savedpeople · 11 months
thoughts on the dead city finale:
sucks that ginny finally tried to talk and didn’t get to
everything i didn’t want to happen, happened lol. it’s revealed that ginny’s dad was one of the five men negan killed, and negan told her this to push her away and get her to go with armstrong, and now their relationship is likely strained if not ruined. she didn’t even want to wear his shirt anymore :( but you can also tell it hurt him to tell her and that he actually cares about her more than he says (confirmed bts later.) it also bugs me bc in ginny’s eyes this most likely confirmed maggie’s “he’s a monster” from last episode
and then i was unfortunately right, in that the dama wanted negan to... lead? help her lead? honestly it’s bizarre that she decided she needed him THAT badly and making him THAT important solely based on the croat’s fanboying, without ever meeting him. and now negan’s being forced into a position where he’ll likely have to be “old negan” again. 
“like mommy and daddy coming together”
i’m glad the croat’s still around i kinda like him lmao
BUT. it’s complete bs that the answer to “how did the croat know about negan and maggie’s history” is “he randomly ran into Jerome The Random Savior (i checked and this is not someone who was seen previously in the saviors, not even as a background character) over ten years later, and jerome told him about the story of The Widow, because for some reason, out of everything negan did, maggie’s story is the only story anyone from the savior era ever talks about.” still doesn’t explain how the croat knew what maggie looked like or managed to find her new community, or how he knows negan worked with her in season 11, since jerome was long gone by then. I really hate “characters absent during important events know intimate details about those events because random character the audience never met told them about it off-screen bc the plot needs it” stuff
negan indirectly/accidentally killing luther ended up having no consequences and was never found out since everyone in luther’s group died. all it did was distract maggie from telling negan about ginny’s dino... which she ended up never telling him about. he realized she wasn’t being truthful about things but the fact that she hid the dino never comes up.
negan got stabbed in the chest/shoulder?? and he just pulled the knife out and there was no blood or tear in his jacket? dude was just entirely unaffected lol
negan also confirmed that he would’ve helped maggie anyway if she’d been honest with him from the get-go
look okay i’ll say it the negan/maggie fight scene was hot idc
armstrong lied and told the marshals he killed negan, which is nice, but will probably backfire on him later
hershel not seeming excited, relieved, grateful, or anything about maggie rescuing him. how long was he with the dama? seeing that he drew a picture of her and mentioned almost feeling safer there than at home, it almost seems like he liked being there or formed some kind of bond with her, despite her chopping one of his toes off.
their relationship makes me sad. i honestly also, sincerely find it a bit weird that they’re writing maggie as being “obsessed” with negan still? like i understand the idea of her having a hard time with looking at hershel and just being reminded of glenn, and that affecting her relationship with hershel and him being bothered by that. but hershel specifically says it feels like she only sees negan when she looks at him, not his dad. and that his whole life she’s just been looking over his shoulder waiting for negan. this feels weird to me, and is different from her being reminded of glenn and thus also what negan did, if that makes sense. she’s spent years and years away from negan, and that on top of how their relationship was at the end of season 11, this obsession being described doesn’t really make sense? you’re saying that throughout those years of finding and building communities, in private she’s still obsessing over him that noticeably? that it’s so bad that hershel thinks 5+ years later that she still cares more about “revenge” and says he felt safer in nyc with the dama? it doesn’t totally seem to line up with what we’re seeing. idk maggie deserves a better storyline than constantly revolving around negan and glenn. and vice versa for that matter. i don’t want hershel to turn out like he did in the comics.
i like that hershel seems to have creative hobbies. he’s great at drawing and i believe we saw him playing the guitar?
i don’t know how i feel about the River People, and the confirmation that there were more groups Negan once ruled over. with the whole “people are a resource” thing and negan being vehemently against simon wiping out entire communities, and all out war presumably being the first time negan got desperate enough to resort to killing everyone, what happened to the River group since they’re clearly not in the picture anymore by the time Rick’s group shows up? if they were truly unable to provide, thus negan killing someone when they fail to deliver, i don’t see negan just continuing to kill someone every week until there was no one left. so like what happened there. this is also another issue with them adding new things to negan’s pre-rick days. they do realize negan was only a leader for likely not even a year and a half? there was not that much time after lucille’s death for negan to find the sanctuary, take over, and go through a whole bunch of communities. I also don’t know whether or not i like negan offering to let the croat use lucille and be the person to “kill one” in order to get the group to submit. especially since it was said that croat was brand new to the group and didn’t even know how things worked yet?? though it’s hilarious he missed the first time. you’re embarrassing dad, dude.
quietly adding “negan is a gin man, not a brandy man” to my box of random info canon has given me, as someone who has never had a sip of alcohol in my life and therefore can do nothing with this information
“i have a funky cramp in my leg, buggin’ the shit out of me” old man (lovingly.) cramp in his leg bothering him but his shoulder that was stabbed is a-ok lol
for dama handing negan the key my notes literally just say “fckn toe in a box” lmao
they need to give us the croat’s and the dama’s real names in season 2 bc i cannot go the rest of my twd days calling them The Croat and The Dama every time they’re mentioned and i refuse to believe negan actually called him “the croat” the entire time he was at the sanctuary
if this doesn’t end in negan offing the dama and getting a second chance to lead and doing it The Right Way this time then i don’t want it
if there was more, i forgot it, and it’s nearly 4:30am so i am o u t bc I have work tomorrow
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dinozarr · 9 months
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wcirdscience · 3 months
//still finishing up his carrd but have all of my baxter doodles so far :]
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crimsiin · 3 months
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you think you're too good for this family, now?
CRIMSIIN: selective && headcanon based CRIMSON of helluva boss. written by marble ( it / they ;; 19+ ). carrd. promo. sideblog to @adamsappl.
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fellshish · 2 years
People need to understand that while you can and should criticise certain aspects of ao3, censorship is simply not the answer
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guhamun · 1 year
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I just want Pako's art on my blog...
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fangsbleed · 2 years
i swear to god if all it took to make my reblogs editable was to disable the stupid new post types in the theme editor OF ALL THINGS i am going to scream
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adamsappl · 4 months
//more art :)
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//edited adam's hair SLIGHTLY to match a bit with canon ( and bc the brown adds more contrast ) but i do think it's a little silly cuz like. yes he bleaches and dyes and styles his hair. yes he took the time to learn how to do all of that himself. no he hasn't taken his helmet off ( in public ) in thousands of years. why would he do that? his helmet is sick as fuck. it's part of his brand. his face isn't your business leave him be.
//his "fallen angel" verse clothes are subject to change bc i didn't know what to do with them so i just stuck him in his exorcist's uniform, but that's more or less what i imagine he looks like! i didn't want to change him too much since fallen angels don't seem to change a lot in appearance, but i wanted to give him the horns that his helmet has :)
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archaeval · 2 years
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whispers. the things you tell them in your  sleep mean more than the stiff conversation that is all you can have  while conscious. you dream of being able to lean in and tell them the  truth in a voice no one else can hear. some things are just for you.  some things deserve to be said. but not yet, not yet.
tagged by: @zoophagist
tagging: @lunarscaled @eritvita @umbrs @evendove @perceiivent and you!
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savedpeople · 1 year
didn’t liveblog at all but here’s some of my thoughts about tonight’s episode (spoilers ahead, including possible future spoilers)
It was great to see Negan and Maggie again, and even Hershel. I miss twd and its characters. It was also nice to see another familiar face in Armstrong (I’ve previously watched the actor in Grey’s Anatomy.) The Croat I’m not sure on yet, liked him this episode but it’ll depend on if they can keep him interesting or if he ends up being a “evil for the sake of being evil” type.
I’m loving the scenery, like it is such a nice change from the woods and dirt roads we had for most of the main show.
Writing-wise, having Negan take yet another kid under his wing feels repetitive, especially since Ginny basically feels like Lydia 2.0, and especially since Negan’s an actual father now and yet they’ve either killed Annie and their kid off-screen, or had something else happen so they aren’t together (I’ve heard they ARE alive and there’s some other reason why he’s not with them. If this is the case I’m very nervous of finding out why. I’ve heard theories and if those theories are right I’ll never forgive the writers.) THAT SAID, I loved Ginny and Negan’s scenes and I’ll never complain about getting to see Negan being Soft And Fatherly. Her being basically mute vs Negan’s naturally talkative nature makes an interesting dynamic too.
Negan actually feels like he regained the personality he kinda lost late into season 11. He feels very Negan again and hearing his snark again makes me very happy.
What we learned about Negan’s father more or less fits in with how I imagined their relationship/Negan’s childhood.
Negan’s very first scene being him in the shower upset/crying (?) plus him seeming to believe he’s not going to make it back to Ginny has me Worried and Upsetti.
I like that Negan apparently worked on a farm for a bit.
I’m sorry but Armstrong knowing about the line-up, that happened like 15 years ago in a totally different state is dumb and not believable at all. If he’d just somehow heard about the “empire” Negan once had, I’d still raise a brow but it’d at least be a little more plausible (aided by how unique Negan’s name is.) But “he once lined up a group of unarmed folks and bashed in a man's head with a baseball bat in front of the man's pregnant wife”? How tf would he know this? None of the people in Rick’s group are around to tell him, and none of the Saviors there knew Maggie was pregnant. Even Negan didn’t know she was pregnant or that Glenn was her husband until AFTER he killed him. Plus calling Rick’s group “unarmed” as if they did nothing to provoke the Saviors, or like they weren’t previously armed and threatening the Saviors before they were captured, is very... lmao. Also they once again left out/forgot about Abraham. Funny that they heard about him killing Glenn but Abe is nowhere in their story even though he was killed first and just as brutally. Also interesting how the line up continues to be talked about as like The Worst Thing Negan Ever Did and not like... everything else.
The continued “Negan has to pay for what he’s done” storylines are old, and the way it seems like we’re going to have TWO characters after him on top of whatever Maggie does/says to him, has me groaning. 
Yes Maggie never has to forgive him etc etc but her repeated attacking/insulting him is also prob going to get old (it was already was in the main show) especially considering the only reason he’s with her is because she asked for his help. like. maybe don’t overly antagonize someone you need? Makes it feel like a lot of the progress they made in season 11 just... doesn’t apply anymore, from either end.
The flashback to Glenn’s death was low key unnecessary. I promise AMC, no one’s forgotten.
I had other thoughts but I forgot them.
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dinozarr · 9 months
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LMFOAAOAOA BETTTTT also i have a toji one coming tonight🙈🙈🧏‍♀️🧏‍♀️🌚🌚🌚 (hint: it’s 6k)
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honorhearted · 1 year
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//In light of the e.ditable r.eblogs vs t.rim r.eblogs debacle, I guess it’ll be easiest if all my partners tell me in their tags (upon reblogging) which they’re using? That way, we can interact without screwing up our formatting.
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ardenssolis · 2 years
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[Thinking about him. - ひつじ🐑 ]
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