#r u seeing tbe vision
luvtak · 1 year
favorite, phantom, and bite me are all going to the same party
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bumbleklee · 3 years
*cutely waits for genshin theories*
- 🥞
got a couple asks for my theories so im using my beloved 🥞 anon’s to post them (remember they are just my theories and are just for fun)
1. The seven archons are evil and visions are 100% curses. It’s lowkey hinted that some of the characters feel this way about visions (like keqing, she tried to destroy hers). The seven definitely destroyed khaenri'ah and probably other nations as well during the archon war and those archons leading those nations were banished to celestia. i do not trust zhongli and venti
2. going off this one, i don’t think the people of khaenriah were cursed like they’re telling us. i think they were turned into monsters to save themselves from ultimately dying and since the seven archons are bad, they turned against them again and waged this new war with them. bc half the time, the monsters aren’t doing anything? like they’re talking to each other or dancing and start attacking once you go at them. weeeeird
3. the traveler and their sibling are archons, possibly from khaenriah. this is rlly overlooked for some reason but they don’t have visions yet they’re going around collecting the ability to use all the elemental powers. you know who doesn’t need a vision to use an element? archons 👀
4. going off of that one ^^^ i think the original scene in the beginning of the game takes place during the archon war and we were banished to celestia while our sibling managed to get away. and somehow we made our way down but lost our memories on the way and that’s where the game picks up.
5. i don’t think paimon is the unknown god but I think she’s like a vessel/camera for the unknown god to watch us
6. it’s hard to explain but there’s a theory about kaeya gojng around that it’s very possible for him to have grew up in khaenriah and then mondstadt because khaenriah’s (which is the abyss basically) time moves slower than teyvat’s and one year on teyvat was whatever in khaenriah. i’ll try to find the tiktok
7. I’ve always found it weird that people don’t talk about celestia. I can understand venti and Childe not talking about it because they’re secretive but none of the random citizens of liyue or mondstadt? like u can talk to EVERYONE in the game and not a single person mentions how close and tilting it is. whiccchhh makes me believe that they can’t see it. i think that only people that possess archon abilities are able to see it, which ties back into my tbe traveler is an archon theory
8. the tsarista isn’t bad, she’s actually trying to save the world. she knows what happened during the archon world was horrible and she’s trying to bring celestia back to earth so those archons can be free again. and by stealing the gnosis, she’s able to gain power to bring it closer. also isn’t it weird that venti and zhongli just gave away their archons? venti is a literal archon but just let himself get kicked ro the ground by a mortal? very weird and very sus. they’re up to something
9. this goes without saying but Childe isn’t a bad guy either. he doesn’t know he’s helping in a good way but he is
10. and then baal is doing the right thing too because she realizes visions are curses and doesn’t want to help the other archons ruin the world more than they already have. and i have a feeling she’s gonna give away her gnosis easily too
11. ALSO???? did visions exist before the archon war??? were there like hundreds of different elements until the seven dominated the others and took over? and how do they decide who gets visions and who doesnr? is it something that archons decide before the person is even born? so weird
basicalllyyyy i think the game is going to a complete 180 and shock everyone with whose good and whose bad. i have smaller theories about characters but these are the big ones that r eating me away rn also lots of unanswered questions grrrrr
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