#quick doodle as a break from two other big things im working on lol
musicallygt · 2 months
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Tiny and Such Consultations
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quintushazard · 5 years
My turn to ask you about Bolchix! How about 1 / 11 / 18 / 22?
Oh boy!!!! Aaaaa I love to talk about these two.
I’ll put it under a cut in case I ramble uwu
1. Who makes the first move and how?
OK so believe it or not, despite being absolutely crazy about BolChix, I never actually came up with a solid way that they started their relationship so I’m making it up on the fly lol. OK so a few months ago I made a PMV about BolChix to No Surprises by Radiohead, and in that, they bond over the loss of the MSPA reader after Chixie comes to a dumpster where Boldir is hanging out. Boldir comforts Chixie and keeps an eye on her, noticing when Chixie is just working MUCH too hard, and telling her that she just seems so unhappy.After Chixie’s concert, Boldir walks her home after a less than pleasant encounter with Zebruh and Boldir just lets Chixie cry about how stressed she is. At the end of all this Chixie is just feeling very downtrodden and “fuck it” so she kisses Boldir. She needs the stability, someone she can grab onto, she’s kind of desperate for someone who won’t exploit her for their own desires.Boldir is just so sympathetic to all of this and calms Chixie down and tells her that she’ll be there for her as her matesprit, to protect her, as long as Chixie promises not to put herself under as much stress as she has been recently.Boldir helps Chixie help herself.I know that was going off on a tangent but tl;dr, Chixie, by kissing Boldir on a whim.
11. What do they hide from one another? 
Chixie is just notorious for hiding how stressed she actually is and this is pretty much stated in canon too. It might be one of her only vices but it’s damaging. Boldir feels upset that Chixie just goes on saying “it’s fine” when she’s really not. 
Boldir hides how much she really knows about Doc Scratch. She HAS to, otherwise Scratch might go after Chixie and that’s the last thing that Boldir wants.
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
Mkay so referring to my last answer, Chixie’s dishonesty about how she really feels is a subject of friction between the two of them. Boldir tells Chixie that she needs to be more honest and to give herself a break every once in a while. Chixie insists that she’s fine and that Boldir shouldn’t worry about it. This leads to a lot of tension and some pretty big arguments. Even Boldir shouts at some point.
It breaks both of their hearts to shout at each other because they’re meant to be supporting each other. Eventually, Boldir gets Chixie to sit down in silence, and ONLY when Chixie is ready, does she talk about how stressed she really is, and what’s going on that makes her upset. Boldir is just a rock for her during this time, even so Boldir might end up crying during this conversation because it’s not fair that Chixie’s life has to be so stressful, but that’s showbiz babey.
They make up after talking about it, and Boldir just holds Chixie for hours on end, I’m not even exaggerating. They’re just so exhausted from life, and arguing, and stress. But they love each other, yo. They help each other through it.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
lmao whoopsy doodle I appear to have kind of already answered that in the first question but like, that’s the first kiss which is like all quick and rushed and such,so im gonna go ahead and describe the first PLANNED kiss.And im gonna do so riiiiight
here :3c
aaa thank you sm for asking this!! it’s fun to like talk about this aaaa yells
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