#quentin smith headcanaons
jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
Hey! Could we get some Quentin smith headcanons with an s/o that is reckless and gets hurt a lot because of it (small or serious injuries) I love your blog btw
First of all Thank you so much you are to kind second of all haven't had a Quentin request in so long I love my sleepy baby so without further ado
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(Not my gif)
You are the complete polar opposite of him
Which may be the biggest reason why hes so attracted to in the first place
Hes always gotta keep a close eye on you because hes always worried about you
He does admire you though and wishes he could be more like you
You always wanna try new and dangerous things
He always tags along to make sure you are ok
He likes to hold your hand and be as close to you as possible incase you need to be quickly saved
If in the event that you scrape yourself up doing something
You are lucky because Quentin has adopted a first aid-kit in your honor
After you've been hurt Your like a child in a way
He'll sit you down and start patching you up
whatever it may have been
And smile and laugh as you go on and on about how cool and exciting it was
Once your patched up he'll take your face in his hands and plant a gentel kiss on either your nose or lips
"Babe!? Did you see!!? IT WAS SO COOL!"
When he does you always smirk and say
"Helloooo Nurse!" And kiss him back
Which always earns a you a laugh from him
In the event of big injuries
Like if anything is broken
He turns into superman
Hes quick to lift you up and carry you to safety
Once at the Emergency Room your the one who has to calm HIM down
Doing so by pointing out scars and such that you've earned
"Remeber this? I got it hopping the fence of the school."
"Oh yea...the security guy went crazy trying to find us."
Telling him its no big deal and it wasn't the first time
Hes always the first to sign your cast
Usually with a little reminder to be careful
There have been several instances where you've been plenty reckless without him
And then having to sneek up to his room with both
An awsome story and many more injuries
After the Hello nurse routine you cuddle up with him and tell him what happened before falling asleep
Hes also had the occasional phone call from the ER
And has fallen asleep with you there too
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
Quentin smith x Goth! Reader
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Requested by anons and @aristocracy-y :
⭐quentin and the abrasive goth girl from school end up as lab partners and he comes over to study and he discovers she’s actually soft and sensitive?? pls i crave quentin content (if u don’t wanna write this just anything for quentin is fine
⭐My love for Quentin knows no bounds, and a soft, slow make out is literally all I can think of rn
⭐OML you write for my baby! Could you maybe write some Quentin nsfw, if you don’t write that then something soft and fluffy
Warning: swearing, sorry I don't write nsfw but its super fluffy so that makes up for it ig, also i think its safe to say this is quite sometime before fredrick fucked him up.
And sorry for taking so long im trying to get back to actually posting things so please enjoy!!! Sorry that its just sort and sweet.
"Sick drawing." Quentin looked up at the you who was standing next to him putting your bag down and taking the seat next to him.
"Oh uh thanks." He said offering a smile.
"I'm y/n, Your new lab partner." Quentin took you all in as you shook his hand. He'd heard about you, seen you in the hall. Nothing about your goth aesthetic exactly sreamed friendly. Kris and jesse would say things about you. "Careful she'll hex you!"
"Wow who's funeral are you going to? Oh sorry that's just how you dress."
You spent class paying attention to the work taking notes and before he knew it class was over. "Uh..so when..or really were do you wanna study so we can do the lab right tomorrow?"
"Uhh my dad's got a teacher meeting thing tonight...I don't have to be home for a few hours.." She nodded as she put her things in her bag. "Yea alright..my house then...I'll meet you after school at the end of the front steps?"
"Yea..sure thing."
At the end of the day you met him exactly where you had said to, but he was accompanied by his friends. "Watch out quentin she might hex you!" He he elbowed jessy as he walked away from them to meet you.
"Sorry about th-"
"Let's go." You bit out grabbing your bag and started walking he quickly followed.
"They're jerks." He said as you continued to lead the way through your neighbor breaking the silents. "They're your friends?" You said.
"Doesn't change the fact that they're absolute dick holes sometimes." You glanced back at him with a smile, before walking up a drive way.
"Penny! Cherry!" You yelled as you opened the door. You where both greeted with the sound of barking and quick feet running down the hall. "Y/n!" Your face lit up as you got to your knees and greeted the girl and dog as they ran into your open arms.
"Hey kiddo!" The dog salked up and licked your face causing you to laugh. "Uh Cherry this is Quentin...he's gonna help me study for biology, Quentin this is my sister Cherry and our dog Penny."
He offered a small wave. "Hi! Are you y/ns friend? She doesn't bring a lot of those home." Cherry asked Quentin as he fllowed the two girls deeper into the house, He only laughed nervousely and you hit her shoulder. "Shut up dork!"
Sbe laughed. "Go do your homework!"
She burried down the hall to her room. "Oh! Dad said he'll be home by eight thirty! Maybe nine!" You rolled your eyes and lead him to the kitchen. "Thanks!" You then turned to him. "Sorry I should've mentioned something about the two of them..." He shrugged and pet penny while taking a seat at the counter.
"I don't mind, She seems like a good kid." You smiled. "She is...do you want something? We've got chinese leftovers?" He laughed. "Sounds good."
The rest of the night was spent within your bedroom attempting to study only to find neither of you took good enough notes to answer the study questions.
"Well I can just look it up in study hall...you can hang out here for a while if you want..." You offered him noticing he'd gotten up from the desk chair to look at the bulleten board filled with pictures that hung on the wall by the door.
"Is that your mom?" He asked pointing to a family photo. "Uhh yea...Penny l/n...she died a few years after cherry was born...we got penny and named her after her..."
"I get that...the whole mom being dead thing." He admitted still staring at the photos, He finally turned to you. "You knkw I meant what I said about my friends-"
You waved him off. "No need to say sorry I'm used to it."
"So then why do you-"
"I like how it looks....It's the only thing I felt comfortable in was clothes like this...kt's not actually true to who I am." You explained quickly. He moved to sit next to you on the bed. "Then who are you?"
"Who do you think I am?" You challenge.
"Well...from what I've seen here tonight. I'd say you're a softie... You like being around people, like making friends, your sentimental, a family per-" you held a hand up to his mouth.
"Got it, you've spent to much time with me today." You said with a laugh moving your hand.
It was quiet for a second. "You know I know somethings about you too." You said.
"Your the reserved one in your friend group, but also out spoken when you get the chance...sweet...kind." You said looking at him. He looked you up and down and leaned forward.
"And you're thinking about kissing me.." You teased before moving closer to him yourself and kissing him.
His hands mobed to your waist as yours cupped his cheeks and climbed into his lap. "You're absolutely right on the last one." He said as you pulled away briefly, you laughed lightly and slid your sweater off and kissed him again.
He wrapped his arms around you and leaned you back on the bed deepening the kiss.
"Y/n! Cherry! Penny!" You quickly pulled away again upon hearing your fathers voice from the front door.
You both let out a slight disapointed sigh but laughed. "Maybe some other time." You winked before kissing him quickly and pulling your sweater back on.
"Hey dad!" You said coming down the hall and hugging him as he let go of cherry. "Hey!..oh I didn't know you had comapny I would've bought more food."
"No, sir I was leaving..my dad will be home soon anyways." Quentin said reassuringly. "Dad this is my friend, Quentin." You introduced the two of them. "Well nice to meet you Quentin, you're welcime baxk here anytime kiddo! Y/n doesn't get a lot of friends around here." He said jokingly, you hit his arm as you walked quentin out the door.
"Goodnight, thanks for having me over." He said.
"Anytime." You smiled and kissed him once more before going back inside.
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
Gimme some Quentin stuff to write!! Or remind me if somethings in my in box
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
That night
Quentin smith x reader
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Summary: a story in which Quentin dies at the hands of freddy and you are left to grieve.
You stared blankly at your shoes kicked out in front of you with your arms folded across your chest and a spaced out look on your face as your new therapist continued to speak.
"y/n are you listening?" you blinked slowly a few times before looking up at her. "Hmm?...yea! Yes Mrs.newton I...I'm listening."
She sighed looking at you disapointedly. "So...like I was saying in going to ask a few questions just to get a sense of-"
"How bad I am?..."
"That's not reall-"
"No I get it....ask." she opened up her folder on her desk as you adjusted yourself on the couch in front of her looking up at her with your same blank expression. The one that seemed to be frozen on your face ever since that night.
You yawned and rubbed your eyes as she finally settled on a paper.
"Alright so I have just a few basic questions I need you to answer and then some things your mom asked me to review with you alright?"
You nodded spinning your braclet around your wrist. Answering her basic questions with easie. Things like "what hobbies do you have?" "favioret type of music?" silly things like that.
"So would you mind telling me why YOU think your here?"
You let out a heartless chuckle and rolled your eyes looking down at the braclet. "My mom thinks I'm crazy..."
"Why would you think that?"
You looked the answer froze on your lips when you saw him standing there behind her. Face barrely even recanizable cuts all across his torso, his eyes where shut and he breathed slowly.
"y/n?" Mrs.Newton called, your breath seemed to be lost as he just stood there from behind her.
"y/n, what's wrong? What is it?" she looked behind her at the spot where you stared."y/n, answer me, please."
"Que...Quentin?..." You called ojt scooting closer to the edge of tge couch. his eyes shot open revealing black pits instead of eyes and his mouth opened to speak but blood poured from it you jumped back letting out a horrified scream and shutting your eyes. "y/n! y/n! Calm down!" Mrs.Newton had moved from her desk to sit next to you and you opened your eyes not seeing him anymore.
"What happened? What happened?" she yelled attenpting to calme you down, you breathed shakily as she did so, still staring ahead at the corner.
"I...I...I saw him...He was-" if tears wheren't sliding down your face already, they where now.
Mrs.Newton sighed. "Listen to me sweetie...your mother tells me you haven't been sleeping properly now from what I can tell that was simply just a-"
"Micronap?" You interrupt pulling your eyes from the corner. " No...No I know that...I know.." She nodded and moved back to her desk. "Well if you know that...why won't you sleep? You are clearly struggling to deal with the effects of it."
"I'm all ears you can trust me."
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out as you let your mind wonder to that night.
"Hey isn't that it?" you pointed at the preschool just a few feet ahead of the three of you catching both Quentin and nancys attention.
"Yup that's it allright." You nodded starting twoards the building but Quentin grabbed your wrist stopping you from going ahead of them. He let you go when you looked at him frowning as he did so.
"C'mon lets get this over with."
"It's my fault he's dead...I should of just stayed awake then i could of waken him up...but..i.."
"y/n,who? Quentin? Nancy? The other kids they found murdered at the preschool with you?"
You nodded slowly,pulling your knees to yojr chest.
"y/n What happened to them was out of your controle-"
"That's not true! you don't understand I could have saved him! He was my best friend and...and I let him die....I let then both die!"
Tears build in your eyes again upon just thinking about it. "Your right I don't understand...but maybe you can tell me so I can understand and help you."
"...it was the same thing with dean, Kris and Jesse....we just wanted it to stop. We wanted HIM to stop!"
You grabbed an old lantern from the floor clicking it to life and handing another to Nancy. The place was quite, cold and musty even the slightest sound set you on edge. You walked close to quentin in fear of losing him. "Here!" Nancy called shining her light on a small opeining in the wall, covered by wooden planks poorly nailed to the wall to cover it.
The three of you set to work on pulling them apart, until you where finally in.
"Y/n freddy kruger has been dead for years...he can't...he couldn't.."
"You wheren't there! You don't know!" You yelled. She sighed. "Your right...my apologies...why don't we wait to talk about that night...what's sometging you would be comfortable with?"
You shrugged helplessly and continued to play with the braclet on your wrist. "Thats a beautiful braclet...where did you get it?"
"Quentin..." You repiled with a mumble.
"He must have really loved you to get you something like that."
"I mean i guess."
"How about we talk about him, it'll help both of us."
"Ok..." You stated slowly.
All you had to do, was stay awake while nancy slept. But neither you or quentin could do that. You both ended up falling asleep cuddled next to eachother.
And then befire you knew it freddy had you pulled into his chest his fingers ready to sclice your throat open and quentin looked on horrified.
"Let her go.." He sayed shakily.
"Quentin... Wake up!"
"No..y/n...its going to be ok...just let her go you fucker!"
Freddy laughed. "Ooh going to play the hero now are you?"
He took a deep wiff of you hair before grinning. "I might just keep her."
With out thinking, he charged at the both of you knocking freddy down.
"Y/n lets go!" He took your hand and started running.
You both looked back every once in a while to check but, you where both stopped when freddy appered infront of you and plunged his knifed fingers deep into Quentins chest.
You stumbled back as freddy let him drop. "Y/n...go!" He cried out.
You looked around and grabbed one if the hot pippes burning your hand and waking yourselve up.
"Quentin!" Yiu turned to him in your seat.
"Im fine, im fine..."
You brought a hand up to your mouth looking at the wound in his chest.
"No,no...nancy-" you stopped and fell back seeing freddy had already got to her.
"Y/n get out of here."
"Quentin.." You sat next to him again taking his face gingerly. "Evrything is...everything is going to be ok!" He smiled weakly and leaned up best he could and kissed your cheek.
"Bring her back every week and i think eventually, she'll feel comfortable enough to talk about it." You mom nodded.
"I should warn you she had a micronap in the middle of the session..."
Mrs.Newtons voice fadded out as you sat in the sitting room of the theripists office. You looked ahead once again seeing Quentin appere in the seat across from you, black holes staring at you blankly, hurt. Your breath got caught in your throat, and you squeezed your eyes shut.
The truth was you wheren't sure what Freddy did to the two of them, you ran to the to leve of the preschool like quentin had told you, you could hear him scream as you did so. But you saw there bodies and thats not how you left them.
"I'm sorry..."
"What was that?" You opened your eye's to see tour mom infront of you. "Nothing! I...just sleep talking..."
"At least your sleeping...somewhat...c'mon we have to pick up your med refills and dad has dinner cooking."
You nodded and followed her from the office. You looked back and still saw him sitting there but this time freddy sat next to him, holding his hand and waved at you.
"Sweet dreams." He smirked and blew you a kiss.
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Quentin with a Touch starved s/o
Requested by anon: Quentinnnnn with a cuddle af touch starved s/o
Happy Valentine's day kiddos enjoy!
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- you would probably wouldn't touch him at all when you first met
- constantly drawing back when he goes to touch your hand or kiss you
- shielding yourself
-he's respectful of the fact that you don't wanna be touched right I'd the bat
-after a while you warm up to him
-starting with simple things
-like holding pinkys
-linking arms
-slowly you'd warm up to holding hands
-and once you do you wouldn't want to let go
-holding his hand 24/7
-playing with his hands and fingers/ drawing little shapes on his palm
- kissing his cheek
- kissing his whole face
-like cupping his cheek and peppering him with kisses
-running your hands through his hair
- once he kisses you
-like really kisses you
-you are all for it
-deep passionate kisses
-hands running everywhere
- Never setteling on one spot
-when you do you usually wrapp them around his neck or hold his arms
- Quentin is a sub (change my mind) so it gives you plenty of advantages
-though there are plenty of times where you aren't such a Dom
-sitting across his lap
-hands always always touching something
-his hair, hands, arms etc.
- touching or tracing shapes on a spot for a while till it feels almost numb on him
- tight warm hugs
-cuddling and lots of it
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Quentin smith Headcanons
Requested by: @maxtheirisagent
Request:Gimme all ur Quentin headcanons plz
So I kinda split this in two hope it's good? (cause I'm not good at these) also I had a field day with this
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- He spends all day everyday in a book shop/ library etc.
-lives of coffee
-gets invited to sleepovers and is the only one to fall asleep last
-"technically it's tomorrow"
-teachers pet
-secretly a good artist
- 10/10 taste in music
- has a whole secret stash of cute sweaters
-UwU boy
-secretly a sucker for tea
-sarcastic as fuck
-funny too
-draws on his jeans/ shoes/ wrists/ ankles and hands in class
- RaD bUt SaD©
-light scars across his face and body
- loves loves loves water
-swimming/showers/baths 👌
-a courious kid
-sweet boy with a bad temper
- "My last two brain cells-"
- will talk for days if you let him
-likes comic books
-collects pins and buttons for his back pack
-heck and darn
-fuck and shit when angry
- "don't @ me but-"
-reads with a flash light under his bed sheets
-loves the stars and the moon
-but loves the lights of the city more
- "if the city never sleeps why should I?"
-anxious mess
-like yea he maybe edgy all but the poor boy is always nervous
-probably really looks down upon himself
- *sees self in mirror* "Ew!"
-dank memes
-trips over words 24/7
-probably a sucker for s'more pop tarts
Quentin with s/o
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- you would think he was touch starved with the amount of affection this boy loves
- hand holding/hugs/ forehead & noise kisses
-the whole nine yards
-must be gentle with him though
- neck kisses👌
- oh so very protective
-dosent fight but would murder for you
-tells you story's to put you to sleep
-always finding excuses to touch you
-"you had something on your cheek..."
-only likes and accepts physical affection from you
-picking on eachother
-sits really close to you just to be close
-kissing you always stuns him
-chasing your lips after pulling away to sneek a few more in
-coming up behind you in the hall and kissing the top of your head
-not good at singing but sings you to sleep
-also reads you his favioret books
-dates to a book store
-recommending books to eachother
-lives for playing with your hair
-l loves when you play with his hair
-hates sleeping unless your with him
-little spoon
-holds you tight after a nightmare
-or calls you right after
-and you of course come running
- not making him sleep after
-laying on the floor together listening to music
- drawing matching tattoos on eachother
-buys you something to always remeber him by necklace/ring/braclet etc.
- he says I love you first
-and a lot
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Almost out
Quentin smith x reader
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Summary: you trick Quentin into escaping freddy while you sacrifice yourself to buy him and Nancy more time
Warning: death! Cursing!
Quentin wouldn't let you sleep. He knew the toll freddy had taken on you and he knew how much you wanted to give up, how much you just wanted to dream and let freddy do what he did to dean, kris and Jessie but he refused to let you.
He knew your micronaps where getting more intense but still wouldn't let it happen until it was over. Until he knew you where safe. That's all that mattered.
He sat you down on the rickidy old bed after having to carry you in. You where to exhausted to function any more. "Just stay right there...here." he pulled out the medicain he stole from the hospital ready to inject it through your leg like he had to himself.
"Q n...no!" you pushed him away scooting back against the wall. "Hey Hey...alright just please don't fall asleep till me and Nancy are done here alright?"
You nodded bringing your knees up to your chest and resting your head on them and watched as they serched the cave.
You felt yourself drifting to sleep until Quentin let out an angry yell jolting you awake fully.
"I took his sweater...maybe I'm the only one who can being him here and from there-"
"Why dont I help?" you asked groggily.
"No...(y/n) stay with Quentin...he'll make sure you stay awake and I wake up when needed right?"
Quentin nodded and pulled you into the chair next to him and grabbed the blade of a paper cutter as Nancy climed into the bed and began to let herself drift to sleep.
You curled up next to Quentin with your legs swung over his lap and head rested against his shoulder. "It'll be over soon enough you know?..." you clenched his shirt and hummed in resposense.
Your eyes grew heavy once again until it finally took and you sat on the floor of a bright red boiler room. Your brain finally processed where you where. "Nanc!?...Nancy are you in here?"
You pushed yourself to your feet looking around for a sign that some one else was there.
"Nanc?...Freddy?..." You wondered around the area hearing nothing but the hiss of pipes Until a voice filled the air.
"Freddy." you sneered and grabbed a piece of pipe from under one of the completed pipe sets and ran around the corner to see freddy ready to kill Quentin.
"NO!" He stopped and turned to you with a wicked grinn. "Looks like your girlfriend came to play after all."
Quentin looked at you exhausedly. "(y/n)...." You ran and swung the pipe at freddy but he ducked while he was down you drove it down to hit the top of his head before kicking him. "Quentin run!" He quickly ran down one of the isles and you followed after catching his hand in your once you caught up to him and pulled him down through another one.
"So you wanna play his n' seek do ya!?" you both stopped in a corner to hide. Freddy dragged a finger across a pipe making you both wince from the awful sound.
You turned to Quentin frowning at his damaged state. "Here's what's gonna happen." you took both his shoulders and keep your voice low.
"You need to wake up and keep an eye out on Nancy if he's got you that's the first thing he's gonna do....but if I but you time to wake up you can be there for her!"
"No I'm not gonna let you get yourself killed!...I still need you!"
You looked at him with the warmest smile you could muster up. "I know but I can't do this any more..."
"It's almost over. I know it! He's almost gone i-"
"Its not just him quen...I just can't do any of it...just let me do this, you and Nancy are so much more important and whatever happens to me happens if not..."
"One, two! Freddys coming for you!" freddy voice rang out from not to far away.
You grabbed Quentin face in your hands and kissed him. "I love you...and everything I'm doing...and I did it was for you ok?"
A tear fell from Quentins cheek. "Please don't do this..."
You kissed him again And spoke against his lips. "Wake up sleepy head." and bit down hard enough on his lip to wake him up.
He jolted awake next to your sleeping body bringing a hand to touch his sore lip that was now bleeding and looked back to you. "(y/n) Please Don't do this!" He took you in his arms and attempted to shake you awake. "(y/n) please!"
You took a breath before stepping out from your corner and shouting as loud as you could. "GET KRUGER! COME GET ME!" you ran the way you came dragging the pipe you had along the wall of pipes. You looked behind you to see if he was there. Nothing.
You looked straight ahead and found him standing there at the exit.
"You Fucking asshole!"
"Wha! Language young lady."
You narrowed your eyes and ran straight at him hitting him across the face. "Never touch him again!" you continued to smash at his face but he just laughed until he grabbed the pipe and pulled you twoards him.discarding the piece of meteal And holding your wrist. "And who's gonna stop me..."
You let out a small painfilled gasp And look at down at your stomach where freddy hand had pierced. "If your dead?" he pulled out pushing you away from him to hit the floor.
"NO! (y/n)!" Quentin held you in his arms sobbing holding a hand over your wound still trying to wake you up. "(y/n) you can't do this! You can't leave me!...I love you So damn much! Please don't go! We where almost out everything was going to be fine...!
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
*slams fists on table*
Please~❤ UwU
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