#quark would listen to nicki minaj
scrimbler · 9 months
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parse-c · 3 months
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I like the cut of yours.
❤️ ZAK
ى ي ه ا ق
Particle physics cheat code
Read it right to left: “(Q) and (A) is (QA) is equal (E) to (Y Y). A reminder that a quark and anti-quark pairs equal mesons. CERN here I come #ayhaq
ي ي ة طًرق دط
طرق | methods
ة طرق | ways
“I just want to make you feel big boss like a thousand dollar bill, or a hundred mill.”
ب ط غً ق | B I G Q
ع ي ت ه ا ط
Was it over…?
“When he unbuttoned my blouse? Come here, I whispered in your ear”
عيت هاط
ت ي غ ك
Nicki Minaj’s tune “Bahm Bahm” is the bomb-bomb. And has a balm bomb in it too.
The first line she gives praise to the Lord, just in another language. It’s pretty cool.
Initials are where it’s at:
Pretty underwhelming in English. But type them in Arabic and an impressive devotion comes thru.
Check it out: “There I go again kicking some dumb flow…”
Part of the message is there. And it requires or invites a listener to apply some sense to it. Here are the same initials minus “a” for “again”.
ت ي غ ك س د ف
The letters in red are the Arabic characters for t-y-g-k, presumably along the lines of “thank you God, king…”. There’s more though.
Simltanously, those letters spell a strikingly convincingly miraculous stylized spelling of Jesus’ name. Either “Jesu” or “Jesus” if you turn an English eye toward it.
As for the rest, “sd” and “df” are each a truncation of an Arabic term and an English word in AAVE. “Sd” (س د) would be spelled with an “a” in the middle, but there’ll be no more sadness. Keep that in mind.
As for “df” it’s AAVE abbreviation for how someone would say “death”. There’ll be no more of that either he promised. “df” is also part of the mix. It shares with Danish “holde af” meaning love. It a hope for no more growing old or suffering.
Circling back, the Arabic word “sd” would look like this if an a were added to it: ساد. It means “he prevailed” or “conquered”.
Tygksdf | ت ي غ ك س د ف
So, all at once, at least in my noggin, she’s saying “Thank you God, King Jesus prevailed over death. And then proceeds to rock my freaking world with the rest of the banger that is “Bahm Bahm”.
And I realize you could make a jest out of it. You can belittle anything. But I don’t think she’s doing that here. What would be the point of subliminal expressions of loyalty to an ideology so vastly separate from what folks imagine the pop music industry must be like.
Idk, lot of creative musicians; they gotta be thankful to someone. Might as well be him.
ئ ق ت ط‎
Baryaon SU(6)
Baryon Conservation : E Q T I
In honor of my newly minted internet friendship with @bugsthebro on TikTok I related his handle to a particle physics concept: The empirical law of Baryon Conservation states that the total number of baryons must remain constant. If any baryons are created, then so must be an equal number of antibaryons.
Not to mention the SU(6) symmetry spin flavour of the baryon particle mirrors his name pretty well. In the characters that resemble our Latin Script that is.
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