𝙎𝙪𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣, 𝙓𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝘾. PLEASE READ
Xavier, also known as Shen Xinghui has always been represented by a star. The "Xing" literally translates into "star". Which is the ONLY star that shines brightly in our solar system? SUN.
In testing data department, MC's Original name was "li yue", "yue" translates into moon. Hence MC and Xavier have been represented by the Sun and Moon.
In his recent teaser, following lines were said
"𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨, 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙"
In the literary sense, the sentence means "the break of the dawn". When Sun aka Xavier and Moon aka MC will come together, the break of dawn will occur and the darkness of the world will finally come to end.
Did you guys see how Xavier was surrounded by different phases of moon during the battle scene and in his picture? It MAY have been indicating each phase of MC with Xavier in her every life.
In many ancient mythologies, Sun and Moon were indiciated as lovers, lovers with an impossible love. The sun always loved the moon and sacrificed his light, his existence to let the moon shine. Even tho, Sun and Moon were so far away with each other, they never stopped loving each other. The only time when SUN and MOON would meet would be during eclipses and have their short sweet moment but even their short sweet moment was seen as something catastrophic so they continued to love each other from a distant. Even when at night, when Sun can't be seen, it continued to give its light to the moon so that moon could be seen. Without SUN, the moon can't glow.
Does this remind you of two people? Xavier and MC.
If it wasn't for Xavier, who knows what might have happened to MC 14 years prior. She might have never escaped the research base and would have stayed trapped there. Xavier has always been protecting MC from the shadows and would have continued to do so had he not been lured into the trap to meet MC.
In chapter 8, when Xavier killed one of his former comrades, he said no one can touch MC not even him until the "right time" comes. What is the right and only time for SUN and MOON to meet? ECLIPSE. When it comes to MC and Xavier
He wanted to protect the MC for the shadows just like the sun and let her live her own life but their enemies had another plan. In the "world underneath" it has been said that MC needs Xavier's power, MAYBE to fully awaken her own abilities. Maybe MC will lead to earth's doom so they can move onto philos and live an eternal life. Just like the moon, our MC just wanted to be seen and loved by the moon and Just like the sun, Xavier sacrificed his freedom, his right to the throne, his peace his everything for his true love, MC. If this isn't greatest love of all time, then what is?
"𝙒𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚"
Xavier's and MC'S love is an impossible one, but Xavier like the sun will never give up on his love and fight till the end of time for his love, MC the moon with resilience and strength, something the SUN SYMBOLISES. Xavier's and MC's fate has been intertwined, they were always partners. In his myth, Mc Was supposed to be Xavier's knight and protect him with her life but then when she ascended the throne, Xavier was supposed to be MC's knight. In the present era, Both Xavier and MC are hunting partners, their fate always intertwined to each other. Even tho MC has no memories of her past lives, she fell again and again for Xavier, she found her guiding star always by her side whether she could see or not. Will they finally get their happy end this time around? Will moon and sun be able to rule over DEEPSPACE
will Sun's energy finally fade away and if Sun's energy really faded away, can moon ever glow again?
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Xavier: Who do you like more? Me or Lumiere?
MC: Then who do you like more too? Me or your lover who gave you the tassel?
And if it's more unfortunate to you, Xavier, Earth MC might have a beef with Queen MC too, you're doomed.
Earth MC in Lumiere Panel: Well? Who do you like more? Me or the Queen of Philos?
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So Xavier turn out using the drug from EVER too.. Just like hat man on world underneath story.
And Xavier use two syringes
Two syringe and his neck ring still blaring red.. He must be very exhausted
So maybe it's true people from Philos actually can't survived on earth without specific nutrition.. Or how food from earth can't really give them nutrient
Noah once said food from earth have zero nutrional value and wondering why Xavier liking it
Jeremiah said he still can't fully understand the diverse taste of earthlings food
And if you remember.. Xavier actually bad on cooking.. He's been mixing everything on juice for MC and little Frank.. Not really think about the taste..maybe because there is some food that he can't really understand how it taste.. Just like Noah and Jeremiah.
And maybe the drug from Ever is not only a nutrient to survive on earth.. But also a boost for their body and evol. Since that drug makes him instanly fit. But maybe it also had a side effect like.. If you use it too much.. You will slowly loose your mind and become wanderers?
And it seems Ever group have been mixing the drug with 'something' to control Bactrackers
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MC on Philos and MC on Earth being one person in Xavier's storyline
This is my theory about MC on Philos and MC on Earth being one person in Xavier's storyline.
First, let's briefly talk about the timeline in Xavier's myth.
According to what everyone knows and the information I gathered, MC and Xavier first met at the academy on the planet Philos. The year was 214. Two hundred and fourteen years had passed since Philos was born. That also means 214 years have passed since the Earth collapsed.
Humans have replaced Earth's exhausting core with a powerful artificial core. This core holds the fragmented lands together, preventing them from dispersing into the starry sea. So, aside from more dust, cloudier days, and cumbersome travel between tectonic plates, planet Philos isn't much different from the Earth in the past.
Yes, so Philos could be Earth in the future. It is divided into continental plates and needs an artificial core to prevent the planet from breaking into many different plates.
They met, got acquainted and developed feelings for each other. Unfortunately, in her first life, MC had a heart disease and had to stay in the hospital to di***e slowly.
In the last moments of her life, MC got out of the hospital to go stargazing, wanting to fulfill her final promise to Xavier. At this time he also returned, covered in injuries, holding an energy core in his hand that he wanted to give to MC. If nothing changes, then the Aether core is currently in her heart.
MC is so weak now that she can't hold on anymore. She asked Xavier to return the core to its original place and then passed away in his arms. I don't know if Xavier later attached the Aether core to her, but MC was reincarnated with it.
In her second life, MC studied at the same academy as Xavier. He is now the crown prince. MC is trained to become a royal knight, become the king's sword and is loyal to him until de***ath.
This time, Xavier discovered Philos' terrifying secret. The artificial core has long been exhausted. So the royal family sent Lightseeker knights to the Starfall forest to feed the planet. On the surface, it was to destroy Wanderer, but in reality it was to replenish Philos's lacking energy source.
Because of this event that Xavier decided to give up the throne. He can’t sit on a throne made from his people’s fle***sh and blo***od. Especially when the royal family decided to sacrifice MC to become an endless source of energy for the planet because she has the ability to reborn over and over again. Probably due to the Aether core in her heart.
Xavier's ideal is to save everyone, not most people. He founded the Backtracker, finding a way back to the past to find an energy core for Philos. At the same time, let MC become queen so she can manage the situation in Philos and protect herself.
There are many theories that MC on Earth and MC on Philos are two different people. And MC on Philos is still waiting for Xavier to return. But I don't think so.
First, we have to mention the Backtracker. Xavier's first purpose for founding the team seems very noble. So he must find friends and teammates who also share the same ideals, justice, kindness, or at least are trustworthy enough to carry out the mission. If MC's secret is exposed, it will be very dangerous for her to be on her own.
Then why in chapter 2 of Anecdotes and chapter 8 of the main story, did he ki***ll his friends and teammates? It could only be because they have fallen, no longer want to follow Xavier's ideals, and turned into enemies wanting to ha****rm MC.
Maybe when they were initially stuck on Earth in the past, they still had the rationality to find a peaceful solution. But over time, sensing that this universe would wipe out outsiders and Philos's slow de****ath in the distance, many Backtracker teammates became desperate.
After all, it is easier to sacrifice a single person than to risk the lives of many people into an unknown future. So they chose to confront Xavier, regardless to the point that they didn't even care about their lives. They couldn’t stand a chance against Xavier, yet they tried to fight him anyway.
If people who were far away from Philos are that desperate, what will happen with MC who chooses to stay in Philos and witness with her own eyes that it is about to fall into destruction?
I feel there are two possibilities.
One is the MC, as the queen of Philos, could no longer sit still and wait to di***e, so she carried out a mission herself. She wants to travel to Earth in the past to get the energy core for Philos. Xavier mentioned Traceback 2, right? If there is 2, which means there must be 1. Maybe MC drove Traceback 1 and then got sucked into a black hole and got stuck on Earth in the past
Second, MC returned to the past with Xavier on the Traceback 2. But something went wrong midway and the two were separated.
MC's return to the past through the Deepspace tunnel was mentioned through Noah's words. Noah once said that there was a problem with space travel called slipspace during the Backtrack. The spaceship couldn’t handle the fluctuations of the Deepspace tunnel.
Noah then continued to say that MC and the Aether core had vanished, most likely dissolved into cosmic dust. Only Noah would say that after she went through the Deepspace tunnel and having an accident. He wouldn’t just mention it out of nowhere:)
Also, do you know what will happen if you fall into a black hole? According to the most reasonable theories, it would be a painful “spaghettification" de***ath. In spaghettification, the intense gravity of the black hole would pull you apart, separating your bones, muscles, sinews, molecules, and even smaller, an atoms.
In Xavier's Shinning traces card, he said this: "Humans will eventually turn to dust, each person will become an insignificant atom in the universe. But atoms can never be destroyed. One day we will meet again under the stars."
Makes me wonder if he's hinting at a reunion between them? He never believed that she is gone. Her soul, her atom won’t be destroyed. Xavier just need to find her.
MC was pulled apart and di***ed in the Deepspace tunnel. But due to the distortion of space and time, instead of being reincarnated to Philos like before, she was reincarnated to Earth in the past. Explaining how she was once a child, lost her memories and grew up as a normal person.
The second thing is Jeremiah's attitude when he saw MC. If she was just a substitute, would he accidentally say: "Long time no see..."?
Apparently Jeremiah also considered Earth MC to be Philos MC. When he could help her, he said: “I just never thought I’d actually able to help you.” In this statement I feel intimacy, respect and a little guilt. Perhaps Jeremiah was always worried about the fact that he couldn't help MC much while in Philos.
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MC did something wrong
MC: Forgive me, please. I'll do everything.
Xavier: Everything?
MC: Yes.
Xavier: Then pay.
MC: Pay?
Xavier: With your body
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Many Chinese fans have pointed out that when wearing the Lumiere outfit, Xavier has fewer inju***ries than when he wore the Lightseeker outfit. His seriously inju***red areas were all protected by the suit. For example, metal rings on both arms and waist belts. What is important here? He has said that the Lumiere outfit is fireproof, expl**osionproof , and block att***acks. And Xavier SUGGESTED we wear it too.
Xavier is acutely aware of the dan***gers involved in working as a superhero to save the world. As deepspace hunters, while we may not superheroes, our mission is fundamentally the same. We fi***ght against the Wanderers to protect the people of Linkon City. Xavier understands the pa***in and risks we've encountered in ba***ttle, but he has never tried to stop us. Instead, he gave us an outfit that covers us from head to toe, offering fireproof, exp***losion-proof, and att***ack-resistant protection. Recognizing the Lightseeker outfit's fragile against the Wanderers' att***acks, Xavier took lessons from past experiences and developed the Lumiere outfit to ensure our safety.
Also, during our time at Astria Academy, we were highly skilled swordsmen and royal knights. It's no surprise that Xavier gave us a sword as our weapon. However, in the present timeline, we are no longer swordsmen but g***un-wielding deepspace hunters. And what we***apon did Xavier give us? A pair of g***uns! Coincidence? I think not.
Xavier has always thought carefully about our needs. Regardless of our appearance or status when we stand in front of him, we will always be the people he loves the most.
The pair of g***uns that Xavier gave us is called Moonchaser, reflecting our status as Moonchaser Prefect during our time at Astria Academy on Philos. Xavier aims to connect our past, present, and future. Ultimately, he has learned from his past mistakes and doesn't want to lose us again. He will never be late again.
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MC'S and MLs' attachment style
"Anxious-avoidant attachment may also be called fearful-avoidant attachment or disorganized attachment. It combines aspects of both the anxious and avoidant attachment styles. People with anxious-avoidant attachment styles or attachment anxiety may feel the urge to connect vulnerably with others. However, they might also have an intense fear of both intimacy and vulnerability."
Xavier had a shitty childhood. There is no mention of his mother and the king was basically an a-hole. As his status as the Prince, he grew up pretty isolated and did not receive any sort of love from anyone besides MC. There was no-one to bring him emotionally and teach him how to love. People with such type of background do not know how to deal with their emotions securely, thus having the traits of avoidant attachment style. He also saw mc dying multiple times and failed to save her again and again which gave him severe abandonment issues which is a trait of anxious attachment style. That's why Xavier gives mixed signals sometimes which MC herself pointed out in "closed feelings"
1. Number one hint that i have talked previously too is that how easily he believes in superstitious stuff, it's not because he has belief on them but he is so desperate that he is ready to hope on anything that gives him validation that this time he might actually succeed in saving MC. This sort of behaviour stems from his anxiety and fears.
2. Him being jealous and possessive is also due to his fears and low self esteem that MC might abandon him or he will lose her again to someone aka the abandonment issues which are also a sign of anxious attachment style.
4. His succumb card. In his succumb card, he tells MC he is feeling things he has never felt before, he cannot understand his emotions very well because again, he didn't have anyone to teach him and was pretty much isolated his life.
5. He avoids opening up about himself, yes i do get that he is from another planet blah blah but HE AVOIDS TOO MUCH! he is always there for MC, always reassuring her and comforting her but he doesn't want to depend on MC, he also have trust issues by the amount of people that has betrayed him including his own father. This is a trait for avoidance.
Just like Xavier is always there to assure you, please assure him too that you will be by his side and he SHOULDN'T FIGHT ALONE. he needs a lot of patience and reassurance especially when he can't regulate his emotions properly. He would also need a lot of physical intimacy as Anxious- avoidant attachment style, so next time you log in please give him LOTS OF LOVE because this man clearly needs a lot. Spending 500+ years in pure isolation IS very painful okay?
I will continue more in comments coz i have a lot to say about this guy. Please do read them if u like.
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Do you get deja vu? 😏
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