#qiren is my robin hood-type smuggler
synoxshots · 4 years
Watch me
Fill 10 of fictober! 
Prompt number: 12
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR)
Rating: G
Warnings/Tags: No warnings, just lots of swoop racing.
Summary: Qiren is a typical Corellian, a lover of speed, racing, and telling everyone all about it. So when the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally takes over the holonet, naturally she has to go and get involved.
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Qiren normally left the holonet on in the background on her ship. It was a habit more than ever being her focus – sitting down and watching it was something serious people did, after all – but she needed some way to keep abreast of the state of the galaxy. She didn't need to watch it avidly, but this way she could just pick up on the important bits – specifically, the exciting parts – and the rest would just naturally absorb itself.
Today though, it was certainly holding her attention. And that was mostly down to the two words being repeated by a very enthusiastic droid.
Now that was a way to get her to listen. She was Corellian, after all. A lover of speed, racing, and telling everyone about it. It had been years since she'd gotten on a swoop bike, but she suspected it was one of those things that once you learned, you never forgot.
And if it turned out otherwise, well, she was a fast learner.
Before she knew it she was racing back to the other end of the ship, plugging Dantooine's co-ordinates into the navicomputer.
“Uh, Captain? Where we headed?” Corso asked, popping his head around the doorway. Oh right, in the excitement she may have forgotten to tell him they were on the move again.
“Dantooine, you see that holo report?”
“Sure did...wait, so we're going there? Did we see the same report?”
“Swoop bikes! Come on, it'll be fun! And if not, there's plenty of farms, you'll be right at home,” she said with a wink.
Corso chuckled, “If you say so Captain, but don't think I won't remember that last part.”
* * * * * * * *
Dantooine was a quiet planet most of the time, filled with lush, rolling green fields of fertile land, the type that attracted many seeking out a simple life. And despite Corso's protestations whenever she called him farmboy, he did fit right in. That wasn't a bad thing, if anything it was good to see him in his element. So much of their time was spent chasing down the next money-making opportunity, getting caught up in shoot-outs, making the kind of increasingly daring escapes at which they both excelled; but here was a place where he could actually relax for once.
Of course, she was a city girl, and could barely cope without some constant source of noise in the background. The Swoop Rally had certainly brought that, and if anything felt all the louder given the natural peace and quiet of Dantooine.
The rally was a carnival, a celebration of speed and noise. Crowds whooped and cheered as bikes zoomed past them, fireworks lit up stands with blazes of colour. Music thumped throughout the route, broken by gasps and shouts of spectators and one highly excitable commentator. The pits were a hive of activity, decked out with the coloured flags of the teams and packed with people milling about. Enthusiastic fans, desperate to get the first look at the bikes and meet their heroes who rode them. Mechanics, tinkering away, making last minute adjustments to eke every bit of speed they could out of their bikes. The riders themselves, still competing against each other when not out on the track, revving their engines ever louder with menacing glares or strutting about, squaring up to their opponents. If Corso was in his element during their trip through the farms, Qiren had found hers here, barely waiting a minute to take it all in before running to an official and signing herself up for a test ride with one of the Rally's most daring crews.
The Pit Screamers were all about their tricks: big ramps, big jumps, and lots of showing off. Kindred spirits with their newest rider. A quick introduction to the team, a conversation filled with roaring laughter and bouncing hugs, and she was on a bike and heading for the starting line. With her leatheris jacket, driving gloves, and a pair of goggles to shield her eyes, she looked less like someone who had just turned up on the spot and more like someone who'd been racing for years.
“Whatcha think, Corso?” She shouted over the engines as she cruised past him, a wild gleeful grin on her face. “Get yourself a seat and watch me, but be quick – 'cause you know I'll be.”
* * * * * * * *
Qiren was a natural on the bike, much as she'd suspected. Some skills were hard to shake after all, even with a lack of practice. There were a few bumps in the road early on whilst she got used to the course and the bike, some of them literal, but that was all forgotten before long. When the cold wind hit her face in the way it only could by travelling at such speed, nothing else mattered. It was just her, the bike, the track, and the thrill of putting on a show. The roars of the crowd served to spur her on, to eke out every bit of hang time, to add every flash of flair.
That was a reaction you didn't get for tricks or fancy flying in a spaceship. There was none of the buzz from performing to a crowd there. Instead it was normally a stream of profanities from crewmembers who were never quite appreciative of the skill required to make an effective getaway.
She was still on a rush from the ride when she met Corso back at the pits, dashing off from her new-found friends and admirers to leap into his arms with enough force that he almost lost his balance.
“Wow Captain, that was great!”
“What did I say? Knew you'd love it! We'll make a swooper of you too yet, you'll see!”
Corso gave half a laugh as he shook his head. “Hey, I'm happy to leave that to you. I'll stick to ships for now. And I'm not sure I could compete with what I just saw, anyway.”
“Oh yeah, you definitely couldn't,” she teased. “Come on, let's go spend these hard-won earnings. Time to do what we do best, I'm sure there's some people round here needing our help.”
Corso's grin widened, the biggest it had been all day. Chase the thrills, sure, but this was what they were really all about.
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