#q hates competition for jean luc
stellarred · 1 year
A Q Conflict
(Q17 gazes down at the starship Enterprise and points.)
Q17: What are those creatures scurrying around?
Q: Those are called humans.
Q17: I've heard of those. I wonder what they're like.
Q: They're nothing but trouble. It's best to move on.
(Q motions for them to leave.)
Q17: But, you like them.
Q: I tolerate them. Let's move on, shall we?
Q17: That's not what I've heard. What about that one? He looks interesting.
(Q17 points at Picard.)
Q: Uh, no. He's boring, a hopeless case.
Q17: He's quite attractive. I'd like to--
Q: He's off limits! That one is mine. Do you hear me?!
Q17: Well, I don't see your name on him!
(Q raises an eyebrow and grins)
Q: Just wait.
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stellarred · 1 year
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Q and Q10 are traveling together through the galaxy. Suddenly, they stop as the Enterprise comes out of warp drive and arrives in their vicinity.
Q10 points at the Enterprise: Hey! Say, isn't that Picard's ship?
Q: So it is. My Jean-Luc. (smiles warmly)
*A brief moment of silence.*
Q: I wonder how mon capitaine is doing. It's been awhile since I last dropped in on him.
Q300: Well aside from the usual Starfleet missions, I've heard that he has started dating--
Q: I don't wanna hear it! When did I ever hurt you?!
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stellarred · 1 year
Picard and his crew are all at a gala with a few hundred other guests, and things get weird for Picard...
1. 🎉
A tall, beautiful brunette approaches Picard, Beverly, and Riker.
Riker: She looks attractive, Captain. Take a leap of faith.
Picard (to the woman): Hello. I'm Jean-Luc Picard.
Woman (gives Picard a once over) Hello. Your girlfriend is very lucky.
Picard: My what?
Beverly to Picard: Your what?!
**An hour later**
2. 🎉🎉
Picard, Worf, and Geordi are standing around a punch bowl when a shapely redhead saunters up to them.
Picard: Good evening. I'm Jean-Luc--
Woman: Picard. I know.
She goes over to Geordi and wraps her arms around him.
Woman: My, you are gorgrous aren't you? Let's go for a drink together later. More intimate that way.
She turns to Picard:
Woman: I would've asked you, but I don't want your boyfriend to get angry.
Picard and Worf choke on the punch.
Picard: WHAT?
Worf: Captain, I...had no idea you were...
Picard: Neither did I.
***Two hours later***
3. 🎉🎉🎉
Picard, Riker, Beverly, and Data are having coffee after dinner.
A lovely Crysalian delegate strolls up to them. Picard steps forward.
Picard: Hello. My name is Captain Jean-Luc Picard. It's a lovely night. Your speech on the thermodynamic reactions on Tarin IV was remarkable. Would you care to join me for--
Female delegate: Hello, Captain. I'm tempted, but your wife probably wouldn't like that too much. Think of her and your three children. Think of the dog, too!
She leaves, and Picard and the crew are dumbfounded.
Data: Sir, this is not consistent with what we know of you. However, you are entitled to keep such personal details--
Picard: That's enough, Data.
Beverly: Captain, can we talk?
Picard to Riker: What the hell is going on, Number One?!
🕰🕰Four hours earlier🕰🕰
1. 🎉
Q is sitting at the bar staring at Picard, who's unaware he's there.
Attractive brunette: That starship captain is so handsome. I wonder if--
Q: Yes. That is Jean-Luc Picard. He's dating someone else.
Woman: Oh, really?
Q: Yes, he's taken.
2. 🎉🎉
Q is watching Picard from behind the hors d'ouvres table.
Redhead woman: So, that's Picard. He's amazing. I wonder if he'd like--
Q: He's gay, madame. Move on.
3. 🎉🎉🎉
Q is continuing to keep an eye on Picard from a distance. The female Crysalian delegate walking by suddenly catches sight of Picard.
Female delegate: Oh, I've been looking for him. Such a beautiful man. He looks lonely.
Q: Hardly, my dear. He's very happily married, and he has three children, and a dog.
Female delegate: I see. You must know him very well.
Q: This is true.
Picard and his crew return to the Enterprise feeling very confused about the things that happened at the gala.
Meanwhile, Q is breathing a sigh of relief that he blocked the competition from getting close to HIS capitaine.
After all, who is the best person in the entirety of existence to win Picard's heart, but himself?
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stellarred · 1 year
True Q: Some interesting observations
***DISCLAIMER: A more lengthy post. ***
I saw True Q a couple of days ago, and it occurred to me that when you think about Q's demeanor in the episode and compare it to his demeanor in Tapestry and even DS9's Q-Less, it leads to some pretty interesting places .
#1. Q doesn't focus his attentions and affections on Picard like he does in the other episodes.
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Q looks very detached from Picard here. He is all business with Picard in True Q.
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In fact, except for the "Pals" moment, Q isn't very seductive towards his Favorite in True Q.
Instead, if you notice, Q directs his attention a LOT towards--Beverly. No, really he does.
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He spends quite a bit of time antagonizing her.
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He just does not like her.
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Q interacts with Picard, sure. But, he is closed off from him.
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#2. Q spends a lot of his time looking at Beverly.
When you watch the True Q episode, if you pay close attention to the direction of Q's line of sight, such as in the conference room scene in which he first appears, Q doesn't look at Picard that much, but looks at Beverly a lot.
In the final scene below when Amanda says goodbye, Beverly is standing in front of Q and Amanda; Picard is off to the side. Amanda is glancing at Picard, but Q's gaze falls in Beverly's direction. Except when he swears to Picard that he isn't responsible for the crisis on Tagra IV, Q doesn't even look at Picard.
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#3. Q hates the assignment the Continuum has given him. Why would the Q Continuum choose Q out of all the other Qs, to bring Amanda to the fold?
Q is just NOT a happy entity in True Q. Was Q being punished? Was Q on trial to prove his worthiness or loyalty to the Continuum?
Was this why Q was colder towards Picard? Was Q humiliated?
If the object of your deepest heart's desire is watching you do a job that you absolutely hate, and one that you just want to get over with asap, you can feel a sense of, "Don't look at me. I'll pretend you're not here."
Because note that once the job with Amanda is over, and Q is free again in Tapestry, look how happy he is with Picard!
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#4 Let's consider that
True Q first aired Nov 2nd 1992.
Q-Less first aired on February 7th, 1993.
Tapestry first aired February 15th, 1993
When Q appeared in True Q, he was theoretically with Vash.
Q may not have been getting along with Vash, which is likely considering she didn't really like him, and we know that Q liked to talk about Picard a lot.
Q got Vash away from Picard because he didn't want her to have him in Q-pid.
Vash = competition
Now, in True Q (Nov 2nd) Q sees Beverly, who is always around Picard.
Beverly = competition
I think Q was in a headspace where he was really frustrated that Vash and Beverly had Jean-Luc, and he couldn't have him.
#5. For an omnipotent god, Q has plenty of competitors standing in his way to Picard's heart.
**I could never figure out why Q said the things he did when he was questioning Amanda about her powers while Picard and Beverly were standing there.
Q to Amanda: Telekinesis? Teleportation?
(Turns to look at Picard)
Q: Spontaneous combustion of someone you don't like?
I never understood that line, because Q loves Picard. But, looking at that line from the perspective of Q having competition from Vash and Beverly for Jean-Luc's love, I believe Q was so sick of it and basically tried to ward off Amanda from possibly loving Picard, too.
Q was like: Not you, too, Amanda. You DON'T like Picard.
#6. FINALLY, well, we later have Q-less on Feb 7th, and one day after Valentines Day, Q is all happy to be with his Jean-Luc in Tapestry.
Q's demeanor is a gazillion times more pleased to be with Picard--no Continuum homework to do--and he has a chance to seduce Picard without any competition from women in his life.
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It's funny how the timing of episodes can contibute to a character's arc.
All Q wants to do is to love Jean-Luc Picard without any competition.
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stellarred · 1 year
Oh, the things that aren't spoken outright!
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Q: "Flowers! Is there a John Luck Pickerd here?"
Marta: "From one of your conquests, no doubt."
Marta leaves with Q looking suspiciously at her as she exits the room.
Q: "Did I interrupt anything sordid, I hope?"
( ->What were you about to do, Jean-Luc? Something dirty and sexual? I hope I stopped you. After all, you belong to ME!!!)
Picard: "No, Q. You didn't."
Q: "Pity."
(->Darn it. I love blocking the competition. )
Q: "She's quite attractive."
(->She's going to be a tough rival. I think I hate her.)
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