y123345 · 6 months
She was a witch who used to be a student of the infamous magical school where all the witches and wizards went. Her parents were the deans until they were accused of practicing black magic and wrongfully given death penalty. She believed her parents were conspired by their fellow wizards but before she was able to prove anything, she was banned from the school. Her uncle took her ophaned self and taught her magic skills while staying low key in the deep forest away from the witchcraft academy. 20 years later, she got knocked up by a guy who was lost in the forest and rescued by her uncle. That dude had long gone before she realized she was carrying his child.
Last year, her uncle finally got his hands on an invisible cloak they had been searching for years. They planned to use this to sneak into the academy to find out answers for her parents and prove their innocence. Everything was according to the plan, get the cloak, sneak inside the academy, search for the records, investigate, confront the deans and the headmistress, except she accidentally got pregnant and she was now in her third trimester. The academy had a tradition of holding a grand banquet that everyone, undergratuates or post gratuates returned from all over the world and meet up every 10 year. Fortunately for her, that 10th year ceremony is holding next month but she would be 39 weeks pregnant by that time. But she had already made up her mind. A mere pregnancy shouldn't interfere with this long awaiting opportunity. She must know the truth behind her parents' ordeal. She had decided to give her all in this investigation.
Her uncle had been taking really good care of her during the whole pregnancy. He would brew portions to keep her child healthy and grow well. Well, she must say the potion worked too well. Because her baby was already showing at 8 weeks and she was carrying twins. Her uncle would say " No. My dear niece, I'm just making sure the babies are growing well. You carrying twins is not my doing. You are just super fertile". By 34 weeks, she couldn't even see her feet, her back was killing her, her walk was waddled and she was struggling to even get up from floor. The babies were kicking her organs all the time, making her wince everytime. Her uncle wanted her to not go ahead with this mission. Lets just wait for another 10 years he said. But by another 10 years, all the deans and the head of the academy would already retire and the longer it got, the fewer evidences she could investigate. So, she didn't want to take any chances. Little did she know that her beloved uncle was involved in her parents' incident. He was the one who started it but things went south and her parents got the blame. They were just in fact trying to stop him but that put them in the scene leading to their deaths. He was planning the forbidden magic with two of the deans to dominate the human world that would end up in thousands of human deaths. But the plan failed due to her parents interference and he put the blame on them. Out of his guilty conscience, he decided to go into hiding with his niece. The man that got lost in the forest, the pregnancy, the big babies were all his doing to stop her from knowing the truth. But she was just so stubborn.
Only two weeks away from the grand banquet, her babies weighed 7lbs each, the weight of her stomach was killing her back. They keep practsing and practising to sneak inside the academy. First, cross the lake with a boat, then wear the invisible cloak and followed the other guests.
The day had arrived. She was now 39 weeks with two babies who weighed 9lbs each. Her whole body was so uncomfortable. The brixton hicks were annoying, her vagina was sensitive, the fetal kickings were hurting like hell and keeping her awake at night, couldn't sit with her legs closed, needed a place for her big round pregnant belly between her thighs whenever she sat down and her movements had been slowed down dramatically. She could feel the babies sitting so low in her pelvis. But these won't stop her. She was so determined.
She wore a dress, a belly support to help ease the weight and an underwear. She waddled out of her house and got on the broom. She moaned since the broom pressed against her sensitive swollen vulva. Her belly restes uncomfortably on the broom stick as her legs were hung on each side on the broom. She leaned forward abit further pressing her vulva and lower part of her stomach onto the broom and commanded it to fly despite the discomfort. She landed quietly at a dark corner near the academy and put on the invisible cloak and hid the broom inside a bush. Now all she had to do was sneak into the building. She followed the crowd quietly being super careful not to bump into other people so that they wouldn't notice.
In the dining hall, the headmistress was giving a speech and the room was so crowded. She had to get through this to reach the other rooms so she waited quietly. Then the dance started. She tried to squeeze through the dancing couples but it was so hard to do so with a mounded midsection. The music and the people got more lively and she decides to pass through it no matterwhat. She kept herself as close as possible to the wall and slowly made her way through. She was walking carefully keeping her eyes on her surroundings, with her left hand holding the wall and her right hand supporting her aching arched back. She stopped occasionally whenever the actively dancing couples came close to her to avoid getting noticed. At that moment, she saw a familiar face next to the headmistress. It was one of the male deans that involved in accusing her parents. Suddenly she was snapped back to reality by an intense bodyslam from a woman spinning and dancing with her partner. The woman's whole body weight combined with the spinning force slammed directly onto the right side of her stomach, crushing it between the woman's body and the sturdy stone wall. Making matters worse, her right hand (the side the woman flew into) was holding her aching back, so, it could not offer any protection against this sudden impact. If she was hugging her stomach instead, it could at least lessen the force of the impact. But luck was not with her that day. Her twin filled 39 week belly took the brutal impact full force. She was just extremely unfortunate. The women could have slammed her body instead of her big protruding stomach. But no, her body was spared. Only her stomach got pancaked from side to side. Perhaps this was the price she had to pay for not paying attention to her surroundings well. She felt every moment of the impact, the woman slamming her belly, her belly in turn slamming into the wall squishing her babies knocking the air out of her. She almost let out a scream. Her uterus started contracting vigourously and the babies were kicking her ribs and her organs painfully. She fell to the ground hugging her oval shaped contracting stomach. Taking deep breaths, she rubbed her belly trying her best to soothe the babies. But she couldn't stay there for long. She had to move forward. She caressed her stomach and slowly walked through the ballroom. Her womb kept contracting from time to time making her pause here and there drenching in sweat. It was a miracle her water hasn't broken yet.
She intended to sneak into the headmistress's office to steal the case files. The corridors were quite empty since almost everyone was enjoying the ball.
The headmistress office was on top of the academy, the 13th floor. There were so many steps. She made her way up slowly holding her stomach which was now black and blue on both sides. Maybe she was imaging things but she definitely felt like her babies were sitting lower than before. She even felt them lodging in her pelvis and almost dropped out with each step she made. Having to go up the stairs while heavily pregnant with twins combined with the forceful blunt trauma was doing no good for her. She had to waddle even when go up the stairs or else, her low hung tender stomach moved up and down with each step as it was in the way of her thighs and ended up getting lifted up and down with each step.
Just as she reached 10th floor, she saw the headmistress together with the dean from earlier heading to the office on their brooms. She increased her speed and ran up the stairs as fast as her pregnant body allowed to get the office in time to spy on them. Then another contraction hit and she had to slow down again. She thought to herself, " the contractions weren't regular at all. This is beacuse I got hit in the stomach. Thank goodness I'm still not in labour".
After a while, she finally got to the 13th floor. It had been some time that they had been in the office and she could hear the quarrelling even from afar. Wanting to eavesdrop, she hastily approached the door. Just as she was about to put her ear on the door, it was flung open and slammed right into her already bruised and tender belly from the front. She yelped as her big protruding stomach was getting crushed by the door, flattened to amost half of its size and the babies being pressed against her spine. The dean was getting so angry arguing with the headmistress and she put all her anger into slamming the door open and storming out. He didn't even notice the yelp she accidentally let out. She was thrown backwards by the momentum of the hit and fell onto the ground with a thud. The pain was so immerse that her eyes became blurry and she was breathless. Suddenly, she felt water dripping out of her birthing hole. Her water had broken. Her twin filled stomach was able to withstand the first trauma but couldn't survive this second one. The pain from the hit, the pain from the taut contracting stomach, the pain from the babies squiming against her insides, all making her breathless and paralyzed. With tears, she girtted her teeth trying not to groan and stay as quiet as possible. She couldn't risk them finding her out. Rubbing her stomach is no help at all. More and more water was coming out of her vagina. She tried to stand back up with all her might but she was in so much pain. After struggling and finally getting up, she clutched her siezing belly with both her hands and sneaked inside the office to investigate. The dean and the headmistress already left. She searched the bookshelves and the whole room for the forbidden documents but couldn't find anywhere.The babies started to descend ever since the door broke her water. With every movement she made, every step she take, they got lower and lower. Enduring the back to back contractions, she tried to search as much as she could but the first baby had already lodged into her birth canal. The contractions were ling and continuous now. Not finding anything, she decided to go back the way she came in, get home asap and birth the babies. It was not like she had a choice though.
With each step, the head descended more. Enduring the contractions, her whole body was soaked with sweat. The cloak was able to cover all her pregnant body and but not the trail of amniotic fluid on the ground. She couldn't care anymore. She just wanna get out of here as fast as possible and push the children out. The contractions become more and more intense and longer to subside. The fetal head was battering her swollen cervix . By the 3rd floor, she unconsciously squatted down and almost started pushing. She felt her vagina with her finger and the head was already crowning. Her gait became wider, holding the urge to push, repeating " don't push. Don't push" as a mantra in her head. By the 1st floor, she was in full crown. She knew she absoultely couldn't give birth here. She cupped her palm over her vagina and gently pushed the head back in. Pushing back the first baby subsequently push back the 2nd baby which was already in line to come out. The pressure and pain was worse than she imagine it would be and she had to let out a groan. No matter how much she wanted to keep the babies inside her, her body kept naturally doing its job. Her baby would stretch her vagina again and crown again and she would push back in again despite the excruciating pain. This went on and on like a cycle.
All she had left to do now was squeeze through the ballroom again and got out of the acadmy. But this time, the dancing people were drunk now and they were dancing very wildly. So, it was taking her longer than it should. Plus, the place was crowded that she could not bend down and push the head back in. She supported her now very low hanging and contracting rockhard belly with both of her hands and slowly made her way. The head fully crowned again and started to slip out again but halted by her panties halfway luckily. Now it became more difficult and torturous for her to walk with a hald dangling head while resisting the urge to push amid contractions. Finally she got back to her broom crouching and clutching her painful midsection with both hands. She groaned and was shaking in pain as the broom pressed back the head back into her birth canal. She could feel the two babies struggling to come out. After the excruciating flight, she got back to her house welcomed by her uncle. The fact that he was not even surprised that she found nothing didn't cross her mind because she was in so much pain and all she wanted to do was push. Of course he wasn't surprised. He already contacted the headmistress in advance about her heist and to get rid of everything.
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y123345 · 1 year
A Cheerleader's birth
Amy was a pregnant teen, moreover she was a flyer in the cheerleading team of her school. She knew she fucked up when the pregnancy test came back positive and decided to hide it from everyone else. She acted like she gained some weight and purposely ate snacks in class to make everyone believe she was just gaining weight. Amy used to be a very lean fit girl who worked out regularly. When she initially know about her pregnancy, she remembered some of the fitness influencers having such small bellies because of their toned stomach and thought that would be the case for her too. She quickly found out she was wrong when the ultrasound turned out to be twins and started showing at just 9 weeks.
Initially, she could convinced she gained weight but her coach was not happy abouy it. How can a cheerleader most importantly a flyer could gain weight! Amy got several warnings since the coach was afraid her teammates won't be able to throw her into the air if she contined gaining weight. By the end of 15 weeks, her belly was noticeably bloating and she had no choice but to wear a shaper to suppress her growing stomach. Getting into that tiny shape wear is the worst and most uncomfortable thing but this is the only way to flatten her belly. She knew it was not good for her or the babies but she did not want to quit the team or the school since both are very important for her. She continued going to school and practising this way. Her doctor banned her form cheerleading because of the high risk of injury and accidents but as stubborn as she was, she just continued her way.
By the time she reached 20 weeks, she be wearing two shapers, first a large size to fit her belly then an extra small to squeeze in as much as possible. She was being careful during her practices too! Everytime her teammates accidntally caught or lift her up from her waist, she was scared to death for her babies since waist mean they be squeezing her belly and lifting up or catching without even realizing. And the coach wanted her to lose weight and kept waring.
When her babies reached 29 weeks, she couldn't help but use a waist trainer and three shapers, to bind her big twitching belly. She wore the extra large shaper pants, a large sized shaper bodysuit and lastly, a medium sized cami shaper. She bought the infamous 25 boned waist trainer which was claimed to sucessfully gave a flat belly and an hourglass body by inflnencers and many users. Even this many steps can't hide her belly completely. There was a very visible bump whatever clothes she tried to cover with. Without any of the restraints, her stomach was so huge and ahe couldn't see her toes or walk properly. All of these were really painful and umcomfortable for her although she endured it for the sake of her dreams and future.
One morning, the coach made a horrfying announcement. They would be having a competion with other schools in their state. It was a day before her due date! Shit! Shit! Shit! she thought to herself. And the coach just decided to increase their training time and to try out new moves. New moves! That was a nightmare because new moves would mean more falls.
The team trained overtime mastering old tricks and learning new moves. She did fell several times but most of the time they catch her and falls on side or back were luckily did not harm the babies. She got intense contractions after each fall as if her painfully hardening twin filled belly was about to break free from all the bindings. She wanted to remove those horrible things so badly and let her belly be as huge as it is and carass it to soothe the contractions. But in reality, she wasn't even dare to hold her belly or her aching back too afraid someone would notice.
Only 15 days before the competition. The coach was very unsatisfied with her body weight and shape. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't hide a pregnant mama's weight and figure. All the bindings were at their limit and yet anyone can spot the bump even from afar. So, he commands her to do some exercises for her weight. He had been asking for so long to lose weight and she even gained more. He was pretty furious. Everyday, she was to skip rope for 30minutes and run 5laps. These were quite intense even for a normal person let alone a heavily pregnant woman in her third trimester. The binders were kind of helpful in supporting her belly otherwise it would be bouncing up and down with each jump she made. She was so damn exhausted after rope skipping and running and her stomach was contracting so much that she could barely walk or breathe. She gritted her teeth enduring it not to let a single moan out. Being so exhausted, she lost her footing when they threw her into the air. She was supposed to make a twist mid air and land on her friend's shoulder. Instead, she couldn't make a complete turn and fall onto the friend's head belly first. It was like she headbutted her right in her mid section. The pain ripped through her and she wasn't able to get up by herself. She felt every sceond her belly was head shaped indented and her babies being squished into her organs. Other teammates help her up and sent her back home to rest.
She saw her doctor that evening. The babies are fine thankfully. The doctor was highly against her cheerleading from the very start. She told her most twin pregnancies end up delivering around 38 weeks and very rarely reach full term and to try not to move around so much let alone cheerleading. She stripped naked and looked herself in the mirror, holding her already dropped belly branded with a horrible looking bruise right in the middle.
Today was the day! Fortunately they were able to perform accident free almost to the end. But not the best and didn't win of course! No pregnant woman would be able to perform quick jerky flying and jumping moves with full energy. So, she wasn't any exception. During the ending post, the throwers were mean to carry her bridal style ( but not so much bridal style since she had to be lifted as tense as possible almost as if she was lying supine on the wooden plank), throw her up into the air, and to catch her back in the same position after she made a mid-air turn. But all the unfortunate things happened. The catcher failing to catch her back, her failing to make a complete turn, one thing lead to another she fell helplessly in the prone position, her belly slammed violently with the ground crashed between her own body and the hard ground. However, her teammates immediately thought of covering this mishap as an intentional move for the closing pose. The fall squished all the air in her lungs and she could not even scream. A gush of warm liquid came out of her but no one seemed to notice that. All she did was trying to lift herself of the ground but too painful and weak to do that. Her team immiediately lied down altogether in the same position as her and posed for pictures. The audience was im awe. They thought they witnessed a fall and yet this was actually part of the perfomance. The journalists came running to take picture while more water was coming out and she was still stuck in that position no pregnant woman was ever supposed to be in. Her face was contorted in pain, her belly contracting like crazy and she felt like she was about to pass out. Only after the press finishing up taking pictures, she was helped get back up. One teammate even said Oh you peed yourself? Huh?. As she stood up, she felt the babies entering her birth canal. It took a while to announce all the winning teams and gave them rewards. By the time eveything was over, a head was crowning between her legs. Then all the participants are called upon the stage to take a picture together. She waddles to climb up stairs to the stage with a head widening her pelvis. Some competitors were asked to stand and some to crouch down. She was unfortunately ask to lower herself abit so the others in the back could be in the picture. She squatted down wincing n pain as her contractions were getting longer and closer with almost no time in between. She fought the urge to push trying to hold the baby in. She had to squat for the whole shoot and by the time the shoot was over, her shapewear pants were already forming a huge bulge. She panicked and suddenly sat down on the floor so that the head would be forced back in. She got up slowly trying so hard so the babies would not slip out again. Then she called a taxi and head over to the hospital.
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