#psoh fanon
tatselk · 5 years
PSOH: Possible Cause for Leon’s Immortality Revealed?!
I just came across one of Akino-sensei’s more recent works: Hua Tuo Fenglaizhuan (华佗风来传). It consists of 8 chapters in 2 volumes. I found the first volume (Mandarin edition) here and read the second volume at a library.
This series is set in the Three Kingdoms period (i.e. about 2000 years ago in Ancient China). Basically, it is about a fantasy version of the historical doctor, Hua Tuo. In this story, he was depicted as traveling around different cities and performing miraculous cures for free.
Later, it was revealed that Hua Tuo was a deity who was sent down to the earthly realm as a punishment for falling asleep whilst he was on duty guarding a magical tree in the heavenly realm, which produces immortality-granting fruits. This resulted in one of these fruits being stolen. In the final chapter of this series, Hua Tuo found a magical tree in the earthly realm which was apparently barren and guarded by a demon.
Revelation #01: this magical tree was grown from the stolen immortality-granting fruit.
Revelation #02: this fruit was stolen by a deity, Ye Cha, who had fallen in love with and married a mortal woman. He did this so that his ailing wife would not only recover from her illness, but would also be able to remain young and live with him forever. BUT Ye Cha’s wife refused to eat the fruit. She asked him to bury the fruit instead so that a tree producing similar fruits could be grown. This would benefit more people in the longer-term. Upon his wife’s death, Ye Cha buried said fruit with her body.
Revelation #03: The tree was not necessarily barren. It’s just that it would probably take a really long time for it to bear fruits because of the crappy, non-magical conditions for its growth in the earthly realm.
Revelation #04: Due to the tree not bearing fruit for a long time, the deity eventually turned into a demon so that he could guard the tree until it bears fruits (not really explained why he had to turn into a demon but...).
Ye Cha died of battle injuries after relating what he did. Since he now knows the identity of the thief who stole the fruit, Hua Tuo thinks that his punishment is over and that he can return to the heavenly realm. BUT one of his two companions (who were also deities sent down to supervise him) said that for Hua Tuo to complete his mission, he had to cut down the magical tree altogether to prevent an object from the heavenly realm from remaining in the earthly realm. Hua Tuo said that he couldn’t do it because he can’t destroy something which Ye Cha had given his life for and which represents the hope of humanity in general.
Hua Tuo’s companions declared that if he doesn’t cut down the tree, he would essentially be defying heaven’s will. Hua Tuo moved to protect the tree. The companions prepared to attack him. But before a showdown could take place, Hua Tuo’s boss appeared. The boss decided to punish Hua Tuo by kicking him out of the heavenly realm forever and ordering him to verify if the magical tree could bear fruit in the earthly realm.
What’s the link between this series and PSOH then?
The magical tree was estimated to probably only be able to bear fruit in the weirdly specific year 1998. You know what else happened in 1998? That’s right, the end of PSOH. Also, from the end of Shin PSOH [summary], it seems that Leon has stopped aging/ is apparently immortal. Don’t forget that, assuming the events of PSOH and Shin PSOH roughly reflect the period in which they were published, the end of PSOH and the end of Shin PSOH occurred almost 15 years apart. This means that even though Leon should be in his 40s by the time he turned up in Shin PSOH, he looked exactly the same as when we saw him in his mid-20s during the PSOH storyline (minus a ponytail).
So maybe this was what went down with Leon during this intervening period. Post-PSOH, in the Venice and Berlin side stories, Leon turns up, almost immediately accidentally alerts Count D to his presence and causes D to run off. In these side stories, Leon appeared about as impulsive and hot-headed as in PSOH. 
At some point, Leon decided that he had to try something different to actually be able to meet D again. Maybe he went off to China to find something, anything, that would help him in his quest (since the Ds came from China, Leon figured that it was the most likely place for him to seek magical aid in finding D).
Whilst in China, Leon might have come across Hua Tuo and the magical tree which he was tasked to guard. Based on the various chapters in the abovementioned series, Hua Tuo is a big softie for stories involving love/ sacrifice/ suffering and basically beats himself up whenever he sees people whom he can’t help. So maybe after hearing/ upon knowing Leon’s story, Hua Tuo decided to give him one of the tree’s immortality-granting fruits to help him in his quest. 
This would explain why Leon appeared ageless at the end of Shin PSOH. This might also explain why (1) this Leon is Extra Chill about D disappearing (yet again) and (2) since Leon had written to Taizuu about D at the start of PSOH, had apparently waited for 8 years to turn up at the Tokyo petshop (assuming that the period in which Shin PSOH was published reflects the storyline of its events). Since Leon is now an immortal, he has all the time in the world to find D.
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tatselk · 7 years
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My headcanon demands that Leon must catch up with Count D at some point (and preferably, sooner rather than later). So I came up with my own version of how this reunion might turn out.
Overall, I’m happy with how this bit of fanart turned out, especially with how in-denial Leon is about (his true reason for) his mission to find Count D. :) Seriously, if we ever get a sad canon ending for these 2, I would just be in denial about it and stick to my own fanon ending. Also, Ageless!Leon is ageless because it is canon (see the last chapter of Shin PSOH/ PSOH Tokyo) and who am I to contradict it? Haha.
On a side note, this reminded me of how much work goes into creating just 1 full comic page and why I stuck to mostly single-panel comics… -_-‘’
The text in the speech bubbles is as follows:
COUNT D: My dear Mr. Detective, how nice to see you again! We have so much to catch up on…
LEON: CUT THE CRAP, D!!! You KNOW you have been running away from me for years!
LEON: And quit calling me that. I haven’t been a detective for years… Here, Chris’s drawing.
COUNT D: Thank you for bringing me this.
COUNT D: Well, do you have any other business here, Leon?
LEON: UHH… Erm, well, I –
COUNT D: Perhaps you would like to stay for tea?
COUNT D: I baked the most delicious cookies today!
LEON: Well, alright. But I can’t stay for too long…
Pet Shop of Horrors, Count D and Leon Orcot © Matsuri Akino
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