#protect the ryuji's in your life because the world NEEDS babies like this
xpiester333x · 8 months
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I absolutely adore this cinnamon roll. This absolute precious baby. This literal angel.
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ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam: From Here to Eternia
WARNING: This post could get a bit long.
>After learning the truth about Adam, Prince Adam to be precise, we decided to take him back to his homeworld of Eternia. However, due to circumstances, travel to another world is impossible, and we can’t use the Velvet Room because Adam would figure out we’re the Phantom Thieves, even though he has no idea about that... Fortunately, Crow says Peter knows some people who can help us get to Eternia... But from what I can tell they can be... Unusual.
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>The Milano in space on the way to Eternia.
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I know we just got tested, but we still need space. I think Ann’s elbow just hit my back.
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Sorry. I think Ryuji’s foot is on mine.
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I’m right over here.
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He’s right, it’s actually my foot. Sorry, Lady Ann... (whisper) I’m totally not. I love our feet touching like this.
>Suddenly, someone comes in.
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I know it’s not so roomy here... But quit your complainin’! It’s bad enough we have to deal with one royal, now we got two. At least we’re gettin’ paid for this one.
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I’m not sure will. You guys seem to give that kind of impression.
Rocket: Whatever. When they see we brought back the Prince of Eternia, they’ll have to reward us.
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I am Groot. (Translation: They’re a warrior planet. They’re reward might just be honor.)
Rocket: A guy can dream, can he?
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Solving this case is reward enough... But I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask for something to pay the rent.
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I guess I’m no longer the one short on money.
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Because love doesn’t cost a thing.
Rocket: (confused) I’ll never understand why Earthling youths’ attraction to those of the same gender.
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Give it time. You will.
>Adam looks at me and Fox... He has a look of longing.
Man’s voice: This is your Star Lord speaking. We are now approaching Planet Eternia. Please buckle your seatbelts and set your trays to an upright position. And thank you for choosing GOTU Line.
Woman’s voice: Since when did we get trays?
Star Lord’s voice: Just trying to make this official.
Gruff voice: Just focus, Quill.
>I look out the window.
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>I see Adam is also looking out... He definitely recognizes this place.
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>We arrived at Eternia’s capital city, Eternos.
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And here we are. Bet you’re glad to be home, huh?
Adam: Yeah, I guess.
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Let’s just not try anything. I’d like to actually visit a new world without any trouble.
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I doubt it. Trouble always seems to find us no matter where we go.
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Maybe things will be different this time. I doubt anyone here knows who you are.
Voice in the distance: It’s the Guardians of the Galaxy! Seize them before they destroy anything!
>We see several men in armor coming up. Most likely soldiers.
Drax the Destroyer: You were saying?
>Then, one of them runs ahead of them and stops them.
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Wait! The prince is with them!
>The guards stop.
Head Soldier: Sorry, but we know about the Guardians of the Galaxy and their escapades.
Star Lord: Even here? Guess we’re getting real popular.
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And not in a good way.
Head Soldier: And our allies on Planet Arus told us you were coming. My real name is Duncan, but I am known as Man-At-Arms, Head of the Royal Guards.
Joker: A pleasure.
>Man-At-Arms goes over to Adam to take a closer look. I guess he wants to make sure this really is their prince. Then, he sees Crow leaving the ship with the sword. Man-At-Arms’ eyes widen. He turns to the guards.
Guard: Is it really him?
Man-At-Arms: It sure seems that way. But just to be sure, we should let the king and queen know. Come.
>With that, we follow him... None of us noticed someone else coming out of the ship.
>In the palace, we are greeted by a group of powerful-looking men and a woman. At the head of a room, a man and a woman in regal clothing, a tiny creature in red robes and a pointy hat, and a green tiger with yellow stripes. Then, the tiger leaps up on Adam... and licks him.
Adam: (laughing a bit) Alright, alright, I missed you, too... Cringer.
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Adam: (silent for a moment) Cringer? ... Now I remember! You’re my ‘fearless’ friend.
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If Cringer recognizes that that’s really Adam, that’s good enough for me.
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Hold on, he coulda just masked his scent to smell like Adam. I wouldn’t put it past the Guardians of the Galaxy to try a stunt like that.
Drax the Destroyer: (getting ready for a fight) You doubt us?
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(grabbing his friend) Both of your, calm down.
Groot: (restraining Drax) I am Groot. (Translation: Don’t start anything.)
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Ram Man has a point, though, Man-E-Faces. How do we know this really is Prince Adam? Lately, we’ve had a lot of imposters here claiming to be the prince... But we knew right away they were fakes... We won’t say how, though.
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But we can tell not all of them were happy to take his identity. Like Stratos said, we won’t say why.
Man-E-Faces: But this guy’s really good at the prince roll. I know this from my acting days.
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Still, he’s really giving off that vibe. I can believe this really is Prince Adam.
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I can sense it, too. I really believe it, too.
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I just did a scan of his biosignature. It is a perfect match to the king and queen.
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Yes, every bit of this points to this young man being our son. But neither me or Marlena will truly believe it until we look for ourselves.
>With that, King Randor and Queen Marlena go up to Adam. Things were silent. Then, Queen Marlena takes Adam’s arm and finds something under it.
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Youn man, this scar. Can you tell me where you got it?
Adam: I... I don’t know. They told me I already had it when they found me. At first, they thought I got it when I was found, but the scar was really old. They assumed I’ve had it a long time... Like when I was only a baby. They said that this meant that I was... That I was...
Queen Marlena: That you were attached to something at birth?
Adam: Yes.
>Queen Marlena begins tearing up. Even King Randor looked moved.
Queen Marlena: It... It is you! Adam, our son!
>The king and queen embrace their finally found son who was also beginning to tear up. He’s remembering.
Rocket: Sweet. Now about our reward.
Gamora: (stern) Rocket.
Rocket: Just making sure we get our cut. We don’t take Earthling halfway across for just anyone for nothing.
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I have a feeling these Guardians will be a handful.
King Randor: Guardians of the Galaxy and our new Earth friends, for bringing our son home to us, you shall have... the honor and gratitude of our kingdom.
Groot: I am Groot. (Translation: I told you.)
Rocket: (unimpressed) Shut up! No offense, but we were kinda expectin’ somethin’ a little more... materialistic.
Sy-Klone: I knew it.
King Randor: Very well. Fisto?
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Yes, Your Majesty.
>A little later, Fisto came back with a large sack of gold.
King Randor: Would this be enough? There should be enough here to last you a long time.
Rocket: (happy) Now that’s more like it!
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I could have a beef bowl party with that much.
Rocket: (holding the gold) Get your own!
Panther: (upset) Ryuji!
Queen: We’re sorry about that.
Queen Marlena: It’s alright. It’s only natural. I’m just glad to know that those from Earth are as lively as ever.
Queen: It sounds like you know much about Earth, Your Majesty.
Queen Marlena: I was actually from Earth. But I arrived here in Eternia and lived here happily ever since.
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Yup, looks like you had quite the happy life... Marlena Glen.
Queen Marlena: So you know who I am.
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Futaba chan has her sources.
>After a long explanation, we learned what had transpired. Apparently, Prince Adam had run out of the palace... Though, no one would tell us why. But as he ran, a strange light engulfed him and he was gone. They’ve been searching for him ever since. Also during that time, many Adam imposters came and gone. When they finally reached their wit’s end, they contacted some of their closest allied planets. From a world called Third Earth to Arus. Arus already has allies on Earth and thought they could help. The Voltron Force already had some friends on Earth and call them. We were one of those friends. Guess they thought right.
Teela: Now if only we knew what caused it.
Orko: I asked the Sorceress. All she would tell us is that it was caused by a great concentration of energy. There was another surge, but it was small.
>If only we could tell you.
King Randor: Either way, my son has returned at last. And just in time, too.
Crow: What do you mean?
King Randor: This year is Prince Adam’s 21st birthday. By royal tradition, this means I can step down as king and Adam can ascend the throne.
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For real!? Adam, you’re gonna be king!?
Adam: (looking down) ...
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Too much?
>Mona just shakes his head in embarrassment.
King Randor: Of course, he doesn’t have to accept right away if he feels he isn’t ready. He can take all the time he needs. But he has to accept the throne before his 60th birthday, or the crown goes to the only living heir available.
Adam: (stroking his scar) My... My sister... Adora.
Joker: You remember more.
Adam: (nodding) Yes.
King Randor: I’m so glad you remember her. However, Princess Adora is already the leader of her own kingdom and must defend it. The only other heir we have now... Is my nephew, Prince Jeremy. But my brother feels that his son may not be up to the task.
>Adam was just silent grimly.
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(whisper) Something tells me you don’t want to be king, do you?
>Adam continued to be silent.
King Randor: (who heard me) It’s not that he doesn’t want to be king... It’s the people who have a problem with Adam becoming king.
>Everyone just stared as Adam gasps for breath... But then...
Guard: (rushing in) Your Majesties, we have a problem!
King Randor: What is it?
>Suddenly, the palace shakes violently.
Man-At-Arms: We’re under attack!
>We all rush outside to see what was the matter... There was someone firing energy everywhere.
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So it’s true. The real Prince of Eternia has returned. Now let’s see if he still has what it takes to stop me.
>The wizard began firing spell after spell.
Man-At-Arms: Damn. At this rate, Count Marzo will destroy the city. Masters of the Universe, we must protect the people!
Orko: Then Adam is going to need this.
>Oroko gets Adam’s sword and tries to bring it to him... But Adam backs away.
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I think we should give Adam some time. He just returned to us.
Oroko: Oh, right.
>Orko puts the sword down.
Star Lord: Mind if we help out? We’ve dealt with a few magic men in the past.
Mekaneck: Alright. Just try not to go overboard.
Groot: I am Groot. (Translation: You might want to tell that to Rocket.)
Moss Man: Yeah, I think he’s like that, too.
Rocket: (angry) Hey!
Man-At-Arms: Let’s go!
>With that, the Masters and the Guardians leave to deal with Count Marzo.
Joker: I think we should help. Panther and Crow might at least have a chance against that wizard, but the rest of us can still help the people.
Mona: I agree. We can’t just sit here.
Violet: Right, we can do it!
>With that, we leave... I stay behind with Adam.
Joker: Adam, I don’t know why you would choose to stay here, but, in case you change your mind, we’ll be in town.
>I leave for real.
>Adam looks to his sword. He thought for a moment...
Adam: ... I must be out of my mind.
>He takes his sword and runs out the door.
>In town, Man-At-Arms and Gamora already have Count Marzo on the ropes.
Gamora: I think we have him!
Man-At-Arms: Yes, keep going!
Count Marzo: I’m afraid I have improved on my magic.
>With a wave of his hands, stone hands grab hold of the two warriors.
Count Marzo: You can’t break out of this. I’m too strong.
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Don’t bet on it!
>A fireball flies at Count Marzo and hits him in the back. The stone hands vanish, setting Gamora and Man-At-Arms free.
Gamora: Ann, are you crazy!?
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(this is all I could find) I had to do something.
Gamora: Fine, but be careful.
Panther: Right.
>Panther raises her arms and glowing chains of magic bind Count Marzo.
, Count Marzo: Hmph! Fairy Magic.
>Count Marzo breaks out of the chains, sending them everywhere and almost hitting the others.
Count Marzo: Do you really think that an all-powerful sorcerer can be stopped by a foolish fairy who hasn’t even gotten her wings yet?
>The stone hands grab Man-At-Arms and Gamora again. Count Marzo then goes over to Panther and lifts her by her neck.
Count Marzo: You must have a death wish. You are nothing more than a distraction.
Panther: True. I don’t have what it takes to stop you...
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But that’s where having friends come in handy. Now!
>Two things fire across Count Marzo, surprising him. In his surprise, Panther took the chance and hits the side of Marzo’s chest with her leg, forcing him to let go of her. She flips off from him. He looks up to see who fired. On the building on either side were me and Crow.
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I know what you’re thinking, no I’m not Stark. This is just a gift from a good friend.
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Same here. I wonder if Bucky would be upset to see me dressed like this.
Count Marzo: Hmph! A cheap trick. Now, here are my friends.
>With a snap of his fingers, skeleton soldiers appear around me and Crow. They get closer... Thankfully, something cuts them down.
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I wonder if this is what they mean when they say “black is the new blue”.
Joker: That’s orange is the new black. That saying makes you sound like a bruise...
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Though to these soldiers, you might as well be.
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No doubt about that.
>With Crow, he tries his best against the skeleton soldiers. They seemed to be getting the more upper hand when something rams through them.
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You okay?
Crow: I’ll be fine. Thanks for coming, though.
>Back down, Panther, Gamora, and Man-At-Arms are fighting Count Marzo. He summons more skeleton soldiers. Thankfully, Queen (dressed like Ms. Marvel) and Noir (dressed like Wasp) join in.
Queen: Need a hand?
Man-At-Arms: Sure you can handle it?
Noir: It won’t be easy, but we have help. (to the communicator in her ear) Oracle, can you read us?
>On a nearby roof, Oracle (as Ant-Man), Mona (as Black Panther), and Violet (as Ironheart). They are later joined by Sy-Klone.
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I’m so glad you can fight alongside us.
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I can be just as good, too, you know.
Oracle: You’ll get your chance.
Sy-Klone: Still, I will do what I can for you.
>Suddenly, skeleton soldiers appear. Violet, Mona, and Sy-Klone fight them off to keep them away from Oracle.
Mona: Nice wind moves. I’m actually an experiment myself on the element.
Oracle: (unimpressed) And so is Makoto.
Sy-Klone: Thank you.
Gamora’s voice on the communicator: Yeah, so nice you actually got one of them over here.
Sy-Klone: (confused) What do you mean?
Panther’s voice on the communicator: I don’t think it’s Sy-Klone.
>Back with us, the skeleton soldiers were being blown away by...
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Did I come at a bad time?
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Wind Dragon!?
Skull: What the eff are you doin’ here!?
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And did you get tested before all this?
Wind Dragon: I snuck on the ship with you guys. And yes, I was tested. I'm clean. Now that that’s settled, let’s finish here.
>Raising his arms, Wind Dragon creates a tornado that sucks up all the skeleton soldiers and completely obliterate them.
Count Marzo: Impressive... But not impressive enough.
>Count Marzo sends a wave of energy that knocks us down. Then, the stone hands grab us.
Count Marzo: As I have just said, I have improved on my magic. The only thing that can stop me now is...
????: Put them down!
>Adam comes in with his sword pointing at Count Marzo. Marzo seems a bit unfazed.
Count Marzo: At last, the time has come. Will you resort to that?
>Some of the townspeople came out to see.
Relieved Woman: The rumors are true. Prince Adam has returned!
Doubtful Man: Oh great, the Prince of Weaklings to the rescue.
Wide-eyed Boy: Mom, is Prince Adam going to fight Count Marzo?
Unsure Mother: He might if he uses his powers.
Count Marzo: (laughing) Already, everyone is questioning whether you will fight me as is... Or become the you they think you should.
>Adam just raises his sword, a little nervous, but willing.
Count Marzo: (summoning a sword) Very well, if you wish to fight me as is, so be it. I won’t even waste my powers on you.
>The two of them clash their swords. Count Marzo seemed to be getting the upper hand, but Adam wouldn’t give up. He kept going until Marzo finally started waning.
Wide-eyed Boy: He’s doing it! Prince Adam is winning!
Doubtful Man: I’m not convinced. He can’t hold him off forever. C’mon, let the real hero out!
High-spirited Man: Don’t give up, Prince Adam! Keep going!
Relieved Woman: You can do it! Don’t surrender!
>Adam keeps up the fighting. Count Marzo was finally starting to get weaker.
Adam: I’m... I’m doing it!
>Adam was ready to deliver the finishing blow... But a glowing force stops him.
Count Marzo: Well, maybe I’ll use a little of my powers.
>He throws Adam on his back.
Unsure Mother: Oh no!
Doubtful Man: I knew it.
Wide-eyed Boy: But, he can’t lose. He’s the prince.
Doubtful Man: Grow up, kid. That’s our future king. We need a real warrior as our ruler. Someone powerful and can get things done around here. Hey, you stupid jerk, quit being a dumbass and let the big guy out already! That’s all you’re good for! Just hurry up and change so we can go on with our lives!
Adam: N- N-
>More and more people started joining in the jeers. It was one of the most horrible things I’ve ever seen. Poor Adam was now in tears.
>Adam was broken... He finally remembers everything. The rest of his memories have returned. He takes his sword and gets back up.
Count Marzo: (with a wicked smile) You want more?
Doubtful Man: You still even bothering?
Adam: (panting) Alright! You win! I’ll become him once again!
>Adam readies himself.
Adam: By the Power of Greyskull!
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I have the POWER!
>We were speechless. Did Adam really just transform?
Man-At-Arms: Now he remembers. The strongest man in the universe... He-Man.
Doubtful Man: (excited) Oh, boy! Now you’re in trouble!
Count Marzo: Finally, a challenge.
>Count Marzo charges his sword.
He-Man: You want a challenge? I’ll give it to you.
>He-Man charges his own sword. The two clash as the ground shakes with their parries. Almost like lightning strikes. Count Marzo beings casting spells, but He-Man just knocks them aside like they were nothing.
Count Marzo: Being stuck on Earth has made you sloppy. I would be too if I got stranded on such a backwater planet.
He-Man: (angry) That’s my mother’s homeworld you’re speaking ill of!
>He-Man swings his sword at Count Marzo but blocks it with a shield spell that breaks after the hit. He-Man once again swings his sword as Marzo blocks it with his own. Finally, He-Man knocks Marzo’s sword away.
He-Man: Had enough?
Count Marzo: Hmph! In the end, it’s only as He-Man you can actually do anything. How the people will love you. They don’t love Prince Adam. They don’t want him to become king. They want you, He-Man, to be king.
He-Man: (firm) I said, “Had enough?”
Count Marzo: (smirking) Stop denying it. You know it’s true. It’s He-Man they love. They despise Prince Adam.
He-Man: (nervous and sweating) That’s... That’s not true!
Count Marzo: If you don’t believe me, just listen to what they have to say.
Doubtful Man: Actually, I have to agree with him. He-Man would make a much better king than Prince Adam. No offense, but He-Man is strong and powerful and would never keep secrets from us.
Wide-eyed Boy: Mom, you can’t agree with him, can you?
Unsure Mother: I’m sorry, dear, but I think he might be right.
>More and more jeers come in. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. He-Man was starting to turn a fury red.
Count Marzo: See? You should just stop being Prince Adam altogether. No one loves him. They only love, only have loved, and ever will love He-Man... Stupid barbarian.
>He-Man, Adam, was getting worse... I can’t handle this anymore.
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Don’t listen to him! I think you’ve had enough!
>I don’t think he heard me.
He-Man: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!
>He-Man swings his sword down to the dark wizard... But a swirl of wind stops it.
Wind Dragon: (walking up) You heard him. That’s enough.
>He-Man looks up to Wind Dragon. Something told him he should listen. So He-Man puts the sword down and changes back into Prince Adam. Count Marzo tries to escape.
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I don’t think so!
>Crow fires his gun at Marzo’s feet, making him stop long enough for Man-At-Arms to slap some cuffs on him that keeps him from using his powers. I go help Wind Dragon help Adam up.
Doubtful Man: That damn prince got soft. He should have stayed as He-Man and finished him off. While he’s at it, he should finish off Skeletor.
>Adam began crying and runs off. Panther goes to the man and slaps him in the face.
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Idiot. How could you be like that?
Doubtful Man: Tch! I don’t have to take this from an Earthling. Least of all a fairy.
>He walks off.
>Back at the palace, me and Wind Dragon catch up to Adam.
Joker: Adam, are you alright?
Adam: I’m... I’m fine.
Wind Dragon: It doesn’t look like you’re fine. You look like you just got a large bucket of dirty water dumped on you.
>Adam was silent for a bit... Then laughs a bit.
Adam: I guess I do look like that.
Wind Dragon: (also smiling) No doubt.
Joker: Still, I can’t believe it.
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You’re like a superhero.
>Adam was a little down.
Joker: But I guess you’re not happy about it.
Wind Dragon: Won’t you tell us about it?
Adam: I’m... I am He-Man... But I don’t want to be... I don’t want to be He-Man anymore.
>Adam walks away... Suddenly, something flies in through the window... It was a falcon... Something projects above it.
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I believe an explanation is in order.
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No doubt.
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phantomfighters · 7 years
hELLO I HOPE YOU HAD FUN RUNNING THE NEW BLOG SO UHH- the boys (mishima too if possible) that have an innocent S/O? Like they are mostly clueless about adult stuff and smells like baby product bc they probably still wear it-
honestly this prompt is so adorable and i love it thank u so much for sending it in  -Mod Prince
he believes your innocence is what draw him to you actually
you can be a bit…clueless, sometimes, but he finds it adorable!!
however, it can be a bit frustrating when he’s trying to be a bit smooth albeit a bit lewd
he ends up dropping MAJOR hints to try and get it across to you but it never really gets across the way he wants, to akira’s dismay
you’ll be in his room at leblanc, he somehow gets you to sit on his lap
he’ll be dangerously looming over your face, finger twirling a sliver of your hair seductively
“you look…so so cute today…”
you’ll stutter from being slightly intimidated by your proximity but the sexual tension flies right over yr head LMAO SOMEONE SAVE AKIRA
hell yall would even be in public and he flirts SO MUCH with you that literally everyone else cannot believe it since akira isn’t a man of many words
he sees it as a challenge, almost
ok omg gonna stop myself before i write nsfw
god honestly this boy can be really clueless too sometimes so \shrug
also he probably wouldn’t even notice what kind of shampoo you wear
like as long as your hair’s clean he has zero problems LMAO
since you can be kind of innocent though he finds himself blushing around you quite often
while you don’t have a perverted mind or anything, our RAMEN BOY on the other hand,,,
we know how pervy he is lol
but when ryuji actually decides on making a move it’s a struggle
“I wanna……. uuuhHHH…. do stuff” “Stuff?” “Yeah, yknow. STUFF.” “I don’t understand” “LETS MAKE OUT DAMMIT”
one time some guy tried to pick you up while ryuji was literally right next to you and you did not notice
when these thing happen in public ryuji actually does not make a scene
but he doesn’t hide his jealousy either
he’ll wrap his arm around your waist and glare that son of a b down
and if THAT doesn’t work he’ll probably just end up kissing you in front of the guy (HE’S IMPULSIVE OKAY HE LET HIS EMOTIONS GET THE BEST OF HIM)
the both of you are just as clueless lol
honestly doesn’t see a problem with the way you are
and god being oblivious to adult stuff is actually a blessing for him because you’d be more willing to model naked than most people probably
“You are simply an angel sent to me from God himself! Finally, I have a truly breathtaking model at my disposal. Hurry now, get into position before my artistic inspiration fades!”
loves your cute and simple aesthetic
one time ryuji said “fuck” around you and yusuke got legitimately angry omg
like that’s probably the first time (besides when he bickers with futaba) yall have seen him actually go off on someone and be genuinely upset
“Ryuji!” he scolds as he covers your ears. “PLEASE watch your language. S/O is truly too innocent for that.”
he actually might be a little annoyed with a more innocent S/O
he’d prefer someone who’s a bit more up-to-speed, i think.
that’s not to say that he’d completely shoot someone down because of their innocence though!
akechi isn’t all about that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) life that much so if they’re oblivious to that kinda stuff it doesn’t bother him at all
might not like S/O at first, but when they show their ideals and he sees they genuinely are a good person he just
falls in love
when they do actually get together I feel that similar to Yusuke, he actually might act somewhat mother-like
always keeps an eye out for you, trying to educate you on the world around you
i know b4 i said ryuji would glare at someone who would even look at you but with akechi?
oh boy
his glare. can fucking kill.
watch out boys!!!!!!!!
i feel like you would accidentally say something lewd without meaning to and mishima would just. pass out. on the spot.
gets rlly frustrated when he tries to kiss you because he can never like say it but he HAS to say it directly if he wants you to understand
ends up kissing you while trying to explain SOMEONE SEND IN KISSING HCS P[LEASE
is a very touchy feely person but doesn’t know how to go about it
eventually he realizes if he wants something he literally just has to initiate it and it’ll happen
this means he ends up initiating cuddle sessions a LOT
during cuddling sessions he’d smell you’re hair and be like…. wait. is this…? oh my god i think they actually use johnson’s baby shampoo!!!!
makes him fall in love fifty times more with you
gosh an innocent S/O would probably be best with mishima just sayin yall
since he’s forced to initiate things himself, he can move at his own pace which is exactly what this cute lil boy needs!!
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caliginousgato · 5 years
persona verse rambles///
morgana and karters magicae, nox nugget, would be such little bastards together. but also probably a powerhouse??? and karter and akira are in for it. but its also adorable thinking about how they would get along. 
akira would love nox nugget bc oh sicK thats a cat straight out of the VOID and it doesnT abide to this dimENSION AND THATS RAD. nox can communicate with karter telepathically, and once akira has maxed out his bond with karter, (also bc of his weird powers as a wildcard) nox can talk to him too. its a little different than how karter talks to him. its through mental suggestion. like impulsive thought. just a nagging, vague little voice of notion. also through Vibe and body language more than anything.
and karter would adore morgana, and spoil him, much to akiras chagrin. but karter will also not put up with any of morganas whining. half the time, karter treats him like he treats all his regular old foster cats. cooing and baby talking him and playing with him. and it makes morgana so mad. (bc half the time he really actually loves the attention. he loves,, being loved and appreciated) karter really just cant help it. all cats are baby.
also every time morgana is mean to ryuji, karter picks him up and dangles him and says things like "stinky boy. brat cat. bastard man. grumpy butt. dont be mean. i love you. " and gives him a kiss on his lil baby cat head and morgana just Dies  
as for the relationship of the two “Cats” morgana is literally made out of human hope, and nox, while hes not a demon, hes not unlike one. nox’s powers can bring the opposite to human beings if he so wills it. negative feelings. but he doesnt. not intentionally anyway. thats not what hes about. but would be able to tell that morgana is literally made of the light of human hope. and its,,, so alluring to him. 
hed call morgana hope, or hope being and morgana is like ????????? bc what is this things DEal its ominouS and i dONT truST LIKE THAT. where nox is like :3 i love you. youre so bright and shiny and everything important. youre something my partner has had little of throughout his life and that only serves to raise your importance. id go against my contract with karter to protect you. even i, a being of darkness, am in your hands. you are the light that casts my shadow. you precious, beautifully dangerous thing. 
the funny thing about nox is that he is a preternatural entity, a being born of the darkness that brought eldritch horrorterrors to life, that is perfectly okay with being Baby Cat, unlike morgana. he is also a trickster, like akira. a complete little bastard. he will literally manipulate humans into what he wants by voiding out their minds. but 8/10 times its all harmless. he will wholeheartedly try to bend others to his will just so they will not stop giving him attention. but he doesnt do it often, because a part of their deal was that nox wouldnt use their void-out power unless it was a life or death situation (due to some trauma on karters end)
nugget also, isnt unlike a persona, in a sense that he, in a way, reflects a part of karter that he had to repress or has trouble being in touch with. just,,, all his feelings of wanting and needing love and not being able to get or even accept it because of the state of his circumstances. nugget is confident and powerful and in control. and hes cute and he can look as harmless as he wants. people will just be like. oh what a cute cat! i want 20.
where karter,,, is just. a mess. hes cocky and aggressive to mask how insecure and afraid he is. he was deceived by his upbringing into believing he is inherently Bad and Unlovable
nox: i exist, therefore i deserve all the love. im a powerful being and capable of anything :3 karter: i exist, and its a waste. i am never going to be good enough to make it in this world.
karter bonding with Nox is really is like,, karter finding himself again.
karters rebellion is him literally choosing to love himself and take control in a world that has convinced him hes helpless and a scourge. and also saying FUCK YOU DAD. slick has done nothing but hold karter under his thumb and only help to convince his son he is unsafe and without strength to survive. the “all your power comes from me” attitude (due to the nature of karters hereditary magic) but there is a price to pay for a legacy. slick has to lose all his power for karter to succeed him. and for the longest time, karter lived in such fear that even when he and his father were nearly matched in power, he was in no better position than he was as a young child.
he never dared to challenge his father. not until after nox bonded with him.
karter would need to face that part of himself. the shadow of himself filling his fathers shoes in every way, looming over him. of what will become of him if he doesnt Take What Belongs to him by force and makes his own way and his own justice. because the only person he could have trusted or relied on to give him what he needs is so distorted and obsessed with the idea that he needs to be Strong enough to survive and protect whats important. at the cost of,,, so much of his sons wellbeing, and his own.
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