#prompto has a rubbish time
mtraki · 6 years
Once Upon a Time, Everything Was Different...
So I’ve written lots of bits of crap for FFXV, trying to satisfy myself, trying to make things make more sense in my head.  Once upon a time, my Big Plan Long Fic had the same characters as ‘Cathedral of You’ but in different roles.  Once Upon A Time, Ferrus was the main protagonist, and he had a Very Different Life...
Since this fic will otherwise never see the light of day, have a fun action scene??:
In the dark hollows of the metal bones of this… place… the Shedos almost missed the ringing of cabalis through the air.  It was preferable to the tepid, swelling evil he seemed to drown in with every breath.  It pressed in at both temples, driving with steady force and turning his anxiety to find his crus and companions into a steadily building fury.
It gave him no satisfaction.  He was certain this was the result the Chancellor was after.
He’d come this way, winding his way up staircase after staircase into the humming, clattering dark, across suspended walkways one after another.  After the first two encounters with the strange shambling, pitiless man-shaped creatures in armor, Ferrus had abandoned stealth and warnings in favor of simply cutting them down.  His weapons were not bound to the Power of Kings like Ignis, Prompto, Gladiolus and Noctis’s were.  They were steel and carried on his body by carefully crafted sheathes.  Their weight was a welcome comfort to him even as he climbed ever upward into the buzzing heights.  Their edge and force were effective in making short work the mindless foes that stood between him and the next door.
The Shedos’s anxiety swelled as the emptiness stretched on.  As if he were the only living thing left.
It cannot be so.  I will not be forsworn.
Noise had drawn him this way, but nothing was here now, a sealed chamber ahead and the stabbing pressure above his eyes reaching a jaw-clenching climax.
“...last…-ived, Noctis…” Echoing through the dark, skittering across a thousand metal surfaces, it took him several moments to realize the distant voice came from below.
Peering over the railing of the suspended walkway, Ferrus saw two figures several walkways below, looking small.  One wore white, stooped over.  One was in black, approaching in a slow, casual gait.  He recognized them both and hopped over the railing into the open air and a freefall, his hood blowing back, crimson hair trailing like a banner.
Ravus extended the hilt of King Regis’s sword, lacking the strength to lift it, “Now go forth, my King.  Shine your light--”
Suddenly something crashed into Noctis from above, causing him to cry out and driving him to his knees.  But just as suddenly it was not Noctis at all, but Chancellor Ardyn Izunia.  A black-clad figure gained his feet smoothly, yanking a long fighting-knife blade from the Chancellor’s back while a curtain of long red hair fell around them both.
“You?!” Ravus exclaimed, confused.  He recognized this man-- the Aisaurian member of Noctis’s retinue.
“You!” Ardyn sounded equal parts irritated, surprised, and amused.
The Aisaurian did not respond, he was still moving both hands.  In a blur and glint of steel in the inconstant light, Ardyn’s body fell, his head bouncing down and away a moment after, rolling over the edge of the walkway.
Ferrus used his leg to shove the Chancellor’s body off the other way and then moved swiftly to Ravus.
When first and last they had met, Ravus had been newly-appointed High-Commander and had faced Noctis and his retinue as an enemy.  He had defeated and shamed the King’s Shield, and been prepared to do the same with the whole of them.  He had not tested his strength against the Aisaurian, but remembered desperately wanting to.  The glaring lines of disapproving Thou Shalt Not across every plane of his body and posture had dared him to step forward despite how silent and unobtrusively the man had stood there.  He had wondered, then, how a man could be so in his way without actually standing between himself and the Prince of Lucis.
He wondered now, however, how he could feel so small and insignificant before a man he did not even know.  Something-- some great purpose swelled within the stranger like a light, swathing him in power, and Ravus was quite certain he would be cast over the railing one-handed, as weightless and inconsequential as any piece of rubbish.
Instead, the blade went away, disappearing in the black coat somewhere at the Aisaurian’s back, and he stepped around him to take his human arm-- obviously avoiding the magitek prosthetic.
“We must go.” The redhead’s voice was quiet, seeking a calm impassiveness, but a clear timbre of some emotion--anxiety, fear, anger?-- colored it, “That will not delay him long.”
Ravus had seen too many horrors here to question the veracity of his words.  He took the man’s assistance, begrudgingly glad to borrow his strength in the wake of his defeat and fall from the Emperor’s chamber.  “How… how did you know?” He asked instead.
Noctis had been Ravus’s sworn enemy or at least rival for almost as long as he had known him.  It was appalling that he would not recognize an imposter.  Additionally, he had already known of Chancellor Ardyn’s power to steal the shape of others temporarily.
“I am bound beyond death to Noctis, my lord prince.  No cabalis can separate us or veil my judgement against him.  You seek him, do not you?  Come, we will go together-- two swords are better than one in this unholy place.  Be warned, however-- I will not be forsworn.  Should you prove false... I will kill you myself." He said it all so simply.  Ravus was used to the direct practicality of soldiers, but this was a separate level of confidence he’d never known before.
There was no bluster or bluff here.
“... You’re the real thing, aren’t you.” He said quietly, embarrassed by the tinge of awe in his tone, “A Shedos.  I have heard something of the legends… the immaculate warrior priests of Aisaure, bound by oaths of protection in this world… and beyond.”
“I am humbled by your notice, Prince of Tenebrae.”
“Ha.  You mock me?” But Ravus did not think he was.  There was nothing of either humor or derision in the rigid man, “I should have tested your steel when I had the chance…”
“It is better you did not.  I do not think you would be alive now.”
“Do you think so little of my skill?”
“It would not be by my hand.  Did not you learn that Shedos kill only in necessity?  The Chancellor is a very dangerous… very vicious… very unstable man, my lord prince.”
Ravus sighed, “... He meant to kill me, did he?”
“He approached your sister much the same way.”
“... And you saved her too.”
“I was commanded thus.”
“And now?”
“No.  But she would want to save you if she could.  I will do what I am able, but no more that might risk my oathbound tasks.” The Aisaurian looked at him, a gleam in his olive eyes, “Besides, like as not, I take some pleasure in denying that snake his satisfaction in toying with the lives of others.”
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faierius · 6 years
In His Shoes (16. Welcome Home)
Chapter One (Can’t We All Just Get Along?)
Chapter Two (Out Of Body Experience)
Chapter Three (We Don’t Talk About That)
Chapter Four (My Body Won’t Change My Heart)
Chapter Five (Myth and Mystery)
Chapter Six (Baby Steps)
Chapter Seven (Sleep on it)
Chapter Eight (Seeds)
Chapter Nine (All About Perspective)
Chapter Ten (Sweet Dreams are Made of These)
Chapter Eleven (This is Not Our Name)
Chapter Twelve (The More You Know)
Chapter Thirteen (Lie to Me)
Chapter Fourteen (The Choice is Yours)
Chapter Fifteen (Heat of the Moment)
               Prompto woke up aware, yet not. Scared. Alone in a place both familiar and not. He knew he was not himself and was only here to experience and observe with no control. He couldn’t move, his mind floating in the background of the person he had been forced upon. This person, distinctly feminine, like nothing he had ever experienced before. She had an untapped power inside her, locked away until someone could hand her the key. But who could that person be when she was invisible to those who passed her by?
               No one saw the sick, starving woman huddled in the corner with yesterday’s trash.
               The pain, physical, mental, spiritual, was so terrible, her entire body was numb. Her stomach screamed for food, and her sores howled for treatment. Even the poorest of the poor ignored her, hoping she would die. But she was stubborn, something inside keeping her amongst the living. Whether it was her own doing, or some cruel joke by the Astrals, she wasn’t entirely certain. Her body wanted rest, but a voice deep inside, soft, masculine, told her she needed to keep fighting.
               How can I fight when I have nothing to fight for?
               “Oh, dear sister. What has this city done to you?”
               She lifted her head, weak, exhausted, to find a man standing before her. She had to be hallucinating, seeing this beautiful living mirror. This man had her face. Though it was healthier, more angular, it was her.
               He reached out with a gloved hand and she flinched.
               “Don’t worry, Love. I won’t hurt you.”
               She blinked sunken eyes at him, watching for any shift in his expression that would give away his intent. His eyes, the same white-blue as her own, held only concern and sincerity.
               Sensing her uncertainty had eased somewhat, the man brushed gloved fingertips over her cheek. The white fabric came away filthy with dried blood, pus from a broken sore, and months worth of dirt and oil.
               “How could such an advanced city leave you in such a state?” he sighed, shaking his head.
               She didn’t, couldn’t answer. It had been too long since she last used her voice and it refused to work any longer. The same could be said for much of her young body.
               “Can you stand? Move on your own at all?” he asked, holding out his hand.
               All she could do was blink at him again.
               “Ah,” he breathed, dropping his hand. “Even my unique skills won’t help you in this state. We’ll have to get you to the physicians at the Citadel. I’m sure His Majesty will allow it.” Smiling a brilliant, perfect smile, the man got to his feet and beckoned a pair of uniformed soldiers over.
               She watched with foggy, ill-focused eyes as they were given instructions. The man peeled off his gloves and tossed them into a pile of rubbish as he spoke. When he finished with the soldiers, he knelt before her again, sweet concern in his eyes. He studied her gaunt features for a moment before extending a bare hand toward her. Calloused fingers pressed against the space between her brows.
               “Rest now, Love. We’ll have you home soon.”
               A soft, fuzzy feeling spread through her body, making her eyelids droop. The pain eased, the hunger ebbed, and she slipped into her first peaceful slumber in years.
                “She’s your responsibility, Gelida.”
               “She’s not a pet, Commander.”
               “You found her in an alley like one might do with a stray.”
               “Nor is she a stray.”
               “Do you even know her name?”
               “Not yet. She was hardly alert enough to tell me, and she’s been asleep for the last week.”
               A heavy sigh. “Until she’s on her feet and passes her training, she’s your responsibility.”
               An amused chuckle. “Yes, sir.”
               Heavy boots clicked on tile, fading away until a door closed.
               With a quiet murmur and a scrape of metal on the floor, the room fell silent again. She was awake, listening, but afraid to open her eyes. Her body seemed heavy, not quite numb, but not screaming in agony, either. The quiet was alarming. She had never known silence before. But…she felt safe. Wherever the man had taken her, she was safe.
               She chose to open her eyes.
               “Oh! Well, hello there!”
               Letting her head flop to the side, toward the voice, her eyes locked on the man who saved her. He looked different today, casual. His dark red hair fell in a mess of waves and random curls around his face, cut to a length that was just past his chin. Today, he hid his bright eyes behind a pair of thick-framed glasses that almost suited him, yet not quite. A snug, well-worn tank top, bright blue, showed off his lean muscles. He was shaped like an acrobat with strong, perfectly defined arms. Jeans that should probably have been thrown out years ago accentuated his narrow hips and muscled thighs.
               Her eyes came back up to his face, so strange in its familiarity. Three days of scruff covered his jaw, and she noticed a scar which had somehow missed her observation before. It was long, running across his face from under his left eye, across the bridge of his nose, and ending on his right earlobe. The scar was faded and white, long healed.
               The man studied her with wide, curious eyes for a moment before a big, cheerful grin brightened his features. “I was starting to wonder when you’d come around, Lovely. The whole Citadel has started calling you the Royal Alley Cat, y’know?” He laughed, rich and deep.
               She scowled at him.
               His cheeks flushed a brilliant pink. “Oh, gosh. I’m sorry! Can you speak? The doc’s said your vocal cords were seized, but they managed to fix them right up with some magical help.”
               She stared blankly at him.
               “See,” he said, sitting forward I his chair and wagging a finger, “now you’re staying quiet out of sheer stubbornness. That, or you think I’m an idiot.”
               Unable to stop it, a tiny smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.
               Seeing the minute expression, the man’s eyes sparkled with glee. “Oh! A smile! How lovely.”
               “What on Eos is all this racket?”
               The smile vanished as her eyes flicked to the door, looking for the newcomer, a potential threat.
               “Oh, hey Pops. Look, she’s finally awake!” Turning in his chair, he addressed the newcomer. This man was tall, broad, solid, but gave off no sense of threat. His middle-aged face was grizzled but soft, fatherly and expressive. Thick, short black hair covered his head and greatly enhanced the green of his eyes.
               “I can see that, Tim. I can also see you couldn’t resist pestering her. She still needs time to recover, boy. The girl was a day from death when you found her.”
               “I know, I just…I have so many questions!”
               “And they can wait, you brat. Let the poor thing rest. Take your inquiring mind elsewhere.” Chuckling, he put a massive hand on the younger man’s head and ruffled his already disastrous hair.
               A rough, raspy giggle escaped her throat.
               The man nearly fell out of his chair in shock as his father directed a warm smile at her.
               “Pops, did you hear that?” the man—Tim?—gasped, grabbing his father’s arm.
               Rolling his eyes, the older man shook off his clingy son and moved to her bedside. Sitting on the edge, he took her hand in his and it looked like a doll’s in comparison. He regarded her with compassionate, sweet eyes.
               “What’s your name, Sweetheart? Think you can tell me?”
               Safe and comfortable with this bear-like man, she tried. Her name was not something she had heard aloud in years, and as she tried to get it out, she feared she had forgotten it. The first syllable was difficult, her throat hot and scratchy. It took long, arduous minutes and a full glass of water for her to voice her name. The men waited patiently, encouraging her with their kind expressions.
               The older man’s eyes glittered with tears. “Beautiful.”
               Tim’s reaction was less refined, less dignified. He let out a yelp and practically threw himself at her, kissing her forehead.
               “Welcome to the family, Lyn.”
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cygnahime · 7 years
Okay, by unpopular request, Troll Final Fantasy XV. Under a cut because I love you and want you to be happy, or at least not forced to read my Certified Bad Opinions.
So, let’s start in the center and work our way out. The central story is clearly the tale of Prince Noctis And His Pale Harem. Like, it’s 100% a self-indulgent Harem AU of itself. Because, see, ever since Noctis was little he was basically Assigned Ignis and Gladio as his moirails, because obviously as the Crown Prince his physical and emotional stability is too important to be left to chance. [N.B. Noctis is clearly a tyrianblood, like, that’s not remotely up for debate. Unusually short-lived tyrianbloods? The Crystal drains their energy, making their lifespans unnaturally brief? IDK it’s Troll Fiction.] Ignis is there to take care of his physical wellbeing and support him emotionally, and Gladio is there to protect him and be honest with him.
BUT! One of the awkward things about growing up in an arranged moirallegiance with someone is that it isn’t always all that romantic. And Noctis is kind of a shit moirail to both of them, because he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing and also they’ve just. Always been there. So he doesn’t completely think of them as romantic relationships that he has to put work into. I mean, obviously he supports them financially and politically, but that just sort of happens without his active input.
Enter Prompto! This lowblood [Probably some kind of weird Niflheim-specific blood caste passing as a Lucian lowblood? Fortunately the game doesn’t show blood spatter, so it’s easy to conceal from the audience, but the fandom has to bend over backwards to explain how the other characters don’t notice.] comes into Noctis’s life after a lot of Brotherhood-era drama about being Good Enough to be frenemies with The Crown Prince, but the important point is that Noctis is suddenly seized with the urge to support and protect him and has no idea what to do. Meanwhile, Prompto swears he just wanted to be frenemies! Really! But he wants to be there emotionally for Noct, who seems so lonely!
Most of the previous paragraph is wild fan speculation, but like. That motel roof scene is the palesmut equivalent of sex in semi-public places. GET A PILE, YOU TWO! There are some people who redship it, but imo the writers intended it to be pale.
What really gets the fans into heated debate and/or wild flamewars is how the rest of the group’s relationships shake out. How do Ignis and Gladio feel about this serendipitous relationship pushing them aside? Is it a big pale orgy, or is there quadrant-swapping there? There’s a compelling argument to be made that Gladio and Noct fumble toward a black relationship, which fits their actual adult feelings much better than their arranged moirallegiance. There’s also an argument to be made that that shit goes rotten after Altissia, to the point where Ignis steps in to auspisticize. And then of course Noctis gets sucked into the Crystal and it all becomes kind of a moot point. :c
(The Troll Animaterrorists put in the time to animate some fucking hugs on their last night together, because despite being, you know, members of troll society, they’re not monsters.)
SPEAKING of arranged relationships, the forced/arranged matespritship between Noctis and Luna is still a thing, and the game is very coy about whether we’re supposed to think it’s serendipitous or not. I mean, they seem fond of each other, and they know each other’s vulnerabilities, but they haven’t met since they were children, so it’s hard to see if the concupiscent attraction is there. Fandom is divided: is it red? Is she pale for him too, because Noctis is just that much of a mess that everyone wants to comfort him? Are they platonic and both shipped red & pale with others? Fandom fight!
Speaking of Luna, I struggle to explain how trolls would depict her relationship with Ravus, because as we know trolls have no siblings. I mean, they’re clearly in a situation where they were raised together and are very attached to each other and are of the same bloodcaste [violet probably], but what does that...mean? I’m hesitant to say this, but troll culture might go for moirails. Like, really rubbish moirails, because Luna’s ability to control Ravus’s poor decisions and Ravus’s ability to protect Luna are both highly in question, but they’re trying. Extremely trying, in Ravus’s case. I’m not entirely comfortable putting siblings in a romantic relationship, but trolls don’t really have a concept of incest, so ??? Let’s not think about it too hard.
While I’m talking about things that make me uncomfortable, I’m not even going to try to explain Gladio’s and Iris’s relationship. They’re the same bloodcaste and were raised by their mutual ancestor and Gladio is supportive of Iris’s red crush on Noctis. Unless in troll AU it’s a black crush, which would at least be interesting. Let Teen Girls Have Innocent Black Crushes 2k17.
Circling back around, Prompto is the fandom pale bicycle. [I can tell because there’s an entire tag on AO3 devoted to his suffering. It’s science.] There’s definitely a small but enthusiastic Prompto♦Aranea fandom since Episode Prompto came out, though it’s hampered somewhat by the fact that Aranea is written as kind of flat in her self-sufficiency. There’s also definitely some Prompto/Noctis/Luna in some red/pale combination or other, which I personally am all about. I mean, I’m the pale orgy person, it is I.
I’m sad to say that Ardyn♠Noctis is definitely a thing, canonically speaking. That’s what complicated murder/suicides are all about, in troll terms. It’s also literally destined, so there’s really no getting away from it, even though it’s manifestly an unhealthy relationship that does no one any favors. That or it’s Noctis♣Ardyn/the Astrals and/or the world at large, which you could also make a solid argument for. I think I prefer that, because that’s not how blackrom works at all. I’m pretty sure Ardyn is gunning for Noct’s pitch quadrant regardless, though not as hard as Loqi is gunning for Cor’s. With an actual gun. It’s doomed to be unrequited, because you will take aroace Cor from my cold dead hands. So I guess in troll AU he’s aconciliatory/aconcupiscent. (I say this just to demonstrate how little of the quadrant-specific vocabulary I have forgotten.)
Kingsglaive is a hard movie to pin down, quadrant-wise. Like, I definitely feel like there’s some kind of spark between Nyx and Luna, but it’s hard to pin down to one side of the red/black divide. There’s probably fic for both tbh. I guess canon keeps it ambiguous as well. I mean, they clearly respect each other, but also there’s a lot of sharing deep-seated insecurities. Personally, I’m all for healthy blackrom, as you know. Lunafreya could use a chance to clash with someone for fun.
Libertus is much more popular in the troll fandom than the human fandom. (Am I salty about the lack of fan content for my fave? Why would you say that?) He’s so soft and in such emotional distress! Your pale self-insert goes here! [Obviously all the Glaives are rust- or brown-bloods. The magic probably is replaced by unlocking latent psychic abilities. Or else they keep magic and this is a ~strange world~ where there are ~no psionics~.] Nyx and Libertus and probably Crowe are like...how Vriska and Terezi used to call each other ‘sisters’? Long-term stable nonquadrant cahootship? That’s them. I realize I had one use of ‘siblings’ in this post and I used in on characters who aren’t actually siblings, but nyeh. Maybe Gladio and Iris are also Troll Siblings. Cahootfriends. It’s not my fault Luna and Ravus kind of suck at being in cahoots.
And that I think covers most of the cast! This is only twelve million words long! I have so many thoughts, apparently! If you also have thoughts, please come share them! You are also a giant nerd and we should be friends!
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sayonaranxiety · 7 years
King’s Sworn Shield’s personal secretary who fancies Prince’s Advisor (1)
You are the King’s Sworn Shield’s personal secretary. You’ve been working under Clarus Amicitia for a few months and you love your job. It’s just that something had been really distracting lately that it was kind of hard to focus on your job ⋆
a/n: A friend asked me to write something about Ignisxreader and I got super excited and I ended up making it into a series. Thanks for the idea, babe! 
"Hey, Crowe. I know you're busy, but, can I talk with you for a second maybe?" You said as you rub the back of your neck, tilting, while holding stacks of papers with another hand. You've known Crowe a while, you had lunch together when she was not on duty and you always had a great time talking to her.
"Hey! Yeah, sure. I'm not really busy at the moment anyway. Libertus has been such a handful lately but he's doing good for today, so I guess I have a little bit of free time for now. What's up?" Crowe said, circling her hand around your shoulder as you both walk through the hallway. The hallway was deserted, well, not really. Only a few people crossing here and there, busy with their businesses since the King, obviously had something in mind.
"Um, I don't know." You said, looking down, checking on your shoes as you can see your flustered face reflected on the floor. You sighed as your inner self were fighting inside, considering whether telling Crowe about this, is a good idea.
"Hey, is... everything okay?" She said, inching away from you, worried.
“No, no. Everything’s fine, it’s just...” You sighed, moving your head around to check whether it was a safe place to talk. “Can we talk somewhere quiet?” You said, feeling guilty for taking up Crowe’s time but had the urge to tell someone about your overwhelming feeling.
“You know, you’re starting to scare me. Seriously, is everything alright?” Crowe asked you again as she dragged you to the Kingsglaive’s meeting room. 
“No, Crowe, really. Everything’s fine--wait, are you sure we can talk here?” You asked her. Weapons, armors, practically Kingsglaive’s gears were all over the room. 
“It’s fine. Libertus, Nyx and I mostly spend our time here. No biggie.” 
You looked at her as she stared back, worried and curious.
“I have a crush on someone.” You confessed and Crowe threw her hands as her eyes rolled, then she laughed nervously.
“You know what? I thought you were in trouble! I thought Clarus sent you on an impossible job or something!” Crowe said, her hand on the forehead.
“No, no. Clarus is great. He’s always nice to me--kind of different with his son.” You said as Gladio came to mind. The way he acted arrogant and stiff--a hundred percent different from his father and his little sister, kind of annoyed you. 
“Wait. You’re having a crush on the prince’s sworn shield?” Crowe said, emphasizing on the word sworn shield. 
You heaved a long sigh. You couldn’t imagine if you were to fall for that, arrogant, horse tailed brat. Although, aside from that, so far you’ve had a great time working as the King’s sworn shield’s personal secretary for 6 months where you had to deal with meeting papers and confidential files. You also had a great time accompanying Iris whenever she felt like shopping or when she needed help patching those moogle dolls. But, not with Gladiolus.
“No! Gosh, no. Not him. More like, the prince’s...” Your voice cracked, Crowe tried to hold her laugh as you cleared your throat despite the intense heat on both of your cheeks, “Prince’s advisor...” You whispered, covering your face behind the stack of papers you were carrying around, probably confidential.
“Scientia? Ignis Scientia?” 
You could feel the blood boiling inside both of your cheeks as you tip toed to cover Crowe’s mouth with your papers, panicking. 
Crowe let out a satisfying laugh as she whipped back her hair, “Whoops, I think you’re in trouble.” She said, still giggling as she pointed at the paper you were holding. You flipped the paper and you could see Crowe’s lipstick stain on it. 
“Great. You did this!” 
“Hey! Who told you to get flustered at the mention of IGNIS?” Crowe said, half screaming his name with her body leaning on the door on purpose. You decided to cover Crowe’s mouth with one of your hand before ruining the paper Clarus just gave to you--which was to be collected at his office immediately. 
“I shouldn’t have told you.” You said, trying to open the door but Crowe, who were still giggling, stopped you from going. She took a deep breath and smiled ear to ear.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I’m just messing with you.” She said, clearing her throat yet burst into another held back laugh again. You rolled your eyes.
“What if someone hear us!?”
“Of course not! The doors are sound proof.” She cleared her throat again, for real this time, “Okay, so what then? You confessed to him or something?” Crowe asked.
Another rush of boiling blood filled your cheeks again and you kept regretting the decision on telling this to Crowe, “No! I haven’t--I mean, I didn’t!” You said, “What makes you think I confessed to him?!” 
“So... you haven’t done anything?” 
You shook your head, covering your cheeks.
“So... you’re just telling me that you have a crush on Ignis?”
You nodded. You swear, if Crowe were to say his name one more time, you were going to faint because of all the huge amount of blood accumulating in your head.
Crowe looked amused and nodded, “So what do you want me to do?” She asked, placing her knuckles in front of her mouth.
“Nothing. I just felt like telling someone since it’s so overwhelming.” 
“Overwhelming? Wait, how long have you had this feeling?” 
You recalled the day you first met him on the meeting. When Clarus had to lead the meeting on behalf of King Regis. He was sitting on Clarus’ right side as you sat on Clarus’ left side. You remember how you couldn’t stop looking at him, observing his handwriting, trying to figure out how bad his eyesight was, what kind of necklace he was wearing until his eyes met yours and you had to look the other way with the intention not to get caught--failed.
As a result, it was his turn to look at you as you can feel his eyes observing you, practically until the meeting ended and you decided to hide yourself behind Clarus’ wide robe on your way out of the meeting room. Fortunate enough not to have Clarus asking what was wrong with you.
“Practically, since the day I met him.” That meeting.
“Which is when?”
“3 months ago, I guess?” 
“No wonder it’s overwhelming.” Crowe said.
You ended up telling Crowe everything since she stopped messing with you. You told her how you had been trying to make conversations with him, which was always ended up to no avail since Clarus were always busy and switching places here and there. Even when you get to meet him, Clarus were always talking to him about meetings or The King’s health or how Prince Noctis could not see The King yet. Things important. Compared to you, you just wanted to ask Ignis what he had for lunch, total rubbish.
There was one time, actually, when you get to talk to him. It was also with a help of Lady Lunafreya. Oh, how she was stunning, mature and bright. That one day, the King asked you to escort Lady Lunafreya to the castle’s library to fetch a book. You admired her beyond everything, how she didn’t act anything near arrogant or superior despite her title. 
“Oh, please stop calling me that.” She said, giggling as you walked her to the library, “Just call me Luna.” She continued, smiling so gracefully.
You weren’t sure if you were allowed to call her that, casually, yet she insisted. When you opened the library’s door, you saw his familiar feature standing by a book rack, taking notes from one of a thick book. 
“Good evening, Ignis. It’s been a while.” Lunafreya said, her voice softly echoes around the room. Ignis turned his head towards Lunafreya, and then to you. 
“Good evening, Lady Lunafreya. It’s been a while.” He replied. His eyes turned to you, “Good evening.” He said, plainly. 
“Good evening, Sir.” You replied. And that was basically it.
You didn’t exactly know why, but aside Prompto, from the three of the royalties--Noctis, Ignis, and Gladiolus--you always address Ignis as ‘Sir’. You even called Noctis by his name, sometimes just ‘Noct’ even, although not in front of King Regis. It was only when you were in a casual situations you would call him ‘Noct’ as you’d address him as ‘Prince Noctis’ when it comes to formal meetings and in front of King Regis. As for Ignis, you always address him as ‘Sir’. 
Well, come to think of it, there were never a casual moment with him. You’d always find him in a meeting or accompanying important guests or even walking beside King Regis himself. For a few weeks you always tried your best to engage a conversation until you find yourself giving up and decided to go with the flow. And there you were, pouring out everything to Crowe as she listened carefully, positively amused. 
‘Crowe, come in.’ The transmitter in her ear let out a voice. “Is that Nyx?” You mouthed to Crowe.
“Yes, what is it, Ulric?” She replied as she replied you with a nod, fixing her transmitter in her ear.
‘Drautos is about to assemble the glaives. You coming?’ 
“Yeah, yeah, be there in a flash.” She said as she muted her microphone, “Sorry, dear. It seems Drautos wants me. I’ll talk to you later? Maybe at dinner?” She said, walking towards the door.
“Yeah, sure. No problem. Yeah, whatever suits you.” You replied, still sitting in one of the benches.
“Okay, I’ll ring you later then!” 
“Hey, Crowe!” You said as Crowe turned her head back before opening the door, “Thank you.” You said.
Crowe saluted you and chuckled and left.
You sighed, trying to wipe the lipstick stain out from the paper with a damp tissue, hoping that the words wouldn’t disappear. You sighed again as the stain didn’t intend on disappearing yet the paper starting to show its fragility. Thankfully there was no one in Clarus’ office since he was away for--
“What’s with the sighs?” 
You jumped. You heard a familiar deep voice coming from behind you as you turn your head. Ignis.
“Sir.” You said, standing up. 
“You should stop calling me that, really.” He said, chuckling. 
“What shall I call you then, Sir?” You replied, stiffly. 
“Ignis is okay.” He replied, fixing his eyes on you, smiling. “Need help with that?” He asked, pointed at the paper you were trying to fix.
“Uhh, these? No, no. You have better things to do.” You said, hiding the paper behind your back. Why does it had to be a lipstick stain!?
“I insist.” 
Ignis came right towards you, he was never this close before. You were always a few feet away from him but now you could see his freckles, even his necklace’s shape. He took the paper you tried to hide behind your back and observed the stain.
“Is this... lipstick stain?” He asked, half smiling. You nodded, a little flushed. Ignis chuckled again as he continued, “I reckon this isn’t yours?” 
“No, it was umm, Crowe’s. We were messing around earlier and accidentally ruined the paper.” You replied, wondering how did he know that the stain wasn’t yours.
“Altius? The kingsglaive?” 
You nodded.
“Hmm, didn’t know that you’re friends with the glaives.” For someone so formal like Ignis, he sure did chuckle a lot. 
“I’m just friends with Crowe Altius.” 
“Oh, no. Don’t take it the wrong way. It’s just that, some people are still in the process of accepting the glaives and some people doesn’t even bother to accept.” He explained, “I have this file’s original, I’ll make a copy for you.” 
“Oh, uh, thank you, Ignis.” You said, almost choked when he smiled again at the mention of his name. 
You stood near your chair as he was making a copy for the file you just ruined. You just realize that you were just the height of his shoulder now that he was so close to you. You could smell a faint Ebony scent coming from him.
“Have you been enjoying your job?” He suddenly asked.
“Yeah, definitely. Clarus treated me like I was his second daughter. I don’t mind if he make me his sworn secretary, though.” 
Ignis laughed, “You sure are his sworn secretary.” You flushed at the sound of his laugh. He was always formal, mature and expressionless, you never thought to see the casual side of him where he could talk and express his moods easily, “I’m glad to know you’re enjoying your job. I’ll let Clarus know that he have such a good secretary.” He continued.
You chuckled, “Thank you, Ignis.” You said as he smiled, eyes on the papers he was working on. 
This is your chance. You and him are alone so no one can judge you or make fun of you, so this is your chance. Come on.
“Hey, Ignis?” You called as he fixed his eyes on you as if you were about to say the most important thing in the world, “Uh, I was wondering if.. if umm, have you had lunch with me today?” You said, mentally punching yourself in the face for ruining the moment by mixing the sentece ‘have you had lunch today’ with ‘will you have lunch with me?’. 
Ignis gave you the copy he just finished and patted your head gingerly without ruining your hair as he smiled, “I’d--”
Someone came into the room and called him out. It was his uncle who, apparently also The King’s advisor.
“Yes, Uncle.” Ignis said. You swear you could see his expressive face switched to formal. The kind of face he always had whenever he was on a meeting or when he was talking to someone important. 
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you. You didn’t even reply my texts. Come on, King Regis asked for you. Oh and Prince Noctis said he wanted to take his Audi to the garage, said there’s something wrong with the carburetor. ” His Uncle said, smiling towards you, “Good day, Miss.”
“Yes, of course, Uncle.” 
His Uncle left the room first as Ignis stayed behind, still in the same position you asked him to go to lunch with you. 
“I look forward to seeing you again.” He said.
And left.
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