#prometheus megaman zx advent
It's stupid o'clock where I am and I was seized by the urge to doodle - the result was Prometheus, completely unsurprisingly.
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I also just realised I've never actually posted a sketch of him that I've done on here with his helmet on/fully merged.
Progress pics under the cut because I REALLY like how his face came out before I had to wreck it with the helmet :')
The first thing I do whenever I draw any of these guys is to draw their faces fully so I know ROUGHLY how their helmets sit:
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I really love the idea that Prom is an edgy dramatic theatre kid at heart and absolutely owns so much damn eyeliner. It looked so much sharper in the sketch, RIP.
Anyways, this is then followed by tracing the helmet roughly on top:
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And then outlining it, as pictured below minus colour:
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Additionally, with Prometheus I've got a very specific rule whenever I draw him regarding his smile. He's naturally got a crooked smile but when being threatening, not so much:
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Anyways, that's how I tend to draw Prometheus :)
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machinafulmen · 4 months
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Collection of work doodles in no particular order
Sigma, "Empress", some Landmark monsters
quetzalcoatlus, Prometheus based off a friends screenshot, fantasy au Zero
more Zero, Zhiishii (one of my many fursonas), Landmark au Zero
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lanatusnebula · 19 days
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the pose didn't... hm..
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Ashe convinces the twins to experiment with their hair. The results are mixed.
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beevean · 1 year
Mega Man ZX Advent
Undersea Volcano (Path to the Truth)
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youngbatdrawing · 2 years
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Aeolus-whose idea was it to make a piñata for Albert
Prometheus-us and the reasons are obvious
(thetis hits the piñata aggressively)
PANDORA - don't forget to hit the head
Prometheus-that nothing remains of him HAHAHAHA!!! DESTROY IT COMPLETELY
MASTER ALBERT-............
(be traumatized)
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shinysamurott9 · 4 months
Since I've been thinking about the series again after replaying some of the games, I wanna share some Megaman Headcanons I have bouncing around. In no particular order:
-X isn't very fond of his armors due to how they serve to upgrade him into a more effective weapon of war, but one of the only ones he actually has a fondness for is the Falcon Armor because he enjoys simply flying with it.
-Zero has the idea to have himself sealed away after the events of X6 but doesn't actually act on it specifically because initially there's reconstructing the world to take care of, but after that he wants to make sure he leaves the world in good hands, or more specifically he wants to make sure X and later Axl will be able to handle things on their own.
-All of Prairie's plushes in her room are custom made by her, including the boss plushes you get for Lvl 4 Victories. This is a hobby she picked up after Zero 4 because she wanted something to give to Ciel whenever she was feeling down. And she later improved her craft and just kept doing it fir herself.
-Ashe regularly holds onto treasures she finds on her adventures if they can't fetch a high price or they come to have some kind of sentimental value. Sone of her notable treasures include: A double gear refresher pickup, a weapon container from X8, a Magnet Beam projector, Magma Dragoon's beads and a Rare Metal from X8. Most of these she doesn't really know what they are so she just calls them whatever she comes up with.
-Ciel is still alive by ZX Advent as she has the same mechanicsl upgrades as the Sage Trinity, she's just still in hiding. Specifically she's hiding in Cyberspace with the help of the Mother Elf, hence why no one has been able to find her.
-Part of Prometheus and Pandora's early life was being used as test subjects for early Model Ws as Albert knew it would be mentally taxing for them and if they died in the process it would still be early enough in their lives that he could just make new ones.
-Prometheus and Pandora, if given the opportunity, would have the ability to use Model A. In canon, only a descendent of Albert can have enough of his DNA to actually use it, Grey being an exception as he was created with the DNA requirement already met to properly fulfill his purpose. However because they were direct creations of Albert, created so early in his plan, he made them as if they were actually his children. So they actually have the DNA prerequisite. It would be cool and I feel like there's enough wiggle room and ambiguity to justify that working.
-Like the Archie continuity, Axl survived until the Elf Wars but died either during or shortly before the final battle with Omega.
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model-a · 3 years
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Artwork from the Mega Man Zero & ZX Sound Box
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ikari-eu · 2 years
Such a pain that Capcom didn't give us the 3rd game. I wanted to see if they did survive at the end. Albert is an a***h*le for using them for his purposes with the life countdown as control tool.
This "fangame" of them was just a gif and was never completed. It would have been nice having Mega Man Ciel and this project complete to save them from death. Imagine if it had a hard mode where a countdown exists. Interesting
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modelouser · 4 years
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delightful-69 · 4 years
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again, (old) sketches
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Improvement is a sliding scale :)
Was going to wait to post this but I really like how the new version came out.
So behold, Prometheus - 2011 vs 2024!
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Proof that hey, we all start somewhere :D
I've been drawing this guy and the rest of the ZX cast for over ten years oh my GOD
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ravemst · 4 years
Ashe megamerges with her booty! I mean Model A.
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   At long last, I’ve completed Chapter Four of my goofy Twilight/MMZXA fanfic! Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41088294/chapters/107800776
  It’s the infamous forest scene! Insert “personal brand of heroin” joke here. I had a lot of fun warping this plot point into something new - I hope it’s an entertaining read.
  Shoutout to the stupendous @unintentional-edgelord for her constant feedback and encouragement - seriously, I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you!!!
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beevean · 1 year
Mega Man ZX Advent
Trap Phantasm
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youngbatdrawing · 2 years
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