#pretty cool that i got a question on jaudna
I keep thinking about kirtch's friend Jaudna (I hope I got the name right) in part 3 idk why it's always those side or background characters that sometimes get to me. Do you have anything else you could share about jaudna? Obviously it's fine if you don't since he's not the main focus of the story and you got other stuff to worry about.
Sorry it took so long to reply!
Jaudna's species reproduces asexually, which is why Jaudna goes by They/Them in part three. Unlike Kirtch who has an exoskeleton, Jaudna has very soft skin much like a whale, only red. They have no eyes, I imagined their skull to almost look like a pelvis with a jaw, where there is no bone protecting their brain, just a lot of extra fat. Their legs bend backwards, and the only hard parts of their body are their claws. Jaudna is also much taller than Kirtch, however they are not as slender.
When writing them I felt like they embodied more of a dominatrix type of personality, very cenobite in their wardrobe.
Most of their species chooses to never partner off, however Jaudna does "love" their pet, a sentient creature that looks more human than either Jaudna or Kirtch but with horns adorning his body. A very master/pet BDSM relationship but without sex.
They do not live as long as Kirtch's species, about as long as humans.
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