#pour one out for the like three people who've written majiwagi and posted it to ao3 though
kenzan-kiwami · 8 months
same anon as before here. i find it refreshing that other people out there are willing to say out loud that all the kazumaji gets super tiresome. i enjoy majima a lot but find kazumaji totally overrated and so it is not fun out here lol. especially because the way fandom portrays the ship is almost never true to the characters at all (gaa gaa eyes, as you say). replaying the games is a good idea tho. i did that and my enjoyment for majima (and my other favorite side characters!) came back once i remembered what he was really like outside of fandom.
oh no yeah i totally get you 😭 i feel blessed to have known people from when i first got into the series who are as Over It as i am, but it still gets so lonely out here sometimes. i have some doodles and video projects i'd like to at least try to do at some point but i'm definitely going to replay y0 soonish (after gaiden maybe?) because it's been FOREVER and i'd like to have it fresher in my mind haha
dead souls is also a brilliant game for majima, people cry for a majima game all the time but i'm like dude we already have dead souls? he's in his fucking element throughout his entire gameplay segment, don't just ignore it because it has objectively terrible gameplay for the sole reason of "they tried to make a third-person shooter inside a brawler game"
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