#postscript omitted for spoilers
altfire-archive · 2 years
excerpt from like real people do, a letter from eastmarch (~200 words)
I don't relish having to reach out to you. You know that, if I had my way, I would never so much as recall your existence after all you've done to myself and to our family. I had believed that, separated by over two decades now, you would find it in your heart to leave myself and my family in peace.
But I was wrong, clearly. You've never allowed me peace before, and perhaps it was naive to believe that would change.
I'll get straight to my point: you have my son. I know you do. There's nowhere else he could be - his father has no family, and you're all that remains of the Steel-Bloods. Henrik isn't bright enough to remain hidden from me without help, and as well isn't brave enough to make his own way. Whatever den of iniquity you call home now is likely the first and only "escape" he could think of.
If he isn't sent back to Windhelm before the end of Mid-Year, we will be forced to take more drastic measures. My idiot son will not escape his obligations, no matter what illusions he may hold, and I will not allow you to further ruin the life I've built for myself. Even less will I let you ruin my son's future - the future of our bloodline, Brandr.
In appreciation of your compliance,
Arnora Swift-Arm
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