pretty-pink-seaslug · 4 months
A rare happy postincident!Crystal, with a cowboy hat!
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Finally finished that short lore comic! It’s 2 pics styled like anime caps but whatever it’s for lore purposes and still a comic in my eyes
The First Encounter
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Ayyyyy it’s finally finished! The teaser I posted literally 2 weeks ago! (Wow that time flew by but also didn’t time is so strange)
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For context: Crystal here is fresh out the hospital, and on her way home has a breakdown in the middle of a park when she’s alone, being crushed under the weight of the traumatic event that happened before she went into a coma for 3 days (still don’t know if 3 days is realistic or not for head trauma) and knowing she’ll come home to nobody to be there for her (her father’s overseas for whatever he does, he leaves overseas a lot so she’s home alone all the time, she’s used to it and likes the freedom of being home alone but sometimes it gets lonely 😔)
Madre however, through some magic means I haven’t thought of yet, senses the traumatic event happen and that Crystal’s heart is shattered, and takes this moment as the perfect opportunity to... ‘polish an undefined jewel’ (😈) and from this point forward, Madre acts as Crystal’s caretaker! Unofficial because she hadn’t stepped foot in that hospital once to confirm anything— She just kinda inserts herself into Crystal’s life at this time, which Crystal accepts because, well—
Some things about this art + the moment itself!
Madre is in a human form here of course, you would just walk up to a vulnerable new heartbreaker lonely 14 yr old girl as some sort of humanoid creature and expect her to let you in her life—
This was kinda used as angle practice! I drew the 1st frame before I even really started the 2nd because for the 2nd I was planning to use a pic of a 3D model at an angle (MagicPoser) and then couldn’t put my artstyle over it too well, so then I went to my sketchbook and proceeded to try and draw an angle by hand!
After this scene you’re seeing plays out, Madre helps Crystal off the floor, wipes her tears, gives her a few words of praise (stuff like how much potential she has although is very vague about what she means by this, how pretty she is, how strong she is for bearing it all to this point, etc. you know as one does—), and walks home with her (to Crystal’s house of course)
At Crystal’s house is when Madre introduces herself and tells Crystal how she’ll be here to take care of her ‘as long as she can’, Crystal asks more questions about her like where she came from, how she knows who she is, and why she’s here to take care of her, to which Madre responds with “I just happened to walk by and I saw you on the ground” and “I don’t know you too well but I know your name from volunteering at your school once” (she never once stepped foot in her school) and “You just came from the hospital and you’re all alone, I wouldn’t leave someone as sweet and hurting as you to bear with the pain like this 🥺”
I wanted to emphasize a feeling of (unintentionally) blocking everything else out in the shot with Crystal looking up, to do this, I made the vignette of the frame a bit deeper, while also having nothing but her, the ground she collapsed on, and the shadow of Madre looming over her, I also had the path fade out a bit too!
Incase you’re wondering why a tim couldn’t just hop in and lead her to the theater, there are 3 separate reasons I’ve chosen, so believe whichever you want because they all work!
🧿 Reason 1: Madre, after the event happened and Crystal was in a coma, did some magic she does with whatever Heartbreaker she’s looking to hire, where she basically cuts off the portal to Wonderworld from your view, lol rip Balan, not boutta get this visitor Madre called dibs—
🧿 Reason 2: the same as reason 1 except you can still see the theater, but it no longer has its aura of wonder aka the power to pull you in, so basically you just kinda see the entrance of some rundown looking theater, and well, who’s go in a theater when you’re on the verge of breaking down cuz not me that’s ong
🧿 Reason 3: The theater won’t let itself appear until you’re in a state of functional physical health and aren’t on the verge of breaking down, basically you have to meet a kind of “okayness” requirement for the theater (or Balan himself) to decide the pathway to being even more ok is open lol
To define the closeup angle on Crystal’s frame, I made the closeup lines thicker than the lines on the bottom! Something I learned to do maybe 2-3 years ago by just kinda copying certain animes
Aaand that’s it for the post! If I don’t have a lore tag already I probably should make one—
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Sketch dump! Even including some sketches I’m not too proud of lol
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I had a fun idea a few nights ago and now it won’t leave my head sooo here’s art!
postincident!Crystal in this fun little what-if AU, where Balan actually somehow finds his way to her through going in his human disguise and waltzing up to Crystal like ‘hey :] hi :]’ he decided to give her a cute lil sentai helmet he found in a toy store because head wraps after head trauma doesn’t feel like enough to him lol
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Mesmeratic ✨ (yes I made up a word with mesmerizing, making up words is fun sometimes!)
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(These are detail shots btw ^^^)
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Temp having my pfp be a sweet lil edit of postincident!Crystal throughout all of February for Valentine’s! She is so beloved 💝
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postincident!Crystal I did for pose practice, also to display how messy her hair is! She doesn’t know how to make a bang :(
Present Crystal doesn’t know either—
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Tried a new artstyle, and it turned out pretty good! For this artstyle I’d usually ad catch lights in the eye but since Crystal’s eyes are supposed to be kinda devoid of life after the incident I decided to make them as dull as possible while also being visible enough to see
This piece also unintentionally works as an early Valentines piece too! :0
Nothin much else to add that I can think of rn, tysm for viewing!
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Sketch of a soon to be sweet lil pic of 14 yr old Crystal
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pretty-pink-seaslug · 3 months
A few character lore and worldbuilding tidbits because I've had these in my head for so long but kept holding on putting them out there because I have no finished refs, I need to stop doing that and just let loose already!!
Under the cut because this is a WALL of text, bitches got a lot to say alr 😭
While Crystal's doing her usual heartbreaker work, Madre offers her a one time position as a maestro of a concert hall, to basically give her a possible job opportunity if she ever decides to get back into heartbreaker work past her graduation, this one time job offer being The Star Gauntlet
The Star Gauntlet is a series of labyrinths and bosses all crafted by the leading maestro of the gauntlet (in this case, Vanity) and I'm still thinking of the reason behind it but so far its for already heartbroken individuals to basically,, strengthen their heart, but without exactly healing it? Still thinking it out alr
Vanity's client for this one time gauntlet, is none other than Katrina! The human version of Katz! (timeline for Katrina is as follows: Katrina goes through the gauntlet -> nearing the end she gets the power to transform into her nightmaren form, which she lovingly named Katz because her blunt horns remind her of cat ears -> after the gauntlet is over, she's stored enough magic in her art to transform into Katz whenever she pleases
Katrina, now fully named Katrina Craig, is Leo's little cousin! By the time The Star Gauntlet happens (still thinking of a title for this event, another working title is The Shining Moment Program) Katrina is 12 and Leo is 17, the events of the Madre AU take place 2 years after the events of the main BWW story! (thus why postincident!Crystal is 14)
Leo sadly doesn't know about Katrina's situation, he hasn't seen his baby cousin since she was 9 💔 (Katrina's situation being that she lives basically alone, save for her father coming back to pay the bills every so often, REEKING of vodka- he has a gambling addiction and could care less about his daughter, Katrina gets food and most things she needs through dumpster diving and sometimes theft.) Last time Leo saw Katrina she was in a decent position so like if he ever finds this out (he will 👁️ 👁️) he's gonna be pretty taken aback
Originally I had planned to have Balan and his homies (the bww cast) intervene with the gauntlet in a separate au simply titled "Balan Interference AU" just as a fun little thing to be like "what would happen if Balan was more present and had a way of helping if he knew of the gauntlet's existence? 🤔" but overtime I started to like this AU so much it became part of the main Madre AU story, the possibilities for ♡Soft Feelings♡ are all around!!!!
Leo and Kat together are The Sillies, they are really just so funny <3 goofballs <33
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And that's all I have to share rn, WOO that's a BIG wall of text! If you read all of this, thank you! I'm really glad you were that invested in my little ramblings!! I definitely think I'll post like this more instead of just waiting to make fully realized refs, been doing that for too long smh
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pretty-pink-seaslug · 4 months
wanted to draw postincident!Crystal being held by literally anybody
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pretty-pink-seaslug · 4 months
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Right so this is Simon Lovelace! He’s 23 at the time of PostIncident!Crystal (25 by the time Crystal’s 16) He runs a nightclub (been debating with myself lately whether he owns it or is the manager)
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(As you can see his concept sketch image contradicts what I've typed out, that's because that sketch was from august of last year lol) ((also if you click on the right pic he's only holding a heart yall CHILL))
As you can guess I’ve been building his personality and lore in my head, but so far;
His personality: He’s suave, eccentric, very confident in himself, and very loving! He likes to sing, dance, and in general have fun, and make sure those around him are having a good time as well. In general, despite what you’d think with him being a years experienced heartbreaker, a very lively person!
Lore: I don’t have too much built up yet but before him getting the job as a heartbreaker, his major events go like this; He used to be in a circus performing as an acrobat with Attilio (Surprise bww oc + canon tie in! He’s Attilio’s cousin!) and he eventually quit either when the circus went down or when he just felt like it -> a distance started growing between him and his mom for an unknown reason -> he meets Madre, they talk and have a auntie and nephew relationship because 💝 -> his mom eventually cuts him off, in turn distancing him a lil from the rest of his family (still thinking this one out) -> he meets Madre once again and gets the job offer, he promptly takes it because yeah (still also thinking this one out like the reason as to why)
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this post is already long enough (I just keep yappin and yappin) so tidbits under the cut!
Tidbit time!! My favorite!!
He can drive both a car (Havent decided on what kind of car yet but it's definitely a very nice looking one +..。*゚+) and a motorcycle! Do not expect to draw EITHER of these lol I can barely draw weapons
Crystal has a sort of puppy love crush on him (ノ∀`) ehehehehehe-
Back when Crystal was still 14 and still reeling from The Incident, Simon tried his best to help her heal, even though he knew he didnt have to since like he's only her job trainer, he still wanted to because he has this innate need to help people where he can <33
-> His help came in the form of ego building and self care! He basically taught her to compliment herself more, how to take better care of herself, and indulge in things that make her happy. It worked! (obviously it didnt heal her all the way because that's not how trauma works- it just helped her to be in less mental and emotional pain)
He can SANG my boy got pipes <3 aside from that (or affiliated with idk) I havent fully decided on a voice claim for him, but so far I'm thinking the main vocals on Tears of Love by SUI UZI is pretty nice (SUI UZI GOATED SUI UZI GOATED)
I was originally debating on whether he should be hispanic, italian, or french, and then while thinking about him being italian I got this idea screaming in my head like *slams fist on table* "DUDE ATTILIO!!!1!!!1!11" So now he's italian! Hooray!
Still thinking about a final design for him graghhgggh
I got his surname from Garcia Lovelace off Black Lagoon (was on a huge Black Lagoon kick when first thinking up his name)
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