#posted early by accident but gonna be so real cant be bothered to fix it
mizuhanomesensei · 6 months
Drabblecember Day 9: A Walk Outside
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Pairing: Hasumi Keito × Miyasato Miyuki
• Warnings: None (That I know of, other than canon x oc I guess?)
• Contents include: childhood friends kinda, mutual pining, "It's going to be Christmas soon, Keito" .
•Note: a late start but Im gonna do the rest of drabblecember for writing sample purposes!
• Don't steal my writing please 😐👍
˚ ༘ 🪭 × 👾-; ˳೫˚
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1: 37 a.m.
Being UNDEAD's producer meant one core thing - Night Shoots. Lots of them.
What a life, right? Only months before had Miyuki spent her nights hidden away and up late after the infrequent shift helping out at her family's shrine - Finally she gets a night shift job,  and her internal systems decide she was supposed to be asleep approximately three hours ago. Is this a prank? Was she getting old? Is this what it means to be a "normal" adult? 
 'Gross.'  she thinks, shuddering at the concept.
Case and point, she was exhausted. 
Returning from an egregiously long and tiring shoot, Miyuki sees UNDEAD off once they arrive at the ES Building. Usually anyone else who's even awake at this hour would only be seen at the dorms, but out wandering about in the cold, was none other than Keito Hasumi. 
Wait, what the hell was he doing out here?
Ye gods it was embarrassing. They've known each other for years, but upon catching sight of him Miyuki frantically attempts to find somewhere out of sight. By the time she finds one though, it's too late. Now in an awkward confrontation mid-sidewalk, they lock eyes. Neither one of them moving an inch until -
 "Uh, w-what are you doing out this late?"
" I could ask you the same. "
They stood in deadlock,  tension as thick as it was cold outside that night. Fidgeting with the trim of her scarf, Miyuki answers her estranged childhood friend
“Work ran late tonight, so…” She trails off, following up with
“I wasn’t able to sleep, so I thought I’d catch some air" Keito responds plainly, in a bold attempt to mask nerves of his own. 
"Right…" Miyuki nods, averting her gaze. 
Further dread sets in as she weighs the options before her. She was either stuck walking home in the middle of the night by herself, or stuck facing someone she wasn't quite sure what to call anymore. 
Panicking internally about how in god's name she could POSSIBLY save herself from this dilemma now, she's brought back to earth by Keito asking
"Were you…planning on walking home by yourself at this hour?" 
"Er…kinda? Don't really have any other options…" Miyuki answers sheepishly
Keito sighs, head already in his hand
" W-What?" She asks, baffled
Keito simply shakes his head and replies
"How…Incorrigible. You've worked yourself enough today, at least let me help you this once."
"Seriously? You don't have to, really! I-" She stammers
"I insist." 
Defeated, Miyuki sighs and accepts his offer, beginning the cold journey home in an awkward yet peaceful silence. 
They walk the empty streets side by side, lit by lamp posts and the occasional series of holiday decor. Mesmerized by the quiet scene, Miyuki doesn't notice an uneven sidewalk ahead until she's already tripping  over it.  Not quite falling over, she's caught by Keito's hand grabbing her own, and warned about "being more careful" as one might expect coming from him. They finally reach the Miyasato shrine, but only upon arrival do either of them realize they never actually stopped holding hands after that. Maybe it just felt safer that way? More comfortable?
Regardless, now flushed at the possible ideas and implications in both of their minds, they part ways with sheepish goodnights. Hit with another wave of exhaustion, Miyuki  flops herself amongst the pile of plushies and pillows on her bed. She mashes her face into a pillow and grumbles to herself, cheeks still flushed
"God, I've got to get over this…"
˚୨୧ - 
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catastrothicc · 7 years
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one of these days i'll make a coherent intro post, however *bts vc* not today !!  hello and welcome to johnny's world where we're shit @ introductions and even worse at consistency. honestly i cant stick to shit someone assist. anyways ! i bring the last piece of the puzzle rocky, who for some unfathomable reason wasn't taken ?? and i cried ?? fate. uh right i'm 19 and i never fkcing learned how to read. mdt timezone. them/they pronouns. continue under the read more to kill some brain cells !! 
tw: physical and mental abuse/manipulation, drugs/alcohol and death/murder. 
here's his soundtrack if u wanna listen while u read 
DON'T DWELL ON THE PAST // ( i'm not even sure if i'm sticking to this [ looks @ admins nervously ] so things might change up if it doesn't fall w/ the right timeline. ) ( forgive the length the muse is real )
born on october 31st, 1995 ( happy halloween ) in deadtree, rocky was an entirely healthy baby received with much love by his mother and with some hesitance by his father. all he knew was how to shit and cry and life was a paradise, until eventually the months started rolling by that became three years and his mother was in a freak car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down and with a bad case of major head trauma. 
rocky still firmly believes that she woke up from her coma by god's will even if her basic executive function skills and self-regulations were gone. she had to be taken care of just like him, and the doctor's promised she'd learn to eat on her own again and her speech problems would regulate. this... did not happen. maybe it would've, if she had lived longer, but rocky never got to see the day when he didn't have to help his mom bathe or brush her hair. 
his dad was the only source of income in the household besides his mom's monthly pension that the man would take and then disappear for days. he was bitter about having to raise rocky all on his own and even more bitter about the hefty hospital bills they were going to be paying off for the next several years. all the man wanted to do was laze about with a beer in his hand and a blunt in the other. 
from early on he was prone to anger and it often manifested itself physically, so rocky would always have a bruise or two somewhere on his body. it was fine as long as the man wasn't hurting his mom, and he couldn't do anything else but accept the rough treatment. 
he and his mom were becoming more and more neglected by his father, who only provided the bare minimum to eat and took his wife's pills for himself. rocky was already in school and he was that kid who always got off the bus running to get home. no one knew that he always ran to make sure his mom was okay while he was gone. 
he was nine years old when his dad handed him a bottle of morphine and explained to him that the whole bottle would help his mom get a good night's sleep for once. rocky, knowing how much his mom struggled to rest, took the bottle and put each and every pill in his moms hand and watched her drink them until the last one. she did go to sleep, of course. rocky thought he'd done good until she didn't wake up the next morning. 
he grew incredibly distant from his dad after this. he was already used to taking care of himself and his mom was the only reason he really bothered to make it home early, so after her death he got into every after-school activity he could manage, and when it wasn't enough, he ran around the streets with the older kids and pretended to be *cool*.
he started dabbling with the drug scene really early on in middle school, when he realized that his dad would never strive to be anything else but a piece of shit, so he decided to steal his pills and weed just like the man had stolen his mothers medication. he would sell them to his upperclassmen and never took any for himself because he saw what they could do, though eventually he did weed in high school and besides the occasional dose of ecstasy he doesn't do more than that.
one day, at age seventeen, he went home and his dad was gone. he waited for three weeks before he sold everything and fixed up a small abandoned house that became his new abode. with the cash he'd gotten from the car and the furniture he began growing his own hella dank nug, and eventually there was word on the streets about it. his dad had always been his unaware provider, but soon enough rocky joined a group as a dealer while selling his own stuff on the side.
he didn't want to follow under someone else so he got to the roots and offered the group's providers a better deal and eventually the business was going to him alone. people saw more opportunity with him and they flocked to his side one by one until he ran the original leader to the ground. honestly this kid was hella good in school and just as good in the streets. 
of course it didn't happen without a fight tho so talk about several near-death experiences !! the streets are dangerous children stay in school.
fast forward, he had what he intensely regrets with elaine-- honestly had a good time dating a rich ‘good’ girl until he got real bad vibes from her and it wasn't chill anymore. felt real personally attacked that she was ashamed of him and broke it tf off. fuck a fake bitch !! 
( me: plays hero by enrique iglesias for this section ) and then shiloh came ! his lord and savior. his fkcing BAE. would do ANYTHING for this boy is2g makes me so emo i'm shAKING just thinking about it. rocky truly believes this boy is his soul mate. he loves him so much oh my godfjsdh.
at this point his drug ring wasn't at all what it is now. it was relatively small and the profits weren't all that good but he was doing what he could. he had steady members who had been with him since the start and shiloh became an addition along with his best girl giselle and (eventually) barbara. honestly the dream squad nothing could stop them they were invisible. unfortunately there was a snake in their ranks and goddamn he's glad she showed herself honestly good fucking riddance barbie. he felt real betrayed after she left but if anything he thinks it made his crew tighter and stronger. still hates tht bitch tho afTER EVERYTGIH HE DID FOR HER.
( to be 10/10 honest tho rocky is a manipulative bastard and he thinks he's real slick but barbie caught on and he feels extremely attackt )
anyways so knowing that shiloh and giselle are his tru ride or die pals ( 👀 @ giselle ) the business continues and they're still the dream squad. sure they're doing shady af things and they've always been doing them but u kno what they say there ain't no rest for the wicked !! 
he didn't at all like the fact tht shiloh pursued an internship w/ the mulani family but he tried to keep it chill because he loves and supports his bae but honestly could not do it. he doesn't personally pay too many visits to sycamore city precisely bc he goddamn loathes the mulani and moon families after all they've done to his people ( esp the moon’s ) and to think shiloh was getting involved w/ them really tested him as a person. he fcking failed because of how much shiloh wanted a pass into the city and rocky held him back but he's so goddamn proud of their love like damn. he knows he doesn't offer everything shiloh wants but he's out here tryin' his best to get his bae the life he deserves even if he's the worst street rat and everybody knows it. 
( what is he secretly doing w/ all tht money tho hmmm ) 
BABY RIDE WITH ME // in regards to the *gollum vc*  precious ( the ring )
just so the squad and ex-squad can get a feel of how rocky runs the ring i'm includin' this here
so rocky makes it a point to be an approachable leader whom you can go to with your problems and he'll have your back 100%. honestly everyone's dad there's no one left out. he keeps his status as the leader not by cruel acts to show what happens to rats but by making sure he's understood by each individual member. he's not the violent type at all unless someone really tests him but this guy preaches that people understand by words and acts of kindness not by violence and torture. he needs loyalty above all else so he offers a safe sanctuary to anyone who needs it. it comes with a price ofc but all he asks is that u do ur job and he'll keep u off the streets. basically in his group everyone has each other's backs and he's involved with everyone, not only because it helps him keep close tabs on everything but because that blanket of safety for his members is very important to him. 
when it comes to his dealers he basically lets them do things their own way as long as they're not out there hurting innocent people. he pays by commission so it's really up to the dealers how much they wanna sell and who they wanna sell it to. he doesn't force his own morals onto his peeps so if they wanna sell to junkies who are gonna overdose on their next hit then that's really up to them. he just tries to guide them by telling em' the right things to do even in a shady business like their own. 
w/ that being said shiloh is also a huge part of it, being his right hand man and all. rocky isn't all too meticulous or anything fancy like that, so he leaves a lot of decisions up to shiloh and honestly they're both huge dads just running a drug ring fjsiudhfgi 
HE KNOWS HE'S SO FUCKING TALENTED // regarding his personality 
rocky is a cocky piece of shit honestly i hate it but best concept
he genuinely thinks so highly of himself ?? even though he knows he's up to Some Shit ??
anyways i just wanted to mention that LMAO but find his full list of attributes here that i jst ctrl c ctrl v from the app. honestly will tell u all about his personality. thanks for reading this long ass, terribly structured, shitty shitty intro honestly u.... deserve a medal if u got thru it. is it too late to mention tht english is not my first language fhsuidfh 
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