#post-vm pre-kagapol ice dance is just mediocre
intyalote · 2 years
beijing olympic figure skating so far:
- no misha white crow (rusfed’s fault)
- no rika (hamada’s fault)
- no soran bushi (jsf’s fault)
- diana/gleb (eteri’s fault)
- man who doesn’t know what a toeloop is in the final mens SP group while the reigning olympic gold medalist is not (eteri and covid’s fault)
- daniil g probably infecting all of team russia with covid and still flying to beijing when he’s not even an athlete, just a hack choreographer whose presence is wholly unnecessary (eteri and rusfed’s fault)
literally the only reason not to cancel it is so that sui/han can win gold at their home olympics, sure hope china is on top of that because if they get robbed again I will be so done
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