#possibly because i was an awakening baby and wasn't familiar with the tropes associated with fe
asterouslyaesthetic · 10 months
concept: kid lucina with grima, but a grima who IS robin—no possessions involved, the closest it gets is to an evil alterego that manifests out of robin's desire to be good and not what her mother fears will be her future
like sample first conversation:
Lucina: "Mommy, mommy! There you are."
Grima, visibly shaken by her appearance and having flashbacks: "You're mistaken, child. I am not your mother. I am the fell dragon who bears her likeness."
Lucina: "Likeness? Oh, like Morgan and Marc! You're her sister! I get it now."
Grima: "That's not it. I am your mother—"
Lucina: "So I was right! I knew it—of course, I know what you look like, Mommy. But why am I not a dragon if you are?"
(she is, but i headcanon the bloodlines did a number on her ability to transform)
Grima: "...Ask your father."
Lucina: "Daddy said to ask you."
Grima: *incoherent curses* "Really, Chrom?"
basically, saying no to a kid lucina is extremely hard and she fulfills a similar role to regular m!morgan. but since lucina isn't quite aware of what's going on, she drags grima everywhere—she just thinks mommy and daddy are having a big fight, like how one of her friend's parents did
it comes to the point where grima no longer throws venom at older lucina nor does she engage with her, because the memories of when they were happier far overpower what she vaguely remembers of their past feud
it freaks lucina out deeply
(she also ends up talking to chrom about it, because it feels so wrong for this to be happening, because this monster ruined her world and took away everything she loved
but now there's visible confirmation that her robin-ness is taking the wheel and the kids aren't nearly as unified on that front as the shepherds.)
why, you might wondering, is that the case? i'm glad you asked because i will tell you very happily
so feh posits the idea that grima is equal parts man hater and equal parts chrom lover.
her lvl40 confession has her dare the summoner to find someone who would accept her, warts and all, and in a few of her lines, she references the idea that she wants to be accepted
then comes the halloween tt+ with s!chrom and h!grima. grima is clearly haunted by her successful murder attempt of her husband, while chrom, whose first appearance has him beg robin to escape and to keep herself safe, is interested in being her friend, claiming that she's robin, so long as a part of her lingers
here is where it slips into headcanon territory, BUT i think that it makes sense for bad future timeline!robin to be more grumpy and angry than her canon timeline counterpart. our robin has no memories of any traumatic events, save maybe physical ones that bleed into her actions.
she's a blank slate and she's molded entirely by her gratefulness to chrom and to the shepherds, rather than any separate life experiences.
but bad future timeline robin likely grew up in hiding, being fearful of the constant threat of turning into grima, and likely resented the grimleal for ruining her chance at an idyllic childhood. she might've been more cynical, balancing out to be more neutral after emmeryn's death
anyway, the point is, robin's lack of memories and lack of lack of a chrom compels her to reject grima. but bad future timeline's doesn't have those things.
older lucina has a lot of baggage associated with her, because she tries to kill grima, while chrom is associated most strongly with his death.
and for a grima who is robin, just all the worst amplified (assuming they're the same entity), nothing is going to be more important than the happy times she had
aka shepherds and chrom and when lucina was younger
she might not warm up to her baby right away, but it will happen.
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