#portside hangar arm
sw5w · 4 months
Droid Control Ship Destroyed
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:03:30
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years
Chapter 7
Pairing- Loki x Reader x Steve (one side)
Warning- cursing 
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.
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Nick sits up, clutching his ribs he looks and see Y/n unconscious. He rushes over to Her and clutch her in his arm. “Y/n wakes up wakes up.”
Nick lays Y/n on the ground and struggles to his feet. He then puts on his earpiece.“Hill?!”
Pandemonium erupts. Emergency alarms set off, fire extinguishers activate near surrounding fires and every agent is in a spinning scramble for their positions and armaments. Agent Hill keeps the bridge as calm as possible.
“Turn up that engine! Number 3 engine is down! Can we get a run in?” Hill runs over to Galaga Player. “Talk to me.”
Galaga Player points to monitor. “Turbine's loose. Mostly intact, but it's impossible to get out there and make repairs while we're in the air.”
“We lose one more engine, we won't be. Somebody's got to get inside and patch that engine.” Hill reported to Nick.
“Stark! You copy that?!” Nick questioned.
“I'm on it!” Tony answered.
“Coulson! Initiate official lock down in the detention section then get to the armory! Move out!.” Nick ordered then Agent Coulson runs out of the bridge.
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Natasha looks over to Banner, who is breathing heavy, having landed hard. He is gripping the grated floor to maintain control, but his eyes are green, his face intense. “I'm okay. We're okay, right?”  Natasha whispered.
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Barton leads his men into the air ducts of the ship. They rappel down into a corridor.
“Get that engine down! Detention! Get him through the dark! Come with me.
Two of his men follow him. They head towards the bridge.”  Barton ordered.
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Tony and Cap run through a dim, debris filled hall. “Find engine three. I'll meet you there.” Tony told Steve. Cap peels off as Tony approaches a tech room. Inside, Tony's Iron Man suit stands waiting, lit above in all its glory.
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Bruce’s face  in the dim light as he struggles to suppress the rage, but his face is growing, changing slowly. Natasha is pulling herself painfully free, talking to Bruce...
“Doctor... Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me.” Two approaching Shield soldiers arrive to check on her. She furiously waves them away. They bolt out of there. “We're gonna be okay. Right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never...”
“Your life?” Bruce’s voice has the change in it the bitter amusement is morphing to a growled threat. Another explosion rocks the carrier and he turns to look at her, transforming just as the lights go out.
“Bruce.” Natasha pleaded.
Banner suddenly starts transforming into The Hulk and gives Natasha one last knowing look. Natasha struggle free of the rubble. She stops. The Hulk, sensing her, turns his head and puts on a face of a disturb monster. Natasha  jolts  up the stairs with the Hulk  chasing after her. Natasha maneuvers like a black widow should. She rolls under a turbine, starts to crawl within the maze of pipes. The Hulk  pulls them out from above the catwalk.Natasha falls through under the catwalks and quickly and stealthily escapes. The Hulk lets out a roar of rage unlike anything. Primal. Not human.
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Y/n slowly opens her eyes  and sits up on her elbows and see that she’s in a dark room.
”Really the dark room I we were pass this.” Y/n shouted into the abyss but no one responds.
“Oh so you gonna act like you can’t hear me. Phoenix!!” Y/n yelled.
The Phoenix appears behind Y/n. “You called for me.”
“Thank you for greasing me with your presents. I thought we were gonna learn how to be as One what happened. What the hell was that back there.” Y/n questioned.
“I don’t know what your talking about.” The Phoenix answered.
“Making every object known to man on the ship levitate ring any bells?” Y/n asked.
“That  wasn’t me.” The Phoenix stated.
“What?!” Y/n staggered.
“No that was you.” The Phoenix answered.
“No that can’t be right you’re the telepathic you’re the telekinesis not me  that’s always been you.” Y/n  protested.
“Is it?”
Y/n looks up at Phoenix confuse but before she can open her mouth to say anything she’s cut off with the loud roar echoing in her thoughts to the point it snaps her awake and she laying on the floor. When she looks up and see Loki smiling mischievously then blacking out again.
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Fury runs in and sees the chaos has increased even more the before. The Helmsman is in complete disarray. “Bring the carrier inwards and head south. Take us to the water.”
“Why water? Navigations recalibrated after the engine failure.” Helmsman told Nick.
“Is the sun coming up?!”  Nick asked.
“Yes, sir.” Helmsman answered.
“Then put it on the left! Get us over water! One more turbine goes down and we drop.” Nick explained.
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Captain America, pushing with all his strength the door to portside, sees Shield tech in full oxygen masks shoot fire extinguishers and cover from sparks -- largely unable to do  anything. Engine 3 is totally dead. A large chunk of the port side is torn off.
“Stark, I'm here!”
“Good. See what we got.” Tony flies in his Iron Man suit and gets close to the damaged engine.
Tony observes within his viewscreen at the damaged engine and its layouts. “I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors and work on dislodging the debris.”
Iron Man begins pulling on the stuck rotors then looks over at Steve. “I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position.”
Iron Man flies into giant cooling conductors. Captain America  jumps  over to the other side of the broken railing. Captain America gets himself to the control panel and opens it up. For a man who grew up as a yank, what the fuck is this!
“What's it look like in there?” Tony asked.
“It seems to run on some form of electricity.”
“Well, you're not wrong.”
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Natasha continuously crawls under the catwalk. She stops. Then...Boom. Boom. Boom. The room vibrates. Rhythmically. Natasha pulls out her gun and slowly walks out onto the catwalk and spins. and then a roar. The Hulk. Natasha fires a shot into a liquid nitrogen pipe that hits the hulk in face. Hulk smashes it with all his might. Natasha begins to run through the maze of corridors. The sound the monster is coming. Finally, she reaches and a long corridor. As she runs, behind her, The Hulk  tears up the hallway, coming at her. Natasha turns to see, but theHulk slaps her into the wall, smashing into the ground.  Hulk marks his territory. Natasha looks up. A fear she has never felt begins to seep out. Hulk raises his hand and IS knocked off his feet by Thor who tackles him into the next room.
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Both Thor and The Hulk  roll across the floor. Every person runs the hell out. Thor looks up at this magnificent beast. Hulk stands up and moving like a boxer, wants Thor to make his move. Hulk makes his move. Swing and a miss . Thor swings his massive hand and almost knocks The Hulk off his feet. Hulk keeps swinging and missing, pissing him off.
Finally, he brings down his arm, but Thor grabs it and wraps around it. “We are not your enemies, Banner! Try to think!”
Hulk lifts his arm up, to Thor's surprise, and he sending him flying as he punches Thor’s face with his fist.
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Iron Man continuously blasts broken debris off the turbine engine. It's bad, but still fixable.
“The relays are intact. What's our next  move?” Steve said into his earpiece to Tony.
“Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm gonna have to get in there and push.” Tony explained.
“Well if that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded!” Steve declared.”
“Then stay in the control unit and reverse polarity long enough to disengage mag...”
“Speak English!”
“See that red lever? It'll slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it, wait for my word.” Captain America  looks over at the other side where he was. He sees the red lever and jumps towards it.
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Thor crashers  into another stack of crates. As he raises his head, he feels something on his lips... blood. As he swipes it off, the  roar of the Hulk is not too far. Thor extends his hand out. The roar gets louder and closer. Thor focuses. His hand strains toward mid-air. His eyes tight in concentration. The Hulk runs right at him. At the last second, Mjölnir flies into his hand and Thor uppercuts Hulk, who crashes into a fighter jet. Hulk stands up, shaking his head like `what just happened.' He shakes it off and angrily rips off the tail of the jet, torques his body like the a Greek Discus thrower and hurls the massive plate at Thor. Thor Slides and ducks under the tail.
Jumping up, he throws Mjölnir with all his strength, knocking the Hulk head over heels. Hulk falls down, hammer in hand. He tries to lift it, but can't. Mjölnir rests atop his hand. Struggle as he may, Hulk wraps his hand around the hammer. The hammer doesn't move. To no avail -- he strains with all his might, screams from the effort, bellowing.
Thor jumps up again, kneeing Hulk in the face. Thor grabs his hammer, jumps on him, using the hammer as a lock for his chokehold. Hulk tries to pull him off.
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Fury and Agent Hill look over their monitors. “We need a full evac on the lower hangar bay.”
Agent Hill nods. She leaves to exit out, but a Sliding Grenade appears. “Grenade!”
The grenade goes off, sending her down the steps. Fury fires a shot at the open entrance. He moves over behind the side of the  entrance. A handful of Barton's men enter. Watchful, ready, waiting... Fury steps out, his gun drawn. A shoot out and hand-to-hand ensues, but Fury is unable to stop one of them, which is why he is shot in the head by Agent Hill, who looks hot and sexy holding her gun.
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Agent Coulson walks up the armory door. He places his head into a  facial recognition scanner. Walks into the room.
“We got perimeter breach! Hostiles are in Shield gear. Hold on to every junction.” Sitwell announced.
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Hulk crashers from under the floor, sending Thor on his ass. Hulk grabs him by the neck.
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A gunfight opens up. Agents exchange fire with brutally efficient tactical soldiers.
“Sir, the Hulk and Thor are in shuttle levels 2, 3 and 4!” Sitwell informed.
“Sir, the Hulk will tear this place apart!” Hill yelled.
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“So your just gonna keep me here. I need to wake up I should be out there helping I know you hear what’s going on.” Y/n explained.
“I didn’t hear what’s going on and you can help use your powers in Manhattan The Phoenix disclosed.
“Manhattan why would......The Tesseract. You saw were the local.” Y/n replied.
“Of course I notice did. Now use your powers.” The Phoenix told Y/n
Y/n  plus one hand on her head and the other hand out trying to concentrate and locate Bruce’s thoughts when she finally finds him she feels rage uncontrollable rage.
”She’s finally excepting this power as her’s and she doesn’t even realize it.” The Phoenix whispered to herself.
Go to Manhattan leave the Helicarrier the Tesseract is there I don’t know where but it’s in Manhattan when everything calms down here I’ll meet you but you need to leave now or you’ll hurt a lot of people
The Hulk  hears someone’s voice broadcasting in his head giving him a command without him realizing he turns around, letting out his primal roar. He Takes a running start and leaps out the panel Plummets to earth, roaring his swan song.
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Y/n  stands in the dark room dumbstruck.
That it actually worked.
Even while she’s unconscious she can still use her telepathic abilities. It makes her wonder if all the voices here in her dreams are made up or is it real.
“You found out the truth about your mother how she abandoned you The anger you felt it was in sync with mine.” The Phoenix explained.
“You’re angry because you’re here with me?” Y/n wondered.
“No of course not.  I fear that I am the only one of my kind.”
Even if you are you’ll never alone I will always be here.” Y/n said with a smile and The Phoenix smiles  back at her.
she’s like the child I met many years ago
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sw5w · 4 months
The Core Explodes
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:03:28
0 notes
sw5w · 4 months
Vuutun Palaa Breaks Apart
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:03:27
The unidentified starship seen in the portside hangar arm's inner hangar was visible earlier in the film as well. I'm assuming it was built into the physical model of the film, which is used here for the explosion, rather than a CGI model.
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Is it Guri's Stinger from the Galoob Micro Machines Shadows of the Empire set? It could fit inside the model used in filming, and wouldn't be the first Micro Machines toy used in filming (Xizor figurine in the Mos Espa Arena).
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sw5w · 4 months
Bravo Flight Leaves the Battle
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:03:20
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sw5w · 5 months
We're Hit, Artoo! Aah!
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:58:40
0 notes
sw5w · 5 months
Vulture Droids in Hot Pursuit
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:54:34
So I believe the last few scenes were shown out of order, as Anakin starts over the centersphere, then the next shot shows Anakin flying over the rear engines and across the transmitter platform, then back over the centersphere. See the diagram below with time stamps:
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This happened a few times in the podrace. Just a result of editing the film to keep the pacing moving quickly and action at the forefront.
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sw5w · 5 months
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:54:32
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sw5w · 5 months
Anakin Flies Across the Vuutun Palaa
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:54:28
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sw5w · 5 months
Artoo Beeps Frantically
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:54:15
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sw5w · 5 months
Over the Centersphere
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:53:54
0 notes
sw5w · 5 months
Bravo Flight on the Attack
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:53:52
0 notes
sw5w · 9 months
Over the Battleship
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:26:35
In this shot, in one of the portside hangar arm's open inner wall hangars, you can see an unidentified vessel.
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0 notes
sw5w · 5 months
Anakin Flies Past the Portside Hangar
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:54:13
0 notes
sw5w · 9 months
Trade Federation Battleship
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:26:38
0 notes
sw5w · 9 months
Artoo's Work is Done
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:26:37
Like the last shot, you can see another view of the unidentified vessel in the portside hangar arm's inner wall hangar.
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It's hard to make out, but it almost resembles Guri's Stinger from the Shadows of the Empire project, specifically the Galoob Micro Machines toy released in 1996, which may have fit perfectly into the model of the Lucrehulk used in filming.
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