takerfoxx · 3 years
What Your Favorite Puella Magi Madoka Magica Ship Says About You
Inspired by DoubleCa5t's series, and since we're probably going to get an official video sooner or later, I'm putting my version out while I can.
Also, this is all in good fun, so don't take any teasing seriously.
MadoHomu (Madoka X Homura)
You are a firm believe in the inherent eroticism of this image.
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You have episode ten memorized.
You have a very specific emotional reaction to “Time After Time” by Cyndi Lauper.
You have severe problems with The Rebellion Story, particularly in how it upended the optimistic note that the original series ended on and recontextualized Homura’s devotion to Madoka as something unhealthy and even toxic, but you still can’t bring yourself to reject the movie entirely, because at the end of the day, even you have to admit that damn, that dress.
The phrase, “X character did nothing wrong” pops up a lot in your internet discourse.
You ship CatraDora.
KyouSaya (Kyouko X Sayaka)
You’re always a sucker for how the dynamic of Enemies to Lovers shifts from antagonism to devotion without losing its obsessive intensity.
Your ideal date can best be summed up as Be Gay, Do Crimes…after which you have to call your responsible friend to come bail both of you out.
You know that important stuff happens after episode nine, but to be quite frank, at that point you were too emotionally traumatized to get invested and were only watching out of a feeling of obligation.
You were uncharacteristically smug after watching The Rebellion Story despite what disproportionately little screentime your ship received.
You also ship CatraDora.
MadoSaya (Madoka X Sayaka)
You don’t understand what all the fuss is about when it comes to Enemies to Lovers when there’s a perfectly good Friends to Lovers right there.
This is the same joke as the first part of MadoHomu, but with the Hot Topic switched out for a Footlocker.
You lost your mind on 4chan over Persephone’s Waltz on more than one occasion and for more than one reason (hey, ErinPtah!).
KyouMami (Kyouko X Mami)
You read A Different Story, and probably listened to that one audio drama.
You’re a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of exes that still long for one another.
You feel that a lot of the issues that both these characters struggle with stem from how messy their falling out was, and had Mami been more supportive and Kyouko not abandoned her after the death of Kyouko’s family, a whole lot of grief could have been avoided.
MamiSaya (Mami X Sayaka)
Your ideal date is getting sempai to notice you.
You have gotten into at least one altercation with Anticrack-Kun.
MadoMami (Madoka X Mami)
Your ideal date is getting kouhai to notice you.
You’re just here for some girls being friends, gals being pals.
MamiNagi (Mami X Nagisa)
You were already shipping Mami with the human form of Charlotte before The Rebellion Story came out, and even afterward you’re still unwilling to let go despite how uncomfortable it makes you now, to the point where “Aged Up Characters” is a regular tag in your ao3 searches.
Either that, or…
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HomuMami (Homura X Mami)
You’re a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of passive-aggressiveness.
You were tilting your head in a particular manner during that scene where Mami ties up Homura, and feel that how it ended was a real missed opportunity.
You had to pause The Rebellion Story for about five minutes after the gunfight, and after you continued you shouted, “Goddamn it, Sayaka!” out loud.
HomuSaya (Homura X Sayaka)
This is the same joke as the first part of MadoHomu, but with the Sanrio switched out for a Footlocker.
Your favorite ao3 tag is “Hatesex.”
KyouHomu (Kyouko X Homura)
You know what's better than one edgy badass girl with a tragic past? Two edgy badass girls with a tragic past.
You felt that both these characters spent too much energy pursuing someone that just weren't into them as they were, and would better off settling with someone on more equal footing.
You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of game recognizing game.
You really wish that they reached that ramen shop in the movie.
KyouMado (Kyouko X Madoka)
Your favorite highschool relationship dynamic is edgy delinquent/ray of sunshine.
You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of “gap moe.”
HitoSuke (Hitomi X Kyousuke)
You feel that these two characters get way too much hate, and everything that happened wasn’t their fault. Like, come on, guys. How could they have known that their teenaged relationship drama would be exploited by a race of emotionless alien groomers?
Your main priority is keeping things canon…and you don’t have a whole lot else to work with.
HitoSaya (Hitomi X Sayaka)
You feel that the most effective way of resolving a love triangle is eliminating the heterosexual options.
You feel that when Hitomi declared, “Girls can’t love girls!”, Sayaka’s reaction ought to have been, “Challenged accepted.”
SayaSuke (Sayaka X Kyousuke)
You just want good things for Sayaka, but only in a first four episodes kind of way.
You are heterosexual.
SayaHitoSuke (Sayaka X Hitomi X Kyousuke)
You feel that the best way of resolving a love triangle is by connecting the bottom two axis.
You are heterosexual. Or possibly bisexual. Well, regardless, you are really horny.
HomuHito (Homura X Hitomi)
You’ve played the portable game.
MadoHito (Madoka X Hitomi)
You are constantly frustrated at how little attention this ship receives. After all, weren’t they friends too? But instead people seem to be more focused on shipping characters that don’t even like each other or never even interact in the show, and at this point you’re just glad that I acknowledged it in this silly meme post.
MamiHito (Mami X Hitomi)
You want to be a wealthy, unmarried Victorian duchess who is noted by history for your incredibly close relationship with your lovely companion who lives with you, does everything with you, up to and including sharing a bed, and after both of your deaths scholars will make note of what great friends you must have been.
KyouHito (Kyouko X Hitomi)
You were going out of your way to piss off Anticrack-kun. And really, who wouldn’t?
KyouSuke (Kyouko X Kyousuke)
You were going out of your way to piss off everybody, and I salute your courage.
HomuJun (Homura X Junko)
You are really into Pixar moms.
Also, obligatory…
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KazuJun (Kazuko X Junko)
This is the same joke as the second part of MadoMami, but you’re also really into Pixar moms.
MadoKyu (Madoka X Kyubey)
I can’t say for certain whether or not you’re a monsterfucker, but you certainly enjoy the chaos that the very implication of this ship creates.
PolyMegucas (Madoka X Sayaka X Homura X Kyouko X Mami)
You don’t understand why there has to be so much drama between all these different pairings. All the girls are wonderful in their own ways, and they would be so much happier if they just stopped fighting, formed a loving and mutually supportive team dynamic as was seen in the first part of the movie, and possibly smooched one another.
Also, you are extremely horny.
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