#plus my cat had her head stuck in a carrier bag handle and it’s hilarious
peasthedumb · 2 years
On today’s episode of my confusing and random, dumb dreams:
I had a dream that I was at my brothers house, and I was watching episode 4 of a series that was like- really dramatic. All the bad sanses were dragons but dream wasn’t , and was being hunted down by the dragons . It was also set in a medieval fantasy kinda world.
The specific part I was watching was really cool. Dream was in the ruins of a castle that was surrounded by lava, and Killer (who, reminder: is a dragon ) showed up. Basically, there is no way Dream should’ve survived. He was literally on a rickety ass broken down castle tower, hiding behind some fallen rocks cause a massive dragon just landed there and the only way he could escape was to fall into the lava-
So, he did the only thing he really could. He walked out and started talking to killer as if they were old pals. Killer actually found this kinda amusing and decided to play along, seeing as dream had no escape right now. But after a while of chatting, killer actually kinda respected Dream. I mean, he’s a tiny skeleton who is being hunted by an entire gang of the most vicious dragons on earth and he just…walked out to one of the dragons and started making small talk.
Killer eventually said he had to go now or the gang would get suspicious, and as killer was stretching his wings to fly off, Dream asked if he could perhaps try persuade the other dragons to let him join them. Killer pretty much laughed at dream for that, but agreed, and the episode ended with a dramatic scene of killer flying away. Although, everyone knows this is risky as hell. If killer requests this to the gang and they say no, they will 100% kill him. So basically dream and killer are kinda forced to be friends right now.
Also just so you know how dramatic this was, dream was like, covered in wounds and injuries, and his clothes were mostly stained with his own blood. And the dragons were huge, Killer was the smallest one and his head alone was bigger than dream. Killers scales were white but looked kinda sooty, as if he’d been charred, and his jaw was red tinted from blood.
Honestly, it’s a miracle dream had even survived at all with 4 of these dragons chasing him. They were genuinely terrifying and the series was amazing, I could try draw it but I wouldn’t be able to do do it justice, and I’m already starting to forget parts of the dream.
I’m genuinely really annoyed that show isn’t real, I genuinely can’t do it justice in words it was actually fucking amazing. There was so much lore and character development it was just amazing. I could ramble on and on about this I swear-
It was so amazing I could cry.
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