#plot twist: despite playing as a CEO this game says workers rights
chongoblog · 1 year
Been playing more Have A Nice Death, and when I played it on stream I mentioned some worries since one of the unlock requirements for an item was “stop the worker’s strike”. And I was worried that it’d be some sort of “Unions are evil” type deal.
Turns out Death basically said “yeah what I’m doing right now is gonna hopefully address your main demands” and then Jerry went “oh….sweet cool….but HERE ARE SOME MORE DEMANDS” which had a lot less serious stuff in it (like, for example Pump Quinn asked for a comically large pencil and Patrick asked for a certain jello flavor), and then after a bit of time, you see that all of those demands were met.
The next time I talked to Pump Quinn after this, they mentioned that Jerry gave them “Das Kapital” for their Secret Santa and Death called out one of the Sorrow’s, telling them that their department wouldn’t have anything without all of their underlings and that they need to be treated with more respect.
So yeah good game.
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