#please excuse the mothicaposting
tsuzamencollective · 3 months
mina's song recommendations! (songs all have spotify links)
casualty - mothica : about overcoming trauma, 10/10 potentially saved my life when i first left dormancy last year
call me a saint - yonaka : scratches the "i'm religiously traumatized and over it" itch that's always on my brain
circle with me - spiritbox : more overcoming religious trauma bullshit (do you see a pattern haha)
runrunrun - dutch melrose : vaguely religious themes, also just a very brain scratchy song /pos
depreciating - maggie lindemann and siiickbrain : sorry, these two never miss when they make a song together
gaslight! - also maggie lindemann and sickbraiiin : again, these two never miss. gives me "i hate our ex" vibes /pos
forever fifteen - mothica : huge huge si tw but really good song about being mentally ill as a teenager
sirens - mothica and sophie powers : kind of just a banger
vices - mothica : current favorite song, addiction tw
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