#please Mac I’ve been dying to talk about the grief
squigg-les · 3 months
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someone talk about the Nona grief with me. Someone talk to me about the grief.
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laurnav · 4 years
“she’s leaving me” i thought
as she began to tell me she’s resigning
i was in denial
& the truth is i don’t want you to go
i think i was panicking the entire time
i had never wanted to cry so badly out loud
i have small bruises on my thumb
from pressing my nail to keep myself from crying
i let u see my tears towards the end
but not the way i did when i got to my car
it hurt so much
i’m so bad at goodbyes
today i put the bad moment on pause
i drove home w tears in my eyes
i listened to the same song over & over
2009 x Mac Miller
i dedicate that song to you
if there’s anything that describes me
my hope, my pain, my pain, my recovery, my demons
it’s that song
& it’s all thanks to you
we developed a very special bond
one i never thought was possible
thank you for having small tears in your eyes too
how could i ever be mad?
when you were the one who tore it all down
you saw me
& i saw you
i still see you
pls don’t leave me
but i know u must
i could take all of my heartaches, all of the pain i ever ever felt
all of the bad moments i’ve had, roll them up
& turn it into this very moment
this was the 2nd worst pain i’ve ever felt in my life
i drove home & i began to cry uncontrollably
so i began to laugh uncontrollably
so i stopped at a random parking lot in manvel
& i let it out
you taught me that
i did not feel weak
the screaming & screeching & hollering didn’t scare me
because i knew i could do it once as much as i needed then leave it there
i cried, i punched, i screamed
my mouth created noises i had never made before
& i wasn’t scared of them because i knew i was letting go
i knew i needed to
i felt like i was dying, like i wasn’t there
but not a panic attack
but i coundnt breathe & i cried so much
until i decided i was ready
i left the screams & uncontrollable crying there
until i was ready i drove off
until i was ready
i want to believe that’s all i needed but the grief is not over
out of all the horrible moments i’ve ever had
this is one of the most horrible pains i’ve ever experienced
& i don’t mean to make u feel like shit i promise
i just want u to know how much this means to me
i wish i could stay in bed all day, never get up
i wish i could cry all day about this
but i have work & school & ppl i need to keep up with
i wish i could grieve
but i have to keep going
i know we still have 3 more sessions
but yesterday was goodbye for me
or else i won’t make it
how could i ever repay you?
i know it was your job
but u really do care abt me
we trusted each other
we heart has broken before but this was everything
i’ve been through it all & u have been thru more
i saw the pain in your eyes
i pray one day you and your family are okay
i think what hurts is i won’t know if you ever do get there & you won’t know if i ever get there
but for some reason i have a feeling you will
it’s strange grieving someone who isn’t blood, someone i only knew for a couple of months, a professional
but here i am & i know u feel something similar
so here it is, thank you. for more than u know
for everything, for what u do
thank mrs. destiny green
i’m scared you’ll forget me
i’m terrified that one day you’ll look at my file & think “who was that” ..
but i know u won’t
i won’t forget you
yesterday was v hard
today will honestly b the same
i don’t want to talk to anybody
but i must
i can’t lose my relationships
i pray we both find our way
i could speak more
but just now how much this meant to me
i wish u the best; good luck on your journey
if we ever meet in the far future, i will smile
i hope ur able to smile too
thank you.
God bless you
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